The grey robed old man comes fast and walks fast! Xiao Xuanwu lit a cigarette. In the smoke, his eyes were shining, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a cigarette was finished, Xiao Xuan shook his hand and popped out the butt in his hand. Wang Si walked over and saw Xiao Xuan's first sentence: "brother Xiao, can you give my brother a way to live in the future?"

Xiao Xuan raised his eyebrows and said, "are you the successor of the dragon head?"

Wang Si nodded and said, "yes, I didn't expect it to throw this heavy burden to me! I just hope to get along well with brother Xiao in the future!"

Xiao Xuan waved his hand and said, "I'm serious! I'm still that sentence. I'm not a person who likes to provoke right and wrong! As long as those fools don't provoke me. As for others, I don't think I'm the kind of person who is too difficult to get along with!"

Wang Si looked at Xiao Xuan. To be honest, he didn't know Xiao Xuan for the first time, but it was the first time to see Xiao Xuan. Unexpectedly, Xiao Xuan was more arrogant than he thought. In front of the elders of Longyan Valley, Xiao Xuan refused to bow his head.

And just such a person will become the object of mutual embarrassment with him in the future. It's also a headache to think about him. Listening to Xiao Xuan's ridicule, he could only say, "let's keep the well water away from the river in the future. Anyway, I'm clear. I can't see your small mistake. If you make a big mistake, someone will clean you up. What can I worry about!"

Xiao Xuan opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything. Suddenly he laughed. This Wang Si is much more interesting than the dragon head.

Just as Xiao Xuan waved and was about to leave, Wang Huadun's car drove back. Xiao Xuan looked back and saw Wang Huadun jump out of the car. He remembered that Mrs. Wang called him and was about to meet him. However, Wang Huadun looked at Wang Si with an embarrassed face and said, "fourth uncle, why are you here?"

Xiao Xuan frowned and asked, "is he your uncle?"

Wang Huadun smiled and nodded. Xiao Xuan looked back at Wang Si and touched his chin, but he didn't speak.

Wang Si saw a flash of light in Xiao Xuan's eyes, but he felt that he was careless and didn't say much. He just nodded to Xiao Xuan and said, "count up, we still have two relatives!"

Xiao Xuan murmured, "no, let's not climb relatives!"

Then he turned away without giving face.

Wang Huadun smiled awkwardly at Wang Si, hurriedly followed Xiao Xuan's footsteps and said, "brother, I have something to do with you!"

Xiao xuandun took a step, but Wang Huadun said, "let's get in the car and talk about it again!"

Then he took Xiao Xuan to his car. As soon as he got on the car, he started the car without saying a word.

"Where to?" Xiao Xuan smiled at Wang Huadun driving and asked with his mouth open.

"Go where you want to go!" Wang Huadun winked.

Xiao Xuan sighed and said, "you Wangs are also involved. Don't say it's for me. If so, please stop!"

Wang Huadun said, "to be honest, you're the smartest man I've ever seen. You've reacted so quickly! We're half a family. Why are we so tortuous? Can't we just say it and ask? Can't you see whether your aunt is sincere or fake at this time?"

"It's no good to be too close to me! Forget it, let's get down to business. It seems that your Wang family is involved! If the Wang family is involved, the matter will not be so simple. I'm afraid other families in Yanjing will have actions? Such a big news must not be as simple as that of Jin Guozheng. It's really interesting!" Xiao Xuan said thoughtfully with his eyebrows.

Wang Huadun looked at Xiao Xuan in surprise. It seemed that he didn't expect Xiao Xuan to notice these so soon. Although it was only a thread, it was enough for Wang Huadun to lament Xiao Xuan's abnormal observation and analysis ability.

Neither of them spoke again. Wang Huadun was obviously asked to keep quiet and couldn't say more, while Xiao Xuan was obviously thoughtful and didn't want to involve too much with the Wang family.

For a time, they had their own thoughts and had nothing to say along the way.

When the car arrived at a prefecture level city near Nanhai City, Wang Huadun stopped the car and said, "are you sure you want to save Jin Guoping? That's a big trouble! If you do, you'll poke the biggest hornet's nest in China. As your brothers, whether you recognize it or not, we are brothers related by blood. I must remind you!"

This statement confirmed some conjectures in Xiao Xuan's heart. Jin Guo had a big secret, but Xiao Xuan couldn't fully understand what this sentence meant by stabbing the largest hornet's nest.

