Xiao Xuan understood and shrugged. Su Mei is just a woman. It's reasonable to carry such great pressure and have a little temper at this time.

Originally, I wanted Su Mei to get a loan from the Swiss bank, but according to Su Mei's tone, the energy of Naqu family is too large, and the amount of capital gap is also very huge. The capital is foreign and such a large amount. If the official energy is large enough, there are really various reasons to check.

It's really difficult to get ten billion yuan without showing mountains and dew from abroad. Even if the money comes through formal channels and such a large amount of money is opened for investigation for various reasons, regardless of the results of the investigation, as long as the investigation delays the time of this process, Yuya international can't hold up.

The problem now is money and time!

When Xiao Xuan was trying to scratch his scalp, sun Shilin called. Unexpectedly, sun Shilin recovered faster than he thought. He just listened to the strong voice on the phone:

"Hey, Xiao Xuan, did you give me immortal water? My wound seems to be scabby now. Even if you are a miracle doctor, you can't be so rebellious. Do you know that the doctor almost dissected me!!!"


"Forget it, be serious. Listen to Sixi, you're pinching with the old bastard of Buddha? Does that turtle egg have the courage? Others don't know my reputation. He can't not know. I'm in the dungeon..."

Sun Shilin is an old man. It seems that such a serious injury has not died, which makes the lion king have some confidence.

People who often lick life on the edge of the knife can recover their ability, which is also a kind of their own ability!

But it was that boasting Laozi in the underground city that brightened Xiao Xuan's eyes.

Xiao Xuan lowered his voice, took the phone and said, "don't talk nonsense. I ask you, do you know anyone from the underground bank? I'm in a hurry to turn over a sum of money!"

Sun Shilin at the other end of the phone obviously didn't expect Xiao Xuan to be short of money. Xiao Xuan asked him for help, which made him laugh wildly. He said proudly, "I'm short of money. I've still saved some private money these years, and I don't charge you interest. As long as you call me uncle three times in public, how much do you want?"

"Ten billion!" Xiao Xuan said directly.

"I'll go! Mom, are you going to build a spaceship to dominate space? Bye, I don't know you!" Sun Shilin was shocked. He said so, but he didn't really hang up.

Ten billion words is also a frightening figure for the once provincial owl. People in dungeons get money quickly and spend it quickly. Like Li Shuanghong, saving billions in a lifetime still includes assets.

Just like those so-called rich people on the rich list, with tens of billions of wealth, ordinary people sound like they can scare one and a half to death, but in fact, these tens of billions of wealth are an estimate of assets, including the company shares they hold, etc. these so-called assets can't be discounted at once. If they are discounted immediately, they will shrink by an exaggerated margin.

Not to mention that sun Shilin can't get a running capital of 10 billion, he is the so-called first guy on the Forbes rich list. It's also difficult to cash out a large amount of 10 billion overnight.

Xiao Xuan smiled bitterly, scratched his head and said, "now I'm asking you if you know the people of the underground bank? It's just for working capital!"

Sun Shilin thought for a long time and said, "I've heard of it in the underground bank. You can also inquire about it. But the interest must not be low."

"Don't worry about the interest. Go and ask me first!" Xiao Xuan said and hung up the phone.

Even if Su Mei believed that Xiao Xuan was a little unusual, she wouldn't think he could take out such a large amount of money. At this time, she was staring at the newly sprouted woods in the garden. The oblique rising sun made her pretty and beautiful shadow particularly moving. There were a few sad colors on that exquisite face. I felt pity at first sight.

"Money..." Xiao Xuan came over and just opened his mouth, he heard Su Mei's mobile phone ring. I had to stop for the moment and wait for the busy man to answer the phone first.

Su Mei looked at the caller ID on her mobile phone and showed some hesitation, but she finally answered the phone. She didn't know what she said at the other end of the phone. Just for a moment, the woman's face turned pale again. She almost replied powerlessly: "Dad, don't fool around at this time..."

Xiao Xuan stood nearby and heard a bitch and a little bitch on the phone. He was furious. He robbed Su Mei's mobile phone and sneered: "if you want to call again, I'll throw you into the garbage station!"

After that, she cut off the phone and said to Su Mei, "what are you talking about with that kind of person? Thanks to his being your father, otherwise... Hum!"

