Pirate Kingship

Chapter 560 Tree of Life, Host of the Old God

The time has advanced half a day, back to before the beginning of the Beihai Empire's Patriotic War.

All the major forces sent out manpower to investigate, and they all wanted to take over the interior of [Noah's Ark] for themselves.

Just like when the first group of adventurers first entered, the sky was high, misty clouds, and the vast virgin forest stretched as far as the eye could see.

All kinds of huge vegetation that seems to come from the Paleozoic Era, which is hard to name, fill every inch of the space.

This small world ecosystem is filled with a strong and chaotic vitality every moment.

Especially when the adventure team unexpectedly climbed to the top of a big tree nearby and looked far into the distance, they unexpectedly discovered a particularly eye-catching red giant tree growing in the middle of the forest.

The huge tree crown is so high and so big, as if it supports this small world by itself.

There are fleshy red leaves growing on it, and there are also many large fluorescent orange fruits growing on it, which is very similar to the orange-red sea outside.

There is also a hazy light figure hanging on the top branch of the tree, which seems to be a human woman with a plump body and shining motherly glory.

"Ship Spirit! That must be the ship spirit of the mythical battleship, hurry up and rush with me!"

The treasure is right in front of you. You can see when you look up that the leading troops of each force no longer need to leave a mark for their own support troops. They were excited and ran towards the big tree without hesitation.

The flowers, plants, trees, and animals and insects that were mixed together by the power of the "Mother of Monsters" also completely exposed their fangs to the intruders.


Various forces entered the interior of the ship through cracks at different locations in the ship's hull, and naturally spread throughout the entire polluted small world ecosystem.

Piercing screams sounded simultaneously from every corner of the primeval forest.

A giant wild boar that was as tall as a three-story building, with a snake tail trailing behind its buttocks and colorful mushrooms growing on its body, sprayed spores from its nostrils, lowered its head and launched a brutal charge.

With just one blow, the sharp fangs comparable to the collision of battleships sent a group of Dutch expedition members wearing fine knight armor flying into the air.

Countless squid tentacles suddenly emerged from the swamp, instantly dragging the Iris adventurer who accidentally made a noise into the water. What crawled out after him was not a squid, but a fat shark covered in moss. .

He grabbed those adventurers and ate them one by one until his mouth was filled with blood.

Something was ejecting rapidly from the treetops. Several adventurers from the Rhine Alliance had just turned around when they heard the sound, when something that looked like a spider or some kind of weird aquatic bug hugged their faces.

He finally broke free, but before he could take two steps, an even more terrifying monster tore his chest open from inside his body and slaughtered the entire team.

There are also many creatures that look like plants but are actually carnivores, turning the entire forest into a murderous hunting ground.

The virgin forest was suddenly filled with blood.

Every drop of blood, every string of code, and every trace of spirituality they obtain is transmitted to the giant blood-red tree in the center along the developed root system of this closed biological community.

The human-shaped aura on the tree looked more and more like a human being.

Yet none of the fears experienced by outsiders are as profound as those experienced by a woman.

In the simple camp used for temporary repairs by the Castile Kingdom adventure team that was the first to enter the Ark.

Jeanne Don Quixote, who had just poured out the mud from her military boots and washed herself a little, was taking cover under a banana tree and carefully stepping on the stones by the river with her bare feet to move downstream.

During this period, he did not dare to make any sound at all, for fear of attracting the attention of his companions.

It wasn't because of anything else, just because of the "Logbook" that she clutched tightly in her hand.

Every captain or officer has the habit of recording a "Logbook", especially when exploring unknown areas.

Jeanne just took advantage of the opportunity to rest midway and reopened the "Logbook" to record what she saw along the way. However, she accidentally saw a sentence in the record before setting off from the mainland:

"In order to support this adventure, Her Majesty the Queen specially dispatched a team of six [Night Owl Death Soldiers] led by two third-level captains and deputy captains at my disposal. As long as the mission can be completed, it does not matter how high the casualty rate is."

The log says six digits.

But when she cautiously raised her head and looked around her, she saw a total of twelve [Night Owl Dead Soldiers].

Yes, it was no longer the seven when they first entered the ark, but it had increased to twelve without knowing it!

During the process, we reported the number of people several times to determine the number of people in accordance with the code of conduct, and no problems were ever found.

“So, if there are only six real [Night Owl Dead Soldiers], then what are the other six?

Are the remaining six really still human beings? "

There was a huge difference between reality, perception and written records, which immediately made the female knight feel like she had fallen into an ice cave.

It feels even more magical than the experience of my ancestor, Knight Don Quixote.

Immediately, with the instinct of a fourth-level transcendent, she was keenly aware that force majeure was coming, and that some kind of existence beyond the scope of her understanding and beyond the standard had long been eyeing them.

