Pirate Kingship

Chapter 559 Hell Unfolds, Go and Return

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!

I am a fifth-order legend and a fifth-order pseudo-god. I have long anchored the immortal ladder. How could my divine face crack? And it split from the soul and generated independent consciousness?

What on earth are you? Get out of my body quickly!"

The completely different expressions and reactions on the left and right faces of the young man in the mirror are funny, but also particularly evil and terrifying.

Although [the person whose name cannot be mentioned] has always been unwilling to accept reality, the fact is just as the "divine face" said.

Different from the meteors, earthquakes, hail, and floods thrown by the correction force in the past, this time the counterattack launched by the world and Byron - "man-made disasters" has achieved unprecedented results.

"Man-made traitors" have done too many evil things, and the number of innocent people killed in history may be as high as hundreds of millions. This time, new and old accounts will be settled together.

In addition, the Creator keeps cracking, and the "group" characteristics of [Alice Virus (Harem Version)] are superimposed.

Even with the Iris King as a shield, it is obviously worse than the last time when the Devil Lord Lorena was attacked by the [Ten Thousand Wings Angel] and split on the spot.

Lorena only lost some power and authority after her body split, but the latter was a more essential spiritual split, and a new independent personality was born in the body.

It is still about anchoring and authority, the crucial "divine side".

What's more tragic is that this new personality who calls himself "divine side" has a strong sense of justice and wants to kill his "human side" at any time.

Usually, a professional term is used to describe this state - suicide.

Isn't it suicide if I kill myself?

But the "human side" doesn't want to die at all.

Another professional name is used to describe this state - being committed suicide.

The "human traitor" who has traveled through the long river of history and played with the fate of countless people finally experienced the suffocating feeling of being surrounded by enemies this time.

Even in the last side, the body is full of enemies "inside".

The "killer" follows him everywhere, leaving no place to hide or escape. Just thinking about it makes people despair.

His mockery of fate just now: "What can you do to me? Come and kill me! Hahahaha" is still ringing in his ears, and in a blink of an eye, it has completely overturned. The right face of the "traitor" can't help but turn blue and gray.

"That's right!"

He suddenly remembered something and immediately turned back to the page with Byron's biography.

Sure enough, the content he just wrote has been graffitied and disappeared again.

Turning forward again, it turns to the night of Kalmar's military remonstration.

"*** rushed into the battlefield and killed Archbishop Pound Elliot of Roskilde, who was besieged and died on the spot.

At this point, the top leaders of the church faction were all wiped out.

The reformists won the final victory of the coup!"

His eyes were fixed on the graffiti where the name was not even displayed.

For many years, even if the characters in the history books held a zero-level holy relic with a status equivalent to that of a demigod, this situation has never occurred.

This is not because the "History of the Silver Continent" is broken, but because that person has a higher status than a demigod.

Combined with this inexplicable strong backlash, a strong premonition surged into my heart.

This time, the right and left corners of the lips moved at the same time and groaned:

"Maybe Saint Byron, the King of the Wild Hunt, is really the Holy Spirit of the Trinity!"

Then, the eyes of the right eye flickered, hatred, hope, fear, recollection, and all kinds of complex emotions emerged in the pupils one by one.

Few people in the Silver Continent knew of his existence, no one knew why he was a traitor, and no one knew what his obsession with becoming a legend was.

But just now, his divine side revealed it in one sentence: "A poor guy who pursues his father's love but can't find his father anywhere."

Of course, he is not an ancient god who has lived for an era, but just an alternative inheritor of the ancient Silver Empire's pantheon.

To be more precise, he is not chasing his father, but the Father God and the God King!

But in the three major pantheons that were born in the mythological era: the Jupiter pantheon of the Ancient Silver Empire, the Wild Hunt pantheon of the Bay People, and the Holy Father Pantheon of Remit.

Why is there only the [Creator] Church that evolved from the [Holy Father] pantheon now, where did the other two go?

"Renjian" has searched the Silver Continent for years, and has also crossed the world cracks to search for the Sea of ​​​​Source.

It is certain that they have neither successfully survived the flood and lived in a corner of the world, nor drowned in the Sea of ​​​​Source, and turned into a corrupt and degenerate corpse like other gods.

Even through the relationships he has built up over the years, he has searched the entire material world, and he has not heard of any sect that has inherited their knowledge and established a corresponding black witchcraft association.

Compared with the flourishing Creator Church and the Family Church, it is simply incredible.

In order to find the answer, "Renjian" has made various attempts.

Determined to push the [Bound Creator] off the altar and break the [Silver Law] is his last attempt.

If Byron, the [King of the Wild Hunt], who was born in the Bay, is really the Messiah destined in the church's prophecy.

Then this key link, connecting the two ancient gods, may become a breakthrough for thousands of years of useless work.

