Pirate Kingship

Chapter 402: All natives are brothers, Taino people do not cheat Quechua people

The [Clockwork Hornbill] with a pair of golden wings on its back responded to the order, and a wave of waves spread out on the tip of its wings, instantly covering the entire airspace, and also covering all five sun chariots.

No-fly zone!

In the zone, only it can retain the ability to fly, and for others: "Flying is prohibited here."

Prince Atahualpa stood in the most gorgeous sun chariot, holding an obsidian spear, and sneered at this response method that was expected long ago:

"In this paradise of beasts, there is a taboo rule that even grotesques and evil spirits must abide by. The blood moon is the ruler of the night, and the sun is the ruler of the day.

And at this moment, [Sun God] Inti and his descendants are the masters of this sky!"

Since the Sun Empire has formed an elite air force, it is certainly impossible to be easily defeated because of a common no-fly effect.

You can ban it, but you must be better than me.

He pulled off a golden [Sun Amulet] hanging from his neck and raised it above his head, and a majestic aura as brilliant and domineering as the sun in the clear sky suddenly descended.

Even the real sun above his head seemed to be brighter.


There was a bang in the air, and the restricted airspace was instantly torn apart. The elf girl transformed by [Clockwork Hornbill] was struck by lightning.

Not only did she fall towards the adventure ship involuntarily, but her figure also became more illusory.

Apparently, she had been banned from flying in the opposite direction.

The [Diamond Star] beside him was originally preparing to take advantage of the opportunity when the opponent was banned from flying and fell to perform a set of combos, but now he could only turn around to rescue his companions.

Waving his fists that looked small but as hard and heavy as iron mountains, he blocked the obsidian spears shot at them one after another.

As a result, loud thunder-like noises continued to be heard in the clear sky.

After the two elves reentered the "one-third speed bump", they regrouped somewhat awkwardly, and each turned over nimbly and landed on a thick mast.

Above their heads, the attack from the descendants of the sun god was already following.

Although [Treasure Hunter] Pizarro had many treasures, Prince Atahualpa had even more treasures.

It is no exaggeration to say that if we only talk about various gold and jewelry, no country in the world can be compared with the Sun Empire.

The holy lake that [The Beagle] mistakenly entered a few days ago is called Lake Titicaca, also known as the Golden Lake.

Every new king of the empire must hold a succession ceremony at this holy lake when he is crowned.

The people of the Sun Empire believe that gold is the color of [Sun God] Inti. At that time, the new king will be covered with gold powder all over his body and board a huge ship full of gold ornaments to sail to the center of the lake.

After reaching the center of the lake, the king will chant a spell while pushing all the gold on the ship into the lake.

This is a ceremony to worship the sun god Inti, praying for the gods to bless the king's health and the country's prosperity.

The annual big and small sacrifices follow a similar process, but the number of sacrifices is different.

The Sun Empire was founded for nearly 1,400 years and has experienced 14 generations of kings. Over time, the bottom of Lake Titicaca has long been filled with countless gold and jewelry.

The information obtained by [Beagle] divination, the sun crown and infinite gold are related from this.

This is only the part used for sacrifice. The treasures in the hands of the royal family are countless, and the number of various golden relics alone is enough to make people astonished.

The prince put down the sun amulet and raised a golden camel-headed knife. There was a lifelike sheep's head at the end of the handle, and a ruby ​​in the mouth.

There are also three gems inlaid on the blade, one red, one green, and one white.

As soon as the camel-headed knife was unsheathed, a burning breath came to the face, making everyone nearby unable to help but dry their mouths and sweat like rain.

Even the crowd watching on the nearby island felt extremely anxious.

Especially Mr. No, who had conceptually turned into an invisible cloak and protected the island, was even more red-faced and smoking:

"No, no, no, it's burning, it's burning, my clothes are afraid of fire, I'm going to burn.

Put out the fire!"

The sailors nearby immediately took out the water bag and continued to pour water on his head, and during this time, he made a "sizzling" sound like a branding iron.

The white mist rose up, and they suspected that even if the invisible cloak failed at this time, others would not be able to see them in the "fairyland".

The next moment, the golden flames flowed on the narrow blade of the golden camel-headed knife, and a blazing blue-white fireball appeared above the prince's head.

The tall and muscular Atahualpa, the "Son of the Sun", looked like a god from the sun against the backdrop of the meteor shower.

He looked down at Pizarro, whose face was getting uglier and uglier, and replied to him:

"The great [Sun God] Inti is in charge of light, heat, harvest and civilization. Foreign evil guests, do you want to believe in light?

If you convert to my god and believe in light from now on, I can leave you a whole body."


The colonists never thought that this "sword and cross go together" that was always successful would one day turn into a boomerang and hit their heads.

However, his words have an indescribable rationality.

Others treat you with your standards, which can be called reasonable, well-founded and appropriate, and no one can find fault with it.

Compared with the robbers in the old world, the Sun Empire is already a model of civilization.

However, these Castilians certainly cannot believe in light.

In their cognition, when I am strong, I am universal value, and when I am weak, I am:

"Counterattack! Fire!"

The marines on the ship raised their guns and fired at the sky in vain.

[Predator] Pizarro yelled again:

"[Agate Jellyfish] is coming!"

