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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Father … my partners are still on the island, please help them! ” Robin immediately asked after seeing Reina.
” Don’t worry, there will be no problem! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
But at this time, Spandam, who was lying on the ground, seemed to be talking to someone with a phone bug, but when Reina walked in, his eyes narrowed and he said, ” You idiot … actually used the Demon Killing Order. ? ”
” What? You used the Demon Slaughter Order? ” Robin on the side also shouted in surprise.
” What? What’s going on? Oops, I got the wrong phone bug, I should use this one! ” Spandam immediately put down the golden phone bug in his hand and dialed another phone bug.
” Sir, what’s the matter? My side still needs some time, but don’t worry, it will be resolved soon! ” Kalifa’s voice came from the phone bug.
” Don’t worry about the pirates there, come over to the Gate of Justice to save me …” Spandam was about to cry, but there was a great god in front of him!
” Qi ~ you idiot … You have already tried the Demon Slaughter Order, what’s the use of talking about it now? ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Yes … Yes! I … have already used the Demon Slaughter Order, you … you can’t escape … No … No, don’t kill me … I’ll let you go now! It’s too late, you guys Don’t kill me! Woo ~~~” Spandam’s words spread through the megaphone and immediately spread throughout the island.
The world government personnel on the island are very curious, who is their chief talking to?
” Bastard! Do you know what the Demon Slaughtering Order represents? After the Demon Slaying Order is launched, everything on the island will be destroyed, no matter whether it is people or buildings, it must not be preserved! ” Reina didn’t speak yet, there was anger over there Robin rushed over and yelled at Spandam.
” I … I accidentally pressed the wrong button … what can I do? And … and he’s here … Is it normal for me to launch the slaughter order! ” Spandam was about to roar at Robin, but After looking at Reina, he immediately said calmly.
” Forget it, Robin! What more to say to a guy like him? Just kill it! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” No … you can’t … ah ~~”
” Pfft …”
” Dududu …”
Before Spandam could finish speaking, the sound of a sharp sword cutting something sounded, and then the phone worm was hung up.
CP9 , who was fighting, looked at the phone bug in his hand in amazement.
” Sir, is this … killed? ” Gabra, who was chasing Zoro and Usopp with Kaku, asked incredulously.
” It should be the killing intent we felt before … It seems that it was Nico Robin ‘s helper! When the commander did it before, the other party did not suppress the killing intent in his heart, so it was revealed! Now Tu Tu The magic order has been activated … and such a strong person appears again, Gabra … don’t play any more! Quickly solve the opponent and join Luqi! ” Kaku said in a deep voice.
” Hey, don’t order me, I know how to do it! ” Although Gabra said so, but he also put down the mentality of the previous game and became more serious.
” It looks like … the things over there have been done! But what is the slaughtering order? It’s really nerve-racking! What should I do? ” Granny Coco said while drinking.
She had already heard it, and the voice in the phone bug was Reina’s.
And the Straw Hats who were fighting against the CP9 members naturally heard Robin’s voice and knew about the activation of the Demon Killing Order, which made them feel more and more pressing for time, but from the conversation just now, it seems that someone Robin was saved, which is good news for them at least.
In addition, after the officers and soldiers on the island learned about the slaughtering order, they also began to flee, trying to escape from Judicial Island.
The French family and the foreman of the Seven Waters City who had been caught originally looked at the officers and soldiers who escaped, and now no one cares about them.
On the other side, Reina, who cut off the opponent’s arm with a sword, looked at Spandam, who was howling on the ground in pain, and said with a chuckle: ” Don’t worry, I won’t kill you! Let you die so easily. … but it won’t have the effect of deterring the Quartet! ”
” Father, what should I do? The Demon Killing Order has already been activated, is there any way to cancel it? ” Robin asked worriedly.
” Impossible, once the slaughtering order is activated, it will not be cancelled unless it achieves its purpose! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” But don’t worry, it is estimated that it will take about 30 minutes to get here from the naval headquarters, which is enough for me to save my life. you left! ”
” What about Luffy and the others? ” Robin asked anxiously.
Although Renner wanted to say that as the protagonists, they didn’t have to go to the tube at all, but looking at Robin’s appearance, he knew that Robin would not agree to his proposal.
” We don’t know where they are now, and it’s hard to find them … It may be too late in time! And once the navy knows I’m here, it will be even worse! ” Reina said helplessly.
Robin pursed his lips and didn’t speak, just looked at Reina calmly.
” Oops ~~ Okay, okay! I know …” Reina scratched his head a little depressedly, and said helplessly.
” Hehehe … Thank you father! I can’t give up my partner! ” Robin said with a slight smile.
