The sky was dark, and the sky was dark.

Smoker and Sanai looked up and saw a dark shadow approaching quickly in the sky.

"Huh? Why is Griffin here? Didn't we say it should stay in the oasis?!"

"I don't know, maybe it's bored..."

"Is Griffin's speed... so fast?"

Sanai has excellent eyesight, otherwise he wouldn't have become a sniper.

He shaded his palm and squinted his eyes.

"Griffin can actually wear clothes? And he's holding a gun?!"

Smoker suddenly realized: "So that's it, that guy is not Griffin!!"

While the two were talking, the eagle had already come to the sky, flapped its wings a few times and landed on the ground, turning into a young man wearing a turban, a robe, and oil paint on his face.

The young man looked around and saw the mess around him, his face turned gloomy.

"Damn pirates, I'm late..."

When he saw Smoker and Sanai, he noticed that their temperament and demeanor were completely different from others.

He couldn't help but frown and walked in front of the two with caution.

"You two, I am Bell, the deputy commander of the Northwest Military Region of Alanbastan. What happened here?!"

Sanai looked at Bell, his eyes full of curiosity and envy.

After all, who doesn't like the feeling of an eagle flying in the sky!

And Smoker's eyes were much more subtle,

like appreciation, doubt, and joy...

[Tsk tsk tsk, this is the first meat shield of the pirates. A bomb with an explosion radius of 5 kilometers couldn't kill him! ]

[In Naruto, it's equivalent to Patrick who took Deidara's face...]

Smoker was still very satisfied with Bell's attitude.

This is the first reaction of a normal person.

At least he knows to ask about the situation, instead of saying that the other party is a pirate right away.

Smoker briefly explained the situation and revealed his identity.

If he was still trying to hide things at this time, he was just looking for trouble...

Bell was also shocked when he learned that Smoker was a staff officer and a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

This is an absolute big shot!

Although the member states and the Navy Headquarters are not in the same system,

the actual situation is that the status of the vice admiral is higher than that of most kings.

Although the status of a big country like Alabasta is higher, the king is still very polite to the vice admiral.

If Smoker came here for official business, even if King Cobra personally greeted him, it would not be considered an extraordinary reception...

Bell was in a dilemma for a moment.

It would be rude if they didn't know Smoker's identity, but it would be too rude to abandon him after knowing him.

But if they took care of him, what would happen to the wounded soldiers...

Smoker saw Bell's dilemma: "Commander Bell, I'm on vacation now, not on duty."

"Don't worry about me, go take care of everyone!!"

Bell was relieved and bent down slightly.

"Thank you for your understanding, Lord Smoker, then I'm rude!"

After saying that, he left in a hurry and organized people to rescue people and put out the fire.

Smoker was not idle either, he used his ability to help put out the fire and healed the wounds of several dying wounded.

After another half an hour, the King's Army arrived late.

They came to Bell one by one, panting and lined up in front of Bell.

"Be... Lord Bell, huhu, Northwest Military Region... Third Battalion... huhu... Reporting to you!"

They were all panting and sweating all over, and it seemed that they had run a long distance.

Bell didn't blame them, just nodded.

"The fire has been put out, and the wounded have been basically settled. You continue to clean up the scene. Remember, try to save the people's property as much as possible!"


The King's Army hurried to work.

Bell had time to take care of Smoker.

"I'm sorry, Lord Smoker, I'm sorry to make you laugh, because of our negligence, the people suffered an unexpected disaster..."

Smoker shook his head.

"You are modest. I can see that you are a disciplined army!"

In fact, the King's Army's response was very quick.

There is no way, the coastline is so long, there are so many pirates, and they can only "put out the fire" in a dilemma.

Alabasta is still good, the King's Army is really good.

Most kings just wait for the pirates to wreak havoc and clean up the mess.

Some are even more miserable, just letting it go.

Pirates are just looking for money and sex, give them, they won't fight in the palace!

Come on, keep playing music and dancing!

When those pirates have had enough, they will

Let's go!!

Bell bowed deeply to Smoker.

"Lord Smoker, thank you for saving those wounded just now! The doctor just said that if you hadn't taken action, they would have been in great danger!"

"You're welcome..." Smoker hurriedly helped him up.

"A commander can actually bend down for civilians. The people of your country are really lucky!!"

Bell smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"As a soldier, it is my responsibility to protect the people. It is naturally our fault that they were attacked by pirates."

"The hateful pirates emerge in an endless stream. We are exhausted from dealing with them and can only try to save the losses!"

"If it weren't for you and Crocodile's action this time, the child's life would definitely not be saved!"

Smoker looked to the side, and Gary sat obediently beside his sister, his eyes met Smoker's, and he smiled sweetly.

Smoker also smiled and nodded, sighing in his heart.

Even a military power like Alabasta, with a wise ruler and loyal ministers, is still deeply poisoned by pirates...

"Bell, don't blame yourself, you've done an excellent job..."

I was able to show up so quickly because I happened to be here.

Crocodile's quick arrival was also due to the intelligence system of Baroque Works.

And Bell arrived more than ten minutes after the city was attacked, which was already very fast...

