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“Luffy !!!”

“Saab !!!”


The primeval jungle at night is supposed to be dangerous, with all kinds of hunters who come out at night.

However, those jungle kings who once dominated one side have become prey today.

Saab, who once thought that he died under the shelling of Draco, returned alive, which is simply a great joy for the Dadan family and for the straw hat boy Monchi D Luffy.

Such a big happy event naturally requires a lively banquet.

The crowd couldn’t wait to return to base.

Directly take materials on the spot and capture all the beasts within a radius of tens of miles.

This is why this lively banquet was held.

Bonfires light up the night sky.

After seeing his brother Luffy the Straw Hat, Sabo’s already impulsive memory was fully revived, and the memory was completely restored.

This was followed by a long confrontation between the two brothers.

As if to shout all the names that have not been shouted for ten years tonight.

“It’s so good, Saab is still alive, if Ace knew the news, he would definitely jump up with joy like Luffy.”

Marcino’s eyes crooked, looking at the two brothers sitting around the campfire, happy from the bottom of her heart.

Saab and Ace are Luffy’s two older brothers.

Marcino is the older sister of their three brothers.

“There will be a chance.” Rollin Road.


Marcino nodded slightly.

“As long as everyone is alive and well, there will always be a day to meet in the future, whew~~”

Marcino spoke softly, and finally exhaled a rich wine aroma.

With his head tilted, he slept deeply on Rollin’s shoulder.

Tonight, she really drank a little too much.

The night is getting deeper.

In addition to Luffy and Saab, the two spirit guys, the bandits of the Dadan family are all drunk one after another.

Lying on the ground.

The old village chief Slap climbed up to the secret base early to rest.

The next day, dawned.

The hungover Magino opened her eyes faintly.

There was no longer Rollin’s figure around.

Only the coat with the breath of Rollin covered her body.

“Saab, where’s Mr. Rollin?”

Marcino looked anxiously, and finally asked Saab, who had not slept all night.

“Mr. Rollin’s words, who left half an hour ago, Miss Marcino, do you have anything else?” Saab Dao.

“Didn’t… It’s nothing. ”

Marcino quickly shook her head and pulled her coat up to cover her loss.

“What the hell was I thinking? Mr. Rollin is a man of the same era as Mr. Karp, and he should be my grandfather, but…”



The other side.

Rollin, who received a contact from Robin, came to the base of the work club in the subkingdom.

Just as soon as I entered the door.

Little Loli Golden Week hugged his thigh with a defiant face.

“What’s wrong, Marianne.” Luo Lin touched the little head of Golden Week.

Little Loli Golden Week still couldn’t say a word of grievance.

The faces of the other little girls in the house, Weiwei, Nami, Keya and others were also not good-looking.

“What happened?” Luo Lin’s face was slightly gloomy.

“Sorry, President, it’s all because of my lack of ability.”

Miss knelt down on one knee with both fingers Pola.

“Robin, it’s up to you.” Rollin looked at Robin.


Robin nodded.

Inform Luo Lin about the trouble they encountered three times and twice during the day yesterday, and the sinking of five ships last night, including the Zhiluo Natural Pill of Golden Week.

When talking about the sinking of his love ship, Zhiluo Natural Pill, the little loli Golden Zhou who was holding Luo Lin’s thigh suddenly deflated.

‘Wow’, crying out aggrieved.

“The forces of the East China Sea have united, Robin, have you found out where they are?” Luo Lin asked in a deep voice, with a cold look on his face.

Goya Kingdom and Windmill Village is the last stop on Rollin’s nostalgic tour of the East China Sea.

Taking Robin and them to the most beautiful kingdom of Goya, Rollin wants to let these little girls who have been floating on the sea for a long time relax and shop.

Who would have thought that the mood was not relaxed.

On the contrary, because of some people’s turmoil, it has become more and more low.

For what the East China Sea upper and underground market is not market, Rollin actually does not care.

For now, he only hopes that these cute little girls who bring him a good mood are also well.

If someone upsets them.

Then someone always has to pay for it.

Rollin has never believed in a gentleman’s revenge, and he has not been bothered by such for ten years.

If he takes revenge, it will naturally be from early to dusk.

After leaving the fishman karate master Kerra to take care of the three of Vivi, Rollin held the little loli Golden Week in one hand, and took Robin and Pola to kill Gaozhen directly.



“Alilk III, one of the great nobles of the Goya Kingdom, he also has another identity, the world arms dealer in the East China Sea, in charge of nearly half of the underground arms business in the East China Sea.”

Along the way, Robin began to tell Rollin in detail about the various information she had found overnight.

“The Alilk family was originally close to decline, but after Alilk III took over the family, his family status rose rapidly with his extraordinary means, and at the same time maintained good relations with nobles and wealthy merchants all over the East China Sea.

Alilk III had eighteen daughters, but none of these eighteen daughters were his own.

Many people say that he is very ‘loving’ and likes to adopt homeless little girls.

Especially those girls who have performed well since childhood.

But it is interesting that the girls who were favored by Alilk III, originally happy families, will be subject to drastic changes in a short period of time, causing them to become orphans.

At this time, Alilk III would appear, adopt them as saviors, give them the best aristocratic education, train them to be the best noble maidens, and finally use them as political marriages to maintain his network. ”

“Yesterday, when we were shopping, we met a girl who escaped from Gaozhen, but when we arrived, the child had been beaten to death, so Weiwei and Keya were…”

Speaking of this, even people like Robin, who are used to seeing life and death, their emotions fluctuate.

Effort between words.

Luo Lin and his group of four walked to the entrance checkpoint of the commoner street and the high town where the nobles were located.

The surrounding nobles of the brightly dressed Goya Kingdom immediately showed disgust when they saw the four Luo Lin people wearing civilian clothes.

And the male nobles among them, after seeing Robin and Pola, have unconcealable greed and covetousness in their eyes.

“Guard, where are the guards?”

“How did that civilian man come up, hurry up and blast him down.”

“The other three can be left for now.”


Several aristocratic youths who were accustomed to arrogance spoke one after another.

Some people even stretched out salty pig hands to the waves.

However, the next moment, a sword light shone.

Blood splattered out.

The right arm of the noble young man who stretched out his salty pig’s hand was separated from his body.

Then came his head with a terrified face, and his bones rolled down the steps.

The entrance to Gaozhen was silent at first.

In the next second, the terrified screams of the women and nobles were accompanied by the friction of the guards’ swords and armor.

However, the chaos lasted only for a moment.

The invisible overlord-colored domineering with Luo Lin as the center, swept in all directions in an instant.

So, the world went quiet.


Several soft sounds in quick succession.

Five more human skulls tumbled down.

It was the head of an aristocratic young man who had previously had a bad heart for Robin and the two, and even Little Loli Golden Week.

To death, still not blind.

“Let’s go”

Luo Lin carried a long knife dripping with blood and took the lead in walking towards the noble high town.

His posture was the same as thirty-six years ago, when he walked into the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

It remains the same.


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