Pirate Kingship

Chapter 558 Harem Alice, I Kill Myself

This biography of Byron begins with the following record:

"The countries around the North Sea facing the 'Third Ring Road' will not only not be reunited, but are destined to become the first powder keg that will cause the continental order to collapse and the countries to fall into a full-scale war.

The Old God Church from the Eastern Continent has sharpened its knives and is about to present a long-prepared gift to the Old Continent.

It is the focus of the dispute between Protestantism and Orthodoxy, and it is also a treasure that some people have been striving for, but the way it appears will be beyond the expectations of all the people in the Old Continent."

The treasure described in the previous text is obviously the [Noah's Ark] that has already appeared.

At this time, those high-sequence extraordinary people who chased the mythical warship may have personally witnessed the unexpected way the Ark was opened.

And there is a high probability that they have fallen into the monster hatchery that was polluted by the [Mother of Monsters] and the ecosystem was in chaos.

In this "story" written by the "traitor" himself, the second half has once again become established history.

But the following passages were automatically scribbled by the history book:

"Yes, all the countries around the North Sea will fall under the endless beast tide, and then the entire old continent.

This young king who was caught up in the torrent of the times could not stand alone. His power as a king and a pseudo-god was as small as a stone in the coming era.

He might struggle hard, but he could not change his tragic fate.

In the end, he could only be like his ancestors, like a meteor across the night sky, brilliant but short-lived.

History should be like this."

Soon the ink was smudged into a blurry black.

It means that Byron, a small supporting role who originally grew up in a country on the edge of the continent, has already deviated from the trajectory of fate written by him.

Instead, the history written by the history books themselves:

"The power of Saint Byron, the King of the Wild Hunt, is indeed limited, but he can unite the power of the majority of people, the same world, the same dream, and the same goal.

The offensive of the coalition forces of the Old God Church was indeed fierce, but Saint Byron was ordered to unite the five countries of the Bay People and re-establish the North Sea Empire, which had once been short-lived in history.

Compared to the last raid launched by the Abaddon Esoteric Devil Lord Lorina in collusion with the White Rose York Family, this one-on-six battle is the real battle for the establishment of a country!

Whether the war can be won, whether the wrong history can be corrected, and whether the evil historical tamperers can be eliminated, will also determine whether his identity as the 'Messiah' can be justified."

Obviously, this "Silver Continent History", which is extremely close to the end of the era and extremely close to the zero-level holy relic, is also very eager to kill its owner, just like this world.

The "traitor" didn't care about the book's naked hostility:

"Want to kill me? There's still an era left."

Then he quickly wrote:

"[King of the Wild Hunt] Saint Byron once again stood at the crossroads of fate.

But fate doesn't always favor him, this time the goddess of doom will lift her skirt to him.

[Baron Saturday] is the god of the crossroads, and he has long been murderous to the King of the Wild Hunt who has the ability to restrain himself; [Mother Nature] equally hates every technological development that exceeds animal power and stone tool making The creatures of the stage;

[Abyss Nightmare] had a mortal enemy with him in the colonial war of the southern continent and wanted revenge at all times;

[Chaos Beasts] realized that this was the biggest obstacle to their colonization of the North Sea Empire and had prepared a special surprise for him.

They will work together to end the fate of [King of the Wild Hunt], even if it means sacrificing themselves.

History should be like this. "

Although the length of this rewrite is not long, when the last character falls, the long river of fate above the head of "Human Traitor" is almost about to boil.

It's just because in this "story", the status of the supporting characters is too high, and the protagonist is entrusted with the thoughts and wishes of tens of millions of people from the five countries of the Bay People, and the impact is too great.

Once the correction power breaks out, it will definitely be a huge disaster for him.

But "Human Traitor" is not afraid.

In fact, he did not enter the battlefield in person from beginning to end, but came to the Iris Kingdom adjacent to the North Sea.

Turning his head to look out the window, outside is the royal garden palace complex "Danfeng Bailu Palace" of the Iris Kingdom and the bustling central street of the capital.

