At this moment.

Whether it was "Jiao Jing" at the scene or everyone in the A Plan office, their hearts seemed to jump to their throats.


"Dead dog, dead dog, what are you barking about."

Not long after, the heavily made-up woman tugged at the ears of her large pet dog.

It turned out that the pet dog howled so loudly because the driver of the car put a lot of snacks on the passenger seat.

This is definitely a mistake.

Soon Jiao Jing and the pet dog checked the entire convoy, but except for a small mistake in the middle, there was nothing else worth noting.


Everyone in the A Plan office frowned.

However, they had actually prepared themselves mentally.

After all, this was not the first time they had dealt with Uncle Dong, and they had made relevant preparations. Uncle Dong had become a synonym for difficult in their eyes.

Now even Li Fei, the most impulsive person in Plan A, did not react much.

Because after dealing with Dongshu Li Yaodong for a period of time, he has also grown a lot.

Understand that as a hunter, you must have sufficient patience, because only with enough patience can you wait for the opponent to show his hand.

In fact, in their guess, at the beginning, these agricultural and sideline products, that is, the soldier soup, should be real agricultural and sideline products, but later these agricultural and sideline products will be replaced with other things without anyone noticing.

In response to this.

They also set up checkpoints on the road behind.


After being checked, the convoy of Ta Village was released.

There was no conversation along the way, but when it came to a certain section, a car accident occurred at a certain position in front of that section of the road.

The people in the convoy of Ta Village did not think much when they saw this scene. After all, traffic accidents? It happens every day.

They have encountered it before.


"Brother, what's the situation? Did you rear-end? If you rear-end, take a picture, call Jiaojing, and then move the car to the side of the road? We still need to deliver goods. What's the matter with you blocking the road?"

Several drivers got off the Tacun convoy and walked forward.

After looking at the situation, the eldest brother among the drivers in this convoy handed a cigarette to the two parties in the accident and asked what happened.

Then he urged them to drive the car to the side of the road quickly.


What these Tacun people didn't know was that when they went to see what was going on, several gold medal undercover agents transferred by Plan A took the opportunity to sneak into several cars and quickly checked and inspected them.

However, the result of the inspection was still...

These cars were all real agricultural and sideline products.


Soon after,

At a certain highway entrance, the Tacun convoy slowly entered from the entrance next to it.

It seemed that they just passed through a highway entrance, but there was a security-level detector installed at the entrance.

After the detector scanned, there was no response.

The convoy was released.


A few hours later,

On a certain section of the road, the drivers of the Tacun convoy came down to let off water.

During this process, there were also gold medal undercovers who checked quietly.

At this time, the entire road to the customs had been nearly three-quarters of the way.

But along the way, there was still nothing wrong with these transported vehicles.

In fact, during this process, these vehicles had passed more than a dozen waves of overt or covert inspections.


When the people of Plan A first started,They could still wait patiently for the prey to reveal itself, but as time went by, their mentality could not help but become anxious.

"Why is there no problem?" Li Fei was inexplicably a little irritated.

Others also suppressed their emotions.

If they knew some of the things behind the scenes, the mentality of the people in Plan A might not be anxious, but directly collapsed.


In this nearly three-quarters of the journey.

It seems that the checkpoints arranged by Plan A, whether open or hidden, were silent when checking these cars, without revealing any flaws.

But in fact...


In Tower Village, Li Yaodong's office.

Li Yaodong calmly projected the picture on the big screen in the office, but his mouth twitched.

You know, he was a little worried about the problems with this batch of agricultural and sideline products that were transported to the customs and then shipped by sea to Middle East, such as some oolong incidents, or being replaced with dangerous goods in the middle of the journey.

He installed secret cameras inside and outside these cars.

So, he saw all the actions of Plan A.

In other words, although Plan A seemed to be operating like a tiger, with various infiltration and investigation tricks frequently used, people were unaware, but it was under his attention throughout the whole process.

'It's already three quarters of the way.' Li Yaodong calculated, and he was slightly relieved.

It's already three quarters of the way, but there is no problem at all, which shows that the agricultural and sideline products he sold to the fellow villagers of Middle East are indeed fine.

However, although Li Yaodong had all kinds of thoughts in his mind, he remained calm on the surface.


"Uncle Dong, this..."

Beside him, Li Qisheng, who was watching these surveillance pictures with Li Yaodong, opened his mouth wide.

It is worth mentioning that in Li Qisheng's cognition, their Uncle Dong has been completely cleaned up and has deceived the authorities, but what is the situation now?


That's right, when Li Yaodong was watching these surveillance images, he also called Li Qisheng.

As for why he did this?

It's actually very simple.

Li Qisheng always thought of him as a dangerous person. No matter what he did, even if he confessed that he was selling agricultural and sideline products, the other party would think back and think that his behavior must have a deep meaning.

Moreover, this kid is also a very cruel person. He is also worried that if this kid still maintains this perception, he may cause trouble for him.

So, he naturally......


(The twelfth round of power generation began, power generation: 1696, 3/20, 19:43)

(There is bad news. This book title is not allowed to be used now. Woohoo, this is the title I thought of at the beginning. Is there any fellow villager who can give a free love power generation to comfort me. Set the bowl


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