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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Bang! ” The Sonny seemed to have hit something, and the whole ship jolted.
After it was normal, Brook seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly ran out of the cabin.
” Hey … Brook, what’s the matter with you? ” Luffy and the others hurried out, only to find that the Sonny had hit a door that looked like a tooth.
” This … what’s going on? ” Everyone said in surprise.
” This is … the back door! You will understand when you go to the back of the ship! ” Brooke said with a heavy face.
” Huh? ” Everyone followed Brook to the stern, but found an island in front of them.
” What? When is there an island here? ” Usopp asked in surprise.
” Did you catch a drift bucket? ” Brooke asked, looking at Luffy.
” Yeah! What’s wrong? ” Luffy asked in confusion.
” It seems that you were targeted at that time, it was a trap! ” Brooke explained: ” Anyway, you immediately break this door and get out of here! ”
” Yo ~ it looks really interesting! ” Zoro said with a weird smile.
” Everyone, I’m so happy today. I met a human who I haven’t seen for a long time, and I was entertained by you, and I met this … the ship of terror hovering in the Devil’s Delta! I’m so lucky today! Everyone, if there is a chance in the future … Let’s meet again! ” Brooke said, jumped directly into the sea, ran fast on the sea, and rushed towards the small island ahead.
Although Nami and others strongly opposed it, Luffy couldn’t listen to it at this time, and insisted on going to the island to see it.
In desperation, everyone had to decide to land on the island.
However, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper happily boarded the ship first because of the appearance of the Little Meri. As a result, they got lost with Luffy and others, and went to the castle on the island first.
Luffy and the others landed on the island only after they were ready.
When they encountered a negative ghost on the way, Robin frowned slightly and said, ” This kind of ghost … seems a little familiar! ”
At the same time, Nami, who went to the island first, was also surprised when she saw the negative ghost, because she had seen such a thing when she was a child.
” Perona? Is that you? ” Nami asked tentatively, facing the negative ghost.
” Hahahaha ~~~” Hearing Nami’s question, the negative ghost seemed to slowly surround Nami, turning in circles around her.
” Nami … Nami … you … you know these ghosts? ” Usopp and Chopper asked curiously, hiding behind Nami.
” It feels a little familiar, it seems like a person I know! Her fruit ability is to release this kind of ghost! ” Nami nodded and said.
” Ha ha ha ha …” After the negative ghosts circled around Nami, they slowly moved in one direction, as if to let Nami follow them.
The timid trio of courageous people just followed behind the negative ghost and walked slowly towards the second floor.
Soon, when they came to a princess room that looked like a gothic castle, they saw a … little girl with heavy makeup and a sun umbrella ! ?
” Perona … is it really you? Why are you here? ” Nami shouted in surprise when she saw the other party’s first glance.
” Who are you? Why do you know me? ” Perona didn’t recognize Nami, because Nami was a child back then, but it’s still a little different from now, but Perona hasn’t changed much.
” It’s me! Nami! Don’t you remember? When you and Mr. Reina went to Cocosia Village in the East China Sea, do you still remember? ” Nami asked happily.
” Ah ~ it’s you? Little Nami? Why are you so big now? ” Perona asked angrily, looking at Nami.
” Hahaha … What’s up? It turns out that this is your home! It really scared me to death! ” After seeing the acquaintance, Nami finally let go of her dangling heart.
” Why did you come to the Great Route? Didn’t you grow oranges in that West Asian village? ” Perona was not as friendly as Nami, but asked calmly and directly.
There was something wrong between her and Nami at the beginning, and the two little guys were always arguing.
However, she still likes seeing old acquaintances in her heart, but she is not very good at expressing it.
Just when Luffy and his gang started their adventure in the Terrifying Delta, Reina had also entered the new world, heading towards Xuanyue Island.
When he received the news before, he had already contacted Xuanyue Island. At present, the Moby Dick has not returned to Xuanyue Island and cannot be contacted, so some people on the island are panicking at this time.
This is the reason why he rushed to Xuanyue Island, he must go back to stabilize his heart.
As for Whitebeard, to be honest, Reina is not very worried. Since the Moby Dick escaped, it proves that there were not many casualties. Otherwise, some important people really died. With Whitebeard’s character, I am afraid It’s already been a dead war with the navy.
Not long after Rayner left the Chambord Islands, Karp, who had been chasing him, also arrived at the Chambord Islands, but out of dislike for the Chambord Islands, Karp immediately went to the Chambord Islands after replenishing the supplies. Starting from the new world, I didn’t stop there.
” I’m in trouble now … so I met him again? ” Looking at a special naval warship that appeared in front of him, Reina said with a headache.
It was none other than the pirate guerrilla led by Zefa who appeared in front of him.
” Reina … I didn’t expect to meet you here … You have done something big recently! ” Zefa, who was standing on the bow, looked at Reina with a smile and said.
” Don’t talk nonsense, old man Zefa, hurry up if you want to do it. If you don’t do it, get out of the way. I’m in a hurry! ” Looking at Zefa who was standing in front of him, Reina said with a cold face.