"Human traitors" have committed many evil deeds in history, but they have long found a way to avoid disasters.

When they suffer the backlash of the fate correction force, they hide in densely populated and prosperous places.

In these places, the elderly, women, children and other humans will become his shields.

It is best to obtain a position in the corresponding system. The higher the position, the better the effect of using others to block the gun.

If the collective subconscious of mankind and the world want to kill him, they must cut off a large piece of their own flesh, and they may even stab themselves to death with a knife.

This is the main reason why he hid in the Holy City, the Renaissance Center Florence, and now in the Iris Capital.

It is to kidnap humans by using the identity of humans to make the fate correction force afraid to act rashly!

The "traitor" looked at the boiling fluctuations of fate and smiled contemptuously:

"What can you do to me? Come and kill me! Hahahaha"

At this time, the defense line of the colonial fleet on the battlefield had collapsed by more than half.

The fewer the number of enemy combat units, the better the effect of [King's Army], and the momentum of victory has been difficult to contain.

[Flying Beastman] swung its tentacles and decisively shook off the biological warships and degraded sea monsters that were in the way.

After the fleet received the bonus of the war song "Katyusha", under the increasingly fierce artillery fire in the Patriotic War mode, he charged alone and took the initiative to kill the [Golden Deer].

A dense crowd of monster crew members rushed out of the deck.

The main body is a combination of coelenterates and various marine creatures. The ends of the limbs have ring-shaped teeth or claws, but no two look exactly the same, and they also have various useless hyperplastic tissues.

Referring to the "carbon-based bomber" and "carbon-based drone", this is probably also some kind of mass-produced biological weapon.

Violet, the legendary mechanic, saw them in her eyes and could not tolerate this biochemical technology with an absurdly large "tolerance".

Occam's razor theory: "Don't increase entities unless necessary."

Whether it is science or mysticism, it should be simple. Simplicity is beauty and truly touches the essence of the world, just like E=mc.

"I seem to know why those old gods and their followers who have converted to the deep sea and chaos are all in such a messy style.

This is the background color of the Sea of ​​​​Source.

Those who want to turn the whole world into heretics like them should die!"

At the same time, the tentacles of [Flying Beast Man] that are tens of meters long stirred up large whirlpools in the sea water, sweeping towards them.

Now the coalition forces of the Old God Church have penetrated deep into the territorial waters of the North Sea Empire, and they must capture the [King of the Wild Hunt] as the core of the law before the fleet and the divine domain [Chaos Beast Tide] completely collapse.


Byron sneered:

"I am not the one who is anxious, who will fight you alone?

[Golden Deer] retreated 500 meters and continued to fly the kite!"

The large fleet left behind the colonial fleet that was about to collapse and the results of the battle that were about to be obtained, and retreated again.

Then, including the quasi-legendary warships [Blue Dragon King], [Royal Oak], and [Centaur], each led their own fleets to adjust the firing range and started bombarding the [Flying Beast Man].

Especially Byron, who merged with the [Golden Deer] and transformed into a great warship saint, used the sword technique that fell from the sky and quickly cut off most of the tentacles of the opposite legendary warship.

The blood under the biological warship was about to dye the sea red, and even the mortal soldiers could see that the legendary warship was dying.

[Chaos Beast Group] was angry and said to the pseudo-god around him:

"Everyone, let's raid together, don't worry about others, and work together to kill the King of the Wild Hunt first!"

The black cloak on his body expanded and shrank, and he swallowed the legendary warship that was about to be killed under him back into his body.

The momentum on his body increased, and the black and red dirty divine aura behind his head was almost thick enough to drip blood.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

[Chaos Beasts], [Primitive Core], [Mother Nature], [White Moth Princess], [Black Swan Princess], [Heart-Flayer], [Baron Saturday], [Abyss Nightmare], a total of eight false gods, carried a vast divine light, transformed into eight long rainbows that passed through the sky and smashed into the Golden Deer.

