Xiao Xuan looked at the door and saw that the little nurse came in a hurry with the attending doctor. Seeing Xiao Xuan's eyes, the attending doctor of sun Shilin wanted to catch Xiao Xuan and dissect him.

The attending doctor knew that Xiao Xuan had operated on Sun Shilin.

The success of the operation is enough shock. Who would have thought that sun Shilin's recovery speed would be so adverse?

The normal postoperative recovery time is 10-15 days, and the serious large-scale operation time is 20-30 days. Sun Shilin's injury was not only serious, but also an operation after all!

How can the wound scab in 2-3 days? Even the internal wounds were cured in one day.

This miracle is called myth in Chinese medical circles. In the field of Western medicine and surgery, it must be called a miracle.

Let the attending doctor, even the Dean, who knows the inside story, be shocked.

"Well, Mr. Xiao, wait a moment, our dean will be here soon, right away!" the attending doctor looked at Xiao Xuan and stammered a little.

"I'm not looking for your Dean!" Xiao Xuan said and was about to leave. He vaguely knew what had happened.

Sun Shilin was seriously injured at that time. Xiao Xuan had to be driven to the shelf. After the operation, Xiao Xuan had no time to stay with sun Shilin, so he chose sun Shilin to stay in the hospital.

Now it's good that sun Shilin's abnormal recovery has made him an anatomical object.

"Mr. Xiao, please do me a favor! I haven't been off work for three days and I'm waiting for you. The dean said that if I can't wait for you or miss you, I can go home... My family has old and young people waiting for me to support. You can't let me lose my job?" the doctor said with a cold sweat on his head and a sad face.

"Er......" Xiao Xuan was speechless and stared at Sun Shilin with hatred. He's sure this guy didn't spare these doctors.

But Xiao Xuan can't help running. Is he waiting to be caught to do the experiment? Or tell these doctors because he has practiced the samsara Sutra and the vitality of body organs and blood is much higher than that of ordinary people?

Then tell these doctors, because his body has been transformed under the magical and inexplicable power of the ghost King talisman. He doesn't know what it looks like? So it's what it is now? His body is the most magical medicine?

How does that sound? It's still a beaten thing that will be dissected?

When Xiao Xuangang was ready to leave, he heard a burst of running footsteps outside the door. Then Liu Shiyan, out of breath, gasped and appeared outside the ward.

Liu Shiyan's meal was easy to run. The two buildings usually took five minutes. Leng was run by him for more than a minute. He pitied his vital capacity, which was nearly 50 years old, and his old face was red.

"Well, Hoo Hoo... Mr. Xiao... Hoo Hoo... Don't go yet... Hoo Hoo... Talk to me, talk to me!" Liu Shiyan was out of breath and even said with gestures, lest Xiao Xuan leave.

"Xiao Xuan, just talk to President Liu! You see how sincere they are!" Sun Shilin smiled.

"Right!" Liu Shiyan finally gasped.

Xiao Xuan frowned. All eyes were on him. He ran away. It is estimated that these people will find him again?

After thinking about it, Xiao Xuan could only say, "well, let's go to the dean's office to talk?"

As long as Xiao Xuan is willing to talk, where does Liu Shiyan talk?

Immediately nodded and said, "OK, OK! Let's go to my office now."

Poor old Liu, just gasping for breath, took Xiao Xuan to his office in a hurry, lest Xiao Xuan change his divination and turn away

Xiao Xuan entered Liu Shiyan's office. Unexpectedly, he saw another old man. The old man's face was as black as the bottom of the pot and his eyes were like copper bells. It was scary to look at him. Xiao Xuan just turned his eyes on his face and looked back at Liu Shiyan standing beside him.

"This is old Wu, who came from Yunnan provincial hospital. He is also my old friend. It doesn't matter if he is here." Liu Shiyan has seen Xiao Xuan's hegemony and ability.

People have ability and will be respected everywhere. Although Liu Shiyan was the Dean, he still maintained enough respect for Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan picked his eyebrows, thought for a moment and said, "OK!"

When Liu Shiyan heard the speech, he immediately relaxed, asked Xiao Xuan to take his seat, and wanted to make tea for Xiao Xuan. Xiao Xuan was uncomfortable all over, so he said, "Mr. Xiao, in fact, I have two questions. One is in sun Shilin's operation. Did you use acupuncture? Why did sun Shilin's wound recover so quickly? You..."

Xiao Xuan nodded and said, "it's acupuncture! As for the quick recovery, it's because..."

Never thought, before Xiao Xuan finished his words, the black faced old man shouted, "acupuncture? I really haven't heard of acupuncture surgery. You can deceive Liu Cheng!"

Xiao Xuan smiled and didn't defend. He didn't want to say whether he believed it or not. tqR1

"President Liu, since this old comrade knows very well, I don't have to say more. I'm bullshit. Don't delay everyone's efforts!"

Xiao Xuan was about to leave. Liu Shiyan, who was depressed, immediately stopped in front of Xiao Xuan and said, "don't listen to the old nonsense. They're witch doctors. In fact, they haven't completed traditional Chinese medicine. He always thinks that he's old and immortal..."

