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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Reina, who left from the Seven Waters, did not know that the Whitebeard Pirates were attacked by the Navy. Because he had a criminal record of eating the news bird, under normal circumstances, the news bird would bypass it in advance, so As long as Reina goes to sea alone, it is difficult for him to get any information from the news.
However, when he came to the Chambord Islands for supplies, he naturally learned the news.
” No wonder I didn’t meet Aokiji on Judiciary Island. I went to ambush the Moby Dick ! Damn … I should have gone straight to the Navy Headquarters if I knew then! I missed it! ” Reina sighed , said softly.
” You’re too arrogant, aren’t you? You’re always going to get into Marin Vando, no wonder the navy is targeting you! ” Rayleigh, who was sitting on the side, took a sip from the teacup and replied.
” If they hadn’t acted first, we would have troubled them? It’s not the Navy’s fault! ” Reina said with a cold snort.
Rayleigh shrugged, he didn’t bother to quarrel with Reina at all. Isn’t it a matter of course for the navy to destroy pirates? When did fighting pirates become a provocation?
Of course, he wouldn’t tell Reina about this. The Whitebeard Pirates have been sitting on the throne of the world’s No. 1 Pirates for so long that they sometimes forget … they Also a pirate!
” By the way, did you do something big this time? You have destroyed the Judiciary Island! Can you be quieter, kid? If you do this, the navy will be nervous again, and the business on our side will be all over the place. It’s a lot worse! ” Aunt Xia complained.
” You really can’t blame me for this! ” Reina immediately replied: ” First, they arrested my daughter first, and the second Judicial Island was not destroyed by me, but was bombed by the Navy itself! And the Judiciary Island was not mine either. It’s what the Straw Hat Boys did, and it’s clearly written in the newspapers, you can’t wrong a good person! ”
Aunt Xia rolled her eyes and saw the news in the newspaper. Who wouldn’t think that Reina was standing behind the Straw Hats, otherwise they would be able to escape safely in the face of the demon slayer?
As for Reina’s explanation, she didn’t believe a single word … No, not even a single punctuation mark.
” I said, can you stop coming to me every time you pass by the Chambord Islands, the navy thought I was going to conspire with you to do something, and every time you left, you came to monitor me for half a month! This feeling is really Too bad! ” Reilly sighed and said to Reyna.
” Hahaha … It’s really funny, you have a bad character, you were targeted by the navy, and now come to trouble me? Do you think I’m being bullied? Come on … Let’s fight for 300 rounds! ” Reina Said with a deliberate smile.
Rayleigh rolled his eyes angrily. If it wasn’t for the fact that he didn’t want to fight with people now that he was too old, he would have killed Reina long ago.
After the three chatted for a while, Rayleigh asked curiously: ” Now that you know the news that Newgate was ambushed by the navy, why don’t you hurry back to support and chat with me here? ”
” Go back now? I’m not stupid. The navy knows that I made a move on Judiciary Island, so after they ambushed my elder brother, they will definitely ambush me by the way. If I rush to support, I will fall into their hands, so I’m not in a hurry! If my eldest brother is so easily killed by the navy, wouldn’t our Whitebeard Pirates have been in vain for so many years? ” Reina said with a smile.
” It seems that you still see clearly! ” Aunt Xia lit a cigarette and said with a chuckle, ” But you have to be careful of the world government. You publicly executed the world in the name of a pirate on Judiciary Island. Government officers, this makes the world government a little embarrassed! ”
” Hmph, even if they don’t come to me, I’ll go back to them! I didn’t expect that Olivia’s death was actually related to them! If it wasn’t for Robin’s adventure this time, I really don’t know! I have been staring at Magellan for the past few years, and now he has disappeared, and someone should come out and take responsibility for this! ” Reina snorted and said unhappily.
” It’s all over the years, haven’t you put it down yet? ” Rayleigh sighed and replied.
” The revenge of killing my wife is undeniable! ” Reina said with narrowed eyes.
” By the way, I heard that the Golden Lion went to Newgate? That guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Be careful yourself! ” Seeing Rayner’s appearance, Rayleigh quickly changed the subject and said.
” Ah ~ You said Big Brother Shikey!? He does seem to have some plans. He originally wanted to ask me for help, but I refused! ” Reina shrugged and replied.
” Hahaha … I forgot, you guys were on the same boat back then! ” After hearing Reina’s address to Skee, Rayleigh remembered that they were once members of the Rocks Pirates.
” It’s just a boat, not a partner. It’s not like you didn’t know what happened at the beginning! That’s why I followed the big brother after the dissolution of the Rocks Pirates, because the rest of the people are just careerists, not partners! ” Reina shook her head and said.
” The sea was so lively back then, but it’s not so lively now! Karp, Newgate, and Scy are all getting old! ” Reilly said after taking a sip of wine.
” Don’t say that … The times are improving after all, and this time I can see clearly, that straw hat boy is not a quiet guy … When he goes to the new world … Look at it, absolutely Make some big moves! ” Reina said with a wry smile, shaking her head.