” Since we have encountered it, wouldn’t it make sense not to fight! ” When Zefa finished speaking, the artillery on the warship fired shells directly at Reina.
” Boom boom …” Although the distance between the two sides was not far, Reina was not on an ordinary boat, so all the navy’s shells were dodged by the hard shell.
” Damn stinky old man, you want to delay time? Your navy’s ambush is not nearby, right? ” Reina asked cautiously about Zefa’s unhesitating move.
” Hahaha … I knew I couldn’t hide it from you, but … so what if you knew? You can’t escape this fight! ” Zefa said with a big laugh.
” It seems that your navy is sure that I will come here! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
Zefa smiled and didn’t answer.
Since the other party was not driven by Garp, it proves that he still doesn’t know Reina’s existence, then Garp may still be used as a strange army and can ambush Reina.
The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and they are basically within the attack range of Reina and Zefa. To deal with existences like Reina, ordinary shelling basically won’t play a big role, so Zefa will choose to approach.
And Reina is the same, the space on the hard shell is limited, not enough to install powerful weapons, so every time you fight, you can only choose melee.
” Old Zefa, be careful! Don’t die here! ” Seeing that the distance was enough, Reina directly pulled out Qianben Sakura and slashed at the opponent’s warship.
” This kind of paediatric move … do n’t take it out for shame! ” The huge slash flew over, but Zefa didn’t dodge it at all, but punched it and directly dispelled Reina’s slash. .
” I didn’t intend to kill you like this, just to come here! ” While Zepha resisted the slash, Reina had already boarded the warship.
It is better to fight on the opposing warships, HQ on hard shells.
” Hahahaha … Boy, since you went out to sea, I’ve been chasing you, now … let me put an end to it for you! ” Zefa looked at Reina, who had thrown himself into the trap, and said with a big laugh.
” Old Zefa, something is wrong with you! It’s just you … you should know that there is no way to take me! ” After hearing Zefa’s words, Reina did not rush to attack, but asked quite vigilantly.
” Of course! I don’t want to admit it, but when I get older, I’m no longer a match for you young people! But … don’t underestimate a Navy veteran! ” The plane had already hit Reina.
” This kind of cumbersome move will not work for me! ” Reina easily avoided Zefa’s attack and said softly.
” Massive lush … Binding! ” At this time, Binz, who had been standing by the side, wearing a ninja suit also joined the battle, using his ability to limit Reina’s movement and create opportunities for his teacher Zefa.
” Huh? With more bullying less? ” Reina was stunned, he really never thought that Zefa would let his two children do it.
You must know that Zefa values the two of them very much. If they make a move during the battle, they are likely to be killed by Reina. On the contrary, as long as the two do not fight, then even if Zefa is defeated, Reina will not be embarrassed. two people.
” Hahaha … I can’t deal with you alone! ” Zefa punched Reina and said with a big laugh.
” But adding your two disciples … that’s all it takes? Shaker … open! ” After turning on Sharonyan, Reina became serious.
” Gebruschott shot! ” Ain over there saw the opportunity, raised his hand and shot at Reina, but Reina ignored her at all and punched Zefa.
” Boom ~~~”
Reina’s right arm collided with Zefa’s shredder, and a strong airflow was immediately generated, causing both of them to retreat involuntarily. At the same time, the plants growing on the ground were also fought by the two, and the violent explosion caused them to blow away.
” Damn it! ” Seeing this, Zefa immediately knew Reina’s plan and shouted loudly to his two disciples: ” Ain, Binz, be careful! ”
” It’s too late! ” Taking advantage of the air wave generated by the explosion, Reina had come to Binz’s side, but he did not choose to kill him, but stunned him with a knife.
” Bastard, let go of Binz! Smash the tornado! ” The angry Zefa punched Reina again, and the pulverizer on his right arm was also operating continuously, as if it was accumulating power.
” The backward hand of time! ”
Ain, who was beside Reina, also shot at Reina, and a peach-colored flame appeared in her palm. This was the unique flame when she used the Regression Fruit. The flame itself cannot cause damage, but As long as anyone or anything other than herself touches the flame, time will be reversed.
” A very interesting ability! The doctor may like it … Since you have also shot, then you must be conscious! ” Reina first avoided Ain’s attack with a short body, and then punched her in the stomach.
But at this time, Zefa’s attack had arrived, and Reina had to slow down the movement of his hands and kicked Zefa first.
” Bang! ”
Reina and Zefa took a few steps back each, while Ain took the opportunity to escape.
” Stinky boy, let go of Binz! ” Seeing Binz being held by Renati, Zefa roared angrily.
” That can’t be done! ” Reina smiled and threw Binz out of the boat, where the hard shell had been waiting for a long time. After catching Binz, he quickly swam away.
” Bastard … It seems that I won’t beat you today! ” Zefa took off his sunglasses and said with a serious look.
” Of course! ” Reina smiled and slowly pulled out Qianben Sakura.

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