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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
In the underground passage of the bridge connecting the Judiciary Island, Luffy is fighting against Lub Luigi , and in the passage behind them are Nami and Granny Coco, who are about to pass through here to meet Robin.
” Boom boom boom …”
” Come on! ” Reina, who was sitting on the side of the ship, said softly, watching the sound of artillery shelling coming from behind.
” What’s coming? ” Frankie asked in confusion.
” It’s a naval warship! ” Robin also said in a deep voice: ” Father, what should I do now? ”
” Your companions should be coming too soon, let’s start the boat first! After the door of justice opens, the vortex in the middle will disappear. When the time comes, you all go first, and I will hold the navy! ” Reina said with a smile.
Robin hesitated for a while, but nodded anyway. Now the navy doesn’t know that Reina is here, so if there is any surprise, Reina should not be in danger. As long as they retreat quickly, when only Reina is left. , he can leave at any time.
” Boom boom boom …” More and more naval warships appeared, and they began to fire shells towards Judicial Island.
” Lord Lieutenant General, there are many officials gathered at the main entrance of Judicial Island! ” A naval soldier said to Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel.
” Order ships No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 to go over and pick up all the officials from Judicial Island. Be careful with that group of pirates! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel said directly without hesitation.
Originally, this operation was without him, but Lieutenant General Dauberman had previously sent General Akainu Sakaski to monitor the Whitebeard Pirates. As a result, the two returned with serious injuries and are still recovering, so he replaced him. Lieutenant General Dauberman.
On the other side, in order to prevent Luffy’s comrades from passing through, Lu Qi, who was fighting, directly penetrated the wall and let the sea water pour in.
” Bastard! What are you doing? ” Luffy roared angrily when he saw the other party’s actions.
” If that’s the case … even if your comrades really come here by any means, I’m afraid they won’t be able to get through here! Then I can continue to fight with you in peace, straw hat … You make me start to get serious. ” Lu Qi shook his arm and said.
Immediately after, because both of them were capable, after the sea water poured in, they could only keep going upwards, and finally directly penetrated the ceiling at the top and came outside.
The influx of sea water almost drowned the members of the Straw Hats behind. Fortunately, Granny Coco was a mermaid, so she rescued them all and threw them directly to the shipping boat that came over.
” Ouch ~ Really … You and the past have changed so much! ” Looking at Granny Cocolo in the form of a mermaid, Reina suddenly felt a little stinging eyes. You must know that Cocolo when she was young was also a part of the city of water. flower.
” Quack quack … What nonsense are you talking about? ” Granny Coco said with a big laugh while wearing pants: ” Let’s see if they’re okay first! ”
” It’s okay, they seem to be stimulated, so luckily they didn’t drink much water! ” After a little check, Frankie said with a sigh of relief.
” Eh? Stimulating? Could something irritate them? It was fine before! ” Granny Coco asked inexplicably.
” It’s you! ” Frankie was a little powerless to complain.
” By the way, she’s the daughter, right? Reina! ” Looking at Robin standing there, Granny Coco asked curiously.
” Yeah! ” Reina nodded and said proudly: ” It’s my daughter and Olvia! Olvia is a scholar of O’Hara, so Robin also inherited her mother’s talent very well and became What a great historian! ”
” Eh? How do you know that Robin is his daughter? ” Frankie looked at Granny Coco in surprise and asked.
” Well hahaha … of course … he told me! ” Granny Kekeluo replied as a matter of course.
” Cough, cough …” At this time, the rest of the Straw Hat gang also slowly woke up, but they were still immersed in the mermaid’s blow, and Sauron even erased the memory just now.
” Huh? Reina? Why are you here? ” Nami asked in surprise after seeing Reina.
” Don’t everyone ask the same questions when they see me? Besides … Now is not the time to talk about this! ” Reina said with a smile, looking at the warships appearing everywhere.
” What? When … We are already surrounded? ” At this time, Nami realized that the Judiciary Island in the distance had become a sea of fire, except for the transport ship they were in and Luffy, Beyond the pier where Lu Qi was, there was no place left intact.
” This … is the slaughtering order … coldly wipes a small island off the map! ” Robin said softly.
” But … there are so many on the island …” Nami said incredulously.
” On the map … but no one can be seen! ” said Robin, shaking his head.
” Franky …” Several people looked at Franky.
Because in addition to the officials of the World Government on the island, there are also the Frankie family and the boatmen of the Water Capital.
” Don’t worry … they’re fine … I can feel their vitality! ” Suddenly, Reina said.
” What do you mean? Reina … you mean they’re not dead yet? ” Franky turned and asked Reina.
