Overnight Success

Chapter 275 Strange People, Strange Things

Hearing this, Xu Yankun's face was almost distorted with anger, and finally he could squeeze out a smile: "It's okay, it's okay..."

After speaking, he left in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Su Qingcheng asked with a smile: "You won't be jealous, right?"

"Joke." Lin Chen snorted coldly: "I'm jealous, I can't be jealous in my life!"


Su Qingcheng rolled her eyes, and immediately took Lin Chen's arm and sat down.


With the host on stage, the auction officially began.

After the host briefly created the atmosphere, a staff member held an object covered with a red cloth and placed it on the booth.

As soon as it appeared, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning.

Very evil.

As a cultivator, he has always been keenly aware of evil spirits. Before Yoshida Keino, including the black-robed woman who killed with Xiao Ying, the evil methods they cultivated were very evil.

But compared with the evil spirit in front of him, it is undoubtedly a big deal.

However, just when he was thinking.

Chen Fangnian's voice sounded.

"Doctor Lin, you make it easier for me to find you!"

Lin Chen turned his head and found that behind Chen Fangnian was an old man in a Chinese tunic suit and a young man in a suit.

In this era, it is really rare to wear such clothes.

Lin Chen took a serious look at the old man, and then heard Chen Fangnian continue: "Old Xia, this is the genius doctor, Mr. Lin Chen."

The old man, named Xia Boyuan, is the head of the Xia family in the capital.

Like the Chen family, the Xia family is also a family of martial arts.

Originally, the Xia family was also a giant in Tianhai Province, but it was only after they moved to the capital that their influence here gradually weakened.

Otherwise, the reputation of the Xia family in Tianhai Province will only be higher than that of the Chen family.

"Mr. Lin, you are really young and promising. He has already been called a miracle doctor at such an age, which really impresses the old man."

Xia Boyuan took the initiative to extend his hand to Lin Chen, with a faint smile on his face, showing no airs at all.

Lin Chen shook it, nodded in the same way, and said, "Old Xia, it's too much."

Just as he was speaking, Lin Chen felt a wave of hostility locking him tightly.

Turn around and look.

The source of the hostility was the young man in suit following Xia Boyuan.

At this moment, compared to Xia Boyuan's amiability, the young man in suit looks indifferent, and there is even jealousy in his eyes.

The young man's name is Hao Xuwen, and his occupation is a treasure appraiser.

In contrast, Lin Chen was known as a genius doctor at a young age, and he is also a proud child of heaven. He emerged at the age of 25 and became a veritable expert in treasure appraisal.

However, Xia Boyuan never praised him like he did to Lin Chen.

This undoubtedly made him very jealous of Lin Chen.

In particular, he heard that Lin Chen is not only a miracle doctor, but also a master of wind and water.


Could it be that this person's talent is even more monstrous than his?

Therefore, Hao Xuwen's voice was cold: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lin. Since you are proficient in wind and water, and I am an expert in metaphysics, we can also be regarded as half of the same people."

"However, as someone who has experienced it, let me advise you that the way of metaphysics requires a lot of effort, and the most important thing to avoid is to use one mind at two times."

"I'm here this time because the organizer specially invited me. The auction will start soon, so I won't chat much."

Speaking of this, Hao Xuwen didn't go to see Lin Chen, but said to Xia Boyuan: "Mr. Xia, I'm going to prepare first, otherwise the organizer should be in a hurry."

Listening to Hao Xuwen's tone of voice revealing that I am the protagonist, the corners of Lin Chen's mouth curled up slightly, and he didn't say much.

"This person, who is famous at a young age, is bound to be arrogant. Mr. Lin, don't care about it!"

Seeing Hao Xuwen leave, Xia Boyuan looked at Lin Chen and said.

"Don't worry, I'm not as fussy as he is." Lin Chen said flatly.


Auctions began one after another.

Except for the red cloth objects that were placed on the booth early in the morning, the host introduced them one by one with a microphone, and a group of waiters came to the artworks pushing the exhibition cart.

