The old man in grey robe floated away. Xiao Xuan showed a thoughtful look, and then raised his feet to the gate of the courtyard.

At this time, two followers of the old man in grey robe stood out almost at the same time and blocked Xiao Xuan's way. One opened his mouth and said, "you are not allowed to go anywhere until the Dharma protector comes back!"

Xiao Xuan glanced at the two men. They were born in junior high school. They were first-class in the secular world, but in Longyan Valley, they were obviously just followers. It seems that the strength of Longyan Valley is really unfathomable.

"I'm afraid I'm leaving, but you two can't stop me!" Xiao Xuan sneered.

As soon as these words came out, the two guys in Longyan valley were unhappy. They thought they were respected. Even though they were disciples in Longyan Valley, they were amazing in the secular world. Xiao Xuan dared to speak to them like this.

The guy who hung the sword around his waist was very angry. He pulled out the sharp sword on the spot. The tip of the sword pointed to Xiao Xuan, but before he could move, Xiao Xuan suddenly moved, and the whole person suddenly disappeared from his place.

"Ha ha ha..."

Xiao Xuan's laughter in the air was publicized, but people had disappeared.

"Bastard!" two figures who were proud of their genius turned red with shame! I don't know where Xiao Xuan went. After looking at each other, he quickly chased out from left to right!

For a time, only Wang Si and Longtou were left in the yard, as well as some Longtou subordinates hidden in the dark.

The dragon head looked at Wang Si and said with some emotion and some heaviness: "I didn't expect that Longyan Valley really exists! Wang Si, tell me honestly, are they really guarding China like the legend?"

Wang Si nodded and said, "the elder of Longyan Valley has always been in contact with No. 1. This is the most confidential existence of China. No one knows Longyan valley after No. 1!"

Longtou breathed a sigh. With his identity, status and contacts, he is also a countable person in China, but he has only heard the legend of Longyan valley. If he knew the existence of Longyan Valley, he would not regard Xiao Xuan as a great enemy of life and death!

"It seems that my life is not long! I want to lead my life, today..." when Longtou said this, his eyes were a little hot.

Wang Si also lamented that Longtou can be regarded as the kind of people who are loyal to the country. Even if he has selfishness, more often, he puts national interests first. tqR1

"The first time you disclosed Xiao Xuan's whereabouts to Ashoka, you already attracted the attention of the above. In fact, Xiao Xuan already doubted you at that time. However, you are very good at grasping Xiao Xuan's weaknesses and playing two women cards, so Xiao Xuan didn't explode at that time. He just informed No. 1 through the ghost house. No. 1 knows you very well. He knows that you don't know I will give up. But I didn't expect that you would cooperate with the son of India! Old man, you are also a human spirit. How could you make such a big mistake? "Wang Si sighed.

"You mean Xiao Xuan knew about it last time?" the faucet's pupils widened for a while, and his mouth became more and more bitter. He shook his head and said: "Xiao Xuan's threat is too great. A criminal with intelligence, strength, power and countless wealth, you know? I can't help being afraid!"

"We are soldiers. Obedience is our bounden duty. Even if we are afraid, we should also obey the instructions above. The above arrangement is to clean up the disharmonious forces in Yanjing through Xiao Xuan. You'd better take the opportunity to eradicate Xiao Xuan. You, you broke No. 1!" Wang Si pointed to the faucet, hating that iron is not steel.

The faucet took a breath and said, "you mean Yanjing is going to shuffle?"

"Fart, what did I say that?!"


Two attendants of Longyan Valley chased out from left to right. They searched the whole town and couldn't find Xiao Xuan. They hurried to the location of the grey robed old man.

As soon as they saw the old man in the grey robe, they said angrily: "Uncle protector, that Xiao Xuan is really hateful. He stole away while my brother didn't care!"

The old man in grey robe was confronting parrodi at this time. Listening to the report, he just snorted coldly and said to parrodi: "you are exhausted. If you don't stop, you will die. With your current strength, you can't control the Buddha to show your true body!"

Palrodi's forehead was blue and his whole body was red, as if he were going to explode. He also wanted to take it, but his whole body was exhausted and his heart was powerless.

"Break it for me!" the old man in the grey robe shook his head, waved his big hand, raised his hand and raised his feet, and suddenly formed a small energy vortex. The vortex was like a suction. It set off a gust of wind in the air. He saw the real body of the Ming king in the air, shaking violently, and soon became more and more blurred, as if it was to be dispersed by the wind.

Soon, it was like it was really blown away, turned into pieces of gold, and went towards the black hole formed in the vortex.