The complex emotions in his eyes flashed one by one, and finally all turned into a vicious cold light:

"All novelists know that the death of both parents and the change of ownership of the country are the standard configurations of a protagonist, and national hatred and family hatred are his most primitive driving force.

But these are not enough. He must be able to survive crisis after crisis, be reborn from the ashes again and again, and finally stand in front of the enemy again.

The protagonist in the novel can rely on our author's pen, but what does Saint Byron rely on?

He can grow from the 'Last Lancaster' with nothing to the current legend, king, false god, and even the North Sea Empire that will soon be home to his ancestor pirate emperor [Blue Dragon King]. There must be something huge hidden in him. secret.

I must take down St. Byron and dig out his secrets! "

But just after he said the cruel words, his mouth opened again, and the divine face reminded him mercilessly:

"No, you have no chance to harm anyone again, you are going to die soon."

After being poured down by him with a basin of cold water, the "rape" felt so cold all over that he wished he could split his head open with an ax on the spot.

With this "killer" who follows him everywhere, not only does he want to harm others, but even when he is sleeping, he must keep one eye open to monitor himself, lest his "divine side" secretly hold his breath and suffocate him.

"It's better to leave here first and seek help from the person behind me to see if he can cure me."

In order to use other human beings as shields, "Human Rape" used its own power to prepare various identities for different organizations in different countries.

Some use substitutes trained in advance to slowly climb up to high positions step by step, and some directly seize someone's identity and sense of existence.

The current identity of Iris is that he directly took over the identity of a certain key person, perfectly replacing the other person's existence.

He remembered the unusualness of this identity and his current very bad state, and struggled to leave this beautifully decorated study.

If you take a step too late, something worse than death might happen.

However, his bad luck after suffering the backlash from the correction force obviously didn't end there.

Just as he was about to open the door, the door was already pushed open from the outside.

An aristocratic middle-aged man wearing white stockings, a white wig to cover his bald head, and powder on his face, who could only be described as a flowery man walked in.

Seeing the "rape" in front of me, it was like seeing another person.

He stepped forward and took his hand very affectionately:

"Nicholas, don't you usually hate reading the most? Why are you hiding here alone? It made me look for you for a long time.

Come with me quickly. Something big has happened in the North Sea. The old gods are besieging the residents of the bay. It is not safe anywhere outside. You might as well go back to Danfeng Bailu Palace with me to hide.

If you were injured anywhere, I would be so distressed that I wouldn't be able to eat for three days. "

The concern in his eyes was so hot that even the "rape" felt his face getting a little hot.

The middle-aged man who suddenly came out was no stranger.

Some time ago, Byron's "Key to Omniscience" contained a palace secret in the form of tidbits:

"Uncle and dad's biological uncle, the only son of King Charles VII of the Valois Dynasty of Irises [King of Victory], Louis XI, who is about to inherit the throne of Iris, loves men.

It is said that the sight of a woman has reached the point where she feels nauseated, causing the royal family a huge headache.

The news was tightly sealed, and the queen-to-be, who was crying all day long and didn't know how to give birth to the kingdom's heir, was brewing a big plan (Chapter 508). "

This one is Louis XI, the crown prince of Iris!

He is also Byron's cousin and the biological brother of his aunt Meganilla.

The identity of the "rape" who is making a guest appearance is exactly the "sex" in the tidbits, and he is also Louis XI's favorite.

As a close minister, his actual power is not great, but his status is not low.

How much do you like him?

It was probably the kind that could cut off the sleeves with a sword when it pressed against them while sleeping.

But the "rape" was just using his identity to avoid disaster. He had no intention of actually having anything happen with this guy, and he had no special hobbies.

He wanted to have an attack due to the cold, but found that the divine radiance and all his own abilities and magic were suppressed by the divine side, causing the two heads to appear. He said "open", but the divine side said "open". close".

The mighty power of gods and legends surged violently in his body, but in desperation he couldn't use any extraordinary abilities at all. Instead, his own energy and blood surged, and his cheeks turned red.

It looked like he was shy, which made Louis XI laugh.

The "raped person" couldn't help but hate the other self in her body to the point of itch.

However, his "flow" and "divine vision" on the human side are still there. Even if he is rejected by the world and does not need "all things are unified", he is still equivalent to an undisputed sword master.

But just when the "rape" was about to kill Louis XI, he discovered that there was another person standing behind him.

Is he actually the guardian of the Iris Kingdom? !

Apparently due to the tense situation in the North Sea, the crown prince's security level has been increased.

"Human Rape"'s body stiffened, and deep despair arose in his heart.

Like a puppet on a string, he was pulled by Louis XI into a luxury carriage. When the other party took the opportunity to pinch his butt, his face was full of despair.

Throughout half an era of history, when had he [the person who cannot even be named] ever suffered this injustice? ? ?

