The next day, Smoker sent Sanai and the others away.

He felt relieved.

Anyway, he finally got accurate information about Stella.

With his intervention, Stella's ending would definitely not be so tragic, and maybe even Tezoro's fate could be changed.

Smoker returned to the hotel and saw Bell waiting for him.

It turned out that King Cobra asked him to discuss matters.

Smoker did not dare to neglect and hurried over.

King Cobra saw Smoker and quickly got up to greet him.

"Mr. Smoker, the Navy Headquarters has contacted me. As long as the details are agreed upon, the Navy branch can be officially established."

"The problem is the location of the slave auction site and the branch... I don't know if the depleted Eluba is suitable..."

Smoker laughed.

"I think it's very suitable, King Cobra, I have a suggestion for you."

"You can learn from the Sabaody Archipelago and establish an illegal zone in Alabasta."

"You may not know that having a place where villains fight each other can save a lot of trouble!!"

Smoker knew that even without the dancing powder, Eluba was gradually becoming depleted.

King Cobra was silent.

"I agree with your suggestion about the undeveloped zone."

"But as a king, you shouldn't give up a city easily. I'm going to inspect it. I wonder if you can accompany me? By the way, take a look at the location of the future Navy branch!"

Smoker thought about it, and there was nothing else to do for a while, so he readily agreed.

Cobra didn't bring too many people.

In addition to himself and Smoker, only Ikareem accompanied him, and then brought hundreds of royal soldiers.

As for Bell and Gaga, before the nobles and human traffickers completely left Alabasta, they needed to keep an eye on them to prevent anyone from taking advantage of the situation.

As a king, Cobra naturally could not ride a camel, but a car carried by a banana crocodile F crocodile.

Not only comfortable, but also fast.

Arriving at Eluba, Cobra stood on a high sand dune, overlooking the commercial city being swallowed by the yellow sand, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

"Eluba is an old city with a history of 200 years. Our ancestors took decades to build it into its current appearance."

"I didn't expect that our descendants couldn't even hold on for a few years..."

Smoker asked curiously: "Two hundred years? Is the current climate the worst in the past two hundred years?!"

Although I heard Bell say that the drought was serious before, I didn't expect it to be so serious! !

"Not entirely..."

Cobra shook his head.

"There have been times when it didn't rain before, and it was even worse than now, but because it's not far from the Saint Dora River, the groundwater won't dry up."

"But since the earthquake a few years ago, even the wells and underground rivers have dried up..."

Smoker was stunned: "Earthquake?!"

"Yes, since that time, the groundwater has been much less, and with the reduction in rain, it has slowly dried up..."

"So that's it..."

[It seems that the earthquake changed the geological structure and cut off the underground water veins. 】

Smoker's mind flashed the map of Alabasta, and he wondered: "Eluba is only 20 kilometers away from the Saint Dora River, why dig a canal directly? With 600,000 royal troops, it should be easy to dig a canal of dozens of kilometers?! Even I wonder why they didn't build Eluba directly to the Saint Dora River back then?"

Cobra sighed.

"Both sides of the Saint Dora River are deserts with soft soil, so the river often changes course. This is the nearest safe area."

"It's not possible to dig a canal. After a gust of sandstorm, all river channels will be filled with sand..."

"Uh..." Smoker also felt a headache.

From this point of view, the drought in Eluba is both a natural disaster and a man-made disaster.

It really can't be blamed entirely on Crocodile...

If this is the case, no one can save Eluba.

Unless Crocodile guards here every day to remove the sand, or Huangmu goes out to plant trees...

Suddenly, Smoker had an idea.

"King Cobra, I have an idea. Although I don't know how likely it is, it's worth a try."

King Cobra widened his eyes, grabbed Smoker's hand, and trembled with excitement.

"Really...really, Mr. Smoker?!"

"If it's true, you are our great benefactor in Alabasta!"

"Whatever you want, as long as I have it, I can save it all.

For you!!!"

Smoker did what he said.

He flew up slowly, overlooking the terrain, looking for a suitable route, and then asked the king's army to evacuate the people and caravans along the way.

Smoker was in the sky, and suddenly released his ability, and dark matter gushed out, like a black tornado appeared out of thin air.

Dark matter fell to the ground, like a black river, and spread rapidly in the direction of the Santoli River.

With Smoker's current strength, it is enough to release the darkness connecting Eluba and the Santoli River.

Soon, the two places were connected, and looking down from the sky, it seemed as if a black line was drawn between Eluba and the Santoli River.

The black line looked thin, but it was also a hundred meters wide.

King Cobra and a group of kings looked at this natural disaster scene, and they were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

Such a big commotion, those merchants and residents naturally saw it, and they all thought that a miracle had occurred. Many people knelt on the ground with a plop.

Waiting for the darkness Connecting Eluba and the Santoli River, Smoker began to activate his ability, began to devour the yellow sand, and eroded underground.

It was like a red-hot iron bar placed on a wax block. In just a few minutes, a huge ditch appeared that was more than ten meters wide and several meters deep.

As the darkness dissipated, the river water poured into the ditch, rushing towards Eluba like a roaring dragon.

In just a dozen minutes, the deep ditch was filled with water.

The people of Eluba cheered and rushed to the river desperately, scooping water with basins and splashing it on themselves.

Some who could swim jumped into the water directly with their clothes on.

Cobra looked at the people and showed worry instead.

"Mr. Smoker, thank you very much, but..."

Although the excavated river is very large, it will be filled up as long as there is a sandstorm.

It is better to be completely desperate from the beginning than to give hope and then deprive it...

Smoker: "I understand your concerns. Now it is only half successful. The rest is the most difficult! "

"You leave first and evacuate the people ten kilometers away. There is someone who can help, but I need to persuade him. It might make a lot of noise..."

King Cobra: "? ! !"

Although he was puzzled, he still did it and led the king's army to evacuate the people more than ten kilometers away.

Some people were unwilling, and he didn't waste any words and took them away directly.

Smoker used his observation Haki to sense that there was indeed no one around, so he slowly released the darkness.

"Release! !"

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