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Mount Colpo.

This is a vast primeval forest on the island where the Goya Kingdom of the East China Sea is located.

In addition to countless beasts, the owners of Mount Korbo since ancient times are the leaders of the major mountain thieves who occupy the mountain as kings.

Just because of that incident eleven years ago.

‘One Piece’ Hiyo kidnaps the grandson of naval hero Karp, almost killing him at sea.

The returning naval hero Karp, in a fit of rage, cleansed all the hilltops of Mount Colpo.

Until now, the only people who can still occupy the mountain as kings are the bandit Dadan’s family, who are related to the hero Kapu.

Four o’clock in the afternoon.

The bandits who went into the mountains to hunt and go to the kingdom to do business returned one after another.

There was smoke coming out of the chimney.

In the open space outside the house, a strong man in suspenders with a chicken crown headdress is sweating and chopping firewood.

At a certain moment.

A cool breeze suddenly blew between the mountains and forests.

Ling’s sweaty chicken-headed strong man squinted his eyes comfortably.

But they were four people who appeared not far behind them.


Marcino still closed her eyes and curled up in Rollin’s arms.

For the previous galloping speed, I am still uncomfortable.

“It’s here, little girl Magino.”

When Rollin said this, he also put her down.


Magino, who was still frightened and weak, exhaled and subconsciously hugged Luo Lin again.

After standing firmly, he turned around busily, covering his hot little face with his slender hands, not daring to look at Luo Lin again.

“Is this my ‘home’?”

On the other side, looking at the familiar cabin, Saab couldn’t help but whisper.

“Yes, little Saab, this is where you live with the three brothers Luffy and Ace, I’ll accompany you to look around, maybe I can remember some.” Marcino suggested.


Saab nodded.

A moment later, they walked to a large tree.

There are three traces of axe chiseled on the tree, which have not healed for more than ten years.

Saab put his hand on the tree, and several vague fragments flashed through his mind, as well as the laughter of small children.

“This is where you were taller than Luffy and Ace, the shortest is Luffy, and the almost tall is you and Ace.” Marcino explained.


Saab still just snorted and nodded.

At this moment, the strong man with the crown of the wooden chicken in charge of chopping firewood outside the house finally realized the existence of Marcino.

“Miss Marcino, why are you free to come over today.” The Cockhead Thief recognized Marcino.

However, when his gaze fell on the blond young man Saab, the expression on his face suddenly froze, and his pupils widened.


The chicken-headed thief unconsciously screamed like a rooster.

“It’s going to die, it’s going to die, let you chop firewood, it’s all afternoon, and you’re still farting.”

The thief, who was woken up by the roar of the chicken-crowned head thief, went out angrily with slippers.

“The old lady finally slept and was woken up by you, let’s say, I want to get a few slippers today, but I still don’t want to eat.”


The chicken crown head thief pointed behind Dadan.

“You’re still there!”

The wide-bodied ‘King of Fighters’ Da Dan is eager to fight.

“Miss Da Dan”

Marcino’s voice froze Dadtan.

“It turns out that Marcino is here, no wonder this bastard has been oh…”

The mountain thief came to an abrupt end halfway through his words.

Because she also saw Marcino as a young man


A long exclamation followed.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong? ”

“What happened?”

“Boss Dadan, don’t be afraid, I’m coming.”

The screams from Da Dan alarmed all the bandits in the house.

Everyone rushed out and stood behind Dadan.

After seeing Marcino and Saab beside him.

The expressions on the faces of the bandits froze in unison.

Good moment.

“Saab !!!”

The astonishing sound spread through the mountains and forests, startling the birds.

“Are you Saab?”

“Are you really Saab?”

“Saab, you’re still alive!”

“It’s great that Saab is alive.”

The bandits led by Da Dan shouted in surprise.

Listening to the cheers of the thieves, Sabo’s eyes were unconsciously rosy.

Although he still doesn’t recognize the gang.

