Pirate Kingship

Chapter 376: White Ship Incident: Turning Point of Fate

Byron's eyes and ears are everywhere on the sea, on both sides of the enemy.

When [Eagle Eye] James and his party collided with the White Ship, he had already sensed something unusual.

After all, no one in the entire sea area knows "capsulation" better than him.

"The nightmares in the nightmare triangle seem to be randomly generated with the fear of the living as the anchor point.

The high-level gods of the Deep Dive Church all have the blood of the Bay People, and it is very simple to extract the nightmares in the collective subconscious of the Bay People with the help of the corpses of the old gods.

It is reasonable to encounter the [White Ship] thousands of miles away.

But. You are too good at rubbing salt into people's wounds, aren't you?

Although you can use whatever is useful at this juncture, you should stop everything in moderation and can't always grab our family and pull it hard.

The ship capsized again and again, and every time it happened to be the pot that was taken away. Don't we have any face?"

Just when Byron's mind was racing, a White Ship also quietly appeared next to the [Golden Deer].

A group of members of the royal family of Hastings from hundreds of years ago were on the boat, drinking and being unrestrained, and many of them were drunk.

Most of the sailors on the boat also had red eyes and were drunk, rowing hard to make the [White Ship] faster and faster.

When the two sides were close enough, all the evil spirits on the boat also looked at the people on the [Golden Deer] at the same time.

There was a green bloodthirsty light in their pupils, and the corners of their mouths hung with the same hideous smile.

Although they were just a dream of [Sleeping God Kraken], no matter how many people they found to "die for them", they would not be able to get relief.

But the lethality of these evil spirits would not be discounted at all.

Nor would they have any idea of ​​taking care of Byron, the so-called descendant of the family.


It should have been thrilling, and as long as they lost, they would die. It had even created a "racing mode" with tragic casualties in several other teams, but it did not cause any waves when it came to the Golden Deer.

There was no change in the wind force at sea, and the ship did not open more sails, but strangely, as long as the White Ship went faster, the Golden Deer would automatically speed up.

It was always leisurely and one body length ahead of the White Ship.

Among the pirate officers gathered at the bulwark to watch the excitement, [Chameleon] Jacqueline, who was a little sleepy because she got up too early today, yawned out of boredom.


He scratched his face sleepily, leaned on his "girlfriend" [Navigator] Delia, who had slept with him last night, and wanted to continue sleeping soundly.

This reaction was really sorry for the oars on the opposite ship that were about to smoke, and the sailors who stuck out their tongues for more than ten centimeters.

It was really insulting to the evil spirit!

The hideous smile on Prince William's face gradually turned into astonishment.


The special effect of the [Golden Deer]'s holy relic: see the ship speed up.

"No matter what ship we encounter on the sea, even those rare warships with special figureheads, our speed can be passively faster than the other party.

As long as the other party is a ship, it is absolutely impossible to catch up with you, we are all brothers!"

If we only compare speed, let alone this paddle boat that has long been behind the times, even if all the speedboats in the world are tied together, the [Golden Deer] dares to let them sail with two sails.

He doesn't even need to drift through the drainage channel to pass the bend, he is Akina. The Seven Seas Ship God!

Eight Fingers, Gus, Alfred, and other unscrupulous guys were still leaning on the side of the boat, whistling like hooligans and cheering them on:

"Hurry up, hurry up, haven't you eaten yet?"

"I'm just a little bit away from catching the wake of the Golden Deer.

Come on, if you catch me, I'll let you hehehe."

"Oh my, failed again, you old men who have been in the water for hundreds of years, you are totally useless!

Do you have rheumatism?

I have a red oil hot pot here, one pot will make you feel better, two pots will make you burst, and three pots will make you start the flamethrower to accelerate, which is more powerful than the whirlwind jet Armstrong whirlwind cannon!"

I don't know if they understood their sarcastic words, anyway, the eyes of the evil spirits on the White Ship were getting redder and redder, and the veins on Prince William's forehead were throbbing.

The body was also swelling like a giant, and then in extreme anger, it was angry for a quarter of an hour.



It actually exploded on the spot, and the entire White Ship disappeared without a trace in the sea.

From beginning to end, not even a single shell was fired, and a ship of evil spirits was run to death by this "world's fastest ship".

Byron, holding the steering wheel tightly, shook his head and commented:

"Don't drink when sailing, don't sail when drinking.

There are thousands of routes, safety is the first, and if the ship is not sailed in a standardized manner, the relatives will shed tears."

Then he took another sip of iced rum to calm himself down.

Rum is also called "pirate blood". Anyway, Byron has never seen any Northland Bay people who don't drink.

The Golden Deer was unscathed in the racing mode, but not all ships in the colonial fleet are Golden Deer.

Just like in James' scout fleet.

The [Jackdaw] that can fly and swim in the sky and sea is a horse that is far ahead of others. There is a small sea monster [Ironclad Pistol Shrimp] under the [Ironclad Claw] that is desperately swinging its tail, and its explosive power in a short period of time is also not weak.

But the adventure ship [Absinthe] of [Psychic] Dickens gradually fell behind.


