Overnight Success

Chapter 225 Karma, Wu Family Showdown

Seeing the resentment in the eyes of everyone in the Wu family, Su Xiaoqian panicked. It was not difficult to see that the Wu family obviously wanted to vent their anger on her when this happened.

However, this is not the most terrifying——

The scary thing is——

At this time, Lin Chen was approaching her step by step, like the king of Hades descending.

"Lin Chen, what do you want to do, I warn you, don't mess around..."

Su Xiaoqian's face was pale, and she stepped back frequently.

It was because the oppression brought by Lin Chen was too strong, even under this oppression, she seemed to stop breathing.

"Su Xiaoqian, when you were kicked out by the Su family, I didn't blame you for the past, but I didn't think you would dare to use these dirty tricks. Do you really not know how to write dead words?"

Lin Chen spoke coldly, his voice was so powerful that it forced Su Xiaoqian to collapse on the ground.

The whole person began to tremble.

Seeing this, Lin Chen continued: "Do you know what the biggest gap between you and Qingcheng is? It's not your appearance, it's not your ability, but your mind is too small, so small that you can only accommodate yourself.

Therefore, you are like a reptile hiding in the shadows, and you will never be able to get on the stage for a lifetime! "

Is the so-called karma.

If Su Xiaoqian hadn't drugged Su Qingcheng back then, none of this would have happened.

If Su Xiaoqian hadn't married into the Wu family, and hadn't fabricated these articles to maliciously attack Su Qingcheng, then she wouldn't be in such a field now.

It's a pity that there has never been an if in this world, and there is no medicine for regret.

Wrong is wrong!

Wrong will pay the price!

There have always been two types of women in this world, one is smart and the other is smart, and Su Xiaoqian happens to be the second type.

She thought she was smart, but she was actually extremely stupid.


"Don't talk about it anymore, the winner is the king and the loser, you can kill or cut as you like!"

Su Xiaoqian covered her head and roared like crazy.

Obviously, Lin Chen's words were like knives, piercing her heart one by one.

"Mr. Lin, those articles on the Internet are all written by Su Xiaoqian alone, and have nothing to do with my Wu family. Please don't blame us. As for Su Xiaoqian, I declare that she is no longer from the Wu family. You can deal with it as you like."

At this moment, Wu Mingren covered his swollen face and said.

Now that Wu Yukui is dead, the Wu family is no match for Lin Chen in terms of strength alone.


Therefore, as the Patriarch of the Wu family, even though he was extremely annoyed, he could only choose to bow his head in the face of Lin Chen's tyrannical strength.

"That's right, Mr. Lin, the matter of the article was done by this femme fatale woman alone. My Wu family is willing to hand her over to you."

Wu Haoxuan also stepped forward and said in agreement.

At this moment, Su Xiaoqian's eyes were full of disbelief. The article was indeed planned by her, but behind it, the Wu family also gave her a lot of support. Otherwise, she alone would not be able to make these fabricated articles appear like this violent effect.

But now, in order to protect themselves, the Wu family put all the responsibility on her, and she became the one who took the blame.

Looking at the indifferent eyes of the Wu family, Su Xiaoqian felt desolate in her heart.

When something like this happened, her father-in-law Wu Mingren and her husband Wu Haoxuan immediately distanced themselves from her. As expected, the Wu family never regarded her as one of their own.

Perhaps, when the Wu family was willing to accept her, they probably regarded her as a scapegoat. The rich and ruthless, this sentence is really not groundless.

Thinking about it now, she is like a joke, from beginning to end, she is just a pawn!

Can be discarded at any time.

For Su Xiaoqian, the blow she received from the Wu family at this moment was more than ten times heavier than that from Lin Chen.

"I did all of this, come on, Lin Chen, kill me if you want to!"

Su Xiaoqian laughed madly, stood up staggeringly, pointed to all the Wu family members and said, "You idiots, do you think you can protect yourself if you sell me?"

"I tell you, I, Su Xiaoqian, will wait for you in hell!"

After all, in front of everyone, Su Xiaoqian slammed her head against the wall beside her.

As the blood flowed down her head, Su Xiaoqian slowly fell to the ground, her vitality gradually dissipated, but her eyes, full of hatred, kept staring at the Wu family, even though her breath was gone, they did not close.

See this scene.

Lin Chen sighed quietly.

Things are different, and Su Xiaoqian used to be the little princess of the Su family. She was doted on by the Su family, but she didn't expect that the strong jealousy would make her embark on a road of no return.

The cause of the past, the result of today, Lin Chen felt somewhat touched when he saw this.

No matter what, she is from the Su family, and when the matter is over, I will still take her

Take the body back to the Su family, and the Su family will decide where to bury it!

"Mr. Xiao, you should be satisfied after watching this big show. May I ask why you are still here, why are you staying here?"

Seeing that Su Xiaoqian was dead, Wu Mingren looked at Mr. Xiao and said.

Mr. Xiao was noncommittal, and glanced at Lin Chen.

Obviously, he was waiting for Lin Chen's decision.

For a moment, Wu Mingren turned around and smiled apologetically at Lin Chen: "Mr. Lin, the culprit is already dead. Look, can this matter be over?"


There was a cold arc on the corner of Lin Chen's mouth: "The matter of the article can indeed be over."

"However, the accounts between your Wu family and me have not yet been settled!"

Upon hearing this, Wu Mingren's expression changed, and he pretended to be puzzled and asked, "I don't know what kind of personal enmity Mr. Lin has with the Wu family? I remember that my Wu family has never offended Mr. Lin, right?"

The voice fell.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help being curious.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Chen sneered: "Fifteen years ago, on the night of the Lin family's fire, you all know what your Wu family did!"

Speaking of this, a cold light shot out from Lin Chen's eyes, pointing at Wu Mingren.

According to Mr. Xiao, the Wu family participated in the Lin family fire that year. Although Lin Chen didn't know what they did, but the Lin family was wiped out, and they were definitely one of the executioners.

as predicted.

Lin Chen's words made Wu Mingren's expression change immediately.

"Dare to ask, Mr. Lin, what is your relationship with the Lin family?"

When uttering this sentence, Wu Mingren stared at Lin Chen.

However, Lin Chen did not see any waves in his eyes, and his tone was indifferent: "This is not what you should know!"

Although Lin Chen didn't answer directly, Wu Mingren had already thought of the relationship between Lin Chen and the Lin family.

No wonder, the big shot ordered them to get rid of Lin Chen.

From this point of view, Lin Chen was the one who slipped through the net in the Lin family.

It turned out that Su Xiaoqian was just the trigger for this matter. Even if she hadn't made up the article, Lin Chen would have killed the Wu family sooner or later.

But, to his surprise——

Why is this young man's strength so frightening? Even Lin Beifeng back then was probably no more than that!

"Mr. Lin, if I tell the truth, can you let my Wu family go?"

Taking a deep breath, Wu Mingren asked Lin Chen in a low voice.

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