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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” How did my father get back? Is there any problem with the navy? ” At night, Robin and Rayner sat on the roof and chatted while looking at the stars.
” Just a few lieutenant generals … how can I do anything to me? ” Reina said disapprovingly.
Robin smiled slightly, but did not expose Reina’s lie, because she had seen the tear on the corner of Reina’s clothes, which was obviously caused by today’s battle.
For the sake of Reina’s face, Robin decisively pretended not to see it.
” Thank you, father! ” After chatting and laughing, Robin suddenly put away his smile and said to Reina seriously.
” Why did you say thank you all of a sudden? ” Reina asked, turning her head to Robin.
Robin pursed his lips, and after being silent for a while, he said: ” I know that my decision this time is very willful. When I talked to my father before, my father told me to go back and said that you are here to pick me up. Yes! But after knowing my decision, you never said that you would pick me up … just support my choice! ”
” Idiot … As a father, supporting your choice … isn’t it right? ” Reina said with a slight smile, knocking Robin’s head.
” Yes! Then after I ask my father to go back, I will convey my decision to my father. I hope he won’t be too angry! ” Robin You said with a smile.
” Don’t worry, eldest brother won’t be really angry with you! ” Reina smiled and replied: ” Have you really decided to sail with the straw hat boy? ”
” Well! They are my partners! ” Robin nodded and said seriously.
” Okay! You can decide for yourself, remember to contact me if you have anything! I can come over at any time! By the way, this is for you! ” Reina said, took out a contract scroll from the dimensional space, and threw it to Robin. : ” Use your bloodmark to go up, and then I’ll teach you the psychic handprint! ”
This is the psychic scroll that Reina specially exchanged for Robin. The psychic object is the turtle Xiaopang, a big turtle that can be used both on land and sea, but Xiaopang has no diving function, and the place where he can ride is not large, it can only be regarded as A single mount, completely different from Reina’s hard shell.
” This is … Little Fat? ” After opening the scroll, Robin asked in surprise immediately when he saw Little Fat’s name.
” Well! Try it! I’m not sure if you can use it, but you have my bloodline, maybe you can! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Good! ”
Robin immediately printed his own fingerprints under the guidance of Reina, and then followed Reina to learn the fingerprints that need to be knotted when channeling.
” Okay, it’s very simple, let’s try it! ” Reina said with a smile after seeing that Robin had fully mastered it.
” Spirituality! ” Robin bit his fingers, and then began to quickly seal the seal, and the last palm was printed on the ground, but the expected scene did not appear, and Xiao Chuan did not appear according to Robin’s call.
” Huh? Where is the problem? Tell me, did you feel like you were draining your physical strength when you formed the seal? ” Reina asked with a frown.
When Robin used spiritism before, he clearly felt the same as Reina, and he also felt that his physical strength was drawn, but why couldn’t he be able to channel out?
” Yes! But when my hand touched the ground, that feeling disappeared … it seems … my physical strength just lost like this! ” Robin nodded, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said .
She has used spiritism many times in a row, although the physical strength consumed each time is not a lot, but Robin herself is not a master of physical arts, so physical strength is not her strong point.
” That’s weird! ” Reina scratched his head, sat down on the ground, and began to think carefully.
” No, forget it! This ability may be your unique ability, father, and others can’t use it! ” Although Robin said so, Reina could still feel her loss.
” Don’t worry, you are the closest person to me. If you can’t do it, then no one can! ” Reina said softly: ” Take a rest first, recover some strength, do you need something to eat? ”
” No, I’ll just sit for a while! ” Robin pursed his lips and shook his head.
” By the way … take out the psychic scroll and take a look! ” Suddenly, Reina thought of one thing, that is to use the psychic scroll to assist the summoning. He vaguely remembered that there was such a method in the original Hokage, but because of time It’s been too long, so he doesn’t remember very well.
” Hmm! ”
Following Reina’s instructions, Robin opened the scroll and laid it flat on the ground.
” Spirituality! ”
” Boom! ”
This time, Robin placed a palm on the scroll, and then a puff of white smoke rose up, and the big turtle and the fat man appeared in front of Robin and Reina with a look of astonishment.
” Little Fatty! It’s really you! ” Seeing Little Fatty appear, Robin shouted happily like a child.
” Turtle? ” Hearing Robin’s voice, Fatty was also quite surprised. Since Alabasta, Robin got on the boat of the Straw Hats, and Fatty never saw Robin again. Saw Robin here today.
” You will be Robin’s psychic beast in the future. If I find out that you don’t listen to Robin’s words … hum! ” Reina’s voice sounded aside, and the murderous aura emanating from him immediately made Xiao Chuan tremble.
” Father! ” Robin hurriedly stepped forward to appease Xiaopang. Now that the two of them had signed a contract, she could feel a little of Xiaopang’s emotions.
Hearing Robin’s resentment, Reina touched his nose and smiled embarrassedly. He just wanted to help Robin tame Chubby. As a psychic beast, it can play a big role in many times, but if It will be quite tricky if you turn against the water at a critical time.
