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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After Robin finished speaking, everyone was stunned. Nami, Sanji and the others couldn’t believe their ears and looked at Robin in surprise.
Only Reina shook his head with a wry smile and said: ” My child … I said, I will not object to any opinion you put forward! Now that you have made a decision, all I can do is to support you … But … … Your friends, your current strength is not enough to protect you! ”
After Reina finished speaking, Sanji and Zoro immediately stood up, as if they wanted to prove that they were enough to protect Robin.
” The guy who fought with your captain, do you know who it is? ” Reina asked with a slight smile.
“The pigeon breeder? Isn’t he an intelligence officer of the World Government Intelligence Organization CP9 ? ” Sanji asked with a frown.
” Rob Lucci, the top genius known as the world government’s rare encounter in a century, is also known as the most ruthless killing machine! ” Reina smiled and said, ” Do you know what other organizations the world government has besides the navy? ”
Everyone looked at Reina and shook his head.
“The navy is the world government’s peacekeeping violent agency! CP0-CP9 are the eyes and ears of the world government, and the agency responsible for intelligence! Finally, the Great Underwater Prison Advance City is the prison agency of the world government. On the surface, the world government is composed of these three The strongest combat power in the navy is the general, the most powerful combat power in the advance city is the warden, and the strongest person in the intelligence department on the bright side … is him! Rob Luigi ! ”
Reina pointed to Lucci, who was fighting Luffy on the pier, and said softly.
” What? That is to say … he and the Admiral are of the same strength level? ” After seeing the power of Aokiji, they already had the most intuitive feeling about the Admiral, so Reina’s explanation made them very clear , what kind of character will Luffy face this time?
” In terms of strength … Lu Qi should still not be able to compare to the general. After all, the navy is a combat agency, and they are only intelligence agencies! And …” Reina didn’t finish his words, because Lu Qi appeared too early now. At this time, the domineering setting has not been introduced, so Lu Qi naturally has no domineering.
And there is no domineering … To be honest, I really can’t get along in the new world!
So it can only be said that Lu Qi’s potential is at the level of generals, which can be seen from his future as CP0 ‘s chief. CP0 is already a Lolita intelligence organization, that is the personal guard of Tianlong people, with considerable power and strength .
” And what? ” Nami asked curiously.
Reina shook his head and said, ” It’s too early for you to know, you’ll understand later! You should all be dissatisfied with what I said just now, right? I really want to say that you can protect Robin, right? Let’s try it out. … If Luffy defeats Lu Qi without me intervening, then you will win! Not only will I be responsible for taking you out of here, I can even teach you a few days! ”
” But if Luffy is defeated and needs me to intervene … I hope you can promise me one thing … that is to do your best to protect Robin! As long as she doesn’t die … anywhere … I will help her find it . come! ”
” Huh ~” Sanji breathed out a cigarette and said softly, ” There is no need to bet on this one. Before I die, Sister Robin will never be hurt! ”
Reina smiled undeniably. With this agreement, it is different from not having this agreement.
” By the way, you said before that the World Government was related to your mother’s death? What’s the matter? ” At this time, Reina remembered that the reason why Robin came here was to find out the reason for her mother’s death.
” Well! He said it himself …” Robin repeated what happened back then, and Franky heard it at the time, so there shouldn’t be anything wrong.
” Spandain? It turned out to be that guy … I just said that I clearly warned O’Hara not to study the historical text, why was your mother suddenly arrested by the Navy … So there is also a World Government in here. What’s wrong! They should have just made such an excuse to lead me there! ” Reina’s eyes narrowed, looking at the unconscious Spandam, and said softly.
” That’s right, the navy and the world government also destroyed O’Hara for one reason … They had no evidence at all at that time. They really knew about O’Hara’s research on the historical text, or they arrested the expedition who went out to find the historical text. After the team, I found out! ” Robin nodded and said.
” Very good … this account … I will ask them to settle it! ” Reina nodded and took it to heart.
” Boom boom boom …” The shelling of naval warships became more and more, not only razing Judiciary Island to the ground, but even blowing up the road between the connecting bridge and the first pillar, making the place where Luffy and Lu Qi fought. An ” isolated island ” !
” They’re here! Let’s go down to fight! Don’t destroy this ship! ” Zoro prepared to disembark with his weapon, because the naval warship was already approaching them, but because he was not sure whether there were any sailors on board, So they didn’t shoot at them.
” Okay! Father, please stay here and wait. I believe that Luffy will defeat the opponent, no matter how strong the opponent is! ” Robin said to Reina as he walked towards the bridge of connection.
” I won’t make a move until you are in danger, but once I make a move … you must obey my arrangements and evacuate as soon as possible! ” Reina nodded and replied.
Soon, the two hundred elite colonels of the navy launched an attack on them at the same time, and Luffy, who was also hit by Lu Qi’s big move, fell to the ground and was about to get up.