But what can he do at this time?

I could only sit obediently next to Louis XI, try my best to raise my head, and stubbornly prevent the tears from falling from the corners of my eyes.

Obviously, not only does he have no energy left to interfere in the Beihai war situation at this time, but he is about to face hell.

On the battlefield of the North Sea God War.

Seeing Byron being hit, the [Chaos Beasts] who were in charge of the main attack, as well as [Mother Nature] and [Baron Saturday] who paid a heavy price, showed joy on their faces.

But Byron's body was not even a little slow, and he launched the [Electromagnetic Slingshot] again and pounced on the [Mother Nature] who was severely injured and whose body was almost reduced by one third.


With a kick as fast as thunder, the thick tree trunk swung by the opponent was shattered.

With a sword, he cut open the constant divine domain [Natural Fantasy] on her body, and the golden thunder on his body burst out, blasting all kinds of plants, birds and beasts that swept over into ashes.

Using the [Surgical Table] to cut off the many aerial roots with facial features and hands and feet that were born from her [Reproduction] power, he "delivered" her safely.

And kicked her "offspring" towards the succubus Therese, who was quickly sucked into dregs by the succubus's vampire touch.

Byron himself unfolded the divine domain [Styx Styx], and the dark river water like the sea of ​​source rolled up huge waves, and suddenly rolled the opponent's body in.

The three river crossing rules came into effect, and the mother of nature wailed today, and her divinity and body began to melt quickly.

"Spare my life, Your Majesty, spare my life, I understand that humans also have the right to pursue a better life.

I support you to start the industrial revolution, I will not be an extreme environmentalist!"

It's a pity that she regretted it a little too late.

In front of Byron, who is a legend, a king, and a false god, the size difference is too big, and the natural domain is similar to the power of creation, so it is digested very quickly.

After a while, in the nearby waters, all kinds of algae and aquatic animals whimpered, and the heavy rain in the sky also turned red.

This means that a god anchored in the rules of nature has completely fallen.

The God's Domain Chaos Nest, which was originally supported by all the gods, sea monsters, and biological warships in the border maze, immediately dimmed.

The Chaos Beasts, which had regained their human form, were unable to rescue their companions and exclaimed in horror:

"Where is the Alice virus? Why are you okay?!"

Byron had no interest in answering the other party's questions. He burped loudly, patted his stomach and said with satisfaction:

"We also have to thank your pig teammate [the one whose name cannot be mentioned].

If he hadn't been desperate to kill me and mobilized three false gods to attack me at all costs, how could it be so easy to open the situation?"

Turning his head to look in the direction of the Iris Kingdom.

The backlash initiated by the [Ten Thousand Wings Angel] in conjunction with the fate correction force made Him have a faint connection with the "divine side" that had just been born by the "human traitor".

The opponent's position can be vaguely determined. If the distance is close enough, the opponent's position can even be directly locked unilaterally.

Even if the opponent was not dead yet, when he realized that fate's interference was useless to Byron and that playing it again would be suicide, the threat had already dropped sharply.

Byron's body flashed, and with the help of the ubiquitous magnetic field strings, he turned into lightning and killed another severely injured [Baron Saturday].

The latter was already half-dead by Violet, and when he saw Byron staring at him, he was immediately scared and turned around and ran away.


[Chaos Beasts] were immediately furious.

If the clan had already won, when the spoils were distributed, of course the more companions died, the better.

Now the defeat was obvious, if he was allowed to kill another false god, the entire front of the clan would collapse.

He immediately activated his own power of [Not Defined], and transformed himself into a storm spirit like Byron, and imitated his abilities.

Just as seen in the logbook, he could not be defined by anyone and could switch himself to any race at any time.

Although he is not good at Transfiguration, his talent for "adaptability" is better than that of the Abyss Nightmare.

After speeding up and freeing up his hands, Violet and Therese, who wanted to work together to stop him, struck a lightning bolt at Byron.

Bang! Bang!

The two long rainbows chased and intertwined, and dazzling lightning burst out from time to time, and the entire sky covered with dark clouds was rumbling.

[Chaos Beasts] is itself a group, and even the legendary battleship [Flying Beast] is part of his body. The size of one person is enough to match several gods.

Others can't stop him, and Byron doesn't dare to rashly swallow such a big guy into the Styx. In addition, his own vitality is extremely tenacious, and it is as difficult to deal with as a dog-skin plaster.

For a while, Byron was dragged by him.

Before the fake fighting duo Ivana and Dagon sneaked over to rescue, a silver meteor suddenly rose from the sea in the distance.

Like a magnet, it was attracted by the [Chaos Beasts], drew a bright silver arc in the air, and crashed into the long rainbow behind it.


