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” Domineering? ”
Looking at the confused Straw Hats, Reina nodded and said, ” Yes, there are several different energies in this world, and domineering is one of them! And domineering is the stepping stone to the new world. If you don’t have domineering … If you go to the new world … you are courting death! ”
” How can I learn to be domineering? ” Luffy asked directly.
” Today is definitely not possible! You can learn domineering without seeing one day! And domineering is not learned. Everyone has domineering, but it depends on whether you can wake up! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Then how can I wake up? ” Namei asked curiously.
” It depends on talent. First of all, there are three types of domineering, the domineering, armed and domineering! ” Reina simply told them the classification of domineering.
” Huh? Luffy … What Reina said about seeing and hearing is domineering … Is it similar to the heart net on the sky island? ” After hearing Reina’s explanation, Sanji suddenly said.
” Oh? Have you been to the sky island? Yes, their so-called heart nets are just different names, but they are actually seen and heard! In addition … the one I blocked from your attack was called the armed color, and the two of them fainted. It’s overlord! ” Reina nodded and said.
The members of the Straw Hat gang listened very seriously. Naturally, they did not dare to be careless about matters concerning their future. Even Luffy listened carefully without causing trouble.
” At the same time … Armament is also a necessary means of restraining Devil Fruits! You must have encountered natural ability people, right? They are invincible existences on the great route, just like Sha Crocodile who was defeated by you ! If you hadn’t just figured out his weakness of being afraid of water, it would be almost impossible to defeat it! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Hmmmm … it’s the same in Sky Island. If it wasn’t for Luffy’s rubber just restraining the thunder and lightning of Enilu, we’d be afraid of failure! ” Nami nodded and said.
” That’s why I said that domineering is the stepping stone to the new world. If a person with the ability of the nature department wants to use his ability to make waves in the new world, then he will definitely die miserably! ” Reina said seriously: ” So, you are awakening. Before being domineering, it is best not to go to the new world. ”
” By the way … what is the new world? ” Nami asked in confusion.
” This world is divided into several parts because of the red soil continent and the windless belt. First, there are the four seas and the great route. You should all know these! But from the place where you entered the great route, when you see the red soil continent again. At that time, the first half of the great route will be over, and after passing through the red soil continent, you will officially enter the new world! ” Reina explained.
” Seeing the Red Earth Continent again …” Luffy and the others were a little excited when they heard Reina’s words.
” Don’t get excited too early, if by that time, none of you have mastered domineering, then I advise you not to continue sailing! As for how to awaken domineering, because everyone’s physique is different, so the time and method of awakening are also different. It’s different, but there are precursors. You have to feel it carefully! Because of different physiques, each person must be good at different directions, so you must know and learn to understand yourself! ”
Reina carefully and the Straw Hats explained in detail.
” In addition to being domineering, this world also has Devil Fruits, which is also a way to enhance your combat power, but eating Devil Fruits means that you will have weaknesses. No matter what kind of fruit, it has its own. Weakness, once it is targeted, the consequences will be quite in the eyes, the representatives of which are Crocodile who were defeated by Luffy and Anilu! ”
” You can feel it too? The strong Anilu is helpless against Luffy. If he is not capable, with his talent, he may work harder to train himself, and he will not lose so badly! So capable Don’t rely too much on the ability of the fruit, because once you are restrained, it means that you have no ability to fight back! ”
” Look at the three generals of the navy. Although they are capable of death, in addition to their abilities, whether it is physical or swordsmanship, they are quite good. This is the foundation of their standing! ”
Reina’s words made the Straw Hats nod their heads. No one had taught them these things. Although their elders might be very powerful, it was as if Reina had explained so much to them.
” So what are those moves like CP9 used? ” Sanji asked suddenly.
” That’s the sixth form of the navy, which belongs to a kind of application of physical art. Once your physical strength and physique meet the requirements, you can also learn it! ” Reina explained with a smile.
“And what about the swordsman? ” Zoro asked curiously: ” What are your moves? ”
” I can’t actually be regarded as an orthodox swordsman. An orthodox swordsman should have the purest swordsmanship like Hawkeye! That’s why he is called the world’s number one swordsman and no one objected. It’s not right, you should know better than me about this! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Zoro nodded and did not continue to ask.
” By the way … are you a three swordsman swordsman? ” Reina asked after thinking about it.
Zoro nodded and looked at the two weapons on his waist. Xue was walking on the bridge of connection and encountered the rust fruit person, which was directly destroyed. Therefore, the battle with Reina just now was not exhausted. All out.