In order to keep Xiao Xuan, Liu Shiyan demoted the black faced old man to be worthless.

Xiao Xuan, hearing the witch doctor's suit, paused slightly in his eyes, stopped and said with a smile, "Sun Shilin's operation is really acupuncture. Since he is a descendant of the witch doctor, I'd like to repeat a few more words."

The black faced old man snorted coldly, "all ears!"!

"The secret part of acupuncture and moxibustion has long been lost in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. The most superficial acupuncture methods that have been handed down are filiform needling, triangular needling, skin needling, intradermal needling and plum blossom needling. The meridian theory composed of fourteen meridians, eight odd meridians, fifteen different collaterals, twelve different meridians, twelve meridians, twelve meridians, sun collaterals and floating collaterals, 361 acupoints and The knowledge of acupoints such as jingwaiqi acupoints and the main diseases of acupoints, and found the law of specific connection between specific parts of the human body. There is the meridian theory, which has produced a set of method system for treating diseases. Am I right? "

Xiao Xuan said with a smile and asked a rhetorical question.

Not only Liu Shiyan, but also the black faced old man nodded. These are the most basic knowledge of acupuncture and moxibustion.

"Surely the descendant of the witch doctor will know the origin of acupuncture and moxibustion?"

The old man with a black face snorted and said, "acupuncture and moxibustion therapy was first seen in the book of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic published in the Warring States period. The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic said:" Tibetan cold produces man's disease, and moxibustion is suitable for its treatment. " , refers to moxibustion, which describes in detail the form of nine needles and a large number of theories and techniques of acupuncture and moxibustion. For more than 2000 years, acupuncture and moxibustion has been popular in China and spread to the world. The emergence of acupuncture and moxibustion was earlier. "

"Your witch doctor's statement should be passed down by Chi you!" Xiao Xuan ordered with a smile.

The black faced old man's face became more and more black, and then said: "the book of mountains and seas says that \" there is a stone like jade that can be used as a needle \ ", which is an early record of stone needles. In Chinese archaeology, a kind of stone needle, that is, stone needle, was found. Stone needle is undoubtedly the basis and predecessor of later knife and needle tools. The" needle and stab "gradually developed into needling, and the" hot and iron "gradually developed into moxibustion, This is the predecessor of acupuncture and moxibustion.

The "needle" of the needle set is "needle" in traditional Chinese. The word from gold to salt, "gold" means "metal", such as gold, silver, bronze and other materials. "Salt" means "sour" (see the "salty" note in the Interactive Encyclopedia). The combination of "gold" and "salty" means "an instrument that produces sour feeling". It is not ruled out that the ancients used fried bamboo needles as disposable needles. This kind of bamboo needle is called "Zhen", and the "salty" in its font still means "sour". This is the origin of acupuncture and moxibustion. "

Xiao Xuan clapped his hands. At least the bad old man's remarks proved that he was not a man without skills. He was aggressive and unwilling to believe. He believed too much in what was known and practiced. In order to have a subconscious rejection of things that have not been known or that they are unable to accept.

The old man was addicted to preaching. He stared and continued: "the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" It has formed a complete meridian system, that is, there are twelve meridians, fifteen collaterals, twelve meridians, twelve meridians, and specimens, roots, Qi streets, four seas related to the meridian system. It also discusses in detail the acupoints, acupuncture methods, acupuncture indications and contraindications, especially the acupuncture theory recorded in Lingshu Jing is richer and more systematic, so Lingshu It is the first summary of acupuncture and moxibustion, and its main content is still the core content of acupuncture and moxibustion. Therefore, Lingshu is called the acupuncture Sutra. After Neijing, the difficult Sutra written by Bian que, a famous doctor in the Warring States period, complements and perfects the acupuncture and moxibustion theory.

Then Huang Fumi, a medical expert of the Jin Dynasty, devoted himself to studying the internal classic and other works, and wrote acupuncture A and B classic, which comprehensively discussed the theory of Zang Fu organs and meridians, developed and determined 349 acupoints, and discussed their location, indications and operation.

During the Tang and Song Dynasties, Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, drew a colorful "map of three people in the Ming hall" in his book "preparing a thousand gold Prescriptions", and put forward the selection and application of Ashi acupoints. In the Song Dynasty, Wang Weiyi, a famous acupuncturist, compiled the Tongren acupoint acupuncture classic , he researched 354 acupoints and engraved the whole book on stone tablets for learners to copy and rubbing. He also cast two bronze man models, which are the predecessor of the now well-known twelve bronze men.

I have carefully studied the 14 classics play by Hua Biren in the Yuan Dynasty, the complete works of acupuncture and moxibustion, the four books of acupuncture and moxibustion in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, especially the great success of acupuncture and moxibustion written by Yang Jizhou, but there is no such thing as acupuncture and moxibustion surgery! "

Xiao Xuan listened to the old guy's long speech calmly. Finally, he just asked lightly, "where are the thirteen needles of the ghost gate?"

When Xiao Xuan said the thirteen needles of the ghost gate, the old man's mouth grew into an O-shape. The tone of the long speech choked in the throat.

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