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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Looking at the ghost spider kicked by Reina, the four Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel looked at Reina nervously.
They were still in shock just now that Reina actually had a daughter, and she was O’Hara’s remnant Nicole Robin … No , she should be called Bernery D. Robin now.
” Boom boom boom …”
Just when Robin was about to take his mates to board the ship first, suddenly, the warship over there fired directly, blowing up the transport ship. It turned out to be the ghost spider that was shot by Reina, and saw the delivery ship behind them, so he ordered his subordinates to fire and destroy the delivery ship.
” Oops, Granny Coco and Zimone are still on the boat! ” Nami said with an ugly face, looking at the delivery ship that sank into the sea.
” It’s alright, they escaped! ” Reina looked at the wrecked delivery ship, and his face was also a little ugly. Although he felt that Granny Coco and Chimoni had escaped from the bottom of the water, in front of him Doing so is undoubtedly hitting him in the face.
” Thousand Sakura · Jingyan!! ” Let go of the thousand Sakura in his hand, and the thousand Sakura landed vertically, then fell into the ground and disappeared.
” Oops …” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel shouted with a side face, ” Everyone, step back! ”
But he was too late.
With the disappearance of Senbon Sakura, countless blades rose from the ground, and then the blades began to shatter in the eyes of all the navy, turning into petals composed of countless tiny blades.
” This … is this also a swordsman? ” Sanji’s cigarette fell out unconsciously, and he had a magical feeling when he watched Reina’s attack.
” But those people … were indeed cut by the blade! ” Zoro said, looking at the fallen navy soldier.
With just one move, most of the 200 elite navies who besieged the Straw Hat gang were laid to the ground, and the rest retreated a lot. It was even more taken care of by Reina.
Reina looked at Luffy who was lying on the pier, the petals on the ground fluttered, and slowly returned to his hands, forming the appearance of Senbon Sakura again.
” Cut! ” Reina’s sword was a semi-circular slash, and he flew directly to the navy on the opposite side, and he himself disappeared directly from the spot.
” Don’t let him succeed! ” The angry ghost spider’s hair fluttered, turning into eight arms, grabbing eight weapons, and slashing directly toward the slashing pair.
The other four lieutenant generals also instantly understood the meaning of the ghost spider, and rushed directly towards the bridge pier where Luffy was, trying to stop Reina from rescuing the straw hat boy.
” Oops! ” But the four who were still in the air found that after Reina reached the pier, he did not save Luffy immediately, but sent another slash at them.
” Dang!!! ” Although the four of them barely blocked the slash, they were all knocked into the air by the slash, and they were about to fall into the sea.
Among them, Lieutenant General Dalmesia is a person with animal fruit ability. Once he falls into the sea, he will lose his combat effectiveness.
But fortunately, they are all strong using the Navy Sixth Form, so before falling into the sea, they used the moon step to return to the bridge of connection.
” Flying Squirrel, you can’t go on like this, immediately contact the headquarters and ask for reinforcements! ” The ghost spider, who blocked Reina’s slash, saw the four companions being forced back by Reina, and immediately said loudly.
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel nodded, took out a phone bug from his body and prepared to contact the headquarters.
” Slaying Fire Bird Star! ” A flame bomb went straight to Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, taking advantage of his lack of defense, and even destroyed the phone bug in his hand with one blow.
” Bastards! Are you courting death? ” Seeing this, Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan immediately attacked Usopp, but was blocked by Sanji.
” Thirty-six blooms! ”
” Left-handed weapon! ”
With the actions of Sanji and Usopp, the Straw Hats also took action to prevent those vice admirals from contacting the Navy Headquarters.
But it didn’t help at all, because the navy on the warship had already started contacting the Admiralty.
” Next! ” Reina brought back Luffy who couldn’t move, and threw it directly to Zoro over there, while he found those lieutenants.
” What should we do? We don’t have a boat now! ” Sanji asked anxiously, keeping Robin and Nami behind him.
Because they just shot, so now the navy soldiers attacked again.
” What’s the sound? Did you hear it? What’s the sound? ” At this time, Usopp seemed to be enchanted, and asked as he walked and ran.
” Usopp, what are you doing? ” Zoro said angrily, blocking the navy attacking Usopp.
At such a time, Usopp was still messing around, which made him a little angry.
” No ~ there is some sound, don’t you hear it? It seems … as if someone is calling me! ” Usopp quickly explained.
” I … I seem to have heard it too! ” Chopper, who was carried by Sanji on his back, suddenly said at this time.
” It’s Merry! It’s Merry … It’s coming to pick us up! ” Suddenly, Usopp pointed to the bottom of the connecting bridge, crying and shouting.
Everyone looked at Fang Fang, and it really was the Mei Li.
” Merry!! ” The Straw Hat gang shouted in surprise.
” You guys go first! ” Reina’s mouth curled slightly. After coming to this world for so many years, he also has his own understanding of the pirate ship. For those pirates who love the pirate ship, the pirate ship is their partner. .
The Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates has always been maintained by Reina and the shipwrights, and the transformation was also completed by him and the doctor, so Reina also loves the pirate ship very much.
” Let’s go! ” Usopp was the first to jump towards the Merry, and the rest of the partners also jumped down.
After seeing the Straw Hats leaving, Reina no longer kept his hand, and the attack frequency and attack intensity increased directly.