But for some reason, after seeing them, my heart unconsciously gave birth to nostalgia and emotion.

“Miss Dadan, let me tell you the details, in fact, Saab…”

Marcino spoke, informing him of Saab’s current state of amnesia and possible ways to recover it.

And ask about where Luffy is at this time.

“Luffy’s words, it should be in the secret base of the three brothers now, I will take you there.” Da Dan spoke anxiously.


All the bandits volunteered and finally decided to lead the way together.

The group rushed towards the secret base where the three brothers were children.

On the way to the secret base, Da Dan finally found Slap, the head of the windmill village, and the young man next to him.

Immediately, Dadan’s big eyes narrowed, and his face full of horizontal flesh showed a suspicious look.


At a certain moment, Da Dan exclaimed again.

But this time, the thieves, who were in the high mood of Saab’s return alive, did not notice and still moved forward.

Only Marcino stopped.

The gaze looked back and forth between Da Dan and Luo Lin suspiciously.

“Miss Dadan, do you know that gentleman too?” Marcino asked.

“He he he he … Is he yes yes yes… Kakaka… Mr. Karp’s brother, Mr. Rollin!!! ”

Dadan’s jammed-like voice finally returned to smoothness.

“Being a vice admiral with Mr. Karp is a hero who ended the Roks era!”


Marcino was stunned.

“Mr. Karp’s brother…”

Marcino undoubtedly repeated, and then a pair of beautiful eyes widened.

Because she remembered.

She remembered why she felt familiar with Rollin’s face.

That face.

She saw it years ago.

While helping Karp clean and tidy up the room.

It was a photo of Karp and Rollin, who was about thirty years old.

“Mr. Rollin, are you really Mr. Karp’s brother?”

Marcino trotted two steps and stared at Rollin with wide eyes.

“Barely.” Rollin nodded in agreement.

“Rollin Da… No, Mr. Rollin, where the hell have you been all these years? Why does Karp say you’re dead? Could it be that the old man of Karp deliberately lied to us? But if it’s fake, why hasn’t you been heard from for so many years? ”

Da Dan asked anxiously.

At this moment, the surprise and excitement in her heart for Saab’s return alive have been replaced by another, greater surprise and excitement.

After all, in those years forty years ago, as a bad big sister girl, Da Dan also yearned for heroes.

Especially a perfect hero like Luo Lin, who is both handsome and powerful.

For Dadan’s repeated questions, Rollin had not spoken, and the village chief Slap was the first to strike.

“Okay, okay, about your question, I have already asked it before, and I will tell you later, the priority now is still Saab’s side.” Slap said.

“The old village chief is right, I also want to quickly see the grandson of the Kapu guy, the joyboy who spans eight hundred years of history,” Rollin said.

“Since Mr. Rollin has said so, let’s go over there first.” Da Dan nodded.

“Then speed up a little.” Rollin spoke.

The next moment, Marcino was picked up by Rollin again in the posture of a princess, and she couldn’t help but be embarrassed.

At the same time, Da Dan is also a learner.

Despite the strong protests of the village chief Slap, he was given a … Princess hug.

The sun is gradually setting in the west.

At dusk.

Beautiful fire clouds fill the sky.

Rollin carried Marcino to the base of the three brothers’ treehouse.

In the open space in front of the tree house.

The boy in the straw hat looked at the blond youth opposite with a dull expression.

A moment later, under the eager gaze of the people.

The straw hat boy burst into tears and stretched out his arm to hang on the blond boy’s body.

Tears and snot wiped the opposite side.

“Saab, are you Saab? Are you really Saab? Are you really, really, really Saab? ”

The straw hat boy asked like a matryoshka doll.

“Are you… Luffy !!! ”

Saab looked at the straw hat boy on his body with gentle eyes, and his right hand gently fell on the top of his head.

At this moment, brothers are reunited!

Dusty memories break through the shackles!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read-

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