"Haha~ He's still awesome and doesn't know how to brag, look at his roughness." This iconic laughter is so magical that Hu Xing would find it funny just listening to it.

"Hu Xing, if you name F4 in the three fields, I will count you as the winner." Song Xiaobao said.

"Northeast F4, Leonardo Xiaoshenyang, Johnny Song 093 Xiaobao, Christian Liu Neng, Nicholas Zhao Si."

"Pfft!" After listening to this F4 member, Deng Chao and the others laughed heartily again.

"..." Song Xiaobao didn't expect that he would be complained about...

"Okay, I'll count you in, come again." Song Xiaobao patted the table and said come again.

"Pretentious world F4: Ordinary family Ma Huapao, regretting to be the boss of Alima, Huang Jianlin who has nothing, and Hu Shaoshuai with few wives."

"Hahaha~" This was a fortress, and the audience in front of the TV all hugged their stomachs and laughed wildly.

Not to mention, the four bigwigs in the pretentious world were all really picked out by Hu Xing.

Even Hu Xing knew which aspect of himself was the most pretentious, but he kept saying that he didn't have many wives, only a dozen or so, really not many.

It was precisely this point that Hu Xing even complained about himself.

"Haha~ Now that the show is airing, I think these three will be ruined." Zheng Kai almost burst into tears, but Hu Xing dared to say this.

"Is there any more?" Even Reba wanted to know how many F4s there were in Hu Xing's heart.

"F4 in the mainland martial arts circle, Wu Jing, Zhang Jin, Zhao Wenzhuo, Wu Yue." Hu Xing thought for a while, and then said another F4, but this is not controversial.

Hu Xing was talking about the martial arts circle in the mainland, not China.

If it is China, F4 is not these four, but someone else.

Zhen Zidan, Cheng Long, Li Xiaolong, etc. are not from mainland China.

"Xianxia F4, Xianjian ruffian Li Xiaoyao, Xianxia handsome Tang Yuxiaobao, immortal cultivator Xu Changqing, evil star and demon young Baili Tusu." What Hu Xing said can be said to be in Chinese fairy tales, The most classic characters.

Although Hu Xing only filmed a fairy tale drama, the plot was not very good, but Hu Xing completely played the role of Baili Tusu. The most classic role in the whole drama is played by Hu Xing.

If you don't look at the plot, but just look at the character, every move, and behavior of the character, the role of Baili Tusu is really played by him.

"Awesome, you are amazing." Song Xiaobao had to accept the dissatisfaction now.

"Hu Xing, if you were given a chance to act aggressive in Moments, how would you act?" Li Chen asked Hu Xing.

"I have a sharp awareness of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, a coquettish position, and excellent marksmanship. I can save my teammates from fire and water at any time. Wechat notifications are online in 15 seconds; I am strong and strong, and I can shoot thousands of games without a break, and I can't drink for five hours with voice commands. Water, guns, and Voldemort are proficient in everything, Baozi mineral water is ready, and it’s like making trouble if you don’t go out for a month..."

"Reba is going to film a TV series, Liu Shishi is going back to her mother's house, Zhao Liying is taking care of the children, Song Jia is filming, Nazha is working in acting, Lin Juner is in Korea, Xu Xian is practicing, Krystal is in promotion period, Zhang Yuying is going to class, Song Zhuer is going to school... "

"Backup generators for preparation, gigabit fiber optics for continuous internet access, vicious dogs tied to the door, no one disturbs; is there anyone with a double row? If not, I will ask again later."

"Hahaha~" Everyone applauded, applauding for Hu Xing, a young Internet addict.

With Hu Xing's jokes, the director was worried just about having breakfast.

Why?Because he feels that just the opening part of eating breakfast seems to be able to edit 30 minutes of content.

Eighty or ninety minutes of a program is not enough at all, and I don't know how Hu Xing will act as a demon later.

Now it's just a meal session, and so much content has already been broadcast, the next day's task is to sit down and cut out an hour of exciting content, there is no problem at all.

And this is edited out after throwing away a lot of content.

There is no way. For the entire program, if the point of jokes is 60%, Hu Xing alone accounts for at least 40%, and at least 20% of the remaining [-]% is Hu Xing.

"Okay, everyone has eaten enough, let me introduce the rules of today's game."

"Today, the team that passes through various tasks and completes the dangerous dining table first wins; the team that loses will be punished by eating a very, very dangerous dining table."

"This dangerous dining table is, although it is good for the body, but eating a little burdensome food."

"These foods are the seven most stinky foods in the world, including stinky tofu, a representative of China, and canned herring from Sweden." The director said these things, and everyone couldn't bear it just by listening to them.

"No, no, no, I can't eat canned herring." After hearing this, Reba immediately said that she couldn't eat canned herring.

"I heard that this is delicious? It just smells bad." Li Chen has never eaten it either, so he heard about it.

"I can eat it, but the key is that I can't stand the taste."

"And I ate canned herring, Jiang Yingyu will definitely dislike me, and won't kiss me for a few months." In fact, this is what Reba cares most about.

"It doesn't have to be us who ate it." Hu Xing thinks, it doesn't have to be them who ate it.

"That's right, maybe it's us who eat it. No one in their team dares to catch a cobra, so they will definitely lose." Chen He was relieved that they still held the key to victory.

"..." Deng Chao and the others, who had almost forgotten about this, became ill again after Chen He reminded them, and they really shouldn't mention which pot.

I had already forgotten it just now, but now, you remind me, so that we all remember it now.

Chapter 1267 Can You Compare You?

"From now on, the intermediate mission that you all have to carry out is time to fight alone and reap the spoils of war."

"It needs to be active within a limited time, and the food materials that teammates ate not long ago."

