The sun was shining brightly, and the sun was shining brightly.

A man with sunken eyes, disheveled hair, and a trance emerged from the darkness.

It was Serindi who had been absolutely defensive before.

Smoker had ignored him since the week before the auction, and it had been many days.

When he saw the sun just now, he felt a sting in his eyes.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and covered his eyes quickly, so he didn't become blind.

After a long while, he slowly took his hand away, but his eyes were still red from the stimulation of the sun.

[Tsk tsk, worthy of being a person in the pirate world, he adapted so quickly! 】

【If it was in the previous life, he would have to undergo rehabilitation training for several days before he dared to look at people like this...】

Before, Smoker was busy with Stella's affairs,

and didn't have time to kill this guy and take the fruit. Now it's just in time to use it.

But... before that, you have to tame this bastard first!

Before Smoker could make a move, Serendi rushed over with a howl, hugged Smoker's thigh and started crying loudly.

"Lord Smoker, please kill me!! Don't lock me up anymore!!"

The expression was miserable and the howling was sad,

even worse than Diamanti's back then.

Seeing this scene, Smoker frowned and kicked him away.

Over the years, Smoker's small dark room has locked up countless fierce men,

He has long been accustomed to the reactions of these guys.

Some people even committed suicide because they couldn't bear it, not to mention crying a few times!

Actually, Smoker didn't know that

This guy had claustrophobia and was locked up by him for three days.

Silindi didn't go crazy now, which means he was determined as iron!

"I have something for you to do now. If you do it obediently, I can lock you up outside!"

"If you don't want to..."

Smoker narrowed his eyes slightly, and black smoke began to come out of his body.

Silindi jumped far away as if he had been electrocuted, and said sharply: "No, no, I am willing to do anything you ask me to do!!"

Smoker snorted coldly, and his expression looked better.

But this guy's words...why do they sound awkward? !

Smoker pointed to the river and told Silindi what to do.

That is to use his ability to solidify the sand, turn it into stone slabs to cover the river channel, and turn the river channel into an underground river.

Silindi looked at the endless river and was stunned.

This will take a long time.

But seeing Smoker's fierce eyes, he swallowed his refusal and followed Smoker to do civil engineering with his head down.

He first condensed a layer of air wall on the surface of the river, then covered it with sand, and then solidified the sand into stone slabs.

Smoker also asked him to solidify the riverbed of the river into stone slabs, so that there would be no need to worry about sandstorms.

This workload was extremely huge.

Even Serindi had to work for several days...

This was also the reason why Smoker did not kill him to take the fruit.

Serindi's ability was already very skilled, and his own strength was not weak, so he could bear such heavy work.

If someone else ate this fruit, it would take less than half a year to complete the work...

After repairing the river, Smoker was not done yet.

He found a low-lying place next to Eluba and used his ability to dig a huge deep pit of one kilometer square.

Let Serindi harden the bottom and connect the river, and suddenly there was a huge lake next to Eluba.

The lake is connected to the Santoli River, so there is no need to worry about it turning into a saltwater lake...

When the construction was completed, the people of Eluba cheered and rushed towards Smoker and Serendi, lifted them up and threw them high, cheering their names.

Especially Serendi, after all, his work was much larger than Smoker's.

Soon, there was only a huge cheer by the lake.



Cobra knew Serendi's name, but because he was a lone ranger and not well-known, he did not recognize his identity.

Cobra walked over excitedly and held Serendi tightly.

"Mr. Serendi, thank you so much! The people of Alabasta will always remember your kindness!!"

Serendi had an awkward smile on his face.

After resting for a few days, his physical strength had long been restored.

It is no exaggeration to say that he could kill everyone present by just raising his hand.

But looking at Smoker, who was staring at him, the idea that had just arisen was like a match that was watered.

What am I thinking...

None of these people are his relatives or friends, so what if they are all dead? !

Although the other party is a navy

, will definitely be severely punished, but will definitely not be in danger of his life, and he will definitely not see the sun the next day.

