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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Marco, Ace, Lakyo, Izang, Fossa! I’ll leave it to you here, you must protect the safety of the doctor! If Senor doesn’t cooperate, you don’t need to pay attention to him! I’ll go this time. In the first half of the great route, I will go to Luo by the way, and then the ore can be taken out of the mountain! ” Reina said to several captains before leaving.
” Don’t worry, there will be no problem, and the doctor has not been idle during this time, using the ores that have been excavated and those mutated plants, and is also researching something! I believe there will be no problem at that time! ” Lakeyo He patted his chest and said.
” That’s right, things on Robin’s side are more urgent, you hurry up! ” Izo nodded and said.
” Sorry, Deputy Captain … It’s all because of me that Robin is in danger …” Ace said apologetically.
” It has nothing to do with you. Even without you, the World Government and the Navy have no plans to let her go! It seems that I still need to bring her back! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” That …” Ace hesitated, opened his mouth but didn’t say it.
” Don’t worry, I’ll stop by to see your brother, Robin is on his boat now! ” Reina knew what Ace wanted to say, patted Ace on the shoulder with a smile, and said.
” Thank you, Vice-Captain! ” Ace was relieved when he heard Reina’s words. Now not only Robin, but also his younger brother Luffy’s situation is very dangerous.
” Marko … you have to keep an eye on the news from Big Brother’s side! ” Reina told Marko again before leaving.
” Don’t worry, I know the severity, and with Joz by Daddy’s side, there shouldn’t be any big problems! ” Marko nodded and said.
” Okay, I won’t say more, everyone take care! ” Reina handed over and came to the beach, directly channeling the hard shell.
This time he went to sea by himself, so using a hard shell was the best choice.
” Boom!!! ”
Not long after Reina went to sea, Dr. Sière’s temporary laboratory suddenly exploded.
” What’s the matter? ” Ace came out of the valley in shock. He was discussing with Murat just now, teaching the local indigenous people how to build houses.
” It seems to be the doctor’s side! ” Murat said after looking at it.
” Let’s go! ” Reina had just left when this happened. If something happened to the Doctor, Ace really didn’t know how to explain it.
By the time Ace arrived at the laboratory, Marco, Fossa, Izang, and Rakyo had already arrived.
” What’s going on? Where’s the doctor? ” Ace asked anxiously when he saw the ruined laboratory in front of him.
” I’m fine, there was a little accident in the test just now, it’s okay! I just want to ask you to rebuild the laboratory for me, and the machine used for the test needs to be re-delivered! ” A dark face, a little embarrassed, Xi Ai The Doctor stepped out of the crowd and shook his head.
” Fu ~ These are all small things, as long as you are fine, Doctor! ” Lak said with a sigh of relief.
” Hahaha … Rest assured, all the testing process is under my control! It’s just a little accident, and … we can continue, I found the ore that caused the mutation of the animals and plants here! ” Although it seems A little embarrassed, but the smile on the doctor’s face is quite infectious.
” Really? That’s great, Doctor … Are we going to start mining now? I can’t wait! ” Like the Doctor, there was Lakjoo.
In addition to the ores that the Doctor cares about, he prefers those that bring wealth.
” It is indeed possible to mine, but … it’s better to get this ore out first, otherwise our mining … may be in trouble! ” The doctor took out a small piece of red ore and said with a smile.
” Why? ” Marko and the others looked at the doctor in confusion.
” You have also seen … this kind of ore is quite unstable. In addition to being absorbed by passive plants, it is also easy to explode! ” The doctor pointed to the laboratory that had been blown up and said: ” So if the mining process does not If you’re careful … you’ll be in trouble! ”
Marco looked at each other in dismay. Their previous mining could only be said to be lucky, and they had not encountered a large amount of that red ore, otherwise the entire mine would explode, and the power would be enough to destroy the entire island.
” That’s troublesome …” Ace also frowned.
Their mining is basically violent mining, and it is difficult to guarantee that that kind of ore will not be triggered. ,
” Let me help you! ” At this time, Senor, who had changed out of his baby clothes, suddenly came out and said.
” You? ” Ace and the others didn’t believe him, because what he did these days didn’t seem to be helping them.
” Whether you believe it or not … it’s enough to get this red ore out of the mountain? ” Senor said calmly.
” Yes, I estimate that there should be a very large piece of this ore in the mountain. It is the mother body. You should not touch it directly with your hands, because it may cause you to mutate! ” Unlike Ace and others, the doctor is now only Concerned about getting the ore.
” I understand! ” Senor nodded, turned and walked towards the mountain.
Marco winked at Fossa, who immediately followed.
After a while, when Senor came out of the mountain, he brought back a lot of red ore crystals.