Jeanne could not distinguish between friends and foes in the team, and could not afford the cost of misjudgment. She decisively chose to abandon the mission, abandoning these teammates and evacuating alone.

First meet up with the fifth-level legendary navigator [Barcelona Ship King] who is the kingdom guardian supported by our side. After reporting the situation to him, we can decide whether to advance or retreat.

But just as Jeanna took a step away from the central tree, the twelve "Night Owl Death Soldiers" who were standing or sitting along the stream turned their heads to look at her.

The cold eyes under the Night Owl mask instantly lost all emotions.

They stood up and formed a circle, approaching her step by step, and gradually lost their human voices, making vague roars:


"Worship the tree of life!"

"Worship the great mother goddess Echidna who gave us life!"

The female knight subconsciously widened her eyes and vaguely saw that each of them had an illusory red root or fruit stem attached to the back of their heads, and each one looked like a fruit hanging on the tree.

But she didn't remember when these powerful companions were hit, and she didn't know if she was hit.

She couldn't help trembling all over, and her soul was surging, and she retreated step by step.

Seeing them getting closer and closer, the human body also changed, and gradually turned into pieces of black and red tree stump-like meat.

The upper body is covered with tentacles and branches stretching towards the sky, the trunk is covered with big mouths, oozing smelly mucus, and under the feet are several deformed sheep's hooves.

It suddenly turned into a "tree" that is half animal and half plant.

The strong spiritual pollution spread at a close distance, causing Jeanna's sanity to drop wildly. She couldn't help but waved her spear and roared:

"Get out of here, I'm not afraid of you! Ridiculous!"


The fourth-level spiritual glow burst out, and the stones by the river were piled up one by one, and soon turned into several tall rock giants.

Title ability [Ridiculous]:

"When you are doing justice, just use your imagination and shout out the words 'Ridiculous', you can change the shape of the surrounding objects at will and turn your ideal into reality.

Windmills become giants, sheep flocks become armies, and barbers become knights. It is far more powerful than the fantasy treasure house of [Phantom Blade]."

However, these rock giants have just been born, and tiny red mycelium has spread on their bodies, breaking away from Jeanna's control and launching a siege with those "trees".

Soon, the desperate fourth-level female knight was captured, and countless branch-like tentacles tied her up.

By the way, she was injected with toxins, paralyzed all over her body, unable to move.

The team set out again and continued the "pilgrimage".

This time, the polluted mountains and animals automatically separated, allowing their team to rush to the red "Tree of Life" in the center of the forest.

If she had seen Violet's [Gate of Truth], she would have found that the two trees were surprisingly similar, except that one was upright and the other was upside down.

It was obvious that Jeanna Don Quixote seemed to have some extraordinary qualities that made her treated very differently from her companions or members of other countries' adventure teams.

Something that was unclear whether it was a tentacle or a root hung down from the giant tree and got into her clothes, as if checking her body in some special way.

Feeling the cold and slippery touch on her skin, she couldn't help but scream:

"Ah--! Stop it!"

No matter how strong she was, she was still a woman and was particularly afraid of certain things.

Of course, if it were a man here, he might be even more afraid.

The situation of being tied up and the frightened expression made her look particularly pitiful.

This mature and beautiful red-haired female captain was wearing a navy uniform that had been obviously modified.

Her legs were round and slender, and the back of her hips supported a round arc on the ordinary white military pants.

Especially her bust was particularly exaggerated, her uniform was completely tightened, and she was gifted with the saying "Luck of spearmen since ancient times, chest is also E", so powerful that she was almost invincible in the whole small world.

Anyone standing in front of her would probably worry that those brass buttons would suddenly pop open and fall on her face.

[Tree of Life] I don't know what she was thinking, and I poked the part she used for feeding with a branch, obviously very satisfied.

The next moment, another branch hanging from the highest point of the giant tree suddenly drilled into the back of her head.

But it did not extract the flesh and blood spirit like it did to other people, but continuously injected orange-red light streams.

Including the light-quality humanoid object on the top of the tree, which was believed to be the mythical warship "Spirit of the Ship", a considerable part of it entered her body.

The female knight's beautiful eyes widened, her body twitched violently, and her feet that didn't remember to put on shoes kicked hard, like a big fish dying after landing.

And in the spiritual world, she also came into contact with a vast and chaotic will without any surprise.

She could clearly feel that the will was quickly rebuilding order by absorbing the divinity and humanity of all humans in the entire small world.

The knowledge belonging to the gods also flowed into Jeanna's brain.

She knew the secrets of the two great floods, the existence of [Echidna, the Mother of Monsters], and how ridiculous it was for the human leaders to want to seize the Ark to escape.

