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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Whitebeard didn’t tell Reina about his injury, because of course he didn’t want Reina to worry.
But Reina, who was heading all the way to the great route, naturally heard some rumors, saying that although the Whitebeard Pirates defeated the navy this time, the defeated navy was just a surveillance ship, not a real naval warship.
And this time, Whitebeard did it himself. The navy fought to annihilate the entire army, and also gave the Whitebeard Pirates a head-on attack. Among them, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, the great pirate Whitebeard Edward Newgate was seriously injured.
Reina doesn’t really believe the rumors here. If it’s really just monitoring the ship, let alone Whitebeard’s own shot, even a captain-level combat power is enough, and he has confirmed from Joz that this is The next one to fight with them was Akainu Sakaski, one of the three admirals of the navy.
As for Joz’s statement that Whitebeard was not injured, Reina didn’t fully believe it. In the face of the Admiral, Whitebeard would naturally not be defeated, but there was no injury left, and Reina still didn’t believe it.
Of course, if it was replaced by Whitebeard when he was young, even if Joz told him that Whitebeard beheaded Sakarskirena, he would believe it, because Whitebeard had that ability.
At this point in time, although Whitebeard still has the ability to single-kill the Admiral, it will definitely end with one death and one serious injury.
Don’t think that the current three generals of the Navy made their debut later than them and underestimate them. At that time, the three of them were also known as monster-level geniuses that the Navy rarely saw in a hundred years. Domineering cultivation is not bad.
Even the current Reina, who wants to kill any of them alone, is probably not able to do it.
But this doesn’t mean that Reina can’t beat them. In a deadly fight, Reina believes that he will win in the end, but if the other party wants to go, he can’t stop it, just like if he wants to go, the other party can’t stop it either.
But now Joz and the others are not telling the truth to themselves. It must have been Whitebeard testing the pressure for them, so after hanging up the call with Moby Dick , Rayner immediately started to contact Bista, and he moved towards Moby Dick. The direction of the Dick moved forward.
” I know, don’t worry … I’ll rush over now as fast as I can! ” On the other end of the phone bug, Bista replied immediately after listening to Reina’s analysis.
” Okay, I’ll ask you on the big brother’s side. Now that Marco and I are not here, you have to take responsibility! ” Reina said softly.
” Don’t worry, there will be no problem! Dad, haven’t they returned to Xuanyue Island? Now that Xuanyue Island has been managed by us very well, there will be no problem! ” Bista replied with a smile.
” Don’t be careless, and I’m afraid the navy won’t give up so easily. This time they lost a lot of face on the big brother! When I find Robin, I’m going to make some noise and try to make them focus on On me! ” Rayner said his plan.
” Don’t mess around, you are alone outside, if something happens, it will be bad! ” Bistan quickly reminded.
” Do n’t worry … it won’t mess up! ” Reina replied with a smile.
After the two chatted for a while, they hung up the call. At this time, Reina was already thinking about Robin’s approximate location.
On the other side, the Straw Hat gang who escaped from the blue pheasant moved towards the next small island, the Seven Waters Capital. On the way, they saw the smokey Tom from the train running on the sea, and they also met the tower guard Cocolo at the lighthouse. Mother-in-law with her granddaughter Zimone, and Zimeone’s pet Kumbe.
Then, in order to get a perfect repair for the seemingly scarred Merry, Luffy also wanted to find a boatman as a partner, so they went directly to the Seven Waters.
After arriving at the Seven Waters, Luffy, Nami, and Usopp exchanged the gold they harvested on the sky island, and stopped by the shipyard to find someone to repair the Merry.
Chopper went shopping with Robin, and Sanji, who was left guarding the ship, followed after learning about it, leaving Zoro to guard the ship alone, and waiting for the ship repairer to come and repair the Merry.
But Nami, who set out with Luffy, saw a lot of guys with masks on the street, which made her feel a little strange, but nothing happened, so she didn’t care.
But Robin, who was shopping with Chopper, encountered a problem.
When Chopper entered the bookstore excitedly because he saw the bookstore, a masked man came to Robin’s side.
” I’m CP9 ! ” The masked man said softly as he passed Robin.
” The lackeys of the World Government … ? Do you want to attack me too? ” Robin asked, froze in place.
” We’ve been looking for you all these years, but we didn’t expect to meet you here … how about it, just follow me obediently! ” The masked man said calmly.
” Oh? You want to arrest me? It depends on whether you have the skills! ” Robin didn’t think about capturing him, but taking the words of the person inside made her hesitate.
” I know you won’t obey obediently … but don’t think about running away, because … no one can escape the pursuit of the Demon Tuo Ling! ” The masked man said softly.
“The slaughtering order … ? Impossible! How could you have the power to launch the slaughtering order? ” Robin was shocked and asked with some fear.