When Su Mei heard Xiao Xuan talking about the garbage station, she couldn't help thinking of the tragic Su pastoral. Xiao Xuan put it in the garbage can and threw it to the garbage station. Finally, when the cleaner loaded the garbage in the evening, he found the people in the garbage can and sent them to the hospital. After diagnosis, 16 bare bones were broken. The whole person should rest in bed for at least half a year

I wanted to say that it was her father anyway, but when it came to my mouth, I saw Xiao Xuan's angry and dissatisfied face for her encounter and swallowed it back. tqR1

"Let's go! I made an appointment with the presidents of several banks this afternoon!" Su Mei quickly sent several text messages to the people who signed the fruit farmers on her mobile phone, and hurried to the door.

"Well, I have something else to do this afternoon, so I won't go to the company with you!" Xiao Xuan said with a smile.

Su Mei looked at Xiao Xuan and didn't speak. But the pace was a little faster and opened the distance with Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan grinned and followed quickly.

Su Mei thought Xiao Xuan had changed her mind again, but unexpectedly, after the car drove downstairs, Xiao Xuan really left

Although intellectually, Su Mei knew that Xiao Xuan had tried her best to help. If Xiao Cheng international had not helped openly and secretly, Yuya international might not be able to survive for two days. Xiao Cheng International looks like Lai GAOJIN is in charge, but Su Mei doesn't know it's because of Xiao Xuan.

Even so, as a woman, in trouble, she still hopes that the men around her can support her! So when Xiao Xuan drove away, Su Mei stamped her foot at the door of the company.

All this happened to be taken in by Zhang Yue, who had just returned from outside the company. "President Su, are you angry with Xiao Xuan again?"

With the relationship between Zhang Yue and Su Mei, this joke is normal.

"No, no!" Su Mei denied it for some reason, as if she was afraid of being robbed of her beloved toy. With that, he couldn't help blushing again.

Zhang Yue feels a little confused. Is the woman who blushes and is shy in front of her really Su Mei she knows?


Xiao Xuan drove all the way to the hospital.

In the hospital, Xiao Xuan saw sun Shilin, who was recovering from his injury and abnormal condition. "Have you asked about the underground bank?"

Xiao Xuan took an apple from the ward, took a bite and asked vaguely.

Sun Shilin looked at Xiao Xuan contemptuously and said angrily, "I'm too him. My sister is not worth it. Even if I don't ask my brother-in-law when I enter the door, I don't even mention my sister. Do you dare to ask for money? Do you bully him? I can't beat him?"

"..." Xiao Xuan's old face was red. She swept a circle of wards and asked, "how about the rain? Why don't you see her?"

"That's about the same. She went to her friend to inquire about your big house! Xiao Xuan, I didn't say you. Just like you, you can coax a group of women around. I'm so wise and powerful, but... Forget it! I asked about the people of the underground bank, but they don't necessarily cooperate with us!"

"Oh? Why?" Xiao Xuan picked up his eyebrows and asked.

"Anyway, people over there say that now there are two families in China who borrow money, but they don't. one is the Huang family in Yanjing, and the other is Nanhai Yuya!" Sun Shilin grinned a little.

"..." Xiao Xuan's eyes flashed. It was really interesting. Even the underground bank made the slogan of not lending money to Yuya international. The plate of the Qu family is really big enough!

"Xiao Xuan, I'll give you a chance to curry favor with me. I'll give you some big stuff!" Sun Shilin smiled, as if he had caught Xiao Xuan's weakness and didn't stop taking advantage of the opportunity.

"Return the lion king, you are so promising! After fighting, you were almost beaten into a vegetable. You can't borrow some money... Here, let me curry favor with you? Dream......" Xiao Xuan snorted, and sun Shilin jumped up from the bed with a word of anger.

"Xiao Xuan, I want to compete with you!" roared sun Shilin.

"Patients in ward 208, please don't make a noise and keep calm..." the little nurse opened the door because it was too noisy to admonish, but when she saw Xiao Xuan, she couldn't even speak neatly, so she turned and ran away!!!

"You don't have to fight alone. You can only scare these little nurses. If you have information, you can quickly say that you're leaving!" Xiao Xuan calmly watched sun Shilin jump.

"I must have owed you in my last life!" Sun Shilin said, but anyone can see that he is too close to Xiao Xuan than before. The grace of saving lives is no longer a simple marriage relationship.

"Although the underground bank said it would not lend money to the Huang family and Yuya international, according to my understanding of the underground bank in my early years, these people are ghosts and gods who don't avoid meat and vegetables. This time, I don't know why. But one thing is not that they don't want to make this money. Ten billion yuan, less than ten million yuan of interest a day. Fools don't make this money. So ……”

Sun Shilin smiled, showing some expression you know.

Xiao Xuan opened his mouth. As soon as he wanted to speak, he heard someone approaching outside the door. After giving sun Shilin a shut up look, Xiao Xuan turned his head and looked at the door.

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