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” By the way, Robin! Is Mr. Rainer really your father? ” Namei asked curiously, looking at the calm sea in the distance.
Her words also attracted the attention of the rest of the members.
” Yeah! My full name is Benelli D. Robin! Nicole’s surname belongs to my mother, who gave me the name Nicole Robin when I was a child to hide my father ! ” Robin nodded and said.
“I didn’t expect that Sister Robin’s father was such a big man! ” Sanji sighed.
On this trip to Judicial Island, they have fully understood Robin’s life experience, so they are quite emotional.
” That’s great! I’ll just say why I’m so close to Sister Robin …” Nami kept Robin with a smile and told Robin about her childhood experiences.
” Ah ~ Father didn’t tell me about this … It turns out that it was your father who inspired you to navigate your way! ” Robin said suddenly.
” That’s right, although we don’t have the title of master and apprentice, but … we can be considered as masters and apprentices! And if there is no Mr. Reina … Belmer might be …” Nami nodded and said.
“I didn’t expect you to be Mr. Rainer’s daughter. It’s amazing! ” French added.
” Huh? Is that guy Robin’s father? ” Luffy asked in surprise at this time.
” Idiot, didn’t you hear what we said before? ” Sanji said to Luffy: ” Also, don’t use that guy to call Miss Robin’s father! ”
” Ah ~ he’s Ace’s leader! ” Luffy recalled.
When he was young, Ace didn’t want to love life so actively, but since meeting Reina that time, Ace seems to have become more active, and after going to sea, he became a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. The last time Ace and Luffy met, Reina was mentioned, and he called Reina as the leader.
“I really didn’t expect that so many people on our ship were related to him! ” Zoro also sighed.
” Gahahaha … Reina is known as a role model in the pirate world, and has the title of the strongest mate, straw hat boy, don’t you want to be the pirate king? If you don’t surpass him … you can’t become a pirate! ” Granny Cocolo said with a smile.
” Humph! I will definitely surpass him! ” Luffy replied firmly.
“The strongest mate? ” Zoro stroked the saber on his waist. As a swordsman, he felt that he had one more target.
Just thinking of Reina’s bizarre move, Zoro frowned deeply. He had never seen such a bizarre swordsmanship before.
” So back then in Alabasta … Reina also went for you? ” Nami, who suddenly thought of something, asked.
Robin shook his head and said: ” At that time, my father was chasing the traitors of the Whitebeard Pirates. At that time, the captain of the second division, Ace, came to join me, but Ace seems to have encountered that Traitor, father didn’t trust Ace, so he followed! ”
” Ace? ” Several people couldn’t help thinking of the man they met in Alabasta, their captain, Luffy’s brother.
” Ah ~ By the way, Luffy, your brother Ace seems to be the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Everyone said with hindsight.
Luffy, who was lying on the bow, cracked his mouth and said with a smile: ” Well! I know, he said at the time that he wanted Whitebeard to become the Pirate King! But it doesn’t matter, it’ll be good to fight then! ”
“I ‘m really looking forward to that time! ” Zoro said, full of fighting intent.
” Hehehe … Luffy! Although I support you very much, but … don’t underestimate Dad! Although Dad’s body is not as good as before, he is still … the strongest man in the world! ” Luo Bin said with a smile: ” Neither your brother nor my father are ordinary people, but they are all willing to be my father’s subordinates. You will know how powerful my father is! ”
“The strongest man? ” Zoro and Luffy asked at the same time.
” Yeah! Dad Whitebeard Edward Newgate , the head of the Whitebeard Pirates of the Four Emperor Pirates, the superhuman type who has the ability to shake the fruit, whether it is a pirate or a navy, for his title of the strongest man in the world, No objection! ” Robin nodded and said.
” Stronger than an Admiral? ” Usopp asked tremblingly.
” My father said that if Dad wants to become the Pirate King, he can reach the final island faster than Roger, but Dad doesn’t seem to be interested in this title, so I asked the captain of the second team, Kozuki Oda , to go to the final island. Help Roger complete his final voyage! ” Robin nodded.
This paragraph is because Reina said this to Robin in order to beautify the white beard. He didn’t tell him that Oden was poached by Roger. The naive Robin thought that was really the case.
” What? ” Hearing Robin’s exclusive revelation, everyone felt a little incredible. A person who could arrive at the final island earlier than Roger gave up such an opportunity?
” So Luffy … if you want to be the pirate king … the Whitebeard Pirates are an insurmountable obstacle! ” Robin said seriously.
” Hee hee hee … it doesn’t matter, we will surpass them in the future! ” Luffy replied with a confident smile.
Robin also smiled slightly and said: ” When the time comes … I will tell you the information about the Whitebeard Pirates! ”
” That’s not good! After all, that’s your father’s pirate group! ” Sanji took a breath and said with a smile.
” It’s okay, my father won’t mind! If it’s an honest challenge, they won’t refuse! But if we want to challenge the Whitebeard Pirates, we have a long way to go … there’s still a long way to go! ” Robin smiled said.
” Eh? Look! There’s a ship coming! ” Luffy, who was riding on Chopper and circling around on the deck, suddenly found a big ship ahead.
” It’s Mr. Iceberg from the Seven Waters! ” Nami immediately recognized the iceberg standing on the bow.
