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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” You … your daughter? You mean Nicole Robin ? She … isn’t she O’Hara’s remnant? ” Iceberg stammered as he spoke, there was no way, what Reina said just now, information The amount is too large.
” Yes! Her mother is a historian of O’Hara, so why is she not a remnant of O’Hara? Because of O’Hara’s destruction and some other reasons, she is called her mother’s surname to the outside world, after all I also don’t want to make her life a mess because of me! ” Reina explained with a smile.
” Original … So it is! But if this is the case … then I don’t understand it even more! Why does she help the people of the World Government? To her, the World Government should be an enemy, right? As your daughter, even if it is CP9 With such an existence, you don’t dare to do anything to her easily, do you? ” Bingshan asked inexplicably.
” Not many people know her true identity, only the high-level navy knows it, so the world government may not know! But you said that Robin will take the initiative to follow them … It does make me a little puzzled! Did it happen? What I don’t know? ” Reina said, rubbing her chin.
” But … Your Excellency Reina … Now Robin has been taken away by the people of the world government, and now it ‘s time for Akula Ragna to come, I’m afraid you won’t be able to catch up with them! ” Iceberg is a little sorry said.
If he knew that Reyna was back, he would never have handed the Rocketman over to the Straw Hats. After all, he still hoped to save Frankie!
” Ah ~ it’s okay! Their goal should be Judiciary Island, right? And as a remnant of Robin O’Hara, the World Government will not kill her, at most it will be locked in the advance city! If you can’t catch up, I will go directly to advance. The city is ready! ” Reina said with a smile.
Bingshan swallowed silently, and only a big pirate like Reina would ignore the Judiciary Island, the World Government, and the Advance City!
” But advancing city … I really don’t like that place … Forget it, I’d better leave early! By the way, do you still have food here? The food that I have come all the way is not enough! ” Mentioned advancing city , Reina thought of Olvia, so he would inevitably be a little concerned, so he planned to set off directly to Judicial Island.
” You … Are you going to set off directly? But Acura Ragna …” Iceberg didn’t go on after half of what he said, because there was an ice wall standing on the sea in the distance, and that was Aku La Lagna is frozen.
” I’ll prepare food and drinks for you immediately! ” Iceberg knew that what he had to do now was to help Reina with supplies. As long as Reina hurried past, Robin would be rescued, and Franky would also be rescued.
” It’s really bothering you! ” Reina said to Iceberg with a smile, watching the boatmen in the Water Capital help carry food, drinks and some other supplies onto the hard shell’s back.
” It should be! But … can I ask you one thing? Your Excellency Reina? ” Iceberg hesitated and asked.
” Is it Flam? Don’t worry! I will bring him back! ” Reina said with a smile: ” Also … don’t call me Your Excellency, it’s too far away, if you don’t mind, just call me Reina Alright! ”
” That won’t work …” Bingshan waved his hand and said, ” You are the teacher’s friend, so it’s inappropriate to call you by your first name! Or … I’ll call you Mr. Reina? ”
” Whatever … it’s just the name! Well, I won’t tell you any more, I’ll set off before Akula Ragna has come! ” Reina climbed on the back of the hard shell and moved towards the iceberg He waved his hand and said.
After Reina was far away, the boatman slowly stepped forward and asked Bingshan: ” Mr. Bingshan … he … is he really the famous Chitong? The big pirate … Chitong Reina ! ”
” Well, that’s right, he is the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Chitong Reina, known as the strongest ship’s vice-captain ! ” Bingshan nodded and said.
” It’s really amazing! Even Akula Ragna can freeze . Is he a devil fruit person? ” Hearing Iceberg’s confirmation, another boatman asked curiously.
” Okay, don’t ask any more questions, Reina Court … I don’t know much about Mr.! ” Bingshan waved his hand and said, ” Don’t let your guard down, this year’s Akula Lagna is more than ever. Be more intense and be prepared to deal with it! ”
” Yes! Mr. Iceberg! ” The boatmen immediately responded loudly.
After starting from the water capital, Reina followed the track of the sea train and headed towards the Judiciary Island. Although there was such a thing in memory, the current Robin is different from the original, and he did not want to die. So Reina didn’t think the battle of Judiciary Island would start at first.
But he didn’t expect that when he came to Judicial Island, Robin still followed the people of the World Government.
Hurry up all the way, when Reina came to Judicial Island, the melee inside had already started.
” Huh , it seems that the demon slaughter order hasn’t been activated yet … I finally caught up! ” Hearing the screams of killing from the Judicial Island, Reina quietly sighed in relief.
