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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Dad, there are more and more people peeping around, do we think of a way to get rid of them first? ” On the Moby Dick , Joz came to Whitebeard and asked.
” Is there any news from Reina and Bista? ” Whitebeard asked after thinking for a while.
” Reina has found the target, there is also news from Bista, and he is rushing there, but according to Reina, Bista has no need to go! ” Joz nodded and replied.
” Well, since that’s the case, let Bista come back! In addition, let’s start moving places! There are too many rats here! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.
” Okay, Daddy! ” Joz said, nodding.
Not long after, Joz came to Whitebeard again and whispered something in his ear.
I saw Whitebeard’s eyes slowly opened, looked at Joz, and asked, ” Is the information accurate? ”
Joz nodded and said, ” Yes, it was delivered by Robin himself, let’s be careful with the navy! ”
” Huh! Those guys are really brave … Let him go and inform Reina, let him send someone over to ensure Robin’s safety, and … Find out if there are any navy mice around, and sink them for me. Going to the bottom of the sea … is a warning to them! ” Whitebeard snorted coldly and said.
” Yes! ” Joz nodded, and went to convey Whitebeard’s order.
Soon, the entire members of the Moby Dick began to act, and they had found the naval surveillance ship, indicating that there were definitely naval warships around.
The unusual actions of the Moby Dick immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding forces.
” Boom! ”
Without waiting for the navy’s surveillance ship to react, it was immediately destroyed after being targeted by the Moby Dick , and other frightened onlookers ran away.
But instead of chasing them, the Moby Dick cruised around like a shark patrolling its own territory.
“The Whitebeard Pirates … this is targeting the navy! What did they do? Why were they targeted all of a sudden? ”
The scouts from the rest of the surrounding forces immediately discovered the intentions of the Whitebeard Pirates, but they didn’t understand why they suddenly started targeting the Navy.
After learning that the surveillance ship was killed by the Whitebeard Pirates, Sakaski almost rushed over to fight the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Bastard beard … What does he want to do? ” Sakaski, who was smoking a cigar, squinted and looked at the Moby Dick, which was patrolling like a shark in the distance , and said softly.
” It should be demonstrating to us! Otherwise, there is no need to choose our navy to attack! ” Lieutenant General Dauberman also came to the deck and said softly.
” Let’s go ! ” Sakaski finally decided that he would have a white beard in the past. Although his mission was to spy on each other, he was riding on his face, but to say hello, it wasn’t his Akainu’s style.
” Sakaski … don’t mess around! Our mission is to monitor the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Lieutenant General Dauberman said immediately after hearing the words.
” They’ve all been ridden in the face, don’t say hello … Do n’t people think that our navy is afraid of them! ” Sakaski ignored Dauberman and directly let the warship head towards the Moby Dick . past.
” Dad, the navy is here! ” On the other side, when the navy warship came over, the lookout immediately spotted them.
” Goo la la la …” Whitebeard got up directly, and came to the deck with a Naginata sword in one hand, without saying a word, he slashed in the direction of the warship.
There was still going to wait for Sakaski, who was going to say something harsh, but before he could get close, a huge slash flew towards the warship.
” Whitebeard? The dog bites the red lotus! ” Before he could say more, Sakaski’s right arm turned into lava, and he attacked at the slash.
If he does not resist head-on, the warship will definitely be divided into two.
” Boom ~~~”
Sakaski’s lava was scattered around by the slash, but it also successfully resisted Whitebeard’s attack.
” Bastard! ” The furious Sakaski was just about to make trouble for the other party, but found that the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates had already rushed towards them, and standing on the bow was the man known as the strongest man in the world. Edward Newgate the Great Pirate Whitebeard .
On the small island in the Lalu Sea, because of Senor’s ability, Reina asked him to start searching in the mines, especially around the huge tree roots, to see if there were any special ores.
But after a whole day of searching, Senor still found nothing.
At night, after everyone has gone to bed.
” Damn … why can’t the phone bug work? ” Senor took a special phone bug and tried to call Doflamingo to report the situation, but at this time he realized that the phone bug didn’t know why it couldn’t be used. .
In fact, he had already discovered something during the day, but he didn’t tell Reina immediately, because he found that as long as he couldn’t find it, Reina would tell him more information. By the afternoon, basically He had figured out what was going on.
Although he has decided that if Lucian wakes up, he will give up his identity as a pirate, but he still wants to complete the last task.
” Don’t you know that this is the Lalu Sea Area? All means of communication are useless! Because the magnetic field in this sea area is so chaotic, even recording the pointer is useless! ” At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Saini. Orr rang behind him.