Are those aristocratic families in China's top circles all pursuing the secret of Jin Guoping? This is unscientific. Ordinary people want to be contaminated with gods?

Xiao Xuan always felt something was wrong, but he knew too little about the aristocratic family.

However, the matter has come to this point. In any case, Xiao Xuan can't give up the matter of Jin Guoping. Now it's a knife mountain and a sea of fire. We have to go up.

Without waiting for Xiao Xuan's positive answer, Wang Huadun seemed to know Xiao Xuan's answer and said, "the helicopter is in the military area command station here. Let's go now!"

It can be seen that the Wang family still has some strength in the military. In this military region, after showing his officer certificate, Wang Huadun walked smoothly and directly entered the largest chief's office here.

"Uncle Yu, this is my cousin. Are you ready for the helicopter?" Wang Huadun seemed to know the chief surnamed Yu very well. He directly introduced Xiao Xuan and asked about the helicopter.

Xiao Xuan and Yu Shou looked at each other and nodded to each other. Chief Yu said directly, "the helicopter and the pilot are ready. Ask your parents for me!"

After nodding and thanking, Wang Huadun took Xiao Xuan to the apron.

Until the two figures disappeared completely, the guard around chief Yu suddenly said, "chief, why do you keep staring at that man?"

That man is obviously talking about Xiao Xuan! Chief Yu paused and said, "I met that young man eight years ago!"


Chief Yu didn't say much. He just looked at the sky and murmured, "the bloody rain is coming again!"


Xiao Xuan didn't ask Wang Huadun's destination until the plane started.

"Aren't you afraid I'll sell it to you?" Wang Huadun seems a little moved. He thinks it's wonderful that people like Xiao Xuan can show such great trust.

Xiao Xuan shriveled his mouth and said, "such a helicopter can be scrapped with one punch. With your skill as a pilot, it only takes five seconds! Even if the plane has an accident, I have enough time to parachute. You really can't sell me!"

"...." Wang Huadun almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood. What about the good trust?

Wang Huadun, who was badly choked, was deeply hurt. He rolled his eyes, leaned back in his chair and didn't even say a word. tqR1

Until more than an hour later, when the plane landed in a small town near Yanjing, Wang Huadun said before getting off the plane: "what we are going to now is a secret nest of the Chen family. If we go, we will have no chance to regret it!"

Xiao Xuan shriveled his mouth and said, "if you're afraid, you can write down the address. I can go myself!"

"...." Wang Huadun was speechless and moved a modified Gatlin from the helicopter. The car has been prepared not far from the helicopter. It seems that everything has been planned long ago.

After they got on the car, Wang Huadun stopped laughing, and there was a touch of pre war tension in the air.

"You're so nervous that you don't know what's inside?" Xiao Xuan joked when he saw the seriousness in Wang Huadun's eyes.

Wang Huadun's face turned red. He asked, "am I nervous?"

"Hum?" Xiao Xuan smiled without saying anything.

"There is a scientific madman in the Chen family, Chen Youlong! His means... How to say, take weapons as an example. You must know all about the unified replacement of rifles by the military at the beginning. The improvement of rifles includes Chen Youlong's design. He is a real genius. He covers a wide range of fields. It's a wonder what ghosts will encounter in their chassis!"

Wang Huadun is not afraid, but there is always fear.

You will never know what kind of unknown technology a scientific madman will use to arm himself.

Soon, about half an hour later, the car stopped in front of an abandoned factory like two-story building close to Jiao's body.

Wang Huadun stopped and Xiao Xuan looked at the building in front of him. "Are you sure you didn't check the wrong place?"

Indeed, the buildings in front of us are too dilapidated and look too humble.

But as they approached, Xiao Xuan smashed his tongue and said, "I'm sure you didn't take the wrong way!"

Wang Huadun stopped talking at this time and held a huge Gatling gun, which made his originally not burly body look a little funny.

"When you enter the door, follow behind me and follow my footsteps, okay?" Xiao Xuan suddenly opened his mouth and said when he approached the factory gate.

Wang Huadun gave a hum of doubt.

"Ten meters in front of the door is covered with an infrared touch device. Of course, it's not just a touch alarm. If I guess correctly, it should also be an infrared attack device. Once I encounter it, I can guarantee that you will be successfully roasted into a roast turkey on the Christmas table by an infrared laser!" Xiao Xuan tilted his mouth and showed a sneer.

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