Pirate Kingship

Chapter 401: Times have changed? No, they haven’t completely changed yet

In this era of great navigation, the colonists of any country are essentially the same.

Although the window period is only six days at the end of the month and the beginning of the month, in addition to the multinational joint colonial fleet, there are many red-eyed adventurers who have already entered the new world.

Especially the Castilians who were originally at odds with the Barbary pirates, because they were worried that they would be robbed by the ruthless pirate king.

Even if they arrived at the bridgehead in advance, most of them did not go to join the [Ocean Throne], but started the free exploration mode.

The strange adventure ship [Thirteen Warriors] and its captain [Predator] Francisco Pizarro are naturally one of them.

He did not go to the whaling grounds to pick up the leftovers of others, but avoided the east coast where the Barbary pirates and the colonial coalition forces of various countries gathered, and went straight to the west coast ruled by the Sun Empire.

The idea is quite simple:

"His Royal Highness Louis, the puppet king, who led the development, and the legendary adventurers who attacked the celestial circulation belt from other directions, were mostly defrauded by the pirate king and missed the window period.

This also caused the Castilians to miss the biggest benefit of the whaling grounds.

We, adventurers with a rank of only level 4 at most, are at the bottom of the first echelon and have no right to compete with the pirate king for territory. It is better to give up whale oil temporarily and seize the land that will never lose money.

Of course, I guess those drunkards in the country are probably not very interested in any revolutionary whale oil technology.

The only things that can make them crazy are gold, silver and spices, or wealth and power."

At present, the main source of wealth of the nobles in the old continent is mostly real estate, which is often called land nobles.

These nobles who like to work in the church, the army and the government feel that running a business or engaging in industry will damage their identity and noble spirit.

Therefore, as long as conditions permit and they can maintain basic decency, they will not engage in such "lowly" industries.

In particular, the nobles of Castile had a proud consensus:

"As long as we have money, let the Kingdom of Hastings produce those fibers as it pleases, let the Netherlands produce coins and striped cloth, let Florence produce cloth and artworks, let the natives of the Bantaan Islands supply beaver skins and vicuna wool, and let the Holy Silver Empire produce linen fabrics and brocade.

This can only make all countries train skilled workers employed by Castile, and we are the kings of the world. The whole world is serving us, but we don’t serve anyone!"

At least their ideas were successful in the first seventy years of the Age of Exploration.

Using a large amount of gold, silver and spices to create the world's most powerful invincible fleet and marines, the invincible force allowed them to further obtain more gold, silver, spices and a rapidly rising international status.

Castilians eat meat with big mouthfuls, while other countries can only follow behind and drink soup in small sips.

At the same time, it also took seventy years to cultivate a huge aristocratic interest group.

Other countries believed that this was a once-in-a-lifetime latecomer advantage and decided to make every effort to overtake the whale oil-powered revolution.

But the existing nobles and extraordinary people in Castile are too strong.

Every year, their treasure fleet will transport a large amount of gold and silver from the Bantaan Islands back to the mainland, but it has little to do with the bottom, and most of it is the food on the plates of the nobles.

Since the upper class still has a large piece of fat meat to eat, there is a natural deviation between the overall national strategy and other forces, and the style of doing things tends to be conservative.

They are more inclined to replicate their previous successes on the west coast, rather than attacking new tracks like latecomers.

Byron, who can see the big picture from the small, witnessed all this with his own eyes, and became more convinced that history is a cycle, and the law of rise and fall remains the same thousands of years ago and thousands of years later.

For example, Mr. [Plunderer] Pizarro, who is ready to show his strength and grab the first governor position of the southern continent.

Although he did not steal the treasures of the Sun Empire, what he did was even worse.

Relying on his unique extraordinary ability, he learned that after the death of the previous king of the Sun Empire, Huayna Capac, a group of princes here were fighting for the throne.

The main competitors were four governors, each ruling one of the four major suyu (regions) in the north, south, east and west of the empire: Chintsuyu, Antisuyu, Coliasuyu and Contisuyu.

Among them, the richest was Prince Atahualpa Capac, who ruled Chintsuyu in the north.

So, [plunderer] Pizarro led his crew and traveled day and night to Cajamarca, a hot spring city in the mountains of Chintsuyu in the north.

