Therefore, Li Yaodong naturally wanted to change his cognition back. And the way to change it back was the same as the way for Plan A.

It was still the same eight words.

Increase output, no destruction, no construction.


Specifically, it was to hint to Li Qisheng that he was indeed a dangerous uncle Dong with deep scheming, and what he did was indeed full of mysteries.

And when Li Qisheng finally found out that there was no mystery in what he hinted at, but it was just a trick, even if the other party didn't want to believe it, it would be useless.

As for why not use the normal way, that is, tell the other party the truth directly?

How to say this? Li Yaodong told the other party that everything was a misunderstanding before, but what was the result?

No more words, it's all tears.


"Uncle Dong, who are these people?" Li Qisheng opened his mouth wide and reacted a little.

Seeing this scene, Li Yaodong just smiled intriguingly and didn't say anything. Since he had already set the same plan of increasing output without breaking or building for Li Qisheng, he planned to implement this plan from now on.

Seeing the expression of Dongshu Li Yaodong, Li Qisheng calmed down and felt that this was also a test from Dongshu to himself.

After thinking about this, he began to think.

'Could it be that Jing Fang is still investigating Dongshu? '

At this time, he thought of the fact that Dongshu Li Yaodong told him that everything was a misunderstanding. At that time, he was hit and felt that his idol Dongshu collapsed. Later, he realized that this was Dongshu Li Yaodong's whitewashing plan - that is, to turn everything into a misunderstanding.

'I can figure this out, so there is no reason why Jing Fang can't think of this? '

Such a thought came to Li Qisheng's mind.


Suddenly, he realized that his guess should be close to the fact.

Then, he asked Li Yaodong for confirmation, but their uncle Dong Li Yaodong still had that intriguing expression, which seemed to say that you guessed right, keep guessing.

From this expression, Li Qisheng understood that he had guessed right.

Jing Fang's people did not make any other movements later, probably because they wanted to paralyze Uncle Dong.

'And that Zhao Jialiang? '

He continued to think deeply.


Thinking about it now, that Zhao Jialiang is indeed a bit problematic.

That Zhao Jialiang should be Jing Fang's informant, right? Otherwise, how could the timing of the other party's appearance be so coincidental.

'No wonder Uncle Dong asked the other party if he knew Li Weimin? '

He had a flash of thought in his mind. Before, he thought that Uncle Dong Li Yaodong asked that question just out of caution.

And now, he understood that Jing Fang had been keeping an eye on their uncle Dong, and Zhao Jialiang was Jing Fang's informant.

However, after figuring out all this, another question that he couldn't quite figure out came to his mind.

'Why did Uncle Dong deliberately hint that there was something mysterious about the agricultural and sideline products sold to the Middle East folks when he knew that Zhao Jialiang was from Jingfang? Did he hint at it several times before? '


Before, when he didn't know Zhao Jialiang's identity, Li Qisheng thought that Uncle Dong did that just to intimidate Zhao Jialiang, the buyer. After all, this smuggling of fake goods was the first time the two sides cooperated. If he couldn't intimidate the other party, the other party might have some small thoughts.

But what is the situation now?

I can't figure it out. Li Qisheng really can't figure it out.

He feels that he really has no clue.

'If I were Uncle Dong...'


Li Qisheng sorted out his thoughts. He felt that there was a big gap between his thinking level and Uncle Dong's.

But he felt that if he tried to get closer to Uncle Dong's thinking level, he should be able to find some clues.

He couldn't help but put himself in Uncle Dong's shoes.


Seeing Li Qisheng's performance, Li Yaodong knew that the other party must have started to imagine.

The other party likes to imagine, which is exactly what he wants.

After all, the other party likes to imagine, so that he can be misled by himself and think that his words are hidden, but there is no mystery at all. If he makes a mistake this time, the other party will know that he is deliberately making a mystery.

Then he understands what the truth is.

'Stable. '

Li Yaodong couldn't help but mutter in his heart.


In the remaining quarter of the journey of the Tacun convoy, the people arranged by Plan A checked the things in the convoy more frequently, either openly or secretly.

Even if there is no inspection on the road section, there are related means to monitor whether these things will be replaced in the middle of the journey.

As the distance between the convoy and the customs is getting closer and closer, the mood of the people in Plan A is getting more anxious.


During this process, Li Qisheng was still racking his brains, but he had no clue.

Li Yaodong also looked at the other party intriguingly, and his eyes seemed to say, if you can't guess, you can ask Uncle Dong.

At this time, Li Yaodong also understood that the other party must be thinking about why he already knew that Plan A was staring at him, and why he was still hinting in front of Zhao Jialiang, who was suspected to be an informant, that there was a mystery in the agricultural and sideline products given to the villagers of Middle East this time.

After the other party had the answer in his mind, he could follow Li Qisheng's thoughts and mislead him.


Li Qisheng racked his brains to think at Li Yaodong's level.

But he still had some clues, but he didn't want to ask Uncle Dong directly. After all, if he asked Uncle Dong, the price he paid after getting the answer was that Uncle Dong's evaluation of him would be lowered.

He didn't want this.


In the process of racking his brains to think, Li Qisheng's forehead was sweating.

While he was imitating the thinking level of Dongshu Li Yaodong, he was staring at the surveillance screen.

However, until the convoy transported by Tacun entered the customs, Jing Fang did not seem to find anything wrong, but let the convoy enter the customs smoothly.

In other words, the agricultural and sideline products in these cars are ordinary agricultural and sideline products, but why did Dongshu...

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