"Poof!" palrodi spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and his heart cursed Xiao Xuan. Unexpectedly, Xiao Xuan found his weakness after hard contact, and fooled him with the change of body method. Let him force here, but Xiao Xuan dodged.

Palrodi could not imagine that Xiao Xuan could see through him at a glance. Because of his poor strength, his Buddha's real body could not cover too large a range and was not flexible enough. Xiao Xuan's body method is strange, but it seems to have the effect of space blinking.

"You and my ancestors had an agreement. Today you came to India to break it?" the grey robed old man looked at palrodi with bright eyes.

Parrodi folded his hands and said, "thank you for saving your life. Today's thing is just that the boy came in his personal capacity to get justice for me, Asoka!"

"Personal status? If you die, you Indian people will end this matter because of your personal status?" the grey robed old man snorted coldly. Suddenly, a brown round pill, like a bullet, shot into palrodi's mouth.

Palrodi could not dodge. The pill melted at the entrance, which surprised him and angrily said, "you, what did you give me?"

"It's just Xueshen pill. If I kill you, I don't need to poison!" the old man in grey robe said proudly.

Palrodi was afraid. He really didn't expect Xiao Xuan to be so powerful. If the old man in grey robe didn't appear, even if Xiao Xuan didn't fight again today, he would die of exhaustion!

"I hope you take care of yourself. If you don't know the rules, please go back and check the inner page of the Vajra Sutra on the altar in the Sutra Pavilion of the temple, which is the private words of guru Da Poulsen!" the grey robed old man snorted coldly.

Palodi wanted to argue a few more words. When he heard this, his face suddenly changed and said, "you know my Shizu? Who are you?"

"Go back!" the grey robed old man waved his robe and didn't want to say more.

"But you Chinese Xiao Xuan, kill me Asoka, King bharata, what should I do... How can I explain to my people! Please speak clearly!" palrodi was very smart. In a few words, he understood that the old man must be special in front of him, so he simply threw out this remark to try.

"Hum, boy, you are rude. You don't have to go back if you're not the descendant of big Poulsen. I have Chinese truth about Chinese Affairs and Chinese people! What do you need to say to you? What do you have to tell your people? What do we have to do with us? I think you don't want to go back!" the old man in grey robe burst out as soon as he said something,

Palrodi was shocked by the powerful momentum. This was the most ferocious breath he had ever seen, that is, the breath that could kill him every minute. Even if he was not hurt by the internal injury in his eyes, even if he was in full bloom, he could not resist the old man's move in front of him.

Great, great! Palrodi suddenly found that he underestimated too much, underestimated Xiao Xuan, underestimated China!

"Impolite!" palrodi bent down, turned and left.

"Go back and read the contents of the Scriptures!" the old man in grey robe snorted.

Palrodi's body was shocked, but he didn't dare to talk back.

"Come out!" the grey robed old man suddenly opened his mouth as palrodi left.

"Martial uncle, what are you talking about?" the two attendants looked at the empty surroundings and wondered.

Just then, a burst of familiar and creepy giggle came, and Xiao Xuan's body suddenly appeared in front of the three people. "The old man is very powerful! You can find it!"

As soon as Xiao Xuan walked out, the two guys in Longyan valley were stunned. They came back and pulled out their long sword. They were about to come forward, but they were stopped by the old man in grey robe.

"You're the most potential young man I've ever seen. If it's not the rules of Longyan Valley, I'll take you back to Longyan valley now!" said the old man in grey robe.

"Forget it, I still have a wife and children. I'm not interested in Longyan Valley!" Xiao Xuan sneered, his eyes half narrowed.

Take him to Longyan Valley? Are you kidding! Xiao Xuanning can fight to the death, or he may be dragged to Longyan Valley under house arrest. He is not stupid. Even Longtou doesn't know the real existence of Longyan Valley, which shows that it is secret. There is only one reason why Longyan Valley is not born.

For example, the ghost house is also very secret, but to a certain height, almost no one knows the authenticity of the ghost house. It is also secret. Longyan Valley can make it impossible for outsiders to determine the authenticity of its existence. It's definitely because you're not born. What's the difference between that and house arrest?

Seeing Xiao Xuan's vigilant eyes and vigorous appearance, the old man in grey robe turned his mouth and said, "you do it yourself. When you turn your God, I will enter my Longyan valley."

As he said this, he saw him waving and striding away with two attendants.

Xiao Xuan frowned and vaguely felt something wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong for a moment!

The people of Longyan Valley appear today. Is it really just to solve the problem of palrodi? Xiao Xuan had no doubt that the grey robed old man had moved to arrest him, but why did the idea press down again, but he didn't know the way for a moment.

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