Overnight Success

Chapter 223 The Sorrow And The Music Dance

Following Lin Chen's angry voice, the entire Wu family mansion trembled, and everyone turned pale with horror.

Immediately afterwards, everyone looked up and saw that under the terrifying impact of the black coffin, Wu Yukui spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

At the moment, to Wu Yukui, he felt that all the bones in his body were about to fall apart, and his internal organs were probably bleeding internally.

Although the opponent took advantage of his unpreparedness and had the upper hand, this strong strength undoubtedly showed that the strength of the comer was absolutely extraordinary.


The black coffin fell to the ground, and the entire ground of Wu's house trembled violently again.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Who is the visitor who dares to present a black coffin on the day of Mr. Wu's birthday banquet? This is clearly a provocation to the Wu family!

However, Wu Yukui was able to severely injure Wu Yukui with the black coffin. This person's strength should not be underestimated. This is a good show to watch.

Just when everyone was watching the excitement, Lin Chen slowly appeared in front of the people present, one step at a time.

See here.

Su Xiaoqian was shocked.

Obviously, she is very familiar with Lin Chen.

But in my impression, Lin Chen can only fiddle with medical skills, how can this guy have such great strength, he can bring such oppression to the audience!

And Su Qingcheng!

Why didn't this woman come!

Seeing Lin Chen, everyone in the Wu family couldn't help gnashing their teeth angrily, wishing they could swallow him alive.

However, none of them dared to act rashly. After all, Wu Yukui suffered a terrible loss and rushed forward. Their fate may be even worse than Wu Yukui's!

"Wu family, do you like the big gift I prepared for you?"

Lin Chen said indifferently.

"Don't worry, this big gift is not over yet. After all, this is the last birthday banquet for you guys. Naturally, I want to see you off in a beautiful way."

Lin Chen's voice fell.

From all directions, suona sounded, and its sound was deafening, resounding through the sky. Biqu library

The Setsuna room spread from the center of the Wu family's mansion to a radius of ten li.

And that's not all--

next moment.

Lines of people dressed in black

The man, carrying one wreath after another, instantly arranged the Wu family mansion into a sea of ​​black and white flowers.

Sorrows are played, and music is danced.

Seeing the men in black standing in a row behind Lin Chen, twisting their bodies, and dancing non-stop in front of Mr. Wu, the faces of everyone in the Wu family were extremely livid.

"How about it, everyone in the Wu family, do you still like this gift?"

Lin Chen stood with his hands behind his back and said sarcastically.

"Boy, don't go too far, my Wu family can't you..."

In the middle of Wu Yukui's speech, he saw Lin Chen suddenly approaching him, and swung his palm away.


The applause sounded.

This palm directly slapped Wu Yukui onto the wall, smashing a hole in the wall.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help trembling, and a strong fear emerged in their hearts.

"I asked you if you like this great gift, and you only need to answer whether you like it or not."

As Lin Chen spoke, his eyes shifted to look at Wu Mingren who was on the side.

At this moment, Wu Mingren dared not show even the slightest bit of anger on his face. Even as an eighth-rank martial artist, he was severely injured by Lin Chen. If he dared to say something that he didn't like, how could he survive if Lin Chen slapped him down? ?

Thinking of this, Wu Mingren glanced at Su Xiaoqian with resentment in his eyes.

Obviously, Lin Chen's anger is inseparable from the article published by this woman. If he is beaten today, this woman will be the trigger.

"Mr. Lin..."

Wu Mingren's face was embarrassed, he hesitated and was about to speak, but Lin Chen also waved his palm down.


Wu Mingren spurted blood wildly with this palm, and his eyes were filled with stars, and his brain was in a trance.

"I asked you to answer a question so ink-stained, I don't think you should answer it."

Lin Chen said domineeringly.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. They were used to the domineering Wu family in the past, but they didn't expect that someone more domineering would appear today!

"I heard that you, Wu Yukui, are going to lead Tianhai Province one by one. Not only that, but you also injured Mr. Tang. Is there such a thing?"

Lin Chen came to Wu Yukui in a flash, and asked lightly.


Upon hearing this, Wu Yukui's scalp was numb and he broke out in a cold sweat.

With the black coffin before, if he could convince himself that he was caught off guard, then the slap just now made him very clearly aware of the gap between himself and the young man in front of him.

They never expected that their Wu family would provoke such a terrifying existence.

Can inflict heavy damage on him in such an understatement, besides a ninth-rank warrior, he doesn't know who else can do it?

However, the ninth-level martial artist has already stood at the pinnacle of the martial arts, and as for the kind of person who reaches the sky, it is simply not within his reach.

When he returned this time, he wanted to lead Tianhai Province. His greatest confidence was his strong strength as an eighth-rank warrior. If he knew that there was such a hidden terror in Tianhai Province, he wouldn't dare to do anything wrong if he had the guts to do so!

"Your Excellency, this is all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding..."

Wu Yukui said with a smile uglier than crying.

"Your Wu family spread rumors, maliciously smeared my wife and me, and wanted to expose just a misunderstanding?"

Lin Chen sneered.

"But since you have said that, then I will let you know what the price of misunderstanding is!"

As Lin Chen said, he stretched out his big hand to grab Wu Yukui's hair and slammed it on the ground.


After a series of impacts.

Wu Yukui finally couldn't help crying.

"I'll ask you again, is this a misunderstanding?"

Lin Chen said coldly.

"Your Excellency, listen to my explanation..."

But Lin Chen didn't listen at all, grabbed Wu Yukui's hair and continued to knock on the ground.


After another impact.

Wu Yukui was desperate in his heart, with a sad face, he understood that the young man in front of him was the person involved in the article published by the Wu family.

But the problem is, I didn't fabricate this article, so go find the fabricator!

It never occurred to Wu Yukui that when he returned as king, two days after he was triumphant, he would be picked up like a dead dog and humiliated incessantly under the watchful eyes of everyone.

I feel aggrieved! ! !

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