Xiao Xuan touched his nose. The woman seemed really anxious. With her IQ, she could ask such a question that she knew he couldn't answer.

"I'm one of the few people in the world who can cure your father! If you want to believe me, I can tell you frankly that your father doesn't want to wake up now!" Xiao Xuan rubbed his fingers and said with a smile.

Huang Min sighed. After a long time, he looked at Xiao Xuan's face and said faintly, "I believe you!"

"Can I go home and sleep?" Xiao Xuan yawned and smiled.

"Don't you want to talk about love with my old woman?" Huang Min put away her worries and said with a smile.

"No! I don't have much spirit today." Xiao Xuan waved his hand, turned and left.

Huang Min didn't stop Xiao Xuan either. She could see that this guy was really worried tonight.


Su Mei ate the medicated food sent by sun ma. She heard that Xiao Xuan went out again. She thought this guy went out again. A few disappointments flashed on her pretty face. She heard Xiao Xuan's voice outside the door: "wife, I'll take you to work tomorrow morning!"

"..." Su Mei didn't speak. She heard the footsteps outside the door go away, and her mouth bent.

Xiao Xuan went back to his room and fell asleep. There were so many messy things these two days that he always felt very upset. It's like it's getting worse again.

Thinking of Alison and genius's opinions on his diagnosis and treatment at that time, Xiao XuanZhen felt that he would have a good rest after these things. If the devil in his heart runs out, he can't imagine the serious consequences!

Early the next morning, Xiao Xuan accompanied Su Mei to the company.

The whole Yuya international is in an unspeakable tense atmosphere, and everyone is tight from top to bottom.

Su Mei left the company with Xiao Xuan only after the company made some arrangements.

"Where to?" Xiao Xuan asked after sitting in the car and starting the car.

"Go to the apple orchard!" Su Mei said faintly.

"Oh!" Xiao Xuan answered. The apple orchard is a very famous place in Nanhai city. Xiao Xuan is no stranger. It is a huge fruit orchard and a membership leisure resort.

Only when he arrived at the apple orchard did Xiao Xuan know that this was also Su Mei's industry. And it is Su Mei's personal industry, which has nothing to do with Yuya international.

"Su Dong, Kevin has been waiting for you in building 4 for a long time. In addition, the fruit farmers in zhinao group are also waiting for you!"

As soon as the car stopped in the parking lot, a woman like a secretary greeted her and handed a stack of prepared documents to Su Mei.

Su Mei took the document and said to Xiao Xuan, "you go with me!"

Then he looked through the documents and walked towards building 4. The woman who looked like a secretary noticed Xiao Xuan. It seemed that she was no stranger to Xiao Xuan, but she didn't expect Su Mei to bring Xiao Xuan here. Even her eyes didn't welcome Xiao Xuan and didn't even call.

Xiao Xuan touched his nose. It seems that he is really not a likable person.

Entering the fourth building, Xiao Xuan saw the layout of Su Mei. Yuya international is such a big office building that outsiders may think that it is the core of Yuya international. But in fact, the core of the company is in this small building with only four floors.

On the whole first floor, more than a dozen people were busy shuttling. They saw that Su Mei just nodded one after another, but the work in her hand didn't stop. These people come from all countries with all kinds of skin colors.

Su Mei didn't stop. She took Xiao Xuan to the second floor. On the second floor, the huge wall is full of LED displays, colorful stock trend charts, size analysis and various data.

Below the display screen are two rows of desks and a group of people with various skin colors. These people are trading experts collected by Su Mei from all over the world, staring at the stock of Yuya international.

"Mr. Su, you're here at the right time! Since the opening yesterday afternoon, unidentified forces have backdoor several companies and wantonly bought the company's shares. After our team found out, we immediately organized snipers and snapped up to raise the share price, but they still bought a lot!" a blonde young foreign man came to report the situation as soon as he saw Su Mei.

But when he saw Xiao Xuan, a little surprise flashed in his eyes. Good personal cultivation surprised him quickly, and his eyes returned to Su Mei for a moment.

"Hmm? After the opening today?" Su Mei asked, looking at the graph on the screen.

"Today, three more companies participated in buying. To some extent, our rush buying speed can not keep up with them. I estimate that they have bought at least more than 10% of the shares. Last night, due to external reasons, the company's shares fell as soon as they opened, and retail investors are selling. This continues..." the handsome blonde licked his lips and said with a bitter smile. As he spoke, he leaned against Su Mei by pointing to the document.

Although I didn't say it directly, there is no doubt that the external reason is Su Mei! As the largest shareholder and principal of Yuya international, it has fallen into all kinds of negative news, which is very bad. There are rumors that it is suspected of criminal cases, which has an absolute impact on the company's stock.

