Overnight Success

Chapter 617 Enjoy It All

The entrance of the nightclub.

At this moment, Lin Chen didn't talk nonsense. After kicking over the gate, he broke into here directly.

Due to the morning, there were no customers in the nightclub.

It also seemed deserted.

The next moment, there was a sound of footsteps.

Four burly men came to Lin Chen and said coldly, "Are you Lin Chen?"

"Where is my wife?"

Lin Chen said blankly.

"Your wife is being teased by the Palace Master, so it is estimated that she has already lived with the Palace Master!"

Speaking of this, the four men laughed.

The smile was full of sarcasm.

"court death."

Lin Chen frowned, waved his fists, and immediately struck.

Seeing this, the four men dismissed it, and also greeted him.

Fist wind collides.


Suddenly, the faces of the four men changed drastically.

I saw that Lin Chen's fist was as powerful as a broken bamboo, directly piercing the offensive of the four people, and slammed on the four of them.




The four spurted out a mouthful of blood, and flew out one after another, having been severely injured.

And when they staggered up from the ground, there was already a trace of panic on their faces.

"Where is your palace master?"

Lin Chen said indifferently.

"The master is upstairs in private room 201..."

After the four of them finished talking, Lin Chen went straight upstairs.

Seeing Lin Chen showing his back, the four of them looked at each other and launched a sudden attack.

However, the next second.

Lin Chen swung his big hand, and without even turning his head, the silver needles shot out quickly.


Setsuna, the four of them stared wide-eyed, even screamed, and were directly pierced through the throat by the silver needle.

Coming to the private room upstairs, Lin Chen punched out.

The door of the private room shattered.

Lin Chen stepped in, then glanced around, but did not find Su Qingcheng, so he looked at Wei Haichao and asked, "Where is my wife?"

Seeing Lin Chen, Wei Haichao's face was full of killing intent.

A pair of eyes are extremely scarlet.

"Boy, are you the one who killed my Wei family?"

"I ask you, where is my wife!" Lin Chen said.

"Hehe!" Wei Haichao grinned: "Want to know where your wife is? Kneel down and beg me!"

"If I am satisfied, maybe I will tell you."

"Ha ha……"

The laughter stopped abruptly.

Because the figure of Lin Chen had already appeared in front of him, he grabbed his throat with one hand and asked forcefully, "I'll ask you one last time, where is my wife?"

Wei Haichao struggled frantically, but to no avail.

Gradually, his lips turned white, and he said with all his strength: "I, I don't know..."

"You captured the person, don't you know?"

Lin Chen's eyebrows turned cold.

"Yes, I took it away, but just now

Someone took her away..."

Wei Haichao couldn't breathe and said: "So, I don't know now, where is she..."

For him, being held by Lin Chen's throat like this, being carried into the air like a little chicken, made him feel very aggrieved.

But the abyss-like terrifying aura on Lin Chen already let him know that this person is by no means someone he can fight against.

Therefore, at this moment, Wei Haichao no longer has any desire for revenge. What he does have is how to appease Lin Chen's anger and live on.

Hearing this, Lin Chen confirmed that there was indeed no smell of Su Qingcheng in the house, and when his eyes fell on the broken window, he probably guessed that Wei Haichao was not lying.


With force from Lin Chen's palm, Wei Haichao's throat was directly crushed.

Blood slowly flowed out from his mouth.

However, Wei Haichao's eyes widened, and it was obvious that he would not rest in peace.

After solving all this, Lin Chen took a deep breath and walked outside.

At this moment.

Received a text message from a stranger on the phone.

"Lin Chen, your wife is in my hands. If you don't want her to die, come to Guishan Town as soon as possible. If you are late, you may only see a mummy."

Seeing this, Lin Chen gritted his teeth, his eyes revealing a monstrous hostility.

This damn guy!

Lin Chen immediately dialed the phone.

It was found that the other party's phone was turned off.