The first three pieces are all sculptures of master artists.

Beautiful and lifelike.

After a lot of asking prices, the atmosphere has gradually reached a climax. At this time, three more items were released.

Not surprisingly, they are all very old antiques.

And, at the end, it was the spirit crystal that had never lifted the red cloth and gathered the eyes of the audience.

Of course, spirit crystals are rare, and few people know about its true origin. More people think of him as a strange crystal that prolongs life and has great benefits for the body.

It can be said that the reason why the bosses from all over the world come here is for this thing.

After a while.

Three antiques have buyers one after another.

The total value is as high as nearly 150 million.

However, Lin Chen observed that many people didn't care about these three antiques at all. Apparently, they had to gather their energy and fight for the last spirit crystal.

But even though the spirit crystal was stored in a glass frame, Lin Chen could still feel that a strong evil spirit was emanating from it.

Obviously, there must be a big problem with the origin of this spirit crystal.

In the past, the spirit crystal did have the effect of prolonging life, but this time, if you wear the spirit crystal on your body, you may be exhausted of yang energy, your family will be destroyed, and you will eventually die of illness.

"Lin Chen, do you think this crystal is so beautiful, can it really keep your face forever?"

Su Qingcheng asked curiously.

As a woman, it is hard for her not to be tempted by such things as maintaining her beauty forever.

"At most it delays aging." Lin Chen said: "There is no such thing as eternal beauty.

Wouldn't this violate the laws of nature? "

"But the organizers said that it does have the effect of maintaining your appearance forever and prolonging your life?"

"If there is such a good thing, why do they want to auction it?"

After hearing Lin Chen finished speaking, Su Qingcheng nodded: "That's right, if it really has this effect, I'm afraid no matter who it is, it will be kept secretly."

Immediately, at the invitation of the host, Hao Xuwen came to the stage to appraise the object.

Facing the thunderous applause from the crowd, Hao Xuwen showed a look of arrogance on his face, and soon, he raised his hand to signal:

"This object was submitted to an auction house by a gentleman who did not want to be named. Here, I can guarantee with my reputation that I am responsible to tell everyone that this object came from a mysterious island. It was acquired by that gentleman after a narrow escape. .”

"According to various identifications, wearing this item will greatly extend your lifespan, and your skin will always be full of vitality. You don't have to worry about wrinkles caused by aging, etc..."

"There is only one chance, everyone here must seize the opportunity."

Hao Xuwenwen is a recognized expert in treasure appraisal in the antique industry, coupled with his spare no effort in the introduction, the atmosphere reached a climax.

It is not difficult to imagine that there will be a crazy bidding moment next.

The organizer was very satisfied with Hao Xuwen's performance and asked someone to put five million in his card.

"This auction will be the finale, and the auction will officially begin."

As the host's voice fell, the audience was full of momentum, bidding one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the price has been driven up to 100 million.

at the same time.

Lin Chen closed his eyes slightly, penetrating his consciousness into the outer layer of the glass.


The spirit crystal was surrounded by invisible evil spirits, and these evil spirits seemed to be alive, constantly eroding the yang energy of everyone present.

Especially the host and Hao Xuwen, maybe they didn't feel it, but after just a short while, their faces were obviously pale.

Limbs feel slightly cold.

Obviously, this is the consequence of too much yang deficiency.

According to Hao Xuwen, this item was brought by a strange man from the mysterious island and handed over to the auction house.

The mysterious island, isn't that the island where his father landed?

Lu Siyong once said that there were many scientists who landed on the island at that time. Scientists took samples and tested it. It is very likely that the spirit crystal was obtained at that time. But according to common sense, this kind of spirit crystal should be a confidential item. How did it flow out of the military? ? Biqu library

In addition, Mr. Chen also mentioned that the secret of his father's possession of Huayu was also spread in the military. Who exposed his father, and who stole this spirit crystal.

All kinds of them are puzzling.

With this in mind, Lin Chen sent a message to Lu Siyong, asking if the military had ever lost a spirit crystal.

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