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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Robin! I finally found you! ” After entering the door, Luffy, looking at Robin, shouted loudly.
” Luffy? Why are you here? I remember that I said goodbye to Mr. Chef and Mr. Ship Doctor! Didn’t they convey my words? ” Robin asked in surprise as he looked at Luffy who appeared.
” I’ve already conveyed it! ” Chopper stepped forward and exclaimed: ” But … even I … can’t accept it! Robin … why? Why did you say goodbye to us? Are you upset? If you don’t like it, I can stop watching and lose! ”
Chopper always thought that she was addicted to the bookstore and neglected Robin, so she was angry and wanted to leave.
” Idiot … How could this be the reason? It has nothing to do with you, Mr. Ship Doctor, and I also like reading books! ” Robin’s heart trembled slightly, facing Chopper’s self-blame, she couldn’t bear it, But she knew that this was the best protection for Luffy and others, and the Demon Slaying Order was no joke.
” Then … tell me why you left! It’s just such a farewell … I won’t approve! ” Luffy stared at Robin and asked.
” Sorry, I have something to do, so I can’t be with you! Is this reason enough? ” Robin shook his head and replied.
” What kind of thing is it? ” Sauron interjected and asked.
He was the one who opposed Robin the most after he got on the boat, but now that he is a companion, he will never allow such a thing to happen.
” No, you better not know about this! ” Robin shook his head and replied.
” Then you don’t hesitate to turn all your partners into assassins in order to do such a thing? ” Zoro asked dissatisfied.
” That’s right, you should know, didn’t Aokiji warn you? Be prepared for this when you are with me! For my purposes, I can give up anything, including you! ” Robin nodded , said.
Hearing Robin’s words, Luffy and the others were extremely angry. Obviously, they could not accept such a reason.
” Then I’ll leave first! ” After Robin finished speaking, she didn’t want to stay here any longer. Now she seems to be rushing to the Judiciary Island as soon as possible to ask the so-called CP9 officer, what was the cause of her mother’s death? What’s going on, why does the other party know her real name.
” Wait … Robin, you haven’t finished speaking yet, don’t go! ” Luffy immediately stepped forward to try to stop Robin, but in the face of the powerful CP9 , Luffy, Zoro, and Barry lost one after another.
He and Zoro were directly knocked away by Lu Qi, who turned into a cheetah.
After tying the iceberg and Barry, Lu Qi and his party went straight to slip here. Their goal now is Franky. As long as they catch each other, they can get the blueprint of Hades, so that their mission is completed.
After they left, the time bomb they had placed in advance also exploded. Fortunately, Chopper, with his strong will, rescued Mr. Iceberg and Barry at the last moment.
When Iceberg woke up, he learned from the boatman next to him that it was the reindeer from the Straw Hats who rescued him and Barry, and there was a companion from the Straw Hats there. They didn’t know what to do.
” Okay, let’s spread out first, and let me and her be alone for a while! ” Bingshan sat down in front of Nami and said to the surrounding boatmen.
” Okay … Okay, Mr. Bingshan, let’s go put out the fire first! ” Although the boatmen were puzzled, they still obeyed Bingshan’s instructions.
” Well … that … First of all, I’m very sorry for wronging you. I’ll explain this to everyone later! ” Bingshan looked at Nami with a lonely face and said, ” In addition, what I want to talk to you about is about Nico Robin thing! ”
” Robin? Do you know what? ” Nami asked in surprise.
” So how much do you know about Robin? ” Iceberg asked, looking up at Nami.
Nami shook her head and remained silent.
They didn’t know much about Robin’s past. After Robin got on the boat, she was just a very quiet partner who likes to read books.
” She was born in O’Hara in the West Sea … that place called the devil, and she is also the only survivor of O’Hara, a woman called the child of the devil! ” Bingshan took a deep breath and said.
” O’Hara? Demon? ” Nami asked in confusion.
” That’s right, because they all have an ability … the ability to interpret ancient texts! ” Bingshan nodded and replied: ” And this ability can awaken ancient weapons that destroyed the world, so they are called demons! ”
” Destroy the world? ” Nami was a little surprised. Destroying the world is not just a matter of words.
” That’s right, and I also have this ability. Although it’s not the same as her, the blueprint may have been taken away now, and I no longer have any qualifications to speak of her! ” Bingshan shook his head and said with some pain: ” Yes . Although I don’t know what her purpose is? But one of her transactions with the World Government is that the people of the World Government can’t do anything to you! ”
” What? ” Nami was startled and asked, ” You mean … Robin took the initiative to go with them … because … because she wanted to save us? But … but why did she put the charge of assassination on us ? on the head? ”
” Because only in this way, you will continue to have trouble, and then leave here quickly! ” Bingshan replied with a wry smile.
” Batta …” After Bingshan finished speaking, she saw Nami fall directly.
” Hey … Are you alright? ” Bingshan froze for a moment, thinking that the other party’s injury had flared up and could no longer be sustained.
” It’s … great! Robin … sure enough didn’t betray us! ” Nami, who fell to the ground, said with a long sigh of relief with a smile.
” No, now is not the time to rest, I have to tell everyone about this! ” Nami got up and ran.
