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The name of the great sword of Tokai Frost Moon Village is known as Koshiro, and it spreads throughout the sea.

It shocked countless people.

It was only a few days.

First of all, Nanabukai Klockdar’s East Sea Heroes’ event.

Then there is the duel between Hawkeye and the reclusive Dajianhao in the small village of the East China Sea.

The two big news in the East China Sea shocked people in the world.

It is also the people who speculate whether there are other masters hidden in the weakest East China Sea.

The deep-seated idea that the East China Sea is the weakest may not be true.


Karod Island, East China Sea.

Violent cleansing up the dark forces on the island, Klockdar sits on the sanded ruins and takes the newspaper handed by his men.

“Hawkeye, you bastard really followed, wait for me, I have to calculate the account with you without the wind.”

The opening of the Klockdar conspiracy.

It is in the same sea area of the East China Sea.

Long Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, watched the news report in silence.

“Koshiro, you’ve finally regained your motivation.” A smile appeared on Long Jianyi’s face.

‘Bulu Bru Bru’

The phone worm rang.

Put through.

“Dragon, is Koshiro all right?”

On the other side, came a gentle voice full of magnetism.

“Bear, don’t worry, everything is fine.” Dragon Road.

“But… This time Koshiro will definitely attract the attention of the world, if the people of the government … I am afraid that he, like Ivankov, will be charged with trumped-up charges. Qiwu Sea Tyrant Xiong said worriedly.

“Hahahaha, don’t worry, bear.” The dragon laughed.

Listening to the laughter from the other side of the phone worm, the tyrant bear was stunned.

If he hadn’t known that this phone worm could only contact the dragon, he would have wondered if the person on the other side who was laughing so loudly was his companion, the ruthless leader of the revolutionary army, the dragon.

“I’m sorry, Xiong, but this time I have another news for you, my mentor, the teacher who taught me what revolutionary ideas are, he is back!” Dragon Road.

“What do you say!!! The voice of the Tyrant Bear of the Seven Martial Sea, who had always collapsed in front of Taishan without changing his face, increased by an octave.


A new world of storms.

An uninhabited island belonging to the red-haired Shanks of the Four Emperors.

A cheerful banquet is taking place.

“Boss, look quickly, Hawkeye is on the news again.”

The little fat cadre Raziru shouted with a big flesh and bone in one hand and a newspaper in the other.

“Frost Moon Village in the East China Sea, the Yixin Dojo, it turned out to be there.”

The long-nosed sniper Jesus nodded uncontrollably.

“Mr. Jesus, do you know there?”

Locke Star, a newcomer intern of the Red-Haired Pirates, asked.

“Of course, this guy’s hometown is in the East China Sea, hahaha.” The cadres with monkeys laughed.

“That’s not all, twenty years ago, Shanks and I went to the Issin Dojo to find this guy named Koshiro to go to sea together, but we didn’t run into each other.” Jesus spread his hands and said helplessly.


“And this kind of thing?”

Everyone’s eyes turned to the red-haired Shanks.

Silence is only for a moment.


The slightly drunk red-haired Shanks touched the back of his head.

“It’s a bit of a pity to think about it now, come on, little ones, toast to our partner who regrets missing out.”




The same is a new world.

The waters within the territory of the Four Emperors Whitebeard.

The giant whale ship Moby Dick.

“Dad, the recent East China Sea is really lively, it’s Lockdar, even the guy from Hawkeye has gone, and he has dug out a big sword hao.”

Team leader Marko said in amazement.

“Kula la la, the sea is vast, Marko, even the weakest East China Sea, it is a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, don’t be too strange.” Whitebeard laughed.

“Hey, Bista, what are you thinking?” Team Three-Man Captain Joz asked.

“Oooooh, I was thinking… I have met this Kenshiro named Koshiro before, and he is indeed a rare kendo master. ”

Team Goban captain Bista nodded, about a memory revived twenty or thirty years ago.

“If I have the opportunity, I will also go to the East China Sea to meet him for a while.”

Bista looked wary.


The crowd laughed.

“Then again, when it comes to the East China Sea, it seems to be Ace’s hometown.” Team Shichiban captain Lakyo spoke.

As soon as they talked about Ace, they thought that Ace had now embarked on the road of pursuing the murderer.

I don’t know where to go now?

Did you meet the traitor Tiki who killed his companion?

