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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” What did you say? ” Luffy couldn’t believe it when Kaku told Luffy about the result of the inspection of the Merry.
After a big quarrel with the people at the shipyard, Luffy discovered that the cash box in his hand seemed to be lighter, and they never saw Usopp.
It happened that the people at the shipyard said that they saw a long-nosed man with the Frankie family who stole their money before, and they thought that it should be the other party who kidnapped Usopp and stole the money from Usopp.
After the other side found that Robin was missing, Chopper, who joined Sanji, also blamed himself, and the two had no choice but to go back to the Merry first.
But when they came back, they learned from Zoro that the Golden Meri could not continue sailing, and Nami also ran back to tell them that something happened to Usopp.
Although with the help of Zoro and others, they demolished the Franky family, but the money had been taken by Franky, so they could only bring back the seriously injured Usopp.
The sober Usopp couldn’t accept the fact that the Merry could not sail, and finally proposed to withdraw from the Straw Hats, and started a showdown with Luffy, betting on the right to use the Merry.
After defeating Usopp, Luffy gave up the Meri to the other party, and he took his partner to live in the Seven Waters.
A series of things made them all become extra sensitive.
The next day, before Luffy and the others went to look for Robin who disappeared, they heard the news that Mayor Iceberg had been assassinated, and they were soon identified as the murderers, which made Luffy feel extremely baffled.
Although he tried his best to explain to the foreman, everyone didn’t believe them at all. Although Franky’s troubles caused him to escape with Nami, he had already learned from the foreman that they were identified as the murderers. The reason is that their partner, Nicole Robin , assassinated Mayor Iceberg last night.
That night, the Straw Hats decided to go to Mayor Iceberg’s room to find out.
And at night, Robin really followed several masked CP9 members to the iceberg’s room again. The purpose of their trip was the design drawings of the ancient giant battleship ” Pluto ” .
The things originally belonged to Mr. Tom. Before Mr. Tom was executed, the drawings were handed over to Bingshan, which also let Bingshan know what Reina He said and what it meant.
In order to protect himself and the blueprint, Bingshan worked hard to become the mayor and a member of the World City Palace, but he didn’t expect the other party to finally come to the door.
” It really is you? CP9… I knew this had nothing to do with the Straw Hats! ” Mayor Iceberg said with some pain, looking at the mask and Nico Robin who appeared in front of him again .
” It doesn’t matter, I wanted you to survive last night in the hope that you could spread the word and put the blame on the pirates! ” Robin said with a slight smile.
” Why are you doing this? ” Bingshan looked at each other and asked inexplicably.
” Only if you don’t die, but you feel dangerous, will you transfer the blueprint? Now our comrades have gone to Barry! Get the blueprint, kill you and Barry who know the truth, and finally put all the It’s perfect when it’s pushed on the Straw Hats! ” the masked man said softly.
” Drawings … ? So that’s the case … You really came for that! ” Bingshan understood the whole thing in an instant.
” Okay, Nicole Robin , we’ve done what you asked, and we’ll give you a message when it’s done over there. You can kill the iceberg! Now it’s over to you, and I’ll go to the door. Don’t let anyone break in! ” After the masked man finished speaking, he left the room directly.
After the masked man left, Bingshan looked at Robin in front of him and said softly, ” You know what? Actually, I’ve been looking for you for a long time! ”
” Huh? Looking for me? ” Robin asked in surprise.
” Yes, looking for you! ” Iceberg said, took out a pistol from his clothes, and said to Robin.
” Are you trying to kill me? ” Robin asked with a chuckle.
” That’s right … I know … you are a remnant of O’Hara … currently the only existence in the world that can interpret ancient texts! ” Bingshan nodded and said.
” So what? It’s just because he can read ancient texts, so damn it? ” Robin began to get a little excited. Isn’t this the reason why O’Hara was destroyed? But who has heard O’Hara’s explanation?
They are historians in the first place, and researching history is their job. If they can’t even read ancient characters, what kind of historians are they?
” No … It’s not wrong to know ancient words … But … ancient words are the only key that can revive ancient weapons! This is the biggest mistake! ” Bingshan said in a deep voice.
Since Mr. Tom died because of the drawings, Bingshan has been investigating ancient weapons in private. After O’Hara’s demise, he was actually quietly relieved in his heart, but the appearance of Nicole Robin made him nervous again. .