They were hit by a lot of shells on the ship, and their condition declined, but the loss was not too great.

They were really anxious at this point in the war.

The strength of the defenders was far beyond their expectations. The originally majestic colonial fleet was peeled off layer by layer by the defenders like an onion, and their underwear was about to be exposed.

If they could not take the Faroe Islands here, the anchor chains of the old gods they had arranged in advance would all be useless. Not only would they not be able to wait for the perfect opportunity for the Tow Bay Citizen to go into the water, they would also be surrounded by the large fleet and besieged by more fourth-level and third-level people.

It was almost inevitable that someone would fall.

And if we lose this opportunity, once Byron perfectly integrates the power of the North Sea Empire, it will be a long time before we can achieve our goal.

"Meet the enemy!"

Led by Byron, [Queen of War] Violet; [Our Lady of Breeding] Therese; two archbishops [Deacon of Twilight] Lockhart, [Sister of Mercy] Theresa;

Three kingdom guardians [Lord of the Nest] Hawkins, [J of Spades] Hoggle, [Boneless] Ivana jointly attacked, intercepted them halfway and dropped them to the sea surface together.

Byron was reluctant to use the [Golden Deer] as a battlefield in exchange for a slight home advantage. In this situation, delaying time can also kill the opponent.

Violet regained her human form and took the lead.

The illusory huge [Gate of Truth] appeared behind her, and she snapped her fingers:

"The position is refined!"


The nature of the sea water under her feet was reshaped, and hundreds of translucent water-quality gun barrels poked out from the waves.

The electric light crackled, energy was injected, water was electrolyzed, and hydrogen and oxygen were continuously compressed.

Suddenly, the fire flashed, and a series of thunderous noises echoed in the deep sea.

With the title special effect [Art is Explosion] that can turn any substance into explosives, a certain trace isotope in the seawater was extracted as a shrapnel, and hundreds of bright shells exploded in the pseudo-god team.

The bursting shock wave spread rapidly with a white ring of air, and countless snow-white water splashed into the sky.

After Violet was promoted to the fifth level, she obviously had to continue to sit on the top spot in terms of attack power for a long time. Moreover, there was not only whale oil in the sea, but also deuterium and tritium. The future was promising!

The pseudo-god did not dare to face this powerful artillery attack whose principle was not understood head-on, and hurriedly scattered to avoid it. The formation they had originally arranged had to be split again.

The human side redistributed the opponent according to the battle plan prepared in advance.

Byron held the translucent two-meter-long sword [Dragon Slayer] and took the initiative to meet the strongest [Chaos Beasts], who no one could resist except him;

Violet fired hundreds of cannons and focused on besieging [Baron Saturday] who was particularly afraid of positive energy.

[Deacon of Twilight] Lockhart and [Sister of Mercy] Theresa, two archbishops with firm faith, took on two Mothman princesses who were good at illusion;

[Our Lady of Breeding] Therese held the illusory baby and attacked [Mother of Nature] who was on a similar path; as a knight with an iron will, [Lord of the Nest] Hawkins killed [Heart Flayer];

The experienced [Spade Jack] Hoggle faced [Original Core], and he didn't ask him to kill the enemy, as long as he could hold the opponent back, he would win;

[Boneless] Ivana, who had the weakest frontal combat power, took the initiative to meet the traitor [Abyss Nightmare] Dagon, and the two hid in the corner and started a fake fight.

The breakthrough point in the battle plan was not in Byron, but in them.

[Boneless] covered the entire battlefield, ready to work with Dagon to kill one of them.

Then let the Duke of Prussia, the former Grand Master of the Holy Mother Knights [Holy Shield] Albrecht, who was not planned, launch a blitz to kill another one.

Then they can use their absolute superiority to kill all the way and end this war completely.


Byron took a step forward and slashed at the Chaos Beasts.

The sharp sword light instantly tore the cloak that the false god had been wearing, and then was blocked by a red crab claw.