If it happens, the young and vigorous Ace will face the scheming and most forgiving Tichy…

The atmosphere on the deck of the whale ship Moby Dick gradually became dignified.

“Kula la la”

At this moment, the captain Edward Newgate, the white-bearded man, suddenly burst out laughing.

“Sons, believe it, believe in Ace.”


“Daddy is right!”

“Ace is the captain of our second team!”

“It’s just a titch to take down, it’s definitely a hand.”

“We’ll just have to wait, and I’m sure there will be good news coming back soon.”

Ace received a ton of poisoned milk from his daddy and friends!



At this moment, the East Sea Goya Kingdom is offshore.

On the deck of the light sailing ship Chiru Natural Maru, Kerra, Nami, Koya, Vivi and other little girls were also chattering around the freshly baked newspaper.

“Hey, Kerra, you’re going too far, let me see it too.”

Saab, a blond boy who had woken up from his coma, said dissatisfied.

“Saab, you still go on the side and think about your past.” Kerra waved his hand casually.

Saab was suddenly helpless, and turned to look at the ‘hometown’ not far away, and the expression on his face gradually became nervous.

Not long after, the sailing ship docked in the frontal harbor of the Goya kingdom.

With curly blue hair and a graceful posture, Miss pointed at Bora Yuanna.

“President, welcome, everything has been arranged.”

Bora, who was in charge of the convergence of forces in the Goya Kingdom, stepped forward with a smile and saluted Rollin.


Rollin nodded.

“Pola, in the next few days, you will be responsible for taking Vivi and them around the country, and if there is a problem that cannot be solved, Robin can inform me.” Rollin Road.

“Yes, President.” Bora nodded in response.

Then, together with Robin, he took Vivi, Nami and other little girls to take the lead in playing abroad.

“Little Saab, are you ready?”

Rollin looked at Saab, whose face was written with confusion behind him.

“Ahhh… Well”

Saab, who was hindsighted, nodded.

“Then let’s go.” Rollin Road.

Half an hour later.

Rollin and Saab silently passed through the checkpoints of the Goya kingdom and ascended to the high town that only nobles allowed to enter.

Another few minutes.

The two came to the place where Saab was born.

“Staley, you are our hope!”

“Hmm, roar, baby Sterling, please keep up the good work, be sure to take down Princess Sade.”

“Okay, Mom and Dad!”

Inside the house, the sound of a conversation of a family of three was heard.

Outside the balcony.

Sabo’s face suddenly turned snow-white.

“Don’t go inside and take a look?” Rollin asked.

“No, I don’t want to stay here.” Saab turned and ran.

Emotional, he kicked the vase on the balcony.

However, when the Sterley family came out to check, they naturally couldn’t see anyone.

Another hour.

Saab in front, Rollin in the back.

With the instinctive memory of his body, Saab came to the terminal of uncertainty.

It was here that he met his brother.

Spent two hours sitting in a cluttered garbage station.

The paleness on Saab’s face disappeared, and the sense of depression in his heart was gone.

“Mentor, next I want to go to the windmill village and finally go home’.” Saab looked at Rollin.


Another hour.

Rollin took Saab over the Colbo Mountains to the other side of the island, the isolated hamlet, the Windmill Village.

It is a village of peace, calm, happiness and tranquility.

Two o’clock in the afternoon.

Most of the people in the village still work outside.

On the way, occasionally you can see a few mischievous children curiously observing the two strangers, Rollin and Saab.

Five minutes later, Rollin took Saab to the only tavern in the village.

The taverna at this point in time was quiet and did not have a single guest.

The tables in the tavern have also been cleaned up.

“Little girl, bring me two cups of rum.”

Rollin spoke, waking up the lady on the edge of the bar who was napping on her elbow.

“Well… Good! ”

Marcino, the tavern hostess, woke up, turned around in a hurry, wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, and then took a bottle of rum from the shelf.

“Guest, do you want to add…”

Marcino turned and looked at the two customers who had entered the store at this point in time.

Just for a moment, the expression on Marcino’s face was frozen and sluggish.

Her gaze was firmly locked on Saab, her pupils dilated, and the wine bottle in her hand fell without noticing.

The green-haired little girl wearing a headscarf, Magino, covered her mouth unconsciously, but the tears of the bean involuntarily rolled down.

“Are you… Are you Saab!!! ”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read-

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