At this time, Cobra excitedly said: "Mr. Smoker, Mr. Serindi, it is our blessing to have heroes like you in the navy!!"

Serindi: "?!!"

Smoker: "Uh, this guy is not a navy..."

"Oh?!" Cobra showed a surprise: "What does Mr. Serindi do for a living?!"


Serindi was stunned.

In the past, no matter who he faced, he could always proudly say that he was a pirate.

But facing Cobra with a burning gaze, facing the people with admiration, especially the little kids hanging on his legs.

"I... I am a traveler."

The voice was as low as a mosquito, and he looked at Smoker with a guilty conscience.

Smoker just glanced at him, snorted coldly and did not expose him.


Cobra patted his shoulder heavily.

"Mr. Serendi, I want to hire you as the Minister of Water Conservancy and Construction of Alabasta. What do you think?!"


Serendi was stunned at first, but a strange feeling emerged in his heart.

For so many years, he has traveled all over the country and killed countless people.

At first, it was to survive, then for gold, silver and jewelry, and then later, he didn't know why.

In addition to being chased by the navy and fighting with pirates, he has long been tired of this wandering and strife life.

But his sins are too serious, even if he doesn't become a pirate, there is no way out.

So, he wants to become a Shichibukai. Although he is still a pirate, at least he can be more stable and have the qualifications to settle down...

The look in everyone's eyes today is a familiar look at the strong.

But it is completely different from the past. There is no fear, hatred, or greed in these people's eyes. There is only gratitude and hope, which makes him feel very comfortable..

But... He glanced at Smoker and fell silent.

I am a prisoner.

Cobra was also calculating very well.

In fact, Alabasta has the Santori River, and many tributaries can be dug artificially, but it cannot be implemented because of the movement of sand dunes.

But with Serendi, it is different. It is entirely possible to build waterways connecting cities.

Wherever these waterways are built, there can be settlements.

For Alabasta, Serendi's ability is no less than that of ancient weapons!!

Smoker was silent...

He understood Cobra's plan. If Serendi was not a pirate, then there would be no problem.

The problem is that he is a pirate!

Let's not talk about the wanted order. What if he really stayed and became a minister?

Later, he did something that angered the heavens and the people, then he really couldn't clear himself even if he jumped into the Yellow River!!

"Hey, King Cobra, calm down..."

"Mr. Smoker, I've thought about it! Even if he's a navy, I'll ask you to transfer Mr. Serendi!"

"Don't say he's a free man, even if he's a pirate or a revolutionary, I want him too!!"

Smoker, Serendi: "?!!!"

Smoker had no choice but to pull Cobra and Serendi to a deserted place and told Cobra his identity.

Cobra was stunned.

His mouth is poisonous! ! !

"King Cobra, I know he's useful, but I'm sorry, Alabasta can't control him, so I can't agree to your request!!"

Cobra sighed. He lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then raised his head again.

"Mr. Smoker, can you allow me to talk to Mr. Serendi alone?!"

Smoker shook his head: "Sorry..."

What if Serendi kidnaps Cobra?

"Okay, I'll be straight to the point!!"

"Mr. Serendi, you are a pirate with a bounty of over 300 million. I don't have the right to cancel your wanted order directly."

"But the Nephite family has some face in the World Government. I can apply to freeze your wanted order and let you redeem yourself in Alabasta. How about that?!"

"Of course, redemption is just a title in the World Government. You are still the Minister of Water Resources and Construction here. Except for the title of the royal family and diplomatic power, all other treatments are the same as mine!"

"What do you think?!"

Smoker's eyes widened.

This is not recruiting criminals, this is finding a living father!

With the size of Alabasta, even the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters would be tempted to give such treatment!

Serendi was also frightened by Cobra's condition. He opened his lips and was speechless for a while.

At this moment, Smoker suddenly felt a strong breath appear in the air.

Approaching this side rapidly.

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