"At the same time, there is an opportunity to obtain opportunity tickets in each venue; the winning team will have favorable conditions in the final mission." The director told everyone the general content of the rules.

"Now, announce the materials that each team needs to obtain."

"White team: Vegetables, crabs, strawberries, fish, milk, eel, beef, chicken,~eggs, snakes."

"Blue team: Vegetables, crabs, strawberries, fish, eel, lamb chops, beef, Fengmi, turtle, snake, eggs, milk." The materials disclosed by the director are obviously more of the blue team.

"Hey." Hearing that she had to prepare so many materials, Reba felt bad.

"What are you talking about, you are the one who eats the most." Chen He didn't even want to complain, but they really owe it too much.

Because there are too many ingredients to obtain, everyone must do it separately.

Otherwise, the whole team would definitely not have enough time to obtain the materials.

"I think we have to rent a fishing boat." Deng Chao said beside him.

"Hehe~" With so many things, especially catching fish, this is the most uncomfortable thing.

"Let's do this, Chen He, Zheng Kai, you two go catch crabs, eels, fish, and turtles."

"Reba and I went to fight for vegetables, crabs, strawberries, lamb chops, beef, etc." Hu Xing arranged it in this way and divided it into two groups, land and water.

"Why, let us get all the things we are afraid of, but you two choose such a simple one?" Zheng Kai immediately disagreed with this assignment.

"That's right, let's get vegetables, strawberries, lamb chops, beef, eggs, and chicken, and the two of you will do the rest." Chen He said what he was going to fight for.

Compared with catching fish, sheep, cattle, and chickens are not too afraid.

"Why don't you catch the snake too?" Just when the two of them made up their minds, Hu Xing asked them if they wanted to catch the snake.

"!!!!!!" Hearing this, Chen He and Zheng Kai immediately shuddered.

"No, no, no." This is absolutely impossible. It is really impossible for them to catch the snake.

"I've said it all, divide into two groups, water and land." That's how Hu Xing arranged it.

"Yes, it is relatively difficult to go out to sea to catch fish, but there are fewer catches.":

"It's easy on land, but there are a few more things. At the same time, you have to catch snakes."

"If you want to catch snakes, then we don't mind going out to sea to catch fish." Reba is also very cooperative with her husband, let's see how they decide.

"That won't work, we don't dare to catch fish." This is the key, and Zheng Kai is also very helpless.

"Especially eels, which are almost like snakes, we dare not touch them at all." Chen He also said that he did not move these things.

"Eat, we dare to eat, but we dare not catch."

Hu Xing covered his face even more, what kind of teammates are these? This kind of task is simply torturing him.

On the other side of the white team, Song Xiaobao said with certainty: "If you kill me, I won't catch snakes."

"I'd rather be sprayed out by the audience than go." Deng Chao also expressed his position immediately, saying that he would never catch this thing at all.

"Me too, I'm getting married soon, I don't want anything to happen." Wang Zulan was also very serious here.

"..." In the end, Li Chen was left, and he chose the snake soup himself.

"Hahaha~" Chen He and the others all laughed when they noticed Li Chen's expression.

"What's wrong, I don't dare to catch it and eat it. I have to eat everything like Hu Xing, can you learn?" No matter how much Li Chen regrets now, Deng Chao, as a teammate, really needs to teach Li Chen a lesson now.

"He is the chief designer of Yilong, with a fortune of tens of billions; more than a dozen wives and girlfriends, countless confidante, tall and handsome, with a talented figure; even if bitten by a poisonous snake, a woman is willing to give up her life Suck snake venom for him, can you, just drink snake soup with others? Is this something we mortals can drink?" Deng Chao's complaints were deadly.

"Haha~" Sure enough, in the most dangerous and frightening time, a person's desire to win can improve his eloquence.

Li Chen has nothing to say now, what else can he say?Obviously it can't.

"Director, do you really want to catch the snake?" Li Chen was still struggling, whether he really wanted to catch it.

"Yes." The director naturally agreed.

And such a dangerous thing, if the column team dares to arrange it, then it must be arranged.

"But don't worry, we have arranged for a doctor to follow at any time today. If there is a case of being bitten, the doctor will immediately ask the doctor to inject serum for timely treatment. There will be no accidents." Here comes the problem.

"Haha~ Are you kidding me? If you want to say this, we must have been bitten this time? Even the doctor has been invited here. Didn't it predict that we will definitely choose snake soup to drink, and predict that we will definitely be scolded Is it?" Now everyone blamed the column team.

The directors and writers of the column group all bowed their heads and smiled without speaking.

"Wow, really, Running Man is for the ratings, and he is getting less and less offline."

"We used to be asked to do tasks with lions and tigers, but now it's better, and even the cobras have moved out." Hu Xing recalled that he was so scared by the lion that he knelt down, and he still remembers that scene very clearly.

"Hehe~" Everyone was already laughing weakly.

But since we are going to set off, let's go, go and change clothes first, and then we will separate and act later.

Considering that everyone was going to go together, it was arranged that Hu Xing, Reba, Deng Chao, and Song Xiaobao went fishing and caught fish together.

Chen He and Zheng Kai were arranged to obtain simple and non-dangerous things such as vegetables, eggs, and strawberries; Li Chen and Wang Zulan also went to fight for these things.

"Reba, can you drive? Why don't you switch to Hu Xing or Deng Chao? I'm a little panicked." Song Xiaobao, who was sitting in the back, asked Reba nervously, clutching the handle of the car.

"I'm really afraid of the female driver now." Song Xiaobao didn't feel safe. If he came to run a man, he had to behave well, so he said, "My wife drives in our village, and even the fence of my house can break into her." go."

"Hahaha~" Song Xiaobao ran on his wife so much, which made Hu Xing and Deng Chao even clap their hands and laugh.

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