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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Hahaha … The Demon Slaughtering Order! What a wonderful power … You know that, right? Nicole Robin ! After all … your hometown … was destroyed under the cannon fire of the Demon Slaying Order! ” Spandam came to Robin and said with a big laugh.
” Robin’s hometown …” Chopper, who was very emotional about his hometown, was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were different when he looked at Robin.
” Wow ~~ I really want to kick that bastard down the waterfall! ” Sanji said softly after breathing out a breath.
” How? Do you want to see what I look like after pressing this demon slaughtering order? ” Spandam put the golden phone bug in front of Robin and asked with a smile.
” Are you an idiot? Press the demon slaying order here? Do you know what the consequences will be? ” Robin was stunned, she never thought that Spadam would press the demon slaughter order on Judiciary Island, so she She will come here, because with the strength of the troops here, it should not be enough to fight against her father.
” Of course I know … that’s the pirates here … not one can escape! ” Spandam said with a natural expression, ” Just like your hometown O’Hara … everyone … Everyone is wiped out! ”
” You don’t know anything about the Demon Killing Order …” Robin looked at Spandam coldly and said softly.
Immediately afterwards, through Robin’s memories and Spandam’s supplement, the incident of O’Hara’s destruction in those days slowly surfaced, and it was also known by Luffy and others, and even how young Robin escaped from the World Government. He Haijun’s pursuit is also in Robin’s narrative.
” So … when you press that button, everything here will be destroyed … including you! ” After Robin finished speaking, he looked at Spandam.
” Idiot … how is that possible? How could they possibly do something to their own people? You want to scare me? ” Spandam didn’t believe Robin at all.
Robin shook his head, looked at Luffy and the others and said, ” Twenty years ago, I saw the horror of the Demon Slaughtering Order with my own eyes … So … Luffy, you shouldn’t come! Just like when you met Aokiji. , my enemy is beyond your ability! If I continue to be with you … I will only implicate you and eventually be abandoned by you! Instead of this … I might as well make a break here and leave some good things for each other. … isn’t it? ”
” I see …” Zoro, who was standing beside Luffy, sighed softly.
” Wow, hahaha … I really didn’t expect it! Nico Robin … It ‘s rare that you know so well! ” Spandam said with a big laugh after hearing Robin’s confession.
” Reina … Is she really your daughter? ” On the other side, Granny Coco, who heard all this through the phone bug on Nami’s body, looked at Reina beside her in surprise and asked.
Reina, who was silent, nodded and said: ” Yes … she lived in O’Hara with her mother … In order not to affect me, her mother didn’t tell me about Robin’s existence! So I am a father. I owe her a lot! ”
” But she also grew up very well and became an amazing person! ” Granny Coco said with a smile.
” Yeah! But for those who bullied her … I said I would make them regret coming into this world! ” The murderous intent in Reina’s eyes was fleeting.
Although his murderous aura was fleeting, but Rob Luqi of CP9 noticed it instantly, which made him a little confused, is there anyone else on this island? And this kind of murderous aura can’t be released by anyone.
However, Lu Qi did not express the doubts in his heart, but quietly became vigilant.
” Nicole Robin , that’s not what I’m talking about … In the face of someone like you, you can’t completely blame others, right? No one will carry a burden like you! Hahahaha … It’s so funny Pirates, look up at this flag! ” Spandam pointed to the flag of the World Government flying over Judiciary Island and said loudly:
” Did you see it? It is a consortium representing more than one hundred and seventy countries on the four seas and the great route! Facing such a force … Do you know how small you are? You should also know that this woman is facing What a terrible organization, isn’t it? Wow ha ha ha …”
” I see … I finally know who Robin’s enemy is! The King of Blockers … knock down that flag! ” Luffy turned his head and said to the King of Blockers dressed as Usopp beside him.
” Understood ! ” Usopp nodded, and directly used the Firebird Star to burn the flag of the World Government.
And this action not only shocked Spandam, but even the members of Judiciary Island who were still outside the court were shocked.
“That group of pirates … actually … actually declared war on the World Government! ” A Judicial Island fighter said in disbelief, looking at the burning flag.
Burning the flag of the other side can be said to mean declaring war head-on in this world. From then on, both sides will be immortal.
” Are you crazy? How dare you declare war on the world government … ? This is against the whole world! ” Spandam looked at Luffy and the others in horror and shouted loudly.
” So what? We can’t ask for it! ” Luffy shouted back: ” Robin … you’re my buddy! I’m coming to pick you up now! Tell me … I haven’t heard your answer yet! ”
Robin’s tears finally flowed uncontrollably. At this moment, she completely forgot about the rest. Now she just wants to continue as a historian of the Straw Hat Pirates with her friends, even if she encounters Qing pheasant, even if she dies on the sea, she doesn’t feel important anymore!
From childhood to adulthood, everyone said that her existence is inappropriate. No one has ever said such a thing to her, and no one has ever done this for her.
At this time, she suddenly understood the words of her father Reina, as well as the words of Saron, people are absolutely impossible to be alone on the sea, and they will definitely meet their partners.