” Idiot iceberg …” Franky, who was wearing sunglasses, couldn’t help but slightly raised the corners of his mouth after seeing the iceberg.
” Oh ~~ it’s the Straw Hats, they really came back alive! ”
” It’s really amazing, it actually crossed the tsunami! ”
The boatmen on the boat shouted excitedly when they saw Luffy and the others.
” It’s really messed up. It’s an enemy of the World Government, and they actually snatched their companions back … I don’t know if they have met Mr. Reina! ” Looking at Robin and Fern who were with Luffy and others Lankey, Iceberg said softly with a chuckle.
” Crack ~~ Boom ~~”
But just at this roar, half of the hull of the Merry suddenly broke, which startled everyone.
” What’s going on? Wasn’t Mei Li alright just now? ” Luffy was also taken aback and shouted loudly.
” What suddenly … Isn’t this a matter of course? After all, Mei Li is a ship that has long been diagnosed as unable to sail! ” Sanji said sadly.
” Uncle Bingshan … I beg you, show Meili a quick look! Aren’t you the guilty boatmen? It’s our partner! ” Luffy immediately shouted at Bingshan.
” Sorry … I’ve tried my best! ” But Bingshan shook his head and said, ” Let it just rest in peace! ”
” What? ” Luffy looked at the iceberg with an expression of disbelief.
Then Bingshan told Luffy and the others that the Meili, which was originally pushed into the sea by CP9 , was rushed to the backstreet of the Seven Waters. It was Bingshan who passed by and felt the call of Meili, and then repaired it. There is a scene where Mei Li goes out to sea to rescue Luffy and others.
” I saw a miracle … I saw a miracle of a ship that surpassed its limits … Although I have been a boatmaker for so many years, I have never seen such an amazing pirate ship! It … It does not fail its mission! ” Bingshan closed his eyes and said softly.
” I see! ” After listening to the narration, Luffy slowly calmed down.
” Then everyone … are you ready? ” Luffy said softly when he came to his partner.
” Yeah! ” Although there was a lot of reluctance, they all saw Mei Li’s situation.
After everyone boarded the boat sent by the Seven Waters, Luffy picked up the torch and came to the Merry.
” Merry, the bottom of the sea is very dark, you will be lonely, so … let’s give you a ride! ” Luffy lit the Merry and said softly, ” Fortunately Usopp is not here, otherwise this situation … He can’t take it anymore! ”
When the Merry was burning, the ship spirit reappeared and had a conversation with the crew, which made the Straw Hats shed tears, and Usopp’s tears flowed into a small river.
After saying goodbye to Meili, Luffy and the others took the big boat brought by Bingshan and others and returned to the Seven Waters.
” Robin, Mr. Rainer hasn’t come back, will there be a problem? ” Seeing Robin still looking at the sea in the distance, Nami walked up to Robin and asked softly.
Robin shook his head and said nothing.
Although she is also very confident in Reina, she is still worried.
” If you don’t ask Mr. Bingshan to borrow a boat, I’ll go back and have a look! ” Sanji said softly as he walked out of nowhere.
” Humph! What’s the use of you going? Let me go! ” Sauron, who was leaning on the side of the ship, also said.
” You’re going? You don’t even know the direction. If you get lost, you have to find you! ” Sanji immediately replied angrily.
“You bastard cook, do you want to fight? ” Zoro was immediately provoked by Sanji and replied.
” You think I’m afraid that you won’t succeed and get lost in the green algae head! ” Sanji replied not to be outdone.
” Okay, are you here to quarrel or to find a way? ” In the end, Nami couldn’t stand it and ended the confrontation between the two.
” No need, thank you for your kindness, but … everyone finally escaped, so don’t go back! ” Robin shook his head and said.
But just after they returned to the Seven Waters, they realized that Reina had been waiting for them here.
” Father …” After finding Reina at the port, Robin ran over happily and shouted, ” Why did you come back first? ”
” Ah ~ I guess you deviate from the route! I came back in a hard shell, and I didn’t meet you on the road. I’m still wondering why I didn’t see you! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Well! The Merry we took …” Robin recounted what happened on the road.
” I see …” Reina nodded, looked at the Straw Hat group behind Robin, and said, “I did n’t expect your kid to actually defeat Lu Qi … Are you ready? After today … you It’s about to be famous all over the world! ”
” Eh? Is that so? ” Luffy said to Reina with a look of indifference: ” Although you are Robin’s father, Robin is now a crew member on my ship! ”
He was afraid that Reina was coming to rob Robin from him, so he was somewhat hostile to Reina.
” Don’t worry, I said that I will respect Robin’s wishes. As long as she doesn’t want to leave, I won’t force her! But … you should know what Robin’s existence means, right? She has the power to start a world war. The key is also an existence that the world government and the navy must seize, are you capable of protecting her? ” Reina put away her smile and said seriously.
” I will protect my crew with my life! ” Luffy didn’t say anything big or empty, just made a promise to Reina!
” Okay then! I made a small agreement with your crew before, if you defeat Lu Qi with your own abilities, then I will teach you something! You have experienced the war today, so I will not take up your time, Give you a day off, and tomorrow morning, go find me in the open space in the back street! ” Reina nodded and said.

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