” Got it! In order to protect your smile …do n’t mention the demon slaughtering order … Even if all the guys from the naval headquarters came over, I would still pee on their ass! ” Reina clenched his fist and said with a smile.
” Boom boom boom …” Listening to the sound from the underground passage, it should be the battle between Luffy and Rob Luqi , Reina didn’t intend to disturb them, this is also the battle of Luffy’s growth.
” It’s really troublesome! Let’s go, get a boat first, otherwise there will be so many people, and the hard shell will not let them board the boat! ” Reina rubbed his head and said.
” But … there shouldn’t be any boats here, right? The boats … should be at the main entrance! ” Robin hesitated for a moment, then said: ” And … don’t we go to Luffy and the others now? ”
” Don’t worry, your partner is not that weak, they will come over! ” Reina’s mouth curled slightly and said, ” And isn’t there a boat here? ”
Robin was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, ” Father is going to take the delivery ship? ”
” Of course! I’m … a pirate! Isn’t it normal to grab a ship? Hehehe …” Reina said with a big laugh.
But just as he was taking Robin over, a fireball suddenly shot at him.
” Boom! ”
” Huh? ” Reina blocked the flame bomb with his hand and looked up at the top of the Judiciary Tower.
” It looks like your sniper has misunderstood something! ” Reina said with a smile.
Robin was stunned for a moment, then looked over in surprise, and saw Usopp wearing a mask aiming at Reina.
” Nicole Robin ! ” At this time, Frankie also caught up from the underground passage.
” Yo ~ it’s Franky! Long time no see! ” Reina greeted with a smile when she saw Franky.
When Franky saw Reina, he was stunned for a moment, and then with a ghostly expression, he pointed at Reina and asked, ” You … you … why are you here? ”
” Why can’t I be here? ” Reina asked with a dark face.
” It’s not … that …” Franky was a little stunned, not knowing what to say.
” Hey ~”
At this moment, a flame bomb shot towards Reina again, and while Reina easily dodged, her hand had already supported Qianben Sakura on her waist.
Seeing this, Robin quickly stepped forward, shook his head in front of Reina, and said, ” Father …”
” Humph! What an arrogant guy … He dares to shoot me twice in a row … It’s really boring! ” Reina snorted coldly, but he still let go of his hand from Senbon Sakura.
” Father … father? Nicole Robin , you … you are his … father? ” Franky asked, staring at Robin and Rayner in disbelief.
” Idiot, I’m the father! ” Reina wanted to punch this idiot to death.
” Let’s go, it seems that your companions are all right! ” After Reina said, he turned and walked towards the transport ship.
” Wait … Nicole Robin , I’ve got two keys, try to open your handcuffs! What about that guy from Spandam ? ” Purpose, said quickly.
Robin smiled slightly and pouted towards the corner, where Spandam was lying in the corner, not knowing his life or death.
” Blu Bleu … Bleu Bleu …” At this moment, the phone bug on Frankie suddenly rang.
” Hey, Franky, who was that person just now? The one standing next to Robin! ” Usopp’s voice came from the phone bug.
” That’s Robin’s father, you idiot, don’t attack him again, or he will get angry … You will die very badly! ” Franky said helplessly: ” By the way, if you get the other ones? ? Both here are wrong! ”
” Look around, I just packed it in a red cloth bag and sent it to you! ” Usopp replied immediately.
” I see! ” Frankie immediately picked up the red cloth bag from the ground, opened it, took out the key, untied Robin’s handcuffs, and said to the phone bug, ” Come here, the door of justice is already opening. ! ”
” Father? Didn’t Robin’s family die in O’Hara? Why is there another father all of a sudden? And it seems to be very powerful! ” After Usopp hung up the phone, he was still thinking about what happened just now. matter.
But soon after Zoro, Sanji, Nami and others came over, they ran towards the location of the underground passage together. Franky had already told them how to go.
On the other side, Robin, who had opened the handcuffs, came to the delivery ship with Franky. At this time, Reina was already sitting on the side of the ship waiting for them.
” Mr. Reyna … you … are you really Robin’s father? ” Franky was not surprised when he saw the navy soldiers in one place, knowing that they were facing the great pirate Reina!
” What? It doesn’t look like it? ” Reina asked Franky with a sidelong glance.
” No no no …” Frankie quickly waved his hand back.
Don’t look at his usual rather arrogant appearance, facing Reina, he really didn’t dare to do that.
” Okay, stop talking nonsense, come up quickly! ” Reina looked at Spandam in Franky’s hand and said softly: ” I still have something to talk to him about! “

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