Even if it is him, if he faces the demon slaughtering order alone, I am afraid that it is not enough.
If Luffy and his gang didn’t have the aura of the protagonist, they would definitely die in the battle of Judiciary Island.
Even if they defeated CP9 , there were ten lieutenant generals on the warships that arrived, and the naval headquarters was behind the gate of justice. It can be said that the navy’s reinforcements could be endless.
If Reina dared to show up, the generals who stayed at the headquarters would definitely come immediately. Even Reina would have to pay some price to escape, let alone save everyone.
So Reina didn’t show up directly, but quietly sneaked into the Judiciary Island.
On the other side, the Straw Hats led the Frankie family and the shipyard foreman of the Water Capital, all the way to the interior of Judiciary Island.
And the commander of CP9 , Spandam, was in the room at the top of the Judiciary Tower, mercilessly mocking Robin and Franky.
” Wow, hahaha … What a fool! Someone actually came here by themselves … Nicole Robin , no, I should call you Bernery D. Robin? I’m not mistaken Your name, right? Hahahaha …” Spandam said with a frantic laugh after seeing Robin.
” Since I’m here, can you tell me what you know? ” Robin asked calmly.
” Don’t worry, before again … Carter Fram … Let’s settle your business first! Hand over the blueprints that your dead ghost teacher left you … hand over ! ” Frankie, who has become a dumpling, said.
However, after a lot of quarrels, the stubborn Frankie actually burned the blueprints of Hades with a fire in order to prevent the world government from getting the blueprints.
” What … bastard! You … you actually … actually burned the blueprints? Liar? Tell me … what you just burned is fake! ” Spandam looked at The design drawings, which had been burned to ashes, roared angrily at Frankie.
” Hahaha … I’m so sorry, what I just burned … is true! ” Frankie replied with a big laugh.
” Fu ~ bastard … I didn’t expect you to put it together here, but it doesn’t matter … If it wasn’t for her, I might have really collapsed! But with her, it’s different, I can still get it. Ancient weapons! ” After his anger, Spandam pointed at Robin and said.
” Did you do something wrong? I’m here … not to find some ancient weapons for you! Tell me what happened back then! ” Robin stared at Spandam and said softly.
” Wow hahaha … Okay … Since you’re so impatient … let’s talk slowly! ” Spandam laughed, and let Franky be locked aside before he sat down. He came down with his coffee and said, ” You must be wondering, why do I know your real name? ”
Robin was silent and did not speak, but Frankie on the side was bored, so he became a little curious when listening to the conversation between the two. Spandam had said before that Nicole Robin was not her real name, but her real name. What is it called? D. Robin.
” Hahaha …” Looking at the silent Robin, Spandam laughed and said, ” Because the matter between your father and your mother … was investigated by my father himself! At that time, your father didn’t know you but my father discovered the only relationship between your mother and your father! ”
” At that time, your father was already a famous pirate, so after getting this news, in order to make merit, my father secretly arrested your mother, and in the name of your O’Hara secretly studying historical texts, took your mother Capture it! Then, using Lieutenant General Garp, who happened to be in the West Sea at the time, successfully captured your father … the great pirate Beneri D. Rayner! Wow ha ha ha ha …” Spandam laughed said.
Listening to Spandam’s remarks, Frankie on the side was so shocked that he couldn’t speak. He looked at the calm Robin and asked tremblingly, ” You … are you Mr. Rainer’s daughter? ”
Robin nodded lightly and said, ” That’s right, my father was arrested by the Navy for saving my mother, and my mother died tragically in the Pushing City to save my father! I just didn’t expect that there … and your CP9 ‘s. things! ”
” Of course, it was because of that credit that my father successfully became the commander of CP9 , and I … I inherited his position and became the new commander of CP9 today ! Hahahaha … that’s why I said, I want to thank you! What’s more, next … you will also be a huge credit to you! ” Spandam laughed complacently.
Robin smiled and said to Spandam, ” Since you know who my father is … can you afford to kill me? ”
Sure enough, Robin’s words surprised Spandam for a moment, and then said with an ugly face: ” After all … your father is just a pirate! The navy and the world government can’t let him act recklessly! ”
” Really? Do you really think so? Hehehe …” Robin said with a chuckle.
” Don’t be too arrogant! Do you think those guys can really save you? ” Spandam said angrily.
He had received news before that there were intruders at the main entrance, but only the straw hat boy came over, and the number of soldiers who were injured was not many.
” Don’t forget … I still have this! ” Spandam proudly took out a golden phone bug and said with a big laugh, ” This is … given to me by General Aokiji … I can launch a slaughter . The golden phone bug of the magic order! “

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