At this moment, the coach suddenly said, "Xiaochen performed very well today, and I would like to commend you all for your performance. After seeing your performance yesterday, and looking at your performance today, it's just a huge leap forward."

The coach's words made the two women very proud, after all, the coach praised them as their man.Even the baby feels very happy, because she can participate in it because of him. .

Text 0726: The most tiring issue

"It was indeed Xiaochen who directed it well."

After Reba finished speaking, the baby also said, "Yes, every time we can't hold on anymore, Xiaochen can find out immediately and make adjustments. If it wasn't for Xiaochen, I definitely wouldn't be able to make it."

After the baby's words fell, Lu Han, who was deeply touched, also said, "Yes, Xiaochen really took care of each of us."

Hearing this, An Chen said modestly, "It's everyone's efforts. Dragon boating is a collective sport. If it wasn't for everyone, I wouldn't be able to come back alone."

"Yes, we work together."

"Work together."

After everyone clapped their hands together, An Chen said, "I noticed that everyone's hands are very cold, so put on bath towels or something, so you don't catch a cold. Also, when you go back and take a hot bath, you must go for a massage, otherwise Tomorrow I will definitely be so sore that I won’t be able to exert my strength.”

"it is good."


Just after everyone put on towels, the director said, "Just now you have completed the 2000-meter rowing process, and you have actually worked hard these two days. But we believe that you can do it. Our running man spirit is not to give up, not to give up. Give up, come on."

After the director finishes speaking, this paragraph is over.Then it was dinner time. After dinner, everyone took a bath in the collective bathhouse and experienced a massage service.At this time, the exhaustion of the training showed up, except for An Chen, Li Chen and Zheng Kai, everyone else was so tired that they fell asleep.

Looking at the time, it was already 9:[-] in the evening, and An Chen and the others woke everyone up with a pat.Then he said, "Everyone put on clothes, there's another event later ¨々."

Hearing this, everyone cheered up, but they still complained.He Yijun said, "I always thought that running men just run, but I didn't expect to be so tired."

An Chen heard this, and said, "You may be too memorized. I have participated in running men for so long, and only this session is physical work."

After An Chen's words fell, Wang Zulan also said, "Don't talk about Xiaochen, it's the hardcore ones like us who are so tired after participating for the first time. If the running man keeps going like this, maybe some of us will have to occasionally Absent."

When Deng Chao heard this, he also sighed. It is true that he still fights like this when he is old.But Deng Chao didn't say anything depressing, but said, "The main reason is that we are stricter now. It says that variety shows must be positive, especially us and Extreme Challenge. Have you not seen the banning event before Extreme Challenge? The director team can't do anything about it. I just hope that the next one can change its form, otherwise there are not many people who can stand it."

At this time, Li Chen said, "Okay, let's stop talking, let's get dressed first, so we won't be late."

"it is good."

At 10 o'clock, everyone came to Zhejiang TV Station to gather on time and started the final training.After everyone stood up, Deng Chao took the lead and said, "Is there a room for each of us in such a big place?"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Brother Chao is thinking too much. One person and one room cost hundreds of millions. And if you live here, you may not even be able to sleep late."

When Di Lieba heard this, he immediately said, "Yes! If I had to choose, I'd rather choose a room of [-] square meters where I can sleep comfortably, rather than a room with hundreds of square meters where I can't sleep well."

The baby smiled and said, "Don't think too much, your room is here." After the baby finished speaking, he pointed to the yoga mat behind him, and laughed himself first.

Well, this is a bit embarrassing, because it is too cold, how can I laugh?

Seeing this, the director said, "In order for everyone to fight side by side better in tomorrow's game, please coach Xu to give you some stretching and pre-match guidance at the end. Please ask the coach"

After the director finished speaking, Li Chen stepped forward and said, "Coach V is here, look at the coach's eyes."

Wang Zulan also looked at Xu Yaping when she heard the words and said, "It's rare for the coach to change clothes, so she must be allowed to appear on camera."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "So, do you think the coach is very beautiful?"


"Then we have a coach."

At this moment, the coach came up with some embarrassment, but before the coach could speak, Hui Ruoqi said again, "The coach is a little shy to change this clothes."

At this moment, the already embarrassed coach became even more shy, but An Chen said, "Coach, this pink girl's clothes don't belong to your daughter."

Hearing this, the coach gave An Chen a blank look, and then said to Li De, "Why can't I wear pink clothes, they are girls too, okay?"

Before An Chen and the others could be mischievous again, the coach hurriedly said, "Okay, let's do some stretching first, and everyone sit down first."

At this moment, everyone sat on the mat in different postures, trying their best to make themselves more comfortable.Li Chen first said to Wang Zulan next to him, "I can't lie down."

Wang Zulan also said, "It hurts, my thigh."

Lu Han also said, "Even if you just finished the massage, you can't recover in a short time."

At this moment, the coach said, "Sit up first, with your back straight. The first movement, put your hands together and hug the back of your head, with your hands straight.".

Text 0727: Registering Difficult Households

At this moment, the coach saw that Li Chen's movements were wrong, and he immediately corrected him, "Don't make such a head, who is that?"

Hearing this, everyone raised their heads and looked at the coach. Who are they talking about?But everyone still couldn't help laughing first. Everyone has experienced the coach's name difficulty in the past two days.

"Who is that? Who is it? Which teacher?"

After the baby finished speaking with a smile, Li Chen knew he was talking about himself, so he said "Li Ri."

The coach was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and then said, "Don't pay New Year's greetings, you are normal."

Ugh?Why did I pay New Year's greetings?Where do I look like New Year greetings?

Hearing this, after everyone teased a few words, the coach continued to say, "Cross your hands and press down."

At this moment, the coach took a look at Zhang Guowei's posture and helped him adjust it.But at this moment, Zhang Guowei suddenly raised his head and said, "Teacher, I have a hairstyle." 767

At this moment, everyone was amused by Zhang Guowei.An Chen even said, "Teacher, don't you know that Guowei is the kind of person whose head can be broken and whose hairstyle can't be messed up?"

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