The moment the White Ship passed it, the hull suddenly capsized as if it had happened hundreds of years ago, and the evil spirits on board disappeared into the sea like bubbles.

The second stage "substitution mode" is activated.

The next moment.


[Absinthe] The water near the right side of the ship churned violently, and hundreds of heads that had been soaked in seawater, swollen and rotten suddenly emerged from the water.

"Prince, let me go up!"

"Your Highness, let me go up!"

"Help me"

They scrambled onto the deck like a swarm, climbing onto the ship's planks.

Moreover, each of them looked like a solid cast-iron man, so heavy that the hull of the adventure ship began to roll violently.


The terrified crew members seemed to have returned hundreds of years ago, taking on the perspective of Prince William, and the desperate scene when the small boat he was on was crushed by countless people.

Looking at the surging heads in front of them, everyone was so frightened that their livers and gallbladders split.

The face of the man who fell into the water had all the characteristics of all living beings, but there was no gentlemanly demeanor of humility to others.

The so-called humility is only found in stories that beautify oneself, but never in serious history books.

"Damn it! Soul Grazing!"

[Psychic Medium] Dickens immediately released several third-level supernatural beings that he had herded, desperately trying to drive those evil spirits into the sea again.

But many evil spirits clung to the bottom of the boat, and the boat capsized faster than he could clean it up.

No matter how many evil spirits are driven out, more evil spirits will soon come up.



Many sailors had already fallen into the sea screaming, some were still struggling desperately, and some were hugged by the evil spirits and immediately sank to the bottom of the sea stiffly.

At close range, Dickens finally relied on the ability of [Psychic Medium] to read key information from them, and shouted for help from the friendly ships in front:

"The boat, the white boat is the true body of the evil spirit."

While James and James were protecting themselves, they could not sit back and watch their companions die. [Animal Tamer] Jefferson immediately ordered the sea monster Iron Armored Spear Shrimp to come back for reinforcements.

call out!

Covered in dark blue heavy armor and thirty meters long, the Pistol Shrimp arrived in an instant carrying rolling water.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the [White Ship].

A huge claw suddenly closed, dazzling fire burst out from the water, and a thunderous sound echoed on the sea. A high-speed impact blast mixed with countless bubbles rushed towards the White Ship in an instant.

The instantaneous maximum temperature of this blow even reached 5000°C, instantly heating a large amount of seawater into majestic water vapor.

You must know that even the surface of the sun is only 6000 degrees Celsius. This blow is simply foul.

The [White Ship], which is essentially just a dream, seems to have encountered a nemesis under this instantaneous ultra-high temperature, and is far less defensive than a normal sailing ship.

It was blown up on the spot by the Pistol Shrimp and disappeared into thin air on the sea.

The 300 evil spirits, who were about to overwhelm the Absinthe, roared unwillingly and disappeared on the sea.

The second stage of "substitution mode" was forcibly interrupted by absolute power.

The squadrons in other directions also showed their magical powers, and after paying a certain price, they wiped out many white ships.

Some of them also used the trickiest method to avoid evil spirits - hiding under the quilt.

"Home" is given the effect of a shelter by the Silver Law. If you encounter an ordinary evil spirit that is not too powerful, it will be difficult to detect as long as it hides under the quilt in the bedroom.

The captain of a ship ordered all crew members to cover themselves head to toe with blankets and successfully evaded the pursuit of the White Ship.

This is the triumph of experience and knowledge in the absence of strength.

The black bats that separated one after another continued to collect various information in front of Byron, which also made him sigh:

"Sure enough, none of the adventurers who came to the New World were mediocre. It was an eye-opener."

In addition, he actually knew the third stage of the [White Ship] incident:

“With the death of Crown Prince William, Henry I’s nephew Stephen, who had not boarded the White Ship due to diarrhea, usurped the throne of Hattings.

It shows that it was not a tragic accident, but more likely a political murder by Stephen against Crown Prince William! "

After all, there must be at least a third-level [Storm Admiral] among the prince's [Guardian Knights].

It is simply too far-fetched to think of drowning a transcendent of this class in the sea.

After a later investigation by the royal family, they concluded that what caused everyone's collective madness seemed to be some kind of unique "magic wine" blended with black magic.

Eventually Henry II regained the throne from the usurper Stephen, creating the Plantagenet dynasty that preceded the Lancastrian dynasty.

Therefore, if there had not been the White Ship incident, the throne of Hattings would probably have nothing to do with the Lancaster family.

The incident may have been a nightmare for the royal family and other victims of the White Ship, but it was a fateful turn of events for the Lancastrian family.

"The restored Henry II is my idol. Huh?"

That's when.

It seems that through this crucial turning point in the fate of the Lancaster family and the Kingdom of Hetings, the holy relic corresponding to [Secret: The Root of the Bloody Disaster, Historical Influence 38] has quietly begun to take shape. It seems that It seems vaguely like a very gorgeous new dress?

At the same time, the main fleet of the Pirate King, who had slightly explored the details of the [Nightmare Triangle] and realized that the battlefield had no distinction between front and rear, finally launched a counterattack against the two cult groups.

"Order, release the [Fissure Sealing Plug]!"

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