” Very good, you guys, pack these up and send them to the doctor immediately! ” Fossa saw that Senor really got the ore out of the mountain, nodded with satisfaction, and said to the members around him. they ordered.
And Dr. Sière was in pain after he got the ore. Before, due to the lack of samples, the process of the experiment had been slow, but now that the ore was available, all his instruments were blown up, which made him extremely pain of.
” How about … disassemble the instruments on the empty island first? ” Marco suggested cautiously.
The doctor at this time was obviously quite violent, so no one was willing to tease him.
” No, the instruments there are all the top instruments in the world. It’s not cost-effective to do this. The current test stage is not stable. If it explodes again … it will be a big loss. Reina will definitely explode! ” Ah, although Dr. Sière is in a hurry, he is still sensible, so he knows that this kind of thing cannot be done.
It’s not that Reina is reluctant to spend money, but the doctor knows that the instruments that Reina brought him are not simple, at least the technology in the world of the country is not the same, and Reina also told him that if it breaks no more.
So although he didn’t say it, he knew in his heart that the source of these instruments might be similar to liquor.
” Then there is no way, the procurement ship has already set off, but it is estimated that it will take at least three or five days to come back! ” Marko shrugged and said.
” During this period of time, let Senor get out the red ore on the mountain first, and we can also work at the same time to mine ordinary ore. ” Izang suggested.
” Yes! It’s better to dig out that giant tree for me! ” The doctor nodded and said.
” Dug it out? Why? Doctor … You don’t plan to bring it back to Xuanyue Island, right? ” Lakyo asked in surprise.
” Idiot … Isn’t our Xuanyue Island going to be remodeled soon? If we don’t have enough plants after going to the bottom of the sea, how can we provide air for us? This tree is so big, it completely meets our requirements! ” Taking a look, he said.
At the same time, the Marine Headquarters Marine Vando.
” Marshal, New World News! ” A navy sergeant ran into the Warring States Marshal’s office with a look of panic, reporting.
” What’s the matter? ” Warring States raised his head and asked.
” Admiral Sakaski fought against the Whitebeard Pirates while monitoring the Whitebeard Pirates. As a result … the result … the warship was destroyed, Admiral Sakaski was seriously injured, and Lieutenant Admiral Dauberman was seriously injured! ” The non-commissioned officer swallowed. said breathlessly.
” What? ” Warring States stood up directly and asked in disbelief: ” Where are Sakaski and the others now? How many people are there? ”
” Just … there are only General Sakaski and Lieutenant General Dauberman left, the rest … the rest are all killed! At present, the two of them were rescued by passing warships and are heading back to the headquarters! ” Non- commissioned officer After hesitating for a while, he replied.
” Damn it! How could such a thing happen? Immediately inform Kizaru and let him take someone to meet him! ” Warring States immediately ordered.
After the non-commissioned officer left, Warring States went to the window, looked at the sea in the distance, and said softly, ” Newgate … Can you finally resist? ”
The story of Whitebeard’s actions against the navy soon spread all over the world. While the world marveled at Whitebeard’s strength, many people also got first-hand information.
It is known that although the Whitebeard Pirates defeated Admiral Sakaski, the Moby Dick was also severely damaged, and Edward Newgate was also seriously injured.
This kind of news made the major forces even more eager to move.
” Newgate … you’re getting old after all! ma~mama~~” Charlotte Lingling, the head of the BIGMOM pirate group and one of the four emperors , heard the news, and the first reaction was that Whitebeard had already Not as good as before.
The one who has the same idea as him is the head of the Beast Pirate Heaven who is also the fourth emperor, the Beast Kaido.
Rayner, who had already set off for the first half of the Great Route, immediately contacted the Moby Dick after learning the news .
” Dad’s injury is not serious, but the Moby Dick is indeed damaged. Now we plan to go back to Xuanyue Island to recuperate. We have notified Bista and let him go directly to Xuanyue Island to join us! ” It was Joz’s voice over the phone bug.
Originally, Reina wanted to talk to Whitebeard in person, but Joz said that Dad had rested, so Reina didn’t let them disturb Whitebeard.
When the phone hung up, Joz looked helplessly at Whitebeard and said, ” Dad, your body is already like this, why don’t you let Reina come back? ”
” Gu la la la … It’s just a small problem, don’t make a big deal! ” The white beard covered in bandages said to Joz with a smile.
Although they defeated the Navy’s warships, they never thought that Admiral Sakaski would be on the warship before, so they were caught off guard at the beginning.
In addition, the age of Whitebeard is here, and the flexibility and strength of the body are actually not as good as before. If the captains hadn’t helped the village, the injury on Whitebeard’s body would have been even worse.

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