Ghost Mountain Town, Lin Chen has heard of this place.

This town is located in the ghost mountain, and Guishan is the junction of Yunhuai City and Huaiyu City, the location can be described as extremely remote.

Over the years, the ghost mountain has basically been reduced to a barren mountain. The people in the original mountain have moved out of the ghost mountain one after another. The main reason is that some unimaginable and strange things often occur in the ghost mountain.

Many young and strong men were killed one after another. Once, when Chen Wenbin, the governor of the Yunhuai River, was chatting with Lin Chen, he also mentioned it, but at that time he had many affairs on his body and didn't take it to heart. Unexpectedly, now, Qingcheng He was caught there.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen no longer hesitated, took a taxi and immediately headed towards Ghost Mountain.

Arriving at Ghost Mountain, Lin Chen only felt that the temperature here seemed to drop a bit, and everything around him looked gloomy, but he showed no signs of fear, and instead ran towards Ghost Mountain Town with all his strength.

Stepping into the small town, the entrance of the village is in dilapidated condition, and it is almost difficult to see any fireworks.

Just when Lin Chen was planning to find a family and ask about the situation here.

Suddenly, a jade hand put on his shoulder.

He reacted instinctively, swinging a silver needle with his backhand.

The silver needle is broken.

However, the other party was agile, and with his head turned slightly, he dodged calmly.

At this time, Lin Chen also saw the other party's appearance clearly.

is a woman.

Just comparing with the other women, the one in front of her is wearing a green shirt, holding a three-foot green sword, and a Qiankun pouch with Yin-Yang and Eight Trigrams printed on it is slung across her waist.

The whole person is heroic and heroic, not only a bit of a swordsman, but also a bit of a Taoist demeanor.

Lin Chen frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

"Demon Exterminator."

The woman's voice was cold, and then said: "Not bad."

"But what are you doing here?"

"Do I need to explain to you?" Seeing the woman's questioning posture, Lin Chen asked impatiently.

"If you don't tell me, I'm afraid I can't let you in today."

The woman is determined.

"Do you think you can stop me?"

Lin Chen chuckled.

"I will try my best." The woman said earnestly, "Monsters gather here, and as a demon slayer, I can't just sit and watch you risk yourself."

"Is there a demon here?" Lin Chen's eyes flickered.

"That's right, demon slayers are extremely sensitive to the aura of demons, so even a slight disturbance will not escape my eyes."

"Also, besides killing demons, I have one more thing to do, so please leave and don't hinder me."

the woman said.

In fact, in her capacity, there was no need to explain this to Lin Chen. The reason why she chose to explain it was because Lin Chen was very skilled. If he was determined not to retreat, she would not be fully sure if he fought.

At the same time, what made her curious was that she didn't expect such a master to exist in Yunhuai City!

How rare!

"I also have something to do. My wife was arrested, so I have to enter this place."

Lin Chen said indifferently.

It can be seen that this woman is out of kindness, but if he thinks that she can't even deal with a little monster, that would be too much to look down on him.

No matter who it is, as long as they dare to stop him today, they will all be killed!

Sensing the indisputability in Lin Chen's tone, the woman hesitated and said, "Forget it, my name is Qingxuan, what's your name?"

"Lin Chen."

"Okay, Lin Chen, wait for you to follow me, don't act casually." Qingxuan reminded.

Lin Chen didn't express his opinion, but at this moment.

The phone rings.

It turned out to be from the number that sent the text message before.

The phone connects.

There was a deep, evil laughter from the other end, coupled with the silent environment, it was like a devil moaning, sending chills down the spine.

"Lin Chen, you came here very quickly. It seems that you care about your wife very much."

"Stop talking nonsense." Lin Chen said coldly, "Where is my wife?"

"Don't worry, the game has just begun."

The other end of the phone smiled jokingly: "Enjoy everything I have prepared for you!"

After a burst of laughter, the phone hung up again.

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