Pretending to be an envoy of the Kingdom of Castile, he presented worthless clocks and guns as gifts, invited the other party to visit his camp, and promised that the Kingdom of Castile could help him obtain the throne.

Atahualpa was very hospitable. After accepting the invitation of these white-skinned outsiders, he soon happily went to the appointment with a small number of followers.

When things progressed to this point, the plan was still going very smoothly.

Pizarro had already ambushed a large number of people, ready to use the cup-breaking signal to capture the imperial prince, then defeat the center of the Qinchasuyu, and take away everything in this area in the name of "plunderer"!

At the very least, he would use the hostages to exchange for a room full of gold, and then kill the hostages.

This cruel and greedy colonizer with no sense of contract never thought of cooperating with the other party on an equal footing from the beginning, and did not even treat the natives as human beings.

Unexpectedly, an accident occurred at this time.


Pizarro, who was standing behind the helm, sighed deeply as he looked at the deck in front of him that was missing less than half, and the remaining sailors were all burnt and covered in smoke.

His eyes were empty, and his consciousness returned to about a day ago in a daze.

"Prince, you should believe in the [Creator] and be loyal to His Majesty the Great [Incompetent] Enrique IV of the Kingdom of Castile!"

Just like no matter how evil a villain is, he always finds some excuse before bullying others.

Pizarro also arranged such a good show, in which the accompanying secular priests of the kingdom preached the doctrine of the Creator to the prince Atahualpa Capac, who came to visit with great interest, and asked the other party to surrender.

And without any sincerity, he even called out his own king's less glorious title "Incompetent".

At the same time, secret muskets and artillery were already aimed at the prince and his entourage.

As expected, Atahualpa, who has the bloodline of [Sun God] Inti and is a descendant of God, his face suddenly turned gloomy after listening to the priest's preaching.

When I saw the dark metal pipes in their hands, I felt the naked hostility, and I couldn't help but get angry on the spot:

"If you don't believe it, get out of our country!"

Pizarro was about to order his crew to shoot, letting these natives who had never seen the world know what "the times have changed."

But the next moment, the other party took the lead and let them experience for themselves what it means: "The times have not completely changed."


Led by Prince Atahualpa Capac, all the imperial nobles traveling with him roared in unison and collectively swelled into a flame giant at least three meters tall.

In other words, they are the dependents of [Sun God] Inti, the fourth-level mythical creatures [Son of the Sun] and the third-level [Lava Giant] who practice the taboo book "Sun Scripture"!

They were like little suns burning with orange flames, and their eyes were like molten gold balls. With each breath, the blazing sparks burned holes in the ground.

Especially the fourth-level prince, who was five meters tall after his transformation. With one slap, the second-level missionary standing in front of him, who was wearing the cloak of church mercy but actually committed all kinds of evil, was turned into a black residue.

Someone fired in a panic.

The lead bullets melted into a puddle of lead water as soon as they landed on them, leaving the giants unscathed.

"White-skinned outsiders, you are unwelcome guests in the Empire of the Sun! Destroy them for me!"

The prince and the nobles behind him no longer held back, and immediately launched a counterattack. As soon as they raised their hands, they summoned dozens of exploding fireballs, knocking the colonists off their feet like a salvo from a naval gun.


“God, help—!”

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Although the guns were powerful, the dozens of muskets in the hands of the colonists were not qualified to teach a mythical creature of this level how to behave.

Although times have indeed changed, they have not changed completely.

Even as the tide of source material rises and the Luo Yan Era approaches, there is a trend of reviving the mythical era.

"Monsters, they are all monsters, run!"

If force prevailed, Pizarro might actually be able to hold the governor-prince hostage and blackmail him into a large ransom.

Too bad they didn't.

What I thought was a little rabbit suddenly turned into a big monster.

He could only be chased all the way, running around with his head in his hands, escaping back to the ship as if desperate, and immediately ran towards the sea that those fire elemental creatures did not like.

If [Predator] Pizarro hadn't been a fourth-level Wilderness Sequence [Treasure Hunter], he might have been killed by a wave of counterattacks and wouldn't even be able to escape.

In fact.

In the past few days, not only had the [Beagle] of Hattings stolen the Crown of the Sun, but the [Thirteen Warriors] of Castile had failed to kidnap the prince, and colonists from other countries had also done countless great things.

