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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Why did Qingzhi give you the Demon Slaying Order? ” Robin immediately smelled an unusual aura when he heard that it was the Demon Slaying Order given by Qingzhi.
” That’s not your business! ” Spandam didn’t answer Robin, but put the slaughtering order into his pocket at will. Robin was shocked when he saw it. Carefully touch it, but it’s over.
” Sir! It’s not good …” At this moment, the door was opened, and a guard came in to report the Straw Hats’ invasion of Judicial Island.
” Bastard, why didn’t they report such a big thing earlier! ” When Spandam heard that, the group of pirates had already broken through the court and were about to attack, and immediately asked in horror.
” That … they said … your phone worm can’t get in at all …” the guard said helplessly.
At this time, Spandam discovered that his phone worm was not put away, so the phone could not be connected at all.
” Boom ~~”
An explosion sounded, and Spandam hurried to the balcony to check, only to see Bruno fighting a pirate.
” Bastards … have already invaded here? ” Spandam roared angrily: ” Forget it, I have CP9 , there will be no problem! Come on, give me these two guys immediately. to the door of justice! ”
” Now? But sir, the gate of justice is not ready yet! ” The guard was stunned and said helplessly.
” It doesn’t matter, send it over first, and then just leave when it’s ready over there! ” Spandam said with an indifferent expression.
” Yes, sir! ”
” Robin ~~~~~~ I’m coming to pick you up ~~~”
After the guards saluted, just as they were about to take Robin and Franky away, Luffy’s voice came over.
” Bastard … bastard …” Spandam heard Luffy’s voice, and immediately ran to the balcony to look, and Bruno, one of the members of CP9 , had fallen to the ground.
” Bruno … how is it possible … that kind of monster is actually defeated? Quick … get me all the members of CP9 ! ” Spandam said in a panic.
Reina, who had infiltrated Judiciary Island, also heard Luffy’s shout.
” Qi ~ That stinky boy …” The corner of Reina’s mouth twitched slightly. His previous knowledge of Luffy was still in the original book. Reina, the son of heaven, didn’t like it very much, but it was nothing else, because Luffy He is the protagonist, so for Reina, naturally he doesn’t like it.
But now … because of the performance of the other party desperately saving Robin, Reina has changed his mind about him.
This is not some anime, but the world Reina lives in, it’s real!
So Luffy, who dared to attack Judiciary Island to save Robin, had a good impression on Reina.
” A guy with a little brain would not do such a thing … Zimone, watch it … After this incident, whether he is alive or dead, the name of the straw hat … will definitely resonate in the world. ! ” Granny Coco, who was sitting next to Rocketman, said to her granddaughter Zimone while drinking.
” Hahaha … you’re saying this to a child … it’s too early! Ms. Kekeluo! ” Reina slowly approached Rocketman and said with a smile.
” Huh? ” Granny Coco, who was drinking, was taken aback for a moment. She turned her head to look at Reina, her eyes widened unconsciously, and pointed at Reina and said, ” Ray … Reina? Why are you here? ”
” Yo ~ long time no see! This little guy is your and Mr. Tom’s children? ” Reina greeted Granny Cocolo with a smile and said.
” Idiot! Zimoni is my granddaughter, not the child of me and Mr. Tom! Mr. Tom is already dead, how could he give birth to Zimoni with me!? ” Granny Coco said angrily.
The surprise and joy of seeing Reina just now disappeared.
” Hahaha … That’s right! That’s right! I’m confused! But time flies so fast! All the beauties of the year have become old women! ” Reina smiled embarrassedly and said.
” It’s you … you haven’t changed much! Is this the benefit that belongs to your strong? ” Granny Cocolo sighed and said.
” Hey, mother-in – law, who is he? ” Zimone looked at Reina and asked curiously.
” Meow?? ” Her pet rabbit, Kunbei, also called out twice curiously.
” He ~ a powerful guy …” Granny Kekeluo smiled and said, ” Why are you here? ”
” There’s no way … My daughter was taken away, so naturally I have to come and see! ” Reina shrugged and said relaxedly.
” You … your daughter? Are the people of the World Government stupid? Why are they arresting your daughter? Do they want to start a war? ” After hearing Reina’s words, Granny Coco was shocked, and then asked in disbelief: ” Wait … when did you have a daughter? ”
” Ah ~ I had it a long time ago! ” Reina touched her nose and said with a smile, ” But … why are you here? ”
Granny Kekeluo didn’t hide it, she told the matter directly and said, ” Those guys … they ‘re really daring! ”
” That … ahem … Nicole Robin is my daughter! ” Rayner said with a cough.
” Huh? ” Granny Coco was stunned for a moment, then stared at Reina with wide eyes and said, ” What did you say? Is Nicole Robin your daughter? ”
” Yeah! I saw the iceberg in the Water Capital before I came here. He has grown into a man! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Hahaha … I see … So it seems that this incident is coming to an end! The lives of those pirates have been saved! ” Granny Kekeluo said with a big laugh.
