"Student Fuxue, just now I said that the students all ignored an important part of my question. Can you find out where it is?"

Fuxue didn't bother to answer the question, just when he was about to answer Richard that he didn't know.

There was a sneer from a classmate in the class.

Holding his glasses, Nakajima Tamura mocked:

"Mr. Richard, let me tell you, you'd better answer this question with someone else!"

"Student like Fuxue, I'm afraid he can't even understand the question you asked...you'd better not make things difficult for him..."

Hearing Nakajima Tamura's words, many students in the class smiled mockingly...


"The tail of the crane?"

Richard was taken aback for a moment, and soon he realized that the tail of the crane seemed to refer to poor students here in the local area.

Richard looked at the comprehensive score of each subject in the column behind Fubuki's name.

I'm going... Sure enough, one is worse than the other.

Practical class E, etc., theoretical class E, etc., business class E, etc., hygiene E, etc....

Is this kid really that bad?

Richard raised his head and looked at Fubuki.

At this time, he discovered that there was something very different about Fuxue.

That was Fubuki's eyes.

Generally speaking, after a poor student is ridiculed by his classmates, he will more or less show some unwillingness or anger, but how can Fuxue's eyes be so calm?

Richard had worked in the kitchen for a long time and taught in Yuanyue for several years, so he had seen many different types of people.

He now has a feeling that Fubuki's eyes are very similar to the calm eyes that a confident adult would have when facing something...

Of course, there is another explanation, that is, Fubuki himself has given up on himself, so he doesn't care about anything...

Compared to the latter, Richard is more willing to believe that Fubuki is the former type.

Thinking of this, Richard looked at Fubuki Road with encouraging eyes:

"Student Fubuki, tell me your opinion!"

"I think every student has the right to express their own ideas. No matter whether your answer is right or wrong, at least we should be brave enough to express what we think in our hearts."

"Sometimes, the courage to take action is more important than the final result.".

Chapter 9 What You Are Ignoring

Seeing Richard's expectant and encouraging eyes, Fubuki said helplessly:

"Okay, then I'll talk about what I think!"

"But before that, I want to say a few words to Nakajima-san!"

"The knowledge a person learns is to enrich himself, not to show off!"

"If you only hold the purpose of attracting attention in front of others, then no matter how much knowledge you acquire, it will be useless!"

"It can only enter your brain, but not your heart!"

"Nakajima-san disappointed me!"

Hearing Fubuki's ridicule, Nakajima's lungs were about to explode.

If he was taught this way by someone with better grades than him, he would hold his nose and admit it.

But now that he was educated by the crane tail of Chuuxue, he couldn't bear it anymore.

I saw that Nakajima looked at Fubuki with a sneer on his face.

"I didn't expect Fubuki to be quite reasonable!"

"I'm sorry, what I said just now was really rude. I shouldn't judge my classmates like this in class!"

"But I don't think there's anything wrong with what I said!"

"Classroom time in every class is precious, and I hope to gain something from every minute and every second in this precious time,"

"The questions raised by Mr. Richard are of a remote type. Fubuki doesn't even have a grasp of common sense theory. I'm afraid he will be even more helpless with such remote questions!"

"So, asking Fubuki to answer the question, isn't it a waste of all of our time?"

"Wasting time?"

Fubuki's eyes were still as calm as ever.

To be honest, he really doesn't pay attention to a guy who wants to show off his talents in front of the goddess.

However, Fubuki didn't want to be provoked unscrupulously like this.

Therefore, Fubuki took a look at Nakajima-san and said calmly:

"Then, let me say a few words, Nakajima-san can judge whether my thoughts are wasting everyone's time!"

"The question Mr. Richard raised before was: about the development history and evolution of French cuisine!"

"First of all, before answering this question, we should think about why Teacher Richard raised this question!"

"As cooks, the first thing we should do is to classify this question as a cooking theory question rather than a history question!"

"In this question, we need to pay more attention to how many cooking methods, techniques, kitchen utensils, and ingredients have appeared during the development of French cuisine..."

"Before Nakajima said that French cuisine was really born in the 15th and 16th centuries, so I would like to ask, before the 15th century, did the people living in the French territory eat mud and stones for a living?"