” Hey, the straw hat boy has been defeated. Now, do you have any other way? ” Bingshan looked at Nami who had left behind and shouted loudly.
” What’s the matter so far? It’s just the beginning! Luffy and the others will be fine, at this level, they can’t beat them! ” Nami said confidently: ” Now we have to execute Robin . The plan is taken back! If people are confused, they can’t exert their power! But once they know how to help Robin, the power they can exert … will be extremely powerful! ”
Looking at the excited Nami, although Bingshan didn’t know why, there was a throbbing in his heart. This feeling … This feeling of giving to each other for his companions made him a little shocked.
” Nicole Robin … It seems that you devil … is not worthy of the name! ” Looking at Nami, who was waking up Chopper with explosive force, the corner of Bingshan’s mouth twitched slightly, and said in a low voice .
After learning the real reason for Robin’s departure, Nami and Chopper set out to find a partner, and now they must race against time to stop Robin before she gets on the Shanghai train.
But despite the help of Barry and the shipbuilders at the shipyard, Nami and Chopper still did not find Luffy and Zoro who were sent flying.
” No! It can’t go on like this, Chopper, keep looking. I’ll go to the station first and try to prevent the sea train from starting! Mr. Barry, when is the last sea train leaving? ” Nami asked Chopper , who was traveling with him. Talk to Barry.
” There are still twenty minutes left! ” Barry looked at the pocket watch in his hand and said, ” Akula Ragna is coming soon, so this train will be the last one! Want to go to sea again If so, we have to wait until Akula Ragna has passed! ”
” Okay, Chopper! Let’s split up! As long as the sea train is stopped, we still have time and opportunity! ” Nami said to Chopper next to her.
” Oh! I see, I’ll definitely do my best! ” Chopper exclaimed, revived immediately after learning that Robin didn’t hate it.
However, when Nami arrived at the station, she found that the sea train had already departed ahead of schedule, and they finally missed the best time.
” Not good! Akula Ragna is here , we have to go back to the heights, we can’t stay here anymore! ” Looking at the lost Nami, Barry discovered the danger first, and rushed back with Nami Over at the dock.
However, Nami, who had just returned to the dock, immediately found Luffy who was stuck, and Chopper also found Zoro who fell into the chimney, but Akula Ragna was also approaching.
Fortunately, Luffy and Zoro escaped at the last minute, so they barely escaped back to the dock.
After learning the truth from Nami, Luffy asked Barry to give them a boat that could go out to sea, but Barry did not agree, because now the god of water, Akula Ragna , has arrived, this time except for the sea Except for the train, no ship can go to sea.
But Luffy, who made up his mind, didn’t care. Just when he was about to grab the boat, Granny Kakaro, whom they met at the lighthouse before, told them that there was also a sea train in the water capital, and that was the Smoke Tom . Completion of the previous test item is not guaranteed.
But at this time, Luffy couldn’t care about this, and directly asked to take the ” Rocketman ” to sea.
Not long after Luffy and the others went to sea, the boatmen of the Water Capital who stood on the dock and observed the sea, found that a ship seemed to be approaching on the far sea.
” Mr. Iceberg, look … what is that? ” the boatman pointed to the rough sea in the distance and asked the iceberg.
” That’s … a pirate ship? Wait … that flag is … how is that possible? ” Bingshan took the binoculars and looked at the pirate ship slowly approaching, surprised.
” It’s the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates … You can’t be wrong! Why did they appear here? And they ignored Akula Ragna? It ‘s so confusing! ” As the pirate ship approached, The boatmen also found each other’s flags.
” Quick, everyone is ready to respond! ” Bingshan immediately ordered.
” No, Mr. Iceberg, look … Akula Ragna is here again! ” A boatman pointed to the rear of the pirate ship with some fear, and shouted in horror.
A wave with a height of tens of meters and hundreds of meters, just behind the pirate ship, may destroy the pirate ship at any time.
But just when everyone thought that the other party was finished, suddenly the waves behind the pirate ship began to freeze, and finally the whole wave was frozen, and then the pirate ship quickly left the waves behind, Came to the water capital.
” I said Iceberg … What are you doing here? Haven’t the Akula Ragna thing been resolved yet? It scared me to death! ” With a wave of his hand, after releasing the hard-shelled psychic, Reina walked towards Iceberg said with a smile.
” Yes … Your Excellency Reina? Why are you here? ” Bingshan asked in surprise immediately after seeing Reina.
” That … I came here for something. I heard that a group of pirates called the Straw Hat Boys came here, so I came to find them! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Huh? The straw hat is small? ” Bingshan was stunned for a moment, and then said in a deep voice what had happened in the past few days.
“CP9 ? You mean … they took Robin? ” Rainer asked, his face slowly sinking.
” Yes … you … do you mean … ? ” Suddenly, Bingshan remembered a rumor, a rumor that came from nowhere, that Nicole Robin and the Whitebeard Pirates had a close relationship .
” Ah ~ Robin … it’s my daughter! ” Reina nodded slightly and replied.
” Daughter … daughter? ” Not to mention the iceberg, the surrounding boatmen were so surprised that they almost fell into the sea.

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