” Isn’t the current world government just hoping that Da will remain so calm? You have also helped them a lot here! If it weren’t for your Whitebeard Pirates, the sea would not know what the chaos would be like! We all Elderly people, thank you very much! ” Reilly said with a smile.
” We don’t want to help the world government … we can only say … let’s do our best! After all, when we are old, no one wants the world to be too chaotic! ” Reina said with a strange smile.
” Hahaha … Young people don’t think like that! ” Rayleigh said with a smile.
” Yeah! Young people are still energetic, and the world needs people like that to break the existing rules, so that the world can progress! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” Speaking of which … how long are you going to stay with us? If the navy really wants to mess with you, then it’s not safe for you to stay here! ” Aunt Xia asked after extinguishing the cigarette in her hand.
” Don’t worry, I’ll leave tomorrow! I just bought some supplies when I went to the island! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
Although he guessed that the navy might set up an ambush in front, he didn’t know that there were actually pursuers behind him.
The capital of seven waters, on the third day after Reina left, Vice Admiral Garp brought people to the island.
Although he is Luffy’s grandfather, Sengoku still sent him here because Reina appeared here.
But when he came to the capital of the Seven Waters, he didn’t find Reina, so after saying hello to Luffy, he planned to set off to continue chasing Reina, but after reporting to the Warring States, he was scolded by the Warring States. , so when Luffy and others set sail, they also chased after them.
At this time, the Straw Hats had one more member, the boatman Franky, and after Usopp sincerely apologized, the team accepted him again.
After the new ship Sonny escaped from Karp’s pursuit, they continued on their journey, and everything seemed to be going very well, with both Robin and Usopp back, with a new ship and new companions.
But after they salvaged a Seagod Royal Treasure, it seemed that someone was eyeing it.
Later, he met Brooke, who was resurrected after death, and only had bones left, and learned from his mouth that this was the Devil’s Delta.
” Wait … Where did you say this is? The Devil’s Delta Sea Area? ” Nami suddenly asked in surprise.
“That ‘s right! Sister Nami, don’t you know? Before we set off, Granny Coco told us that the next place we will arrive is the Devil’s Delta waters. Every year, the fleet disappears here, so we must be careful. ! ” Sanji, who was beside him, nodded and said.
” Why don’t I know? ” Nami asked in disbelief, almost collapsed.
” Because you were angry at the time, because Luffy spent all the rest of Berry at the party, so he was in a bad mood all the time, so he didn’t pay attention! ” Robin nodded and said with a smile.
” Yeah ~ Sure enough, it’s you! It’s all your fault! I don’t live anymore … why … why is my fate so miserable? ” Nami suddenly cried and fell down, seeming rather sad.
” Wow hahaha … Nami, what show are you performing? It’s so interesting! ” Luffy, who didn’t realize that he was the one who caused the disaster, was still applauding Nami’s performance.
” bang bang bang! ”
” I’m sorry … I know I was wrong! ”
Sure enough, under Nami’s violence, Luffy instantly stared at the bag full of heads and apologized.
” Miss Nami, is there any problem here? Although the Devil’s Delta Sea is a little unusual, there is no need to be afraid, right? ” Sanji asked in confusion.
” What? Don’t you know? Devil’s Delta Sea Area! ” Nami said sadly.
” Know what? ” Everyone looked at Nami in confusion.
” Back in Alabasta, Reina told us! In the first half of the Great Route, there are only two places where there are Qibukai! One is Alabasta, and the other … is the Devil’s Delta! ” Nami almost about to collapse.
Because when Reina told her at that time, she also swore that she would never provoke Qiwuhai again. After all, there were only two Qiwuhai in the first half of the entire great route.
And according to their route, they wouldn’t pass through the Devil’s Delta waters, and they didn’t expect to come here after going around.
” Your Majesty’s Qiwuhai ? ” Everyone was stunned, and suddenly thought of Crocodile whom they met in Alabasta.
” Hehe … We can still meet Qiwuhai, should we say that we are lucky? Or are we unfortunate? ” Zoro touched the demon sword Muramasa at his waist and got a new weapon. He has not yet found an opponent to test the sword. , Wang Xia Qiwuhai is a good opponent.
Unlike the excited Luffy and Zoro, the timid trio of Usopp, Nami, and Chopper were all dead gray.
They don’t want to play so exciting at all, they just want to sail quietly.
” Hehehe … I didn’t expect you to know that man! But this lady is right, you should leave here quickly! Because my shadow was stolen by him! ” Skeleton Man Brook said with a smile.
” Sure enough, you have already met him, right? What kind of guy is he? ” Zoro asked, his eyes narrowed.
They had discovered that Brook had no shadow before, but before they could finish speaking, they were interrupted by Nami’s ghost scream.
” That’s a demon … a demon capable of swallowing shadows! ” Brooke said, shaking his head.
Next, he briefly recounted what happened to him, and warned everyone to leave here quickly.

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