But it also allowed Byron to see the true body under the cloak.

Only the head vaguely looked a little human, the beard on the chin was replaced by eight octopus tentacles, and there was a barnacle on the cheek.

The eyeball in one eye socket was like a parasite with its own consciousness, turning to the inside of the skull from time to time. I don’t know what is there to appreciate in the other party’s brain.

The main body of the torso looks like a deformed crab shell, but it is hollowed out by various marine creatures.

It is a complex seafloor community composed of eels, sea snakes, jellyfish, octopus, anemones, clownfish, etc.

The lower body is a hodgepodge that is hard to describe. None of the hundreds of limbs that are twisted into a ball are the same. The parts higher up the food chain are still leisurely preying on the parts lower down the food chain.

There is also a petal-shaped abyss mouth between the waist and abdomen.

[Chaos Beast] used the hardest crab claws in the body to block Byron's sword, and the body immediately expanded rapidly to fully reveal its mythical form.

Countless mouths all over the body shot out like bullets, biting at Byron's body together.

Byron's body flashed with lightning, and he was also transformed into an energy elemental body: Storm Spirit.

His whole body was transparent and emitted light blue lightning, his eyes were as bright as two morning stars, and his hair ignored gravity and fluttered upward like seaweed in the water.


[Electromagnetic slingshot] activated, his feet paused, and the air explosion ring exploded.

Stepping on the ubiquitous magnetic field string in the air, he suddenly ejected, and the sword in his hand turned, and all the flesh and blood limbs blocking him were cut into pieces.

In just a moment, he flashed to a sea mile away.

He tilted his head to the chaotic beasts and said seriously:

"I have said it before, I am faster than seven sea miles away, and I am still faster than seven sea miles!

By the way, have you been kicked in the head by the speed of light?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, the electromagnetic field around Byron was distorted, and the whole person suddenly stretched out, dragging a long light tail, and was fired like an electromagnetic cannon.

Moreover, the coil accelerated for as long as one sea mile, and continued to accelerate while flying.

The white rain curtain in the sky was hit into snow-white water mist.

Of course, in fact, any object with mass cannot be accelerated to the speed of light, and Byron is purely scaring people.

But through a series of linear accelerations, reaching Mach 4 or 5 is still a piece of cake.

White gas explosions exploded around him, and his big feet, dazzling with lightning, suddenly turned into Thor's axe and chopped down fiercely.

Boom--! ! !

With a thunderous explosion, the octopus head of the Chaos Beast Group exploded into charred ash on the spot, and disappeared in an instant with the strong wind on the sea.

However, it was never just his head that dominated the body of the Chaos Beast Group, but the "will of the group", just like a miniature version of the collective subconscious.

The venomous snake head that could jump up and bite people after being beheaded was just a younger brother compared to Him.

Seeing Him completely revealing the mythical form, he swelled in the sea water into a giant sea monster with a huge abyss mouth as the center, and infinite suction came from the huge mouth.

Seawater, marine life, broken wooden boards, sea monster corpses, and even the dark clouds in the sky were all torn off by force.

The huge suction force also fell on Byron, trying to pull him into the mouth that looked like a sawtooth channel.

Without hesitation, Byron waved his hand and shot Gungnir down.

"Long! Long! Long!"

He activated the power of [Transformation], and made the holy spear expand like blowing air.

Originally, the mouth was only "the anus and the mouth are the same", but now it is connected from front to back, instantly achieving the "great evolution" in the history of biology.

But even though they couldn't help but wail in pain, the Chaos Beasts didn't relax.

Instead, they increased the suction force and rolled up countless strange limbs to grab Byron fiercely.

These stingers and claws all had a slight pink tint.

It is the Alice virus that is transmitted through contact, but it is a special version.

If it is used against an ordinary fifth-level legend whose body is still a mortal, one original virus is completely sufficient.

This thing originally comes from the demigod body of the [Mother of Monsters] who soaks in the source sea. The level of mysticism is extremely high. Once infected, there is almost no possibility of immunity.