She also knew that the big tree behind her was a hidden hand planted by the Mother of Monsters an era ago - the [Tree of Life] of the family.

It was also the culprit why the Ark became what it is now.

Originally, at the end of the mythological era, [Mother of Monsters] was going to invite the gods on board and use her home advantage to achieve another form of "unification of all things".

I didn't expect to be caught off guard by the [Creator] and the gods of mankind, and the backup plan I prepared was not used. Damn it! ! !

The strong resentment that could not be dissipated for an era made the female knight's eyes red.

Her vision extended to the entire Ark along with that vast consciousness, and the small world in front of her changed.

Suddenly she could clearly see that there were countless tiny "aerial roots of the tree of life" floating in the sky, air, and water.

Only the ends were seen, not the origin.

Wherever these "aerial roots" fell, they would be activated.

The lush trees, the messy grass, the thundering clouds, the laughing wind, the cold and ruthless waves, everything in the world gave birth to its own emotions, and became more and more like living organisms.

There is no doubt that this is the subtle power of [Monster Mother Echidna] that has infiltrated through the [Tree of Life] of her family, which is subtly polluting this small world and turning it into the stomach of the old gods.

It is preying on any creature that enters here every moment.

Especially the "variables" that love the world of humans.

The Tree of Life can absorb the flesh and blood and life codes of humans, and in a very short time it can replicate the same "seeds" and mix into their team, affecting their cognition so that they accept themselves, and gradually spread to the world.

Take root, sprout, and eventually grow into a new family of life trees!

Imagine that a former relative went out for a trip, and after returning home, they lived a peaceful life together as usual.

Suddenly one day it turned into a tree of life, sucking up all the family members, neighbors, and even a village or a block.

Or suddenly a stranger came and naturally integrated into the life of a family, occupying the magpie's nest, and suddenly revealed his true face one day.

What a creepy horror story is this?

Jeanna knew that since she entered the crack, she probably didn't know how many "seeds" of the Tree of Life had left the Ark and drifted along the ocean current.

"No! The material world cannot be polluted by the old gods!"

Whether it is a righteous or a villain, as long as the mind is normal, destroying the world is an unacceptable option.

Unfortunately, although she has become the host chosen by the Mother of Monsters because of her excellent physical condition, she can only watch everything happen like a bystander and can't do anything.

Soon, when those fifth-level legends who hurriedly came entered the small world ecosystem one after another.

Except for Jeanna Don Quixote, there is no living person here, all of them have become "seeds" or nutrients for seeds.


The silver-white knight boots crushed a dry bone that belonged to an unfortunate person.

The two legendary paladin leaders, [Holy Spear] and [Holy Fist], led their teams and the former queen of the Kalma Alliance, Margaret I, and a group of 23 people entered the Ark.

Unfortunately, they who took the initiative to walk into the belly of the old gods did not become an exception to make the old gods stop at the brink.

One, two, three. With every step forward, more "air roots" that mortals can hardly see fell on them.


"1." "2." "28."

"Very good, everyone listen to the order, only the church can protect faith and protect mankind, and we must not let others take away the treasures of the Creator, let's go!"

If the dozen legends who entered the big forces at the same time could unite, they might be able to counter the might of the sixth-level demigod, work together, and force their way out of the Ark.

But they fought on their own, and they could only be defeated one by one.

Explosions, noises, and roars rose and fell.

Before the war in the North Sea ended, most areas in the small world ecosystem had returned to peace.

Only sporadic resistance remained, and it was getting weaker and weaker.

On the treetops, the humanity in the eyes of "Jeanna Don Quixote" was also getting stronger and stronger.

A great will that has been born since the Paleozoic Era began to revive!

Outside, the first island chain of the North Sea Empire.

As the fog mass with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers and the orange-red soup of life continued to invade, a huge black shadow full of heavy oppression also hit everyone's eyes.

I don't know if it's because of eating and drinking enough, the returning [Noah's Ark] has shed all its previous disguises.

The hull covered with countless cracks of all sizes is still shabby, but the countless pairs of scarlet eyes opened from the cracks are no longer concealed.

The surrounding fog was also dyed orange-red by the soup of life, as if it was given life.

Transformed into countless small snakes, branches, or slender pork tapeworms, winding and wriggling in the air.


When it came into contact with the border maze at the edge of the deep-sea defense line and the mind and will power contained in it, it made a "sizzling" sound like ice and snow encountering a branding iron.

Hearing this sound, the soldiers in the fleet suddenly came back to their senses.

If it weren't for the protection of the border maze that stretched out twelve nautical miles in front of them, they would have been turned into a soup of life by the strong pollution contained in their sight.

At this time, the coastal lighthouses around the North Sea had already been closed in advance.

