Overnight Success

Chapter 276 The Polluted Spirit Crystal

Not long after, Lu Siyong sent a message.

The military did lose a psionic crystal.

Seeing this, Lin Chen's eyes froze. At this moment, he became more and more curious, who is the mysterious gentleman who put the spirit crystal in the auction for sale?

Of course, at this time.

The price of the spirit crystal has already been raised to 150 million.

You know, the three antiques before added together are only this price.

However, until now, the vast majority of people have chosen to withdraw from the bidding.

Xia Boyuan saw the timing and shouted: "180 million!"

The price was increased by another 30 million.

Moreover, many people also recognized Xia Boyuan, thinking of the opponent's strength, everyone had no choice but to give up.

In the end, the transaction price was 180 million, and the spirit crystal was acquired by Xia Boyuan.

But, just when Xia Boyuan couldn't wait to go forward and wanted to take out the spirit crystal he bought at a high price.

A discordant voice sounded.

"Mr. Xia, I advise you to stay away from it. The thing you bought at a high price may not only not prolong your life, but will bring you bad luck!"

Upon hearing this, everyone followed their reputation and said dissatisfiedly:

"Where did you come from, kid, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"This is a baby that has been appraised by experts, which round will you be able to speak nonsense!"


Just now they almost got into a fight because of this thing, but now it's a good thing, this kid said that this thing will bring bad luck, isn't that nonsense!

However, Xia Boyuan was very human after all, he did not take out the spirit crystal hastily, but asked Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, what do you mean?"

Lin Chen said: "Normally speaking, wearing this item is indeed beneficial to the body. It is a rare treasure, but what if this item is not normal?"

The reason why he opened his mouth to remind Xia Boyuan was mainly because he saw that the old man was not bad, and he didn't want him to fall into the other party's trap.

He believed that since the mysterious gentleman took the spirit crystal to the auction

It will be auctioned, because it must know that there is a big problem with this spirit crystal.

Its purpose is obviously to cheat these rich and rich people.

From the beginning of the auction to Hao Xuwen's appearance on the stage for appraisal, this campaign was a little too deliberate.

"Boy, what charades are you playing?"

"Old man Xia bought something at a high price. If you say there is a problem, do you mean that his old man is blind?"


The crowd kept making noise, and their words were full of naked contempt and ridicule.

But compared to the disdain on everyone's face, Xia Boyuan said seriously: "Mr. Lin, if you have something to say, you might as well just say it."

"This treasure has been polluted, and now it not only has no effect as the organizer said, but will devour your yang energy including those around you."

"To put it simply, it is already an evil thing. Once it is contaminated, bad luck will come, and your family can die for it."

Lin Chen said.

"Ah!" Xia Boyuan looked shocked, and was at a loss for a moment.

Could it be that he really bought an evil thing at a high price?

"Enough! What nonsense!"

At this moment, seeing that everyone began to discuss each other, and the scene gradually got out of control, Hao Xuwen stood up and said, "Mr. Lin, there is nothing wrong with this thing after my appraisal. If you continue to make up nonsense, don't blame me for asking someone to throw you out."

"Hehe!" Lin Chen sneered, "Appraisal? It's up to you, what can you identify? This thing is not within your reach. If you don't want to die, I advise you to stay away from it immediately."

Hearing Lin Chen's merciless sarcasm, Hao Xuwen's face turned red and his lips trembled angrily.

"Why, you are not convinced?"

Lin Chen's voice was cold, and he said again: "Mr. Hao, don't your limbs feel cold and a little weak now?"

"How do you know?"

At that moment, Hao Xuwen was stunned.

I have to say that since he came to power, he has been in a bad mood.

It was as if someone had beaten him up, his waist and limbs were sore and limp.

"I said before that this thing is no longer a treasure, it is a completely evil thing. The closer you are to it, the more it will swallow your yang energy invisible."

"Lack of yang qi will first affect your kidneys. Before it's too late, go to the Chinese medicine shop and get some cinnamon, aconite, and Morinda officinalis soup to make up. Maybe it's too late."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen glanced around, and said loudly to everyone: "And you, it's the same. The evil spirit has swallowed up a lot of your yang energy, but it's not as serious as this unlucky guy. Drink it after you go back." Just drink wolfberry water."

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen sighed slightly, and regardless of everyone's expressions, he returned to his seat and pulled Su Qingcheng to leave.

Anyway, he has already said what should be said, and it has nothing to do with him whether he believes it or not.

Seeing that Lin Chen was about to step out of the gate of the venue, Xia Boyuan suddenly shouted: "Mr. Lin, stop!"

Immediately afterwards, Xia Boyuan hurried to Lin Chen and said:

"Mr. Lin, to tell you the truth, I already feel chilly all over my body, as you said, I am afraid I have been targeted by this evil spirit, but I have already bought this spirit crystal, what do you think I should do with it! "

As he said that, Xia Boyuan's cold sweat had already seeped from his forehead.

He couldn't imagine what it would be like once he brought Lingjing back to Xia's house.

I'm afraid that the entire Xia family will suffer disaster because of him.

However, just when Lin Chen was hesitating.

Xia Boyuan glanced at Hao Xuwen on the platform.

Long before coming here, Hao Xuwen had an analysis with him, talking about the benefits of this spirit crystal, otherwise he would not have spent huge sums of money to bid for this spirit crystal.

Now it's good, this spirit crystal can be regarded as smashed on the hand.

"Aren't you going to give me a reasonable explanation now?"

Xia Boyuan's voice was extremely cold, and his eyes were extremely sharp, pointing directly at Hao Xuwen like a sharp sword.

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