But it is still too slow to take effect on mythical creatures or gods.

[Chaos Beasts] inject divine aura into the Alice virus, and the divine domain [Chaos Lair], which symbolizes the group, gives it an additional bonus and adds the characteristics of "group".

Thanks to this, the improved [Alice virus] will continue to divide in the host like cancer cells, giving birth to one, two, three, or even hundreds of Alices.

And they will compete for favor with each other, are extremely jealous, and will not allow the host to fall in love with someone else.

There is no need to wait for the "perfect lover" Alice to serve the host's food and clothing and make him fat, the host will be carved up by countless Alices with hatchets.

So it can also be called [Alice Virus (Harem Version)]!

"Your Majesty, your fate is fluctuating abnormally, be careful."

Byron's ears suddenly rang with the warning from [Boneless] Ivana.

At the same time, the nearby [Mother of Nature] and [Baron Saturday] seemed to be fighting against Therese and Violet's killing moves, and attacked Byron together.

The former turned into a fat banyan tree with a big belly, and sent a green [Entanglement Field] towards Byron, and was hit by Therese's [Breeding] power. The whole body could not help but grow aerial roots, and developed into countless small banyan trees.

Their own power declined rapidly.

The latter is the god of the crossroads, who controls the boundary between life and death. He activated his authority and stood on his own divine domain [Crossroads], and pushed Byron from behind, pushing him to the end of death.

But Violet took the opportunity to blow up half of his life, and his bones were broken all over the ground.

The power of the three combined to poison Byron.

He split himself into his own harem, and then the "beloved concubines" fell into the abyss together and became part of the chaotic beast group.

Byron's thinking speed in the storm spirit state was as fast as lightning.

He knew that this was a killer trap launched by the "traitor".

He was mentally prepared after being reminded by Ivana before the war.

According to the mystical rules of the Way of Destiny, the more force you give to destiny, the more correction force destiny will give you.

If you want to use this to counter the opponent, the timing is very important.

Moreover, the backlash of being hit is stronger than that of not being hit.

Byron did not hesitate to activate the unity of all things, communicated with the [Ten Thousand Winged Angel], and then met one of the claws as if he really had no choice.

The last time Lockhart summoned the [Ten Thousand Winged Angel] to descend.

The status comparable to the original creator made [the person whose name cannot be mentioned] unable to see his name, and could not modify history through this important supporting role in the vortex.

Although Byron's name has been exposed, it is just a status, which is enough to resist the opponent's interference in destiny.

At the moment of brushing against the claws, he resisted fate and let a trace of [Alice Virus (Harem Version)] fall into the Styx River that opened in advance.

The next moment.

Byron did not split Alice, but the body of the "traitor" far away outside the Danfengbailu Palace in the Iris Kingdom was shocked.

A thunderbolt suddenly hit his ears, and his brain suddenly went blank.

I don't know how long it took, but when he came to his senses, he found that he was fine.

There were no meteorites, floods, earthquakes, hail, or any natural disasters in the outside world.

When he was wondering, he suddenly found that his left hand suddenly moved, picked up the feather pen that fell on the table, and opened a new biography of the god on the next page of Byron:

"The person whose name cannot be mentioned; the first poet and writer in the sequence of the hall; the lonely soul wandering in history; the tamperer of human civilization;

The poor guy who pursues fatherly love but can't find his father anywhere; Moqiu."


The right hand grabbed the left hand and stopped it from writing.

The "human traitor" could no longer maintain his original calmness and looked at the mirror next to him in horror.

In the mirror appeared a young man wearing a white shirt, gold-rimmed glasses on his nose, and full of scholarly temperament.

But at this moment, his right face was full of fear, while his left face was smiling happily:

"Hello, my 'human side'.

Although we are the most familiar with each other, it is really novel to meet in this way for the first time.

As your 'divine side', I sincerely hope that you can be a good person.

However, since you have done too many evil things, let me give you a just punishment and kill you with my own hands!"

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