Back then, she was the one who really saw the power of the Demon-Slaughtering Order. She had also stayed with Reina, and she naturally knew that the Demon-Slaughtering Order was a force that could compete with the world’s top Whitebeard Pirates, so when CP9 said Tumoring She was a little unconvinced when the magic order was given.
” Haha …do you want to be sure? No problem … follow me! ” The masked man chuckled and led Robin to an unoccupied corner.
” Blu Bleu … Bleu Bleu …”
The masked man took out a phone bug, dialed it and said, ” This is the exclusive phone bug of the CP9 chief, you can confirm it yourself. ”
” Hey … Who is it? ” A somewhat arrogant and rude voice came from the other end of the phone.
” This is the capital of seven waters …” the masked man said softly.
” Oh? It’s you! Has the mission been completed? ” the officer on the other end of the phone bug asked expectantly.
“The target has been determined, and we’re ready to do it! But … we have met the criminal you’ve been hunting for years … Nicole Robin ! ” The masked man replied directly.
” What? Nicole Robin ? Are you sure you read that right? That’s great! Catch her for me no matter what, hahaha … I’m so lucky to have you guys meet Nicole Robin ! ” On the other end of the phone bug, hearing the masked man’s report, he immediately burst out laughing.
” Want to arrest me? Let’s see if you are qualified! ” Robin, who was standing aside, said softly.
” Who? Who’s talking? ” The officer on the other end of the phone bug seemed a little startled when he heard Robin’s voice.
” Sir, it’s Nico Robin . In order to make her give up escaping, I revealed that you have the Demon Slaughter Order, but she doesn’t seem to believe it! ” The masked man replied calmly.
” Wow hahaha … It turned out to be Nicole Robin ! I really didn’t expect that when my father arrested your mother, now it’s my turn to arrest you! Your mother and daughter are simply stepping stones for our father and son to be promoted. Ah! It’s so wonderful …”
” As for the Demon Slaughtering Order … it was given to me by Admiral Aokiji, for another thing … But that target is also in the Seven Waters City, so you don’t have to doubt that if I use the Demon Slaying Order … you There is absolutely no escape! ” On the other side of the phone bug, the arrogant laughter seemed even more complacent.
” Mother …” Robin’s eyes narrowed and he asked softly, ” Isn’t my mother arrested by the Navy? Has nothing to do with your world government? Your father is from the Navy? ”
Reina had told her mother’s cause of death.
Because O’Hara studied historical texts privately, and also concealed Reina, when her mother was discovered by the Navy because of her research on historical texts, Reina immediately rushed back to save her mother, and happened to meet the legendary naval hero Karp.
As a result, Reina, who was defeated, was captured by the navy and sent to the advance city.
At the same time, Rayner was also accompanied by her mother, who was caught by the navy first, but then Admiral Garp was persuaded by her mother and vowed to study historical texts only for the sake of studying history, thus gaining Garp’s sympathy, Quietly let her mother go.
Who knew that her mother secretly disguised as a soldier escorting Reina in order to help Reina escape. Although Reina also got the opportunity to escape with her help, but on the way to escape, the mother, an ordinary person, was arrested. Injured by the venom of Magellan, the deputy guard of the advancing city, he eventually died at the gate of the advancing city.
Therefore, whether it is from her own channels or from her father Reina’s remarks, there is nothing about the World Government.
” Hahaha … It seems that there is something … You don’t know! The real cause of your mother’s death …” On the other end of the phone bug, the CP9 officer said with a big smile.
” Say what you know! ” Robin said coldly.
” Want to know? Then follow them to find me! I’ll tell you … the truth of what happened back then! Hahaha … I’m really looking forward to it…I’m looking forward to your arrival … Benery D. Luo Bing! ” When the officer on the other end of the phone worm called out Robin’s real name, Robin’s eyes froze.
” I’ll come to you! ” Robin said in a deep voice.
” Hey … Miss Robin? Why are you here? ” At this moment, at the exit of the street, Sanji saw Robin standing there.
But when he came over, he found that Robin was gone, and when he looked up, he saw a man with a long nose flying through the air.
” Usopp? ” Sanji was taken aback.
” What’s going on in this city … ? ” Sanji, who didn’t understand at all, suddenly fell into confusion.
In fact, what he just saw was not Usopp, but Kaku, the carpenter foreman of the No. 1 shipyard in the Seven Waters. At the same time, he was also a world government spy hidden in the Seven Waters, one of the intelligence officers of CP9 .
And the reason why he flew in the air was because the three of Luffy who exchanged gold for 300 million berries found the shipyard and hoped that he could repair the Golden Meri.
In order to give an accurate quotation, Kaku will use the method of flying in the air to go directly to the backstreet where they parked, which is exactly what Sanji saw.

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