Overnight Success

Chapter 224 One Punch Exploded, The Wu Family Trembled

Seeing that Wu Yukui still didn't realize his mistake, Lin Chen stepped on his head directly, and said coldly:

"Let me ask you, did you inject a cloud of poisonous gas into a woman's body and just insult me, but you dare to do anything to my people? Do you dare to say that this is a misunderstanding?"

Ever since Lin Chen saw Wu Yukui for the first time, he felt the familiar wave of poisonous gas from him.

So, without further ado, he took Wu Yukui directly.

Hearing this sentence, Wu Yukui realized instantly, no wonder Lin Chen was so angry and took all his anger on him. It seems that the woman he injured should be Lin Chen's lover.

This is the end!

Wu Yukui wanted to cry but had no tears: "Mr. Lin, show mercy and let me go this time. As long as you let me go, I will immediately detoxify your woman."

"Watch your words."

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth twitched.

What is your woman? Fortunately, he didn't bring his wife with him today, otherwise he wouldn't be able to clean up even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help but stomp Wu Yukui's head hard on the ground.

"Boy, don't bully people too much!"

Feeling a sharp pain in the back of his head, Wu Yukui roared.


Lin Chen ignored it and stepped on it again.


Wu Yukui's head sank a few more points into the ground. It can be said to have eaten a mouth full of dust.

He looked extremely embarrassed.

Especially when he thought of Lin Chen humiliating him one after another in front of everyone, he wished he could use all his strength to fight Lin Chen to the death.

"Lin Chen, I warn you, if you are in a hurry, you will jump over the wall. No matter how dare you treat me like this..."

Wu Yukui stammered, and just halfway through speaking, Lin Chen kicked down again.


With this kick, Wu Yukui's eyes were bloodshot, and he felt as if his head was going to be in two halves, and he was gasping for air.

"Lin Chen, I'm going to fight you!!!"

Wu Yukui let out a loud roar, and a terrifying air flow instantly diffused from his body. This kind of oppression alone made the air freeze.

It can be seen how intense the anger is in Wu Yukui's heart at this moment, and he has a desperate attitude.

However, compared to the changes in everyone's expressions, Lin Chen's expression remained unchanged from the beginning to the end, as if Wu Yukui had tried his best.

Power, in his eyes, is like a joke.

"I'll give you a chance, as long as you can touch my clothes, I will spare your dog's life today!"

Lin Chen stood with his hands behind his back, and said calmly.

"Boy, you are so arrogant!"

Wu Yukui said gloomyly.

Obviously, in his eyes, Lin Chen was too arrogant. He admitted that he was no match for Lin Chen, but if he really wanted to make a desperate fight, it was not yet known who would win.

"Don't ink, stop talking nonsense, don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

Lin Chen said impatiently.

Hearing this, Wu Yukui was even more furious. Obviously, Lin Chen thought he was sure of him!

That being the case, he must make Lin Chen pay a heavy price for his slight!

Just as he was accumulating energy, he swung at Lin Chen with a full blow.

Lin Chen didn't even bat an eyelid, he punched Wu Yukui with his right hand.


The air wave dispersed and blood splashed.

A bloody hole was blasted out of Wu Yukui's right shoulder, he vomited blood again and again, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Seeing this, the scene fell into an eerie silence.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to say a word.

In their eyes, Wu Yukui, who was like a god, was defeated by Lin Chen.

What is despair!

That is, the opponent gives you the opportunity to unleash a full blow, and then crush you with absolute strength, showing a huge gap in strength between them.

Wu Yukui, who fell to the ground, had lost his eyesight and had no intention of resisting.

Obviously, Lin Chen's blow not only killed him to death, but also destroyed all his self-confidence.

It turned out that from the beginning to the end, he was like a clown. Didn't he know that the other party could crush his existence by stretching out his fingers.

Thinking of this, Wu Yukui spat out a mouthful of blood again, his breath gradually weakened.

"Who are you? Why is there someone like you in Tianhai Province?"

Before dying, Wu Yukui asked unwillingly.

"The dead don't need to know so much."

As soon as Lin Chen's words fell, Wu Yukui was furious, causing all the injuries in his body to explode, and he died instantly on the spot.

See this scene.

Mr. Wu cried out sadly: "My little son!"

Missing for fifteen years, now that Wu Yukui finally returned, he was beheaded by Lin Chen face to face, which made Mr. Wu

How can not heartache.

At this moment, he didn't want to be the overlord of Tianhai Province at all, he just wanted to let Wu Yukui live safely.

For the sake of the overlord of the Hai Province, and to complete the task of the big man, now he watched his youngest son die in front of him, and the white-haired man sent the black-haired man, and Mr. Wu felt regretful.

For this, Lin Chen showed no sympathy at all.

Long before he came to the Wu family, he asked Liu Wentao to investigate the details of the Wu family. Over the years, the Wu family, as the lackey of the big shots, has been expanding its power, causing countless families to be destroyed.

Therefore, the Wu family deserved what they deserved when they got to where they are today, and they don't deserve any sympathy.

If you sympathized with them, how could anyone sympathize with the family that was hurt by them?

Come to yourself.

The faces of the Wu family were dull.

They couldn't believe that Wu Yukui died just like that...

What's more, the dead one is still so useless, he has been passively beaten from the beginning to the end, until the end, just like Lin Chen said, he just didn't even touch the hem of his clothes.

This is so frustrating...

You know, two days ago, since Wu Yukui came back powerfully, everyone in the Wu family was imagining the happy life of unifying Tianhai Province in the future, but they didn't realize it. In just two days, all these fantasies turned into bubbles.

Even, the most serious thing right now is that the young people in front of them don't seem to have any intention of letting them go. After all, the articles they circulated before have had a huge negative impact. If they were Lin Chen, they would definitely not choose to expose this matter lightly.

Damn it!

In the final analysis, it's all due to that damned woman!

Everyone in the Wu family swept towards Su Xiaoqian. If this happened, someone must be responsible. Since Su Xiaoqian was the first to suggest the fabrication of the article, she must be responsible for it!

For a while, everyone in the Wu family felt intense resentment towards Su Xiaoqian.

If it weren't for her, Lin Chen wouldn't be so angry, their Wu family wouldn't be disgraced, and Wu Yukui wouldn't die!

Perhaps, relying on Wu Yukui in the future, as long as they don't offend Lin Chen, their Wu family can still do whatever they want in Tianhai Province.

But all the losses right now are all because of Su Xiaoqian.

Su Xiaoqian is the broom star of the Wu family, the sinner of the Wu family, and the scourge of the Wu family!

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