Most of the bold adventurers made the same mistake, that is, they misestimated the strength of the Sun Empire!

I thought that without the help of the [Silver Law], the Sun Empire, just like the natives of the Bantaan Islands, would not be able to reach the level of the fourth-order mythical creature while maintaining sanity.

When you encounter them, why don't you just rob them as much as you want?

He was arrogantly preparing to conquer this rich indigenous empire just like he conquered the Bantaan Islands, but he didn't expect to be kicked hard.

In just a few days, the entire four Suyu areas of the Sun Empire were in chaos.

A few of them were able to escape by relying on their strength, but most of the adventurers paid a heavy price for their recklessness, and their ashes were carried away by the Sun Goddess on the spot.

Moreover, although the divine nobles of the Sun Empire do not like water and have almost no navigation industry, they have a very powerful air force.

Driving sun chariots, they soared from the city on top of the mountains, crushing the clouds in the sky, and chased after those lawless and despicable outsiders.

When the [Thirteen Warriors] escaped near this volcanic archipelago, it was finally overtaken by five Sun Chariots led by Prince Atahualpa Capac himself.

clang! clang! clang!

The alarm bell rang on the main mast, and the lookout hand, whose hair had been burned off, exclaimed in panic:

"Captain, no luck, the pursuers are catching up."

call out--!

The next moment, a glowing obsidian spear with a flame enchantment fell from the sky, not only instantly piercing his chest, but also leaving a charred hole running through from front to back.

Even the mast of the main mast under him was blown to pieces on the spot.

Then, one after another sharp obsidian spears fell from the sky, nailing the crew members to death on the deck.

Five sun chariots had already arrived above their heads, launching a slaughter from a high position.

Screams and a burning smell instantly filled the entire strange adventure ship.

"Hiss! So miserable."

Faced with this air-to-ground dimensionality reduction attack, [Hawkeye] James and his party, who were watching the battle on the island next to them, all subconsciously crawled on the ground, not daring to stretch their heads out at all.

Byron, whose vision descended here, also saw for the first time with his own eyes the extraordinary people of the Sun Empire that even the false gods feared.

I feel that I should perhaps re-evaluate and examine my attitude towards this indigenous empire in the future.

"I have experimented before, and [Huashan Heavenly Kingdom] also reacts to their souls, which shows that the three indigenous empires have the same origin.

Perhaps this is an opportunity that can be used. [Golden Deer] is coming soon, let's wait and see."

Although Pizarro is a despicable person with no bottom line, he couldn't help but tear his eyes when he saw his crew members die tragically one by one.

"Damn it! [One-third times slowdown pocket watch] is coming!"

Raising his hand, a golden treasure chest appeared out of thin air beside him, and a handsome boy with short golden hair flew out of it.

A circle of golden rings surrounded him, and there were twelve illusory scales and three pointers.

Flew towards the obsidian spears flying overhead.

Pointing to the sky, the scales on his body retreated one grid, and the speed of those flying spears immediately dropped sharply, becoming only one-third of the original.

With the power greatly reduced, the sailors on the ship finally managed to dodge in a panic.

"Diamond Star, Clockwork Hornbill!"

Pizarro shouted again, and two more treasure chests emerged, and two tall "girls" jumped out.

One was made of colored diamonds, and the other held a golden scimitar like a bird's beak.

They not only smashed all the obsidian spears that had slowed down, but also rushed into the sky and pounced on the sun chariots.

Pizarro's job was a fourth-level heroic [Treasure Hunter] in the wilderness sequence.

The fourth-level professional ability was [Revitalize Treasure Chest]:

"Use this ability on the treasures you hunt, and you can permanently activate them into treasure elves. The higher the value of the treasure, the greater the historical influence, and the stronger the treasure elves will be after activation.

Hunters can also share the power of the elves. The more treasures they hunt, the stronger the hunters will be."

There are thirteen of the strongest treasure elves under Pizarro, and his adventure ship [Thirteen Warriors] is named after this.

[One-third times slower pocket watch] is a pocket watch, [Diamond Star] is a priceless colored diamond, and [Clockwork Hornbill] is an antique clockwork toy that has survived from the mythological era.

They are not only treasure elves, but also Pizarro's fourth-level hero guards!

"Clockwork Hornbill, shoot them down for me."

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