Or it was because of the sentence on the cover page of the [Ship Log]:

"Some people say that we live on a quiet island called ignorance, surrounded by an endless black ocean.

Perhaps we shouldn't have set sail from the beginning."

For ordinary people who have no power to decide their own fate, sometimes ignorance may not be a kind of happiness.

Byron ordered to hold the established defense line tightly and make way for a waterway from the North Sea to the outside world.

His consciousness then fell into one of his fourth-level incarnations.

The core area of ​​the North Sea.

After the deep-sea defense line was almost established, a fourth-level incarnation led a part of the core personnel to board another legendary warship [Dragon Head Ship Valhalla] and left the battlefield in advance and came here.

The storm continued to fall, and it was even more violent.

The four [Wild Hunt Servant] who were originally from the Deep Dive Church, led by [God of Love and Beauty] Freya, stood in a circle around the forbidden book "Luo Yan City Textbook".

Holding a ceremonial knife, he sacrificed many half-human, half-fish, and half-frog deep-sea families.

The invisible fluctuations between reality and dreams rippled from the forbidden book in circles.

Countless colorful bubbles emerged from the sea water under the ship, and it seemed that something was constantly rolling under the water.

Hathaway, the mermaid princess, and her cousin, the sea wizard Salant, each held their own piece of the zero-level holy relic [Sea King Trident].

Driving the "gaseous" trident that can dominate all marine life to exert its strongest power.

Hathaway activated her secret spell, the core witchcraft [Alice in Wonderland] in Alice's Pillow Book, and gently sang the lullaby that she had only sung to Byron:

"Sleep, sleep, my dear baby, mother's hands gently rock you. The cradle rocks you to sleep quickly, sleep in the cradle, warm and comfortable."

In the song, the underwater power is chaotic, but it is controllable as a whole.

In addition to them, there is another person here.

The former great shaman, now the archbishop of the Yucatan Diocese [Mountain Demon Bear] Siwatl, holds a familiar colored pottery jar in his hand.

Byron once traveled in the astral body to enter the collective subconscious sea of ​​the Taino people to trace the origin of the birth of the Kraken's Touch.

When the Taya Empire collapsed, [Sleeping God·Kraken] sent one of his tentacle clones, the Kraken's Touch, back to the material world through large-scale blood sacrifices and the way I gave birth to myself.

After causing huge casualties, the great shamans at the time led it into a small lake, drained the lake water, and urged the No. 5 crystal skull [Sun God] Kniche·Ava to continue to expose it to the sun, using the sun to greatly weaken the power of the Kraken's Touch.

After several months of exposure in the dry season, it was finally successfully sealed into a colorful painted pottery jar, which is also the first-level holy relic of the indigenous people [the world's first painted pottery jar·cooking pot].

This treasure symbolizes the beginning of the Neolithic Age and has epoch-making great significance. It uses the opposing power of fire in it to put the old god's tentacle clone back into eternal sleep.

As long as it does not touch the sea water, it will be safe.

Until a long time later, it was stolen by the Bloodthirsty Cult that wandered to the Bantaan Islands, and then fell into the hands of the White Rose York Family.

They failed to steal the chicken in the Anchor Bay, and planted a time bomb for themselves. Because of a small [iron nail that destroyed the country], a series of subsequent national collapses were triggered:

"The gun port bolt broke, the warship capsized; the warship capsized, the old gods fled; the old gods fled, the fleet was destroyed; the fleet was destroyed, privateers were recruited;

Privateers were recruited, the Golden Deer was enlisted; the Golden Deer was enlisted, and Byron was promoted to Pirate General."

The pottery jar used to seal the Kraken's Touch had melted and destroyed in the sea water, and of course they didn't have a second one.

But Byron had the power of [change] and [fraud].

He specially found the first-level holy relic [iron blast furnace] and turned it into the pottery jar that sealed the Kraken's Touch for hundreds of years.

It was enough to scare people.

With three measures in place, it shouldn't be a problem to guide [Kraken's Touch] to fight [Noah's Ark] to death in a short time.

Beep beep.

Soon, as if returning to the night of genocide in Lancaster, a nauseating and chaotic flute sound came from the depths of the storm, suddenly penetrating the rain curtain and drilling into everyone's ears.

The sea water under [Dragon Head Ship Valhalla] was quickly dyed black by an unknown object.

It seemed that a huge monster was lurking in the dark night, making a sticky and low roar, and exuding a terrible stench that almost penetrated into the bone marrow.

Boom--! ! !

A huge amount of sea water was blown up into the sky, and a huge monster with gray and white tentacles twisting broke out of the water.

Released an illusory dream like sleepwalking, rolled up the legendary battleship and rushed towards the orange-red sea that was getting closer and closer.

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