” Oh? You even know ancient weapons? This … is not something that ordinary people can know! ” Robin said with some surprise.
” Don’t you know yet? What are the blueprints they are looking for? ” Bingshan looked at Robin and said, ” That’s an ancient weapon … the blueprint of Hades! ”
” Hehehe …” Hearing Bingshan’s words, Robin laughed, even more and more loudly.
” What are you laughing at? ” Bingshan asked in confusion.
” Compared to me … you are the real devil, aren’t you? Although I can read ancient texts, I didn’t reveal anything about ancient weapons, but you … have the blueprints for the real resurrection of ancient weapons. Compared with me … you are the real devil! The existence that can really destroy the world. ” Robin said disdainfully.
” No! I’m not the same as you! You inherited O’Hara’s demon blood, and I … inherited the mantle of the ancient battleship designer! The designer was worried that the power of Hades was too powerful, so he Left the blueprints just in case! ”
” Now … the only person in this world who can unlock ancient texts is you, and you are also the only one who can awaken the existence of ancient battleships … so … I’m bound to destroy you! ” Iceberg, holding a pistol, stared at Robin and said.
” Hehehe … is this your last word? ” Robin looked at each other and said with a chuckle.
She doesn’t want to talk to this kind of person anymore, it’s just a waste of her time.
” You who have the blueprints, what else did you say that I can wake up ancient weapons, even if I die now and your blueprints fall into the hands of the government, wouldn’t the result be the same? ” Robin glanced at the iceberg and said disdainfully.
” Hahaha … you think they will succeed? Barry went to get it … just a fake! The real blueprint … no one can find it! ” Bingshan laughed and said: ” This … is the difference between me and you What a shame! Nicole Robin ! Even so … will you continue to choose to help the World Government? ”
” Help the World Government? No, you made a mistake! I didn’t help them. I don’t care if they can get the blueprints. What I care about … is something else! ” Robin shook his head and said.
” What? You actually said you don’t care? This is an ancient weapon!! It must be awakened, and it will definitely cause a world war! The people who will die … not one or two, you actually said you don’t care … But also … a guy like you who doesn’t even care about his friends … how could he care about other people’s lives … that’s why I said … you O’Hara are the blood of the devil! ” Robin’s words angered Iceberg, he yelled at Robin.
” Hehehe … I do have the blood of a demon! But it’s not inherited from O’Hara … You obviously don’t know anything, but you are right there … Do n’t worry! My partner will be fine, as a help Their conditions, they will not take action on the wronged Straw Hats! As long as they get what they want, then they have a chance to leave …” Robin said with a chuckle.
When she heard Bingshan talking about the devil, she wanted to refute the other party, but when she thought of her father’s weird hesitation and the devil-like writing wheel, she admitted it with a smile.
” It turns out … but … are you really not afraid of ancient weapons being awakened by the world government? At that time, 6 will be ruined! ” Bingshan said in a deep voice.
Robin smiled slightly and did not choose to answer.
She also doesn’t want the World Government to get ancient weapons, otherwise, it may be really bad for the Whitebeard Pirates who are in a bad situation now.
But she is not afraid, because after meeting Aokiji, she has already contacted the Moby Dick , so if there is no accident, the Whitebeard Pirates should send someone over, and then she will have and CP9 The ability to fight, as for now … She doesn’t think Luffy and others are CP9 ‘s opponents.
And she didn’t want to involve Luffy and others, it was no longer something they could afford.
Now, just CP9 Luffy and others can’t handle it, let alone the existence of the demon slaughtering order, which is a situation that even the Whitebeard Pirates must take seriously.
Soon, the CP9 people who found the blueprint returned to the room. After taking off the mask, Bingshan looked at the few people in front of him in disbelief.
” Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa, Bruno … why are you? ” Iceberg asked in disbelief, looking at the familiar person in front of him.
” Nothing is impossible, Mr. Iceberg, we are the intelligence officers of the World Government, CP9 ! ” Lu Qi said softly.
Next, they deduced from the pulse of the iceberg that the current Franky was the Carter Flam of that year , and the blueprint was on him.
But when they were on this side, Luffy and Barry, Zoro with Nami and Chopper broke in.

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