A female treasure elf with a jellyfish umbrella on her head appeared beside him, opening a huge torrent of water like an umbrella to cover the entire warship.

Then, a blazing meteor shower fell from the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Fire flashed between heaven and earth, white mist rose up, and the sea water seemed to be boiling.

Pizarro, the fourth-level [Treasure Hunter], was not in vain. His whole body burst into aura and fully supported the agate jellyfish, bouncing fireballs to all directions.

Suddenly, a fireball was bounced off by the water curtain and happened to fall on the edge of the island.

"No, no, no! I'm on fire, I'm on fire, help me."

[Mr. No] Louis' body instantly caught fire and he rolled on the ground in pain. The people around him quickly poured water and covered him with soil to put out the fire.

Captain Charles Robert stepped on him in a hurry.

[Mr. No] screamed more and more miserably, and he didn't know whether he was burned or stepped on.

At this time, it seemed that there was a flaw in the invisibility cloak. Atahualpa on the sun chariot above his head seemed to sense something and turned his head to look over.

A sailor immediately exclaimed:

"Captain, look, the sun crown is shining."

Byron found that the golden crown that had been hanging on the waist of naturalist Charles Robert was indeed shining.

It was obvious that he had sensed the existence of his own descendants of the gods and was responding to it.

Byron could no longer care about anything else, and hurriedly shouted through James' body:

"Captain Charles, give me the [Sun Crown], I will take care of it."

The latter also knew that now was not the time to be long-winded, and saving his life was the most important thing, so he handed it to Byron after a slight hesitation.


Byron immediately snapped his fingers.

Maid Shirley stepped out with the light of the tinderbox, bowed to him, took the crown with both hands and immediately disappeared without a trace in the material world.

The [Sun Crown] has been brought to the online virtual trading platform.

Bulk goods are not enough, and the online financial street does not support this business for the time being, but small packages are no problem at all.

Even the edge of the world can be free shipping, let alone just overseas?

If it falls into the hands of his sister Catherine stationed in the financial street, even if the pursuers of the Sun Empire kill all of them on the spot, they can't take the things back.

Everyone saw that the prince turned his head back with some doubts, and then they quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

But unexpectedly, one wave has not yet subsided, another wave has risen.

Suddenly, dark clouds gathered overhead, and rolling thunder and howling winds rushed in from all directions.


In a flash, a heavy rain that is common in tropical seas poured down.

Although the five sun chariots were not extinguished by the heavy rain, their strength was obviously greatly reduced as the scorching sun above their heads was blocked.

The big fire birds pulling the chariots also shook their feathers uneasily, obviously not liking this rainy weather very much.

"Hahaha, the Creator is looking after us!"

On the other hand, Pizarro and a group of colonists were full of joy after surviving the disaster, but the joy turned into resentment and hideousness.

"Gem Starfish, Iris Perfume Bottle, Tortoise Shell Jewelry Box, all come out to me!"

Pizarro summoned all the water-attributed treasure elves in his hand in one breath.

Cooperating with the agate jellyfish, countless high-pressure water arrows were shot at the five sun chariots.

Swish, swish, swish

A chariot closest to the adventure ship was unable to dodge and was shot down on the spot and fell into the sea.

Prince Atahualpa only had time to save his fellow tribesmen, but the golden chariot was unfortunately lost.

The original overwhelming advantage suddenly became a balance because of a heavy rain. Just as he was hesitating whether to retreat, his eyes seemed to be shaken by something.

Turning his head, he unexpectedly found that there was a "sun" rising in the depths of the storm, and he couldn't help but squint his eyes slightly:

"No, it's not the sun, it seems to be a sailboat made of pure gold.

The appearance of this ship is very similar to those white-skinned outsiders.

But why is there a bronze-skinned Quechua standing on the bow? No, it's more likely to be the Taino people from the northern Bantaan Islands mentioned by the outsiders."

Seeing this strange combination, the prince, who didn't know why, became more hesitant.

Then, he saw that the ship actually rushed directly towards the [Thirteen Warriors], opening the gun ports from a distance and making an attacking gesture.

"My reinforcements? How is that possible?"

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The person coming was obviously Byron and his [Golden Deer].

Holding a brass telescope, he looked at the two parties fighting in front of him.

One was the maritime hegemony of the Kingdom of Castile, and the other was the most powerful Sun Empire in the Beast Paradise.

One was a "family" from the Old World, and the other was a foreign native prince from the New World.

Question: Which one to fight?

Is there any need to ask? Of course, the Castilians should be fought first!

Byron transformed into an indigenous form on the spot (Chapter 343), put on the vest of [Lord of Heaven] and the Emperor of the Holy Golden Empire, and waved his hand to the crew:

"The Taino people don't lie to the Quechua people. We are here to help our indigenous brothers overseas.

Face the wind, take the T-sign, and sink those damned colonists of the Kingdom of Castile who do all kinds of evil! "

At this moment, Mr. Saint Byron, the "offshore balancer", once again attacked in the form of a Schrodinger-like colonist, switching freely between the governor of the colony of the Kingdom of Hastings and the emperor of the Holy Golden Empire.

Anyway, he will always be the "own man" of the victor.

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