” I don’t know if it’s them, but there is indeed a group of people’s life energy on the island! ” Reina nodded and said.
” No … I have to find them! ” Frankie said and planned to go to Judiciary Island, but was caught by Sanji.
” Are you crazy? Now you can’t get through at all, look at the surrounding navy … Since they are all right now, don’t go over! After the matter is over, they can find a way to leave! ” Sanji grabbed Franky and said.
” Reina …” Franky turned around, looked at Reina, and seemed to want Reina for help again.
” Don’t look at me! As soon as I make a move … the navy will immediately call for support, and when the time comes … it’s not these people! ” Reina shook his head and said.
When the people in the Straw Hats heard Reina’s words, their hearts were filled.
” Damn … what do we do now? The straw hat boy hasn’t come yet, should we continue to wait? ” Franky asked a little irritably.
” Until the end … I won’t make a move! Once I make a move, then I must ensure that you can escape within thirty minutes! ” Reina said softly: ” Because the speed of the navy reinforcements coming from there, almost Only thirty minutes! ”
” Phew! It doesn’t matter, we are waiting for Luffy here, he will definitely defeat that guy, and then come back! Let my father take action at that time and open up a passage for us, and we can leave safely! ” Luo Bin stood up and said directly.
” Father … Father? ” Sanji, Nami and the others were shocked when they heard Robin’s words, and asked in disbelief, ” Reina is your father? ”
Reina and Robin nodded together to confirm this, but they were still a little surprised.
” Wait … If you say Robin is your daughter … Then why is she …” Nami asked in surprise.
You know they already knew about Robin’s previous life, but if Reina was her father … how could we be so miserable?
Reina smiled bitterly and recounted what happened to Robin: ” So Robin met Marko after he arrived in Alabasta, and was brought to see me by Marko! Before again … I didn’t know her at all . existence! ”
” I see … But why did Robin continue to stay in Alabasta after finding you? ” Nami continued to ask as if she had transformed into a little detective.
” Because … she has her own life. Now that I know her existence, I naturally won’t let her continue to break through the displacement, but the Whitebeard Pirates are not suitable for her, she should have her own life, and I … Just escort her! ” Reina said with a smile.
” That’s right, after we met Aokiji before, I talked to my father and told him to be careful with the navy, because they seem to want to use me as bait to plot against the Whitebeard Pirates! ”
” Later, when I met CP9 in the Seven Waters , I also spoke to my father, and he also told me that my father had already come here, so I followed them to Judicial Island … because he seemed to Know the cause of my mother’s death back then! ” Robin nodded, pointing to Spandam, who had passed out on deck, and said.
” Wait … Who is Dad? ” Sanji asked incomprehensibly listening to Robin’s words.
” That’s my eldest brother, Whitebeard Edward Newgate ! From the moment Robin and I met, she was even a non-staff member of our Whitebeard Pirates, and my eldest brother Whitebeard also recognized her as doing a job. Daughter! ” Reina said with a smile.
Hearing Reina’s explanation, everyone couldn’t help swallowing, that was Whitebeard! In this world, I’m afraid there is no pirate who doesn’t know Whitebeard’s name, right? The man who is called the strongest man in the world, the man who stands at the top of all pirates now.
” In other words, even if we don’t chase after you … you’ll be fine? ” Nami said with tears streaming down her face.
It’s not that they regretted doing it, it’s just that they’ve already made arrangements and now they’re making them look like fools.
” That’s why I told you not to come! ” Robin said helplessly and moved: ” But I didn’t expect you to come after you … Thank you all! ”
” Huh ~” Sanji, who was leaning on the side of the boat, let out a smoke ring and said, ” But … if we don’t come, does Miss Robin really plan to part with us here? ”
Robin hesitated for a while, nodded, and said, ” Yes, after experiencing the Aokiji incident, I knew that by my side, I would bring you a lot of things that you couldn’t handle at all! So I I do plan to wait until my father comes, and then go back to the Whitebeard Pirates with my father! ”
” This will not only be better for me, but also better for you guys, and it won’t let the navy get the hang of using me to blackmail the Whitebeard Pirates and my father! ”
After hearing Robin’s words, Nami and others fell silent. If there were other reasons, they would naturally refute, but now that Robin was going to leave with his father, they seemed to have no reason to refuse or persuade Robin to stay. Excuse.
” Sister Robin …” Chopper, who was lying on the ground unable to move, was already crying a little sadly.
” So … Father! ” Robin took a deep breath, looked at Reina, and said, ” Please allow me to act recklessly again! If I am really arrested by the Navy in the future, please don’t compromise for me … Because I plan to continue sailing with my mates to experience my own adventure … Now I understand what you said … I want to be with my mates! “

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