Overnight Success

Chapter 618 Ghost Mountain Town

Seeing this, Lin Chen's eyes became even colder.

Obviously, this is a deliberate provocation by the other party.

What puzzled him was, who was the other party?

Why choose here?

Questions flashed through my mind, and suddenly, Qingxuan shouted: "Look, there is an old woman over there."

Hearing this, Lin Chen put away his thoughts and looked forward.

Sure enough, as Qingxuan said, there was an old woman in front of her walking slowly towards the two of them, leaning on a cane.

The old woman was holding an old bowl, she was skinny and skinny, her face was wrinkled, and her smile was quite creepy. Biqu library

"You two, if you want to enter Guishan Town, you have to drink this bowl of soup first."

The old woman chuckled, and handed the old bowl full of soup to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen took it and was about to drink it.

Qingxuan shouted at the side: "Wait!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen shook his head: "I've read it, the soup is not poisonous."


Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, never expecting Lin Chen to have such ability.

Then, Lin Chen drank half of the soup in the bowl and handed it to Qingxuan.

Qing Xuan was stunned for a while, pointed to himself and said, "I want to drink too?"

The old woman nodded with a smile: "This soup can save foreigners from danger. After drinking it, I will take the two of you on the road."

Hearing this, Qingxuan showed embarrassment, looked at the soup with an unknown smell, gritted his teeth, and drank it all in one gulp.

Seeing this, the old woman stretched out her callused hands, showing her jagged teeth, and said, "You two have to drink my soup, but you will have to leave some money to buy it."

Suddenly, Qing Xuan was speechless.

Lin Chen smiled slightly, and gave all the change on his body to the old woman.

After receiving the money, the old woman smiled contentedly, bowed and said, "It's the first time you two come to Guishan Town, please follow me."


Lin Chen and the two followed the old woman through a winding road

The winding mountain road stopped only when it reached a simple bridge.

In front, the old woman turned her head and said with a smile: "You two, I can only send you here. If you cross this bridge, you will officially enter Ghost Mountain Town."

"What do you mean? The place we passed by before?"

Qing Xuan wondered.

The old woman didn't explain too much, and continued: "When you get there, don't provoke the Four Great Immortals, otherwise you will be infected with karma, and it will be a disaster for you."


Lin Chen nodded.

At this time, Qingxuan said: "Lin Chen, why don't we make a plan before stepping into Ghost Mountain Town. I always have a feeling that the road ahead will be full of strange and unpredictable dangers."

"Time is running out."

"My wife is unpredictable, I can't waste any more time."

Lin Chen said.

For him, he is eager to save his wife now, and he no longer cares about danger or not. As for the so-called Four Immortals, if they are sensible, they should obediently stay away from him.

Otherwise, he will kill them together.

Never show mercy.

"Old woman..."

Qingxuan wanted to continue to ask the old woman some precautions, but she didn't expect that the old woman had already disappeared without a trace.

Even the places I passed by before disappeared together, only the wild grass was everywhere, as if everything just now had never happened.

"Lin Chen, this is..."

Qingxuan was surprised.

Even though she was a demon slayer and well-informed, she had never encountered such a bizarre thing.

"as big as World, nothing is nonexistent."

Lin Chen was not surprised, "The old woman you saw just now was transformed into a goblin. This goblin has been trapped here for hundreds of years. To escape, she needs some popularity."

"And the money I handed over to it is contaminated with my own breath. In return, it helps us guide the way, which is also considered to be because

The fruit is clear. "

Speaking of this, he glanced at Qingxuan: "Little girl, your knowledge is still shallow, and you can't even see this."


Qingxuan's pretty face flushed.

She didn't expect that, as a demon slayer, she would lose to this young man who was younger than her in terms of knowledge.

"Let's go."

Lin Chen walked onto the stone bridge as he spoke.

And Qingxuan followed closely.

The stone bridge seemed short, but it took the two of them ten minutes to walk to the other side of the bridge.

Walking down the stone bridge, you can see the uneven hills in front of you.

The small mountain is shrouded in a layer of white mist, and the whole picture can be vaguely seen, which adds a bit of mystery.

"It seems that this small mountain is the real Ghost Mountain Town."

Lin Chen whispered, and was about to step forward, but Qingxuan suddenly grabbed Lin Chen's arm, his face changed drastically: "Wait, something is wrong ahead."

The voice just fell.

A burst of chicken crowing suddenly sounded.

Its voice is rapid, sharp, ear-piercing, full of strong aggression.

"There are chickens here?"

Qingxuan was shocked.

"Bare hills, it's normal to have a little pheasant, let's go, let's take a look."

As Lin Chen spoke, he took the lead in walking ahead.

After walking about 500 meters, the crowing of the rooster was getting closer and closer. For some reason, it seemed to be affected by the crowing of the rooster.

A group of dark clouds hovered over here.

The originally clear sky turned dark in an instant.

Following that, gusts of dark wind suddenly blew towards the two of them.

The atmosphere became more and more abnormal.

Qingxuan said: "According to the old woman who turned into a goblin just now, there are four great immortals here, presumably there are many ordinary goblins. Lin Chen, you don't know Taoist magic, so you should pay more attention later."

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't respond, Qingxuan frowned: "Lin Chen, did you hear..."

In the middle of the conversation, Lin Chen rushed towards her and pressed her whole body under him.

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