” Captain … ! ” Robin stood at the broken bridge and shouted loudly: ” Didn’t you hear my answer? Defeat him, then come … take me out to sea! I want to use Your status as a historian on board … witness your ascension to the top of One Piece! ”
” Oh ~~~” With Robin’s encouragement, Luffy got up again and fought with Rob Lucci .
” No way … There are more and more enemies! Be ready to retreat at any time! ” After the previous battle with CP9 , the crew members were basically all injured. Now facing so many naval elites, they simply can’t resist for too long.
” Rubber -Rubber Jet Machine Gun!!! ” Luffy, with all his strength, hit his final blow, directly knocking down Lub Lucci .
And Rob Ludge ‘s defeat also surprised the navy.
As Rayner said, Rob Lodge ‘s face as a CP intelligence department is similar to the meaning of an admiral. Such a mission was defeated by an unknown pirate, and the impact was very huge. of!
” Robin … let’s go back together! ” Luffy, who fell to the ground, shouted with the last of his strength.
” Yeah! ” Robin, with tears in his eyes, nodded and replied.
” Inform the whole army … CP9 ‘s Rob Lucci … just now … was defeated by the straw hat Monkey D. Luffy … ” The news of the victory was communicated.
” What? ” Not only the navy soldiers, but even the five lieutenant generals who were dispatched looked at the first pillar in amazement, where Rob Luqi had fallen in a pool of blood and was completely unconscious.
” Luffy, come here! We escaped here! ” Seeing Luffy defeating his opponent, the Straw Hats were quite happy, but at this time, they realized that Luffy had been lying there, motionless .
” Hey … Luffy, what are you doing? Come here! ” Usopp shouted loudly.
” I … I can’t seem to move, I don’t have any strength in my body! ” Luffy said while panting heavily.
And the navy seems to have discovered this, and is approaching the first pillar.
” Come on, we won’t be able to support you for long! All items, you go back to the boat, we’ll drive the boat over! ” Nami shouted loudly.
” It’s too late …” Sanji shouted anxiously, looking at Luffy’s gun barrel.
” Father … please help me! ” At this moment, Robin suddenly shouted loudly.
” Let’s scatter … Senbon Sakura! ”
As Robin’s words fell, countless petals suddenly appeared in the sky, and then Reina’s voice came over.
” Puff puff …” With the passing of the petals, countless navy soldiers fell to the ground one after another.
” This is … a slash? ” Zoro, a swordsman, discovered that these petals actually had countless blades.
” This is … ? ” Seeing such an attack method and the familiar voice, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel suddenly changed his face and looked towards the bridge of connection. A figure was slowly walking from the delivery ship to the connection. bridge.
” Yes … yes … Akihito Reina!! ” At this time , a navy soldier finally recognized Reina and shouted in horror.
” Why … he is here? ” With Reina’s appearance, the lieutenant generals who had been leisurely before also became nervous.
” One, two, three … Nine! Jiu Sou warships … the battle is not small ~~ Can you tell me … why are you here? ” Reina raised the warship in a low voice, and then the corner of his mouth curled slightly, asked road.
Originally there were ten warships, but one was destroyed in the battle between Luffy and Lu Qi, so it is now nine.
” Whoa, whoa, whoa! ”
” Da da da … ! ”
With Reina’s appearance, the five lieutenant generals appeared at the same time, blocking him.
” Reina … why are you here? ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel drew his weapon and asked.
” Why am I here? ” Reina chuckled and said, ” I should ask you about this, right? Arrest my daughter … What do you want to do? ”
” Your daughter? ” Reina’s words made all the navies stunned on the spot. They didn’t even know about Reina’s daughter, and they hadn’t even heard of it.
Only Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel seemed to have heard of it, but he didn’t know the specifics.
” Ah ~ Robin, say hello to these navy! Let them get to know each other. If you make a mistake in the future … it will be bad! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
Robin came to Reina and said to the navy, ” Benery D. Robin! ”
” Benery D. Robin … Benery D… that’s … that ‘s the full name of Bernery D. Reyna! ” The navy looked at the man standing behind Reyna in shock. Robin, all of them have grown up mouths.
” Then as the culprit who arrested my daughter … I will execute him … publicly! ” At this time, everyone discovered that there was a man with a broken arm lying next to Reina. It was CP9 ‘s commander Spahn Damm.
” Presumptuous! Do you think … Who are you? ” Lieutenant General Ghost Spider shouted angrily and launched an attack on Reina.
” Humph! Courting death! ”
The red light in Reina’s eyes flashed, and Sangouyu’s writing wheel opened directly, and disappeared from the spot in an instant. When it reappeared, it was already at the side of Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, kicked him in the stomach and directly He kicked away.
” So fast! ” Sanji and Zoro said at the same time.
The two of them didn’t see Reina’s movements clearly at all.
” Humph! ”
Reina glanced at the remaining four, and he knew that now he must use thunder to deter the navy, otherwise once they are entangled by them, it will be troublesome!
” Bring your partner to the boat first, leave it to me here! ” Reina, who returned to the spot, said softly to Robin.

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