The next morning, Smoker and his companions set out.

Smoker was annoyed by the crowd, so Bell let his subordinates go first and accompanied Smoker alone.

The three of them wore robes and rode camels in the desert.

When they passed an oasis, they suddenly heard an eagle cry.

Bell: "What is this?!!"

Smoker looked up at the sky: "Ahhh, I knew this guy would be impatient!"

Sanai also laughed: "Is he holding it in..."

It was Griffin that flew over, and it knocked over Smoker and Sanai, and began to chirp.

Smoker touched its head.

"Okay, okay, don't feel wronged. We didn't leave you behind on purpose."

"You're too big to live in the town. We'll come find you when we're done..."

"Lord Smoker..." Bell interrupted Smoker: "That... it said"

"Uh... OK, I misunderstood."

Smoker looked embarrassed, but suddenly realized.

"Bell, can you understand what he said?!!"

Bell nodded.

"Since I ate the fruit, I can understand the calls of hawks and falcons."

Smoker was stunned: "So magical?!"

"Well... not only me, my companion who ate the dog-dog fruit in jackal form can communicate with jackals in the desert."

"In other words, animal-type ability users can communicate with animals of the corresponding species?!"

"That's right!!"

Smoker suddenly realized that he didn't have many animal-types under his command, and he had never noticed it, but it made sense when he thought about it.

Chopper ate the human-human fruit and could communicate with humans.

Similarly, Morgans ate the Bird-Bird Fruit·Albatross Form and can communicate with the albatross.

Bian, the captain of the Little Human Flying Unit "Pink Bi", can also control wasps because he ate the Bug-Bug Fruit·Wasp Form.

[It seems that there is another development direction for animal-type ability users...]

The three people and the eagle hurried on their way and soon arrived at the Saint Dora River.

Looking at the endless river, Smoker couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's really spectacular!"

Bell stepped forward and said: "Yes, the Saint Dora River is the mother river of Alabasta and the lifeline of shipping. It nourishes several cities and hundreds of oases along the way. The water flow used to be larger, but it has been dry in the past two years, and the water flow has decreased a lot. The place where we are standing now used to be the bottom of the river..."

(In the original book, this river is 50 kilometers wide, which is obviously a bug, and it was changed to a few kilometers wide.)

"To here?!" Smoker looked down and saw that there was still nearly 100 meters from where he was standing to the river.

In other words, the river has shrunk by hundreds of meters.

"Is the drought here so severe? Has this happened before?"

[Did Crocodile start so early? ]

"There were droughts before, but they didn't last long."

Smoker nodded.

After all, Alabasta is also an ancient civilization, and the living environment must not be so bad!

I just don't know if the sand crocodile is playing tricks...

It shouldn't be,

Baroque Works is still in its infancy, even if the royal family is destroyed, it won't be his turn to be king.

Forget it, let's wait and see...

Smoker and others walked to the river.

Suddenly, several round green heads emerged from the water.

Bell was shocked: "Oh no!!"

Sanai: "What's wrong?!"

"I forgot, this is the territory of Kung Fu Manatee!!"

"Kung Fu Manatee?!"

Smoker naturally knew Kung Fu Manatee.

They are a group of manatees with turtle shells and helmets. They look cute and loyal.

But they are Kung Fu enthusiasts who like to challenge their opponents and are very fierce and cute.

After listening to Bell's introduction, Sanai was eager to try and threw down his spear to fight.

Smoker wanted to dissuade him, but he also wanted to watch the fun.

Sanai and the Kung Fu manatees rushed towards each other at the same time, and the two sides fought hard.

In the end, Sanai won with a slight advantage.

"Hahahaha, I won!"

Sanai panted and gestured yeah.

Just when he was about to take a break, the Kung Fu manatee suddenly pounced on him, hugged his thigh and kept rubbing...

Bell: "If the Kung Fu manatee loses, it will pester the opponent to become a disciple..."

"What?! Why didn't you say it earlier?!!"

Sanai tried desperately to get away, but the Kung Fu manatees all pounced on him, lying on him layer by layer, begging to become a disciple.

In the end, it was Smoker who took out the Eighteen Moves of the Black Dragon from his previous life.

Gave it to the Kung Fu Manatee.

Only then did they leave in the reluctant eyes of the manatees.

It took Luffy and his companions a lot of effort to cross the river.

But three of the three people and one bird present could fly, and they easily crossed the river.

At night, they came to Airuma to rest.

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