Only at this time did she realize why her father loved her so much and valued her so much, but let her stay in Alabasta to wait for her so-called partner.
At this moment, Robin finally understood that these people … are her partners! important partner!
” Wu ~~~~ you guys … it’s so touching! I love you guys to death! ” Frankie on the side was already crying.
” Road …”
” Boom! ”
But Robin opened his mouth when he was violently interrupted by Spandam. He grabbed Robin’s hair, fell her to the ground, and shouted angrily, ” Damn it, what emotion are you showing here? CP9… I’ll leave it to you here, I’ll leave them to go to the Gate of Justice first! ”
” Huh? ”
But at the moment Spandam made his move, a murderous intent rose into the sky at the main entrance of Judiciary Island. This time, not only Lu Qi noticed it, but everyone with a little bit of strength felt the murderous intent.
” Who is it? ” Kaku looked up at the main entrance of Judicial Island and said softly.
” Hey … This is not the breath that ordinary people can release ~ It seems that some big man has come! ” Gabra is more sensitive to murderous aura than Kaku, and the hairs on his body have stood up at this time. stand up.
” Luffy … what’s wrong with you? ” Usopp and Nami looked at their companions in confusion. Except for the two of them, Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, and Chopper looked behind them at the same time.
” There is a powerful murderous aura. At this time … I don’t know if it is an enemy or a friend! ” Zoro licked his lips and said with a smile.
” This kind of place … it should be the enemy! After all … this is the enemy’s base camp! Huh ~~~” Sanji said, breathing out a breath of smoke.
” It’s really good … such a strong murderous aura! I don’t know what kind of guy! ” As a reindeer, Chopper is also extremely sensitive to this murderous aura. He should be the most sensitive of them besides Zoro. .
” Luffy, what should I do now? ” Zoro asked, looking at Luffy.
” Then there is no need to say … ? No matter who it is, I must save Robin, she still has nothing to say! ” Luffy said full of fighting intent.
” Crench ~ crunch ~” At this time, the connecting bridge below also began to be lowered. It was the Frankie family and the foreman of the Water Capital who opened the mechanism and lowered the connecting bridge.
But when it was only halfway through, it was destroyed and stopped.
Over there, Spandam wanted to take Robin and Franky, but Franky struggled and caused a commotion.
” Now that you don’t have any blueprints, then … you’re useless. Die for me! ” Spandam angrily pushed Franky down from the Judiciary Tower, and below was a waterfall like an abyss.
But at this time, a train whistle sounded, and it was Granny Coco who was driving Rocket Man rushing over. She used the phone bug to contact Nami and the others, and drove Rocket Man directly.
Seeing that the Straw Hats entered the Judiciary Tower, the scared Spandam immediately took Robin and let Lu Qi protect him and leave. He is now going to the Gate of Justice. As long as he enters the Gate of Justice, then he will be safe.
It’s just that he didn’t know that there was a more terrifying person waiting for him over there.
Underground connecting bridge, this is the final level leading to the door of justice, Spandam pushed Robin forward as he moved forward, followed by Rob Luigi .
” Robin ~~~” At this time, Luffy’s shout came from the passage behind him.
” How is it possible? Those pirates are actually chasing after them!? Hey ~ Lu Qi, you go, kill them! Don’t let them chase after them! ” Spandam said with some horror.
” Haha … I didn’t expect to give me a chance to do it … it’s really interesting! ” Lu Qi smiled, turned and walked back, while Spandam continued to move forward with Robin.
Spandam continued with Robin, but as soon as he came out of the underpass, he saw a man sitting there drinking.
” You … who are you? ” Spandam asked in surprise.
” Ask me? ” Reina turned his head slowly, looked at Spandam, and said with a chuckle: ” You dare to arrest my daughter without even knowing it? You are very brave! Brat … ”
” Daughter … daughter? ” Spandam asked in confusion.
” Father … are you here? ” Robin on the side said suddenly.
” Well, I’m sorry … I’m a little late, don’t you mind? Don’t worry … I said … anyone who dares to bully you … I ‘ll tear him to pieces! ” said the next few words At the time, Reina looked at the Spa Barrage and said word by word.
” Father … father? Daughter … daughter … ? You … you … you … you are Akatsuki … Benery D. Rayner ! ” His legs were shaking like noodles.
” Oh ~ ? It seems that you know me! Since you know me, you dare to call my daughter’s attention … You have the guts! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
Spandam’s heart was completely occupied by fear at this time. If he had known that he would meet Reina here, he would never let CP9 stay there to deal with any pirates, because compared with those little pirates, it is obvious that this The side is the big BOSS .
” You … you … don’t come here … or else … or I’ll kill her! ” Only then did Spandam remember that he had Nicole Robin as a hostage in his hands .
” In front of my face, point the sword at my daughter!? ” In the blink of an eye, Reina had come to Spandam, and the Robin in his hand had already been rescued by Reina.
” Yes … I’m sorry … I was wrong! Please … Please let me go! ” Seeing this, Spandam immediately gave up his resistance, knelt down and begged for mercy.

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