After all, it was a mobilization of the army of a feudal country, and it couldn't be expected to be as fast as the police station in the previous life...

Bell shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Although I inherited the power of the guardian god passed down from generation to generation in Alabasta, it's still not fast enough..."

Sanai was very curious after hearing this.

"The power of the guardian god? Do you mean the devil fruit?!"

"That's right, Falcon and Jackal are the guardian gods of our Alabasta!"

Smoker instantly grasped the key point.

"Wait, passed down from generation to generation? Do you mean that every generation of the ability users of the Bird-Bird Fruit·Falcon form are in Alabasta?"

Bell nodded.

"That's right. It should be that every generation of ability users serves the Nephite royal family."

"I also became a member of the King's Army and was selected before I was qualified to eat this fruit and become the 31st generation of the Guardian God."

Smoker's eyes rolled.

"Don't stand, Bell, there are not many soldiers as loyal and brave as you! I feel that I am particularly compatible with you!"

"Let's not stand, let's sit over there and have a drink!!"

They came to the door of a hotel, Smoker ordered a few more glasses of wine, and insisted on his treat, and drank Bell several glasses of wine.

The two chatted and drank, and when the heat was almost right, they asked the most concerned questions.

"Bell, how is your devil fruit passed down? Why does it appear in your country every time?"

Although he could seize the fruit, the process was a bit cumbersome,

especially the need to capture pirates alive, which invisibly brought high risks to the navy soldiers.

I don't know if there is a faster way in Alabasta.

Bell shook his head.

"Hic... I don't know, that's the secret of the royal family, on the same level as Haoshui..."


Smoker was shocked, how could he forget this good thing? !

"I heard that drinking Haoshui will increase your strength? Do you know how to do it?"

Although Bell was drunk, he was also surprised.

"Hic, you are worthy of being a staff officer of the headquarters, you even know this kind of thing?"

It was only after he became a commander that he accidentally heard that the royal family had such a thing.

"Brother, tell me, how is that thing made?!"

"Uh... Brother Smoker, hiccup, I really don't know this..."

Smoker was very disappointed,

but he believed that Bell would definitely not lie to him.

Such an honest person, not such a complicated mind...

In fact, Smoker also felt very confused...

This is the secret of the devil fruit transformation.

In the new world, without the Four Emperors, no one can keep it.

But now it is thrown in Alabasta, even a dog knows that these two fruits are passed down from generation to generation, but no one wants to study them? !

Especially Crocodile, who is in Alabasta.

How can he be so straightforward, and not care about anything except Pluto...

And that Haoshui.

Such a good thing, the World Government didn't think about studying how to reduce the side effects? !

If it really succeeds, it will definitely be a battlefield god oil.

When the generals fight, they will show off a bottle first, and they are not afraid of the Four Emperors. The Pirate King has already shown it to you...

Smoker took a few deep breaths,

I really want it, I want it all,

But I can't show it too obviously...

At this time, Bell suddenly said: "Brother Smoker, why did you come to Alabasta?

What's the matter?"

"If you have something to say, please ask me. Don't be polite..."

"Oh, I'm not on vacation now. I want to go around. But I really want to ask you something. I heard that Alabasta is going to hold an auction? !"

Smoker has always been curious. How could King Cobra hold such a thing?!

Sure enough, Bell's face turned ugly.

"It's the order of the Celestial Dragons!"

"At first, the World Government came to us and said that the Celestial Dragons wanted to buy slaves and wanted to see the desert scenery, so they asked to hold a slave auction here!"

"King Cobra naturally refused, but the Celestial Dragons gave the order, so he couldn't refuse!"

Speaking of this, Bell slapped his thigh heavily.

"Holding such a disgusting auction is simply an indelible shame for Alabasta! ! "

Suddenly, he thought of something, and suddenly he sobered up and stood up quickly.

"Sorry, Lord Smoker, I said something wrong..."

At the same time, cold sweat broke out on his head. What the hell did I say? I actually criticized the Celestial Dragons in front of the officers of the headquarters...

Smoker smiled and waved his hand, motioning him to sit down.

"It's okay, I didn't hear anything..."

"It seems that this slave auction has caused you a lot of trouble..."

Bell felt relieved and nodded quickly after hearing this.

More than trouble...

The surge in the number of pirates and the heavy defense pressure have made the whole country miserable.

"There are endless pirates near the slave auction, and the security pressure is huge. We were going to reinforce them, but we didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing..."

Smoker's eyes lit up: "Then why don't we go together? "

It's better to have a commander as a companion than to wander around by yourself.

Bell agreed immediately.

In fact, he had just asked the king for instructions. King Cobra couldn't leave, so he instructed Bell to match them well.

Although King Cobra didn't like the World Government,

he knew very well that he had to have a good relationship with the Navy!

He knew very well that although Alabasta had 600,000 soldiers, it was not vulnerable to those powerful pirates!

King Cobra put down the newspaper in his hand, which was about Crocodile's deeds of exterminating pirates and being called a hero by the people.


[Crocodile, are you a savior, or poison wrapped in honey...]

[No, we must not let the pirates disintegrate this country from within...]

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