Just like Ma, the boss of Ali's father, the largest online trading company in China, had a few words with an official department. In the next week, the stock immediately fell sharply and lost billions directly. Fortunately, things didn't ferment again. It is conceivable that the personal image speech of the principal of a company will have a great impact on the company's shares.

"You mean, if we can't curb the decline of stocks, once they buy and sell in large quantities and drive more retail investors to join in the selling, we will have no way to resist?" Su Mei frowned. She seemed to feel that the handsome blonde was a little close to her and subconsciously stepped back.

"No, if we have enough money, how much they throw and how much we eat, we still have a chance to pull it back! But it needs a lot of money!" the handsome blonde scratched his head and moved a little closer to Su Mei.

"Have you checked the companies you bought?" although Xiao Xuan didn't know much about finance, he still understood this simple thing. But obviously, his concern is not about buying and selling. He only cares about who is doing it.

The handsome blonde looked at Xiao Xuan and didn't seem to be ready to answer him. These are company secrets. Why did he tell a man he didn't know?

"I'm her man!" Xiao Xuan said in a loud voice with squint eyes. The tone also has the meaning of announcing ownership. tqR1

Su Mei turned her head and stared at Xiao Xuan, a little stunned. At this time, why did this guy say this? But he did not deny Xiao Xuan's words.

The handsome blonde was stunned, and a little incredible look flashed in his eyes. He seemed to think that the man of the beautiful woman Su Mei could be the ugly guy in front of him!?

"If President Su doesn't agree, I have the right not to answer you!" the handsome blonde proudly said to Xiao Xuan. With the advantage of foreigners being tall and powerful, their eyes still have a sense of condescending.

"Hey, hey, if President Su doesn't agree, I have the right to let you go. Do you believe it?" Xiao Xuan said with a smile.

Xiao Xuan just didn't like the way this guy approached Su Mei intentionally or unintentionally. He is not a stingy man, but he is not a man who can tolerate other men relying on his wife.

Su Mei just reacted. She seemed to think of something. Her lips pursed, a little wanted to laugh, and endured it again. At this time, of course, there should be no more problems in the company. Hearing the smell of gunpowder, he immediately said, "Kevin, answer him. I brought him here to understand the work!"

Kevin twitched at the corners of his mouth and his face became a little ugly. He hesitated before saying, "no check!"

Xiao xuanyang lowered his chin and said, "go and find me the names and materials of those companies!"

Su Mei pulled down the corner of her clothes and said, "Kevin is the best trader in this venture capital team."

"I don't care who he is. If he takes advantage of my wife, he is looking for smoke!" Xiao Xuan whispered, biting Su Mei's ear.

This action took a little intimacy between lovers, and Su Mei couldn't help blushing. But Xiao Xuan moved quickly. After biting her ear, she immediately stood back. She didn't even have a chance to shy away.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is naturally a very normal intimate action between husband and wife. But what's not normal is that it happened to the iceberg female president.

The people who work here will not be very Bapo, because they don't have time to be Bapo. But no one dared to despise Xiao Xuan again.

The same is true of this handsome blonde named Kevin. No matter how bad it is, you have to get the information.

Xiao Xuan just taught this guy a little lesson. After taking the information, he stopped bullying him. After nodding slightly to Su Mei, he went to the door to make a phone call.

Su Mei, after repeatedly communicating with the traders inside, frowned when she came out. Xiao Xuan was puffing in the corridor.

"How much money is missing?" Xiao Xuan asked in a deep voice when he saw Su Mei.

"They have prepared sufficient funds, and we are passive defense and counterattack. The gap of funds is very large... It is estimated that it will be more than 10 billion. Originally, the company could provide some funds, but the project with the Li family has almost exhausted the working capital. I think no bank can lend us so much money. Let alone 10 billion, Nanhai is willing to lend to Yuya now I'm afraid there is no bank with a loan of 100 million... "

Su Mei was terribly pale. She was really worried. Yuya international couldn't stand it.

Money is a hard thing. If you have it, you will have it. If you don't have it, you won't have it. She Su Mei is not a money printer and can't change money.

"How long can the existing funds last?" Xiao Xuan scratched his head and asked.

"One day at most."

"Go get a loan! I don't think you have any other way!"

"Now no bank will lend to us!"

"Did you forget what I said yesterday?"

"Xiao Xuan, I know you may have some resources abroad. But you know, there are some foreign bank funds that we need to use, and someone will check them. At this point, once the company is frozen, check the source of funds, do you know the seriousness of the problem?"

Su Mei couldn't help but raise her voice. With some inexplicable anxiety, she reacted again, lowered her head and said softly, "I'm sorry, I'm in a bad mood! I'm not angry at you..."

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