Reina looked at Robin, then looked at Zoro, and said with a sigh: ” Then … you can try, can you get its approval! ”
After finishing speaking, Reina summoned Yaodao Village from the dimensional space.
After Hansen died, Reina recovered the demon sword Muramasa, but he was used to the Zanpakutō, so Muramasa stayed in the dimensional space and never took it out.
“The sword is named Muramasa, it’s a demon saber, do you want to feel it? ” The dark scabbard didn’t seem to be able to hide Muramasa’s killing intent, and waves of chills were released through Muramasa.
” What a strong killing intent! ” Zoro stared at Muramasa and said.
” This knife was used by me when I was young, and was later given to my friend … It’s a pity that he was killed by a traitor … Since then, the village has no owner, and it’s a pity that it has been left in my hands. It’s a pity that you can conquer it! ” Reina handed the Demon Sword Village to Zoro and said softly.
Zoro took Muramasa, then unsheathed the blade, his expression changed immediately, and he felt a strong urge to cut something.
” Bastard … I won’t be swayed by you! ” Zoro grabbed his right with his left hand and said through gritted teeth.
“The demon sword Muramasa has unparalleled sharpness, and … he has one of the biggest characteristics! That is the devourer … If it can’t satisfy its thirst for blood, and at the same time can’t suppress Muramasa … then it is very likely It will drink the blood of the master, so it is called the demon knife … how about it? Do you still want it? ” Looking at Zoro, Reina shook his head and said softly.
” How can there be such a strange weapon in this world? ” Nami asked in surprise.
” Although I don’t believe it either … but …” Reina sighed and did not continue.
” Father …” Robin quickly stepped forward to comfort her. She knew about Hansen, so she didn’t know how to comfort her.
” No … I like this knife very much … It belongs to me, thank you for the gift! ” Zoro smiled, rejected Reina’s kindness, waved Muramasa, and inserted it directly into his waist between.
Reina nodded and said, ” It doesn’t matter, you can use it first, and tell Robin when you don’t want it, and I will take him back! ”
After giving away the weapon, Reina looked at Sanji again. After hesitating for a while, he said, ” Your eyebrows … remind me of some people. I wonder if you know the Vinsmoke family in Beihai? ”
Sanji shook his head calmly and said, ” I don’t know what family you’re talking about, I’m Barati, a sea restaurant from the East China Sea! ”
” Really? That’s a pity … I heard that they are a powerful scientific troop, and I wonder if I can get on line with them! ” Reina shrugged and skipped the topic.
In the following time, Reina gave them some common knowledge, and finally guided Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy. Although it was not long, all three felt that they had benefited a lot.
In particular, the swordsman Zoro, under the guidance of Reina’s special swordsmanship, made him more fluent in his own swordsmanship.
As for Luffy and Sanji, both of them belong to the scope of Taijutsu, but Taijutsu has higher requirements on physique and physical strength, so Reina just told them some training methods and instructed some of their moves.
” Then straw hat boy, Robin will ask you, if you let me know that Robin has been wronged by you, I will let Ace come and beat you hard! ” Reina stood on the back of the hard shell, and Lu Fei and the others waved goodbye.
” Please, father, take care of yourself! ” Robin couldn’t help but say before Reina left.
” Don’t worry! I’ll be waiting for you in the new world, remember … you must learn to be domineering before entering the new world! ” Reina waved and shouted loudly.
Soon, Reina disappeared from their realization, and the hardshell was much faster than the average sailboat.
” Straw Hat … Miss Robin … Where’s Mr. Reina? Where is he? ” Just as Luffy and the others were about to leave, Iceberg suddenly ran over and asked with a serious face.
” Huh? Uncle Reina? He just left, what happened? ” Luffy asked curiously.
” Oops, let’s take a look! ” Iceberg handed them a newspaper.
The matter on Judiciary Island has not been reported, so there is no photo of them at all, but in the center of the newspaper, there is a man with a beard like the Xuanyue.
” Dad? ” Robin was stunned, then looked at the newspaper carefully.
” Father? Is this man your father Whitebeard? ” Luffy asked curiously.
But at this time, Robin didn’t pay any attention to Luffy at all, but quickly browsed the news.
” This is … bad! ” After reading the newspaper, she looked worriedly in the direction Reina left. The newspaper fell from her hand, and the biggest headline on it read “The Navy successfully ambush the Whitebeard Pirates, white The Beard Pirates suffered heavy casualties and fled in embarrassment! “

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