” Collect one blow and break! ”
” Boom boom boom …”
Reina punched the bridge of connection, and immediately shattered the entire bridge of connection. Those navy soldiers who were too late to escape all fell into the sea, but several lieutenant generals had already returned to their respective warships.
” You must not let them escape, chase! ” Lieutenant General Ghost Spider waved the Yangtze River in his hand, and immediately ordered the warship to pursue the Mei Li.
“You still want to play, don’t you! ” Reina, who landed on the Merry, smiled slightly, and said directly with a seal: ” Spirituality! ”
” Boom! ”
” Roar ~~”
After a puff of smoke dissipated, the huge Yoyo appeared in the stern of the Merry.
” This … what kind of monster is this! ” Yoyo’s appearance not only startled the Navy, but even the Straw Hats who were immersed in meeting with Mei Li were also startled.
” Quack quack … It’s actually a large sea king, it’s really amazing! ” Granny Cocoluo, who brought Chimoni and Kumbei aboard the Merry, said with a big laugh when she saw Yoyo.
” Hey … Yoyo, let’s play with them! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Hey ~~ roar ~~” Yoyo roared, and then sank directly to the bottom of the sea.
Against warships, Yoyo has long had a wealth of experience.
With the leaks entangled in the warship, the Merry left more calmly, but Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and others obviously didn’t want to let Reina go, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
In their opinion, Reina is the only one who can fight on the opposite side. Now they only have to entangle Reina and wait for reinforcements from the headquarters to come, then they have a great chance of winning Reina.
” These guys … It looks like they don’t plan to let me go! ” Seeing the other party chasing after him, Reina immediately understood the other party’s plan.
” Father …” Robin was a little embarrassed. He asked Reina to take action. Now that Reina was targeted, she felt that it was still her problem.
” It’s okay … These guys are not a problem yet, but this guy has to be solved first! ” Reina walked towards Spandam, who had already woken up, and said with a smile.
” Don’t …do n’t come here …” Seeing Reina walking towards him, Spadamu struggled back in fear, but Reina ignored him at all, lifted him directly in his hands, and came to the stern.
Robin, Zoro, and Sanji followed consciously, leaving Usopp to take care of Chopper and Luffy who couldn’t move, while Nami and Franky controlled the course.
” Hey ~ the navy opposite, give me a message to Spandain of the World Government …” Reina shouted towards the navy warships that were chasing behind him, holding Spandam who was struggling constantly.
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and others came to the bow to look at Reina, not knowing what else he was going to do.
” Tell him … let him wash his neck and wait for Lao Tzu … Since his son betrayed him, then … let him prepare for me to pay the price! ” After Reina finished speaking, he threw Spandam directly. to the sea, and then shouted: ” Yo! ”
” Not good! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and others changed their expressions, Reina was planning to feed the commander of CP9 to the sea kings!
But just when they were about to take action to save each other, Reina suddenly swung his sword, and Spandam, who was still howling in the air, turned into a few paragraphs, and then jumped up from the sea, directly He ate the Spandam, which had turned into several segments.
Among the waves that splashed when he jumped up, Reina smiled and walked on the waves, heading straight for the warship of Lieutenant General Fang Gui Spider, the strongest.
” Oops, let’s do it together! ” When Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan saw this, he shouted loudly, and the other four disappeared from the spot at the same time, rushing towards the position of the ghost spider, wanting to rescue the ghost spider.
” Let’s go! ” Robin gritted his teeth and said to Nami in front of Reina’s shot: ” Nami, go ahead at full speed and get rid of the warships behind! ”
” Is this really good? That’s the Jiusou warship! And the reinforcements from the naval headquarters may arrive at any time! ” Sauron turned his head to look at Robin and asked.
If it wasn’t for Reina’s action this time, it would be impossible for them to leave smoothly.
They have fully seen the power of the Demon-Slaughtering Order. A small island like Judicial Island has been directly moved to the ground in a short period of time. If it weren’t for their existence, I am afraid that Judicial Island would have completely sunk into the sea at this time. .
” No problem, there are Yoo and Hardshell, if father wants to leave, there should be no problem! ” Robin hesitated and said.
Sanji on the side also nodded and said, ” Although I don’t want to say this, Sister Robin is right, we are just a burden! Without us, it would be easier for Robin’s father to leave! ”
Robin glanced at Reina who was rushing towards the warship, turned his head and left directly, and came to the deck.
” Mr. Kekeluo, did you drive the Meili? Where did you find Meili? Wasn’t he at that time …” After getting rid of the pursuers, Usopp remembered and asked Granny Kekeluo. road.
” Eh? No! Didn’t I drive a rocket with you? ” Granny Coco shook her head and said.
” But … I just saw that there was no one else on the boat! ” At this time, Nami also came out of the cabin and said.
” What’s going on? It’s indeed the Merry! Who drove it here? ” Everyone said in confusion.
” Everyone … I’m here to pick you up! ”
At this time, the crew of the Straw Hats suddenly heard a voice.
” This voice …” Usopp was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise: ” I heard it before on the bridge of connection, who is it? Who is it? ”
” I … I heard it too …” Chopper said tremblingly.
Just when everyone was puzzled, Usopp suddenly looked at the bow of the Merry, and Luffy was lying on it at this time. It was his special seat, and no one could touch it.
” Merry … is that you? ” Usopp asked in disbelief, ” is that you? … Merry! ”
” I’m here to pick you up! ” The voice appeared again, this time even Frankie, Granny Coco and others heard it.

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