” I don’t know the reason now, it seems that you need the help of the psychic scroll when you are psychic. Maybe you and the psychic beast are not tacit enough, maybe you are not familiar with psychics, in short, the psychic scroll You still need to carry it with you, and in the future you can try to use the psychic scroll to perform psychics! ” Reina saw that Robin had successfully summoned Chubby, and his heart was relieved.
” Okay! I see, father! ” Robin patted Chubby’s head and replied with a smile.
” Now I’ll teach you how to release the psychic spell. This one is simpler. After the psychic is lifted, Fatty will return to the place where he was before he was channeled! ” Reina taught the released phantom again. Robin, this is very simple, just learn Robin once and you will master it.
” Okay, it’s very late, you go to rest! Take your partner to the backstreet tomorrow morning, don’t be late! If you’re late … I’ll leave, it’s them who suffer! ” Reina said with a smile.
Reina had to take a precaution in advance. After a hard battle today, especially Luffy, whether he can get up tomorrow is a problem.
” Okay, I see, father should rest early too! ” Robin nodded and replied.
The next morning, Robin brought all the members of the Straw Hat gang except Usopp to the shore in the backstreet, and even Luffy was woken up and came over together.
Although he really didn’t want to get up, according to Robin, if they didn’t go, they might miss a good opportunity, so under Nami’s coercion, everyone arrived at the shore in the back street on time.
” Yo ~ good morning! But you all seem to be very uninspired! ” Seeing the listless Luffy, Reina said with a smile: ” And what about the long nose of your group? Didn’t you follow? ”
Reina mentioned Usopp, which made several people’s faces stiffen. Reina immediately knew that they had not made peace with Usopp!
” Father! ” Robin shouted with a smile.
” Okay, I won’t say more nonsense, I have limited time, let’s start directly! ” Reina smiled slightly, and then directly turned on his overlord.
” What’s the matter with us? ”
Forced by Reina’s domineering shock, Nami and Chopper froze in place. Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji also made defensive postures with ugly faces. As for Robin … Reina’s domineering is simply not enough. Not covering Robin.
” This … what’s going on? I … my body can’t move! ” Chopper said in horror.
” This is not going to work? ” Reina smiled and said, ” I’ve only just started! Be careful, I’m going to exert my strength! ”
As the momentum of Reina increased, Nami and Chopper fell one after another, Zoro and Sanji also found their bodies slowly stiffened, and only Luffy was still resisting Reina’s domineering.
” Nami, Chopper! ” Luffy shouted through gritted teeth as his companion fell.
Robin on the side took the two away to avoid any injuries.
” Not bad, then … let me see your strength! Attack with your strongest moves! ” Reina smiled and put away his domineering, suddenly the three of them loosened and staggered forward unconsciously. a few steps.
” Hu ~ hu ~” Big drops of sweat fell from the foreheads of the three of them.
After hearing Reina’s words, the three looked at each other, and Zoro and Sanji shot at Reina at the same time.
” Three Swords , Hunting! ”
” First-class ground meat! ”
Facing Sanji and Zoro who were attacking, Reina smiled slightly. He didn’t even use his weapon. He deliberately blocked Zoro’s slash with his arm, and blocked Sanji’s kick with one foot.
” How is that possible? ” Sauron’s face was full of disbelief when he saw that his slash was blocked by the opponent’s arm.
” Bang! Bang! ”
Without giving the two of them time to react, the free right hand turned into a knife and hit Zoro and Sanji on the necks, and the two fell directly to the ground!
” Zuoron, Sanji! ” Luffy, who was just about to attack, saw that his companion was knocked down so quickly, and immediately stopped the attack and shouted loudly.
” Then it’s your turn, Straw Hat! ” Reina said with a smile, hooking Luffy.
” Second gear! ” Seeing this, Luffy directly turned on the second gear mode.
” Rubber Rubber Jet Pistol! ”
Luffy, who turned on the second gear, launched an attack directly on Reina.
At this time, Luffy’s body is not in the peak state, and the injury in the battle with Lu Qi has not fully recovered, so he must fight quickly.
” Sharing eye … open! ” When Luffy turned on the second gear, Reina also turned on Sangou’s writing wheel, so that Luffy’s actions could never escape his eyes.
” Yes, strength and speed have increased a lot! But the way you use blood to speed up should bring a lot of burden to your body, right? ” Reina easily escaped Luffy’s attack with the help of the wheel eye. attack, said with a smile.
” Rubber Rubber · Jet stamp! ” Knowing that he couldn’t last long, Luffy didn’t answer Reina at all, but launched a continuous attack.
” It’s not bad … but … that’s it for now! ” Reina directly used his full body armor to block Luffy’s kick, and when the other party slowed down, he disappeared from the place and grabbed the other party’s The neck and the other hand were placed on the opponent’s heart, saying: ” If I were your enemy, at this time … you are already dead! ”
” Cough cough cough …”
After Reina released Luffy, Luffy’s body had been released from the second gear mode. At this time, his face was puzzled, and he looked up at Reina with a smile on his face.
” Don’t worry, when your companion wakes up, I’ll explain it together! ” Looking at the other party’s appearance, Reina knew what the other party wanted to ask, but he waved his hand and said with a smile.

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