” You already found out … right? ” Senor turned around, looked at Reina not far away, and said in a deep voice.
” No … As early as Dressrosa, I gave Doflamingo wrong information, otherwise how could he let you come over with confidence? ” Reina shook his head and said.
” So are you planning to kill me now? ” Senor’s face was fearless, but there was still a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.
” Don’t worry, I won’t kill you! I’ll take it as if I don’t know, but … I hope you can really treat your work tomorrow! After all … this is what we agreed in advance … isn’t it? ” Reina shook Shaking his head, he said.
Senor quietly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He knew that as long as he didn’t complete the task for a day, then Reina would probably not hurt him. Obviously, he made the right bet!
At the end of the two days, when Senor told Reina that he still hadn’t found any special ore, Reina responded that the other party did it on purpose.
” Okay … Mr. Senor! Let’s talk frankly … because it doesn’t make any sense to continue … ” After dinner, Reina found Senor and said directly.
Senor was silent and did not speak. He knew that the other party would find out sooner or later, but he did not expect it to be so soon.
” Tell me … What is your purpose? What do you want me to do to help me sincerely! ” Reina poured a glass of wine, handed it to Senor, and asked.
” You want to pass the news here to Brother Doflamingo? Sorry, it’s not that I don’t want to, but I can’t do it! The reason I told you before, this is the Lalu Sea ! ” Senor, who was still silent, asked Reina guessing.
Senor raised his head to look at Reina, hesitated for a moment, and said: ” I really want to pass the information here to the young master, this is my task! You have also seen the situation of Lucian, she actually blinked yesterday. Now, I believe you are right! ”
” So what? After I helped you, that’s how you repaid me? I don’t want to say anything like killing Lucian. She is innocent and shouldn’t be involved in the affairs between us! Thief, but you should also have your own bottom line! Otherwise, wouldn’t it really become the most hated guy in Lucian’s mouth? ” Reina chuckled and said.
Hearing Reina’s words, the corners of Senor’s mouth twitched unconsciously. He is the kind of annoying pirate in the mouths of Reina and Lucian … Because as long as it is the young master’s order, he can become There is no bottom line!
” I see! I will write a report tomorrow. After you have read it, please help me pass it on to the young master! When I receive the reply from the young master, I will really help you! ” Senor looked at Reina, said firmly.
” Impossible! First, I can’t wait so long. Second … I can’t let you pass on the information here. You should know that you are not my only choice! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Hearing Reina’s words, Senor knew that what he wanted to do couldn’t be done!
Looking at the silent Senor, Reina smiled lightly and said: ” Since you have made a choice … then I will not embarrass you! Go back to your room, starting tonight, don’t step out One step away from the room or I’ll kill you! If Lucian wakes up, you can take her away!
But if Lucian doesn’t want to continue living with you, then I will help her find an island that no one knows about and start her new life! As for you … you should know what to expect! ”
Senor nodded and was just about to get up and leave.
However, he found that the captain of the second team, Fire Fist Ace, ran over in a hurry.
” Deputy Captain … Dad has a letter! ” Ace said, handing an open letter to Reina.
” What’s the matter? In such a hurry? ” Reina asked with a slight frown.
He thought it was something wrong with Whitebeard, but after reading the letter, Senor who was not far away could feel a biting killing intent surging from Reina’s body.
” Very good … The Navy … It seems that eldest brother is right … Our Whitebeard Pirates have not appeared in the eyes of the world for too long, and they have forgotten our horror! Hahahaha …” Reina said in a big voice. Laughing, he said.
Senor looked at Reina in horror. He didn’t know what happened, which made Reina, who has always been gentle and polite, so angry.
You must know that when he refused to cooperate with Reina just now, the other party was not so angry, just put him under house arrest.
” Deputy captain, let me go! ” Ace said, looking at Reina.
” No! I’ll go personally this time! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” This …” Ace looked at Reina worriedly, he was afraid that Reina would be swept away by anger.
But Reina ignored him, walked directly to Senor, and said softly: ” Mr. Senor, now I have no time to continue with you, I must leave now to do an important thing, But don’t think you can escape from here! I reiterate that I don’t want to threaten you with Lucian, but you’d better not do anything to me that you will regret! ”
After Reina finished speaking, he turned and left, while Ace quickly chased after him.
Senor, who was stunned in place, looked at Reina, who was far away. At this time, he realized that he did not know when his back was completely wet with sweat.
When Reina was talking to him just now, although the murderous aura on his body didn’t target him, it was too close to him, so his body would be afraid of Beneng, so his back was wet with cold sweat.

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