However, Reina shook his head and said: ” No! I can’t show up easily, otherwise the children will get the news and there will be trouble! It’s too close to the naval headquarters! ”
” That’s right, so what are you going to do? ” Granny Cocolo nodded and said.
” Leave it to those young people! When the time comes, I will help them! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Hahaha … I knew that after you made a move, would you be able to run away soon? All the people here are not enough for you to fight, right? ” Granny Coco said with a smile: ” Don’t forget, that guy Frankie. Still inside, he … but Mr. Tom’s apprentice! ”
” Don’t worry, I promised Iceberg that I won’t let him have any trouble! What happened to Mr. Tom at the time … I ‘m sorry! ” Reina said a little embarrassedly.
He knew about Mr. Tom’s death, but he didn’t intervene, just in order not to affect Franky’s plot, so that he could join the Straw Hats smoothly.
” What nonsense are you talking about? That matter has nothing to do with you at all! ” Granny Coco shook her head and said, ” That’s his own choice! ”
” Ah ~ I saw that scene from Franky’s body … ! ” Reina nodded and replied.
“That ‘s it, I said why do you treat Franky differently, so it’s like this! That child … has worked hard all these years! Gulu … Gulu …” Granny Coco took a sip of wine and said.
While Reina was chatting with Granny Coco, on Robin’s side, Franky used the remaining energy to create chaos and gave Robin and Luffy time to talk, but Robin asked Luffy why he wanted to. Come and find her.
” Why are you chasing after, why don’t you set sail safely? Where is this place? It’s Judiciary Island, and behind the Gate of Justice is the Advance City and the Admiralty! Are you stupid? Run over to die? You do this … What is my agreement with them? ” Robin said helplessly to Luffy.
At this time, the members of CP9 had also assembled. After they subdued Franky, they were stopped by Spandam.
” Don’t worry, you see … they are fighting, let’s watch the show first! ” Spandam said with a big laugh.
” Sir, can’t you just go down and kill that guy? Bruno was actually killed, it’s really interesting! ” Gabra looked at Bruno who fell to the ground and said to Spandam.
” Don’t worry, the captain came all the way to save the crew, but was rejected by the crew at the last step. Have you ever seen such a good show? ” Spandam said, looking like a good show.
In desperation, the members of CP9 had to stay put and wait.
” Robin … what nonsense are you talking about!? We are here to save you! ” Luffy asked in surprise.
” When did I ask you to come to the rescue? ” Robin replied with a bit of laughter.
In fact, before she returned to Judicial Island with CP9 , she had already contacted the Moby Dick , and learned that her father Reina had set off from the new world and came towards the water capital, so she would come back with CP9 , The purpose is to find out if there are other reasons for the death of the mother.
” Boom boom boom …”
At this moment, the top floor of the court was smashed to pieces, Zoro brought Chopper and Nami up together, Sanji and Usopp followed closely, and finally the Straw Hat gang gathered here.
” Robin … listen … we’re all here! No matter what you think … Anyway, come back first! ” Luffy said to Robin.
Looking at his former companion, Robin was more moved than helpless at this time!
The constant betrayal of the betrayed life in the early years made her forget this kind of bond between her companions.
To be honest, she planned to return to the Whitebeard Pirates with Reina after her father came.
Once her identity is too sensitive, continuing to be with Luffy and the others will only bring them danger, so returning to the Whitebeard Pirates is the best choice.
Second, she didn’t want the world government or the navy to threaten Reina and the Whitebeard Pirates with her life. That would be really bad.
Now the strength of Luffy and others is not enough to fight the navy and the world government, so returning to the Whitebeard Pirates is her only choice.
But she never thought that Luffy and the others would chase all the way here. Although Sanji and Usopp appeared once on the road, she thought that after that failure, they would not continue chasing.
” Idiot … don’t you … have n’t thought of dying here? ” Robin suppressed the emotion in his heart and said loudly.
” It doesn’t matter … I won’t die in a place like this! ” After lining up, Luffy, who was standing in the center, said with a smile.
” Wow hahaha … What a bunch of idiots! Don’t you know what a place is here? ” Spandam listened to Luffy’s words, laughed and said: ” It’s good CP9… I allow you to kill them, but It can only be within this Judiciary Island, if they can come over … just play with him! ”
The reason why Spandam said this is because he is also on Judiciary Island himself. If there are pirates coming over, then he will be in danger, so he will not allow the members of CP9 to leave Judiciary Island, because in his opinion, Protecting yourself is more important than the rest.
” No matter where it is … I’m going to get my partner back … No one can stop me! ” Luffy said firmly.
” Wow hahaha … What an idiot! Not only are there super strong CP9 members here, but behind me is the Gate of Justice, where is the Admiralty! Even if you don’t say that … Look at this … Do you know what this is? The golden phone bug … a golden phone that can activate the Demon Slaughtering Order! ” Spandam took the Demon Slaughtering Order out of his pocket again, showing off.
” Devil Slaughtering Order? ” Nami was surprised, she seemed to have heard of it somewhere.
As for Luffy and others, they were not moved at all, because they had never heard of it …

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