The spiritual light flashed, and the sparks of the blazing white light flow spread across the sky for several kilometers, and the shattered Chaos Beasts fell into the sea.

A burly knight wearing silver knight armor, carrying light wings, and holding a silver strange object shield appeared in the air.

It was the foreign aid of the Protestant Church, the Duke of Prussia, the legendary paladin [Holy Shield] Albrecht.

No wonder he was a shield knight, but he dared to boast that he was good at blitzkrieg.

The magic of this legendary paladin [Punishment Shield Strike] was not so fancy, only defense and attack modes.

Start the attack mode, lock the hatred, and automatically track without manual calibration. Even a small mountain can be found with the help of shield resonance and smashed to pieces with one blow.

It is simply a replica of Kanglong Mace.

Taking advantage of the gap when the [Chaos Beast] quickly reorganized its body, Byron had already caught up with [Baron Saturday].

The latter also realized that the culprit of the collapse of the situation was the "traitor" who used them as pawns but made things worse.

While gritting his teeth and hating secretly, he shouted:

"Your Majesty, the King of the Wild Hunt, I announce my withdrawal on behalf of Voodoo.

In the name of my Lord [King of the Corpse Eel Samadi], Voodoo will no longer participate in the collapse plan of the Dragon King's Court."

Then open your own divine domain [Crossroads], and pass through this boundary between life and death, push yourself to the edge of the world, and escape from the battlefield.

But after a period of weightlessness, this false god fell into the river with a "plop" before he could see the green light shining in the sky.

His eyes widened in disbelief, and then he sank into the Styx with a "gulp gulp".

The dead souls on the sea whimpered and wailed behind the vegetation and marine life, symbolizing the fall of the second god.

The divine domain surrounded by the border maze began to crumble, and the mist that confused the senses invaded in a big way.

As Byron drowned the most easily digestible [Mother of Nature] and [Baron Saturday], split the "human traitor", and removed one-third of the nine false gods, their battle line collapsed first.

Violet and [Fertility Mother] Therese helped [Spade J] Hoggle to hunt down the second strongest [Original Core], ensuring that this false god who could command the beast tide and had the strongest destructive power on the coast was completely left.

The two Mothman princesses who were good at illusions left their illusion incarnations without saying a word, dragged the two archbishops [Twilight Deacon] Lockhart and [Mother of Mercy] Theresa and turned around and ran away.

The pure evil [Heart Flayer] took the blow of the one-legged bronze man swung by [Nest Master] Hawkins with "Knights Do Not Die Unarmed" and exploded into a red mist and disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, only the two false gods of the blood beast's nest and the undercover Dagon were left.

Byron decided to catch the big and let the small go, and ignored the three who escaped. Instead, he mobilized the border maze and the legal network to block the escape of the remaining two strongest ones.

In order to prevent them from dragging one or two people down with them before they die, he called the large fleet that had killed all the sea monsters and bombarded the encirclement.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The war cries of the soldiers on hundreds of warships almost suppressed the sound of artillery fire:

"Thor! Thor! Thor!"

The wills of millions of people merged into one under the control of Byron, Violet and the two [King's Armies], making ordinary artillery shells glow red, producing the magic-breaking properties of the magic-breaking stone that can break all extraordinary abilities.

In another world, it is a torrent of humanity, destroying all demons, monsters, and monsters.

Even the youngest of the three old monsters has lived for hundreds of years, and he is still helpless in the face of such a scene.

"My lords, think of a way quickly!"

Dagon dodged the artillery fire with the flexibility of a mollusk, while shouting for help.

Because there are too many things that have been overturned halfway due to complacency, Byron will never let Dagon reveal his identity in advance until the last moment, and vows to play "Werewolf Killing" to the end.

Cut the grass and root out, until only the werewolves are left.

And he didn't forget that it wasn't just their team that was wandering around the North Sea.

[Chaos Beasts] dodged the shells in a panic, and nodded to Dagon in appreciation, recognizing the only ally who didn't run away.

"Sir Dagon, the most beneficial result for us is to win the battle just now.

Since Plan No. 1 has failed, let's continue to drag it out, drag it to another battlefield to win, and let those greedy and stupid legends become the nutrients for my Lord's return."

Suddenly turned his head to look outside the border maze, and said in surprise:

"Here it comes!"

As soon as the voice fell, a milky white mist mixed with a fishy smell suddenly invaded the border maze of the North Sea Empire.

The roars of thousands of beasts rang in the ears of the officers and soldiers of the great fleet.

The sea water under their feet was also dyed into an ominous orange-red color by something.

Then, they saw from a distance that the [Noah's Ark] that lured the legends of various countries away before the war began actually returned!

Byron's face showed no surprise.

He just told the other end through the legal network:

"Release that thing, it's the only thing that can fight against the Ark.

Take this opportunity to completely solve two problems at once!"

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