Richard's eyes lit up when he heard Fubuki's words.

He looked at Fuxue with great interest, he wanted to see what opinion Fuxue could say next...

Ignoring Nakajima-san's awkward gaze, Fubuki continued:

"I can definitely answer Nakajima-san. Unfortunately, in the French territory before the 15th century, the people did not live by eating mud and stones!"

"This is a cooking theory class, not a history class, so we don't have to go deep into the origin of the French, just start from the moment when the concept of cooking appeared in France!"

"In the 1st century BC, Caesar, the governor of Gaul in Rome, occupied all of Gaul. , their eating habits gradually spread to the local area, and since then, the people in the mainland of France have gradually acquired the concept of cooking food in different forms."

"The Romans occupied the land there for 500 years. Until the [-]th century BC, the Franks conquered Gaul, and the Frankish Kingdom was established. So the Frankish eating habits gradually began to spread."

"In my opinion, the eating habits of the Franks are mostly learned from the Gauls, so the two are almost from the same origin..."

"In my opinion, if one really wants to judge the most original prototype of French cuisine, then it can definitely be counted from the 1st century BC!"

When Fubuki said this, Nakajima immediately stood up and raised objections.


"Cooking? Fubuki-san, do you know what cooking is?"

"Cooking refers to the means of making the original plain and tasteless food rich and colorful through different techniques and different condiments. Only the food formed after such methods can be called cooking,"

"As for Fubuki-san, he called the food eaten by the native French people in the first century as cuisine, I think this is really ridiculous...something that is only made by simple cooking or grilling , it doesn’t deserve to be called cooking at all, we can only simply call it food. Does Fubuki-san think it deserves to be called cooking if there is no technical factor in it?”

What Nakajima said was affirmed by most of the students in the same class.

In the eyes of the students, the two nouns food and cooking can be said to be two kinds of gratitude.

Cooking can be called food, but food may not necessarily be called cooking.

In the earliest stage of the European continent, the eating habits of the people living in this land can be said to be quite monotonous. The prey meat from hunting will only be cooked by roasting or standard methods. Even at that time They don't even have the concept of salt. As for vegetarian food, they eat it raw....

Therefore, in the eyes of Mr. Nakajima, this most primitive way of eating is not worthy of being called cooking at all.

Hearing Nakajima's question, Fubuki just smiled lightly, and did not rush to defend, but asked instead:

"Nakajima-san knows what stone cooking is. Does Nakajima-san know what a stone mortar is?"

"Stone cooking method? Stone mortar?"

Hearing Fubuki's rhetorical question, Nakajima-san was stunned...

He didn't know why Fubuki would suddenly mention this.

Chapter 10 Profound Knowledge

Nakajima-san didn't know why Fubuki suddenly asked about stone cooking method and stone mortar, but he still answered along the way:

"Of course I know what stone cooking and stone mortar are!"

"Why did Fubuki bring this up? Is there any connection between these two things and the topic we are discussing?"

Seeing Nakajima's puzzled expression, Fubuki smiled lightly and said:

"It seems that the level of knowledge that Nakajima-san understands is still a bit superficial!"

"Since I proposed these two terms, I naturally have my intentions."

"Before, Nakajima-san raised objections to my statement. The reason to support you is that in the eyes of Nakajima-san, people in ancient times in the European continent did not regard the way people enjoyed food as a means of cooking."

"That's why I proposed the stone cooking method and stone mortar!"

"Because in my eyes, in Europe in the 1st century, people's way of processing food already had the embryonic form of cooking!"

"Since the 1st century, the Romans who occupied the French region did only cook or roast the animal meat they hunted at the beginning, but the meat made by this kind of barbecue method is not suitable for the elderly and children. Chewing, so they gradually learned to use stone tools to process meat at a deeper level."

"This deep-seated meat processing method is most reflected in the birth of the stone cooking method and the stone mortar."

"Punch a gap on the surface of the stone, put the hunted animal meat into the gap, and then smash it thoroughly with a stone, so as to obtain food similar to minced meat."

"There is nothing to hold the minced meat, so they put the minced meat in a stone with gaps, and then put the whole stone on the fire to roast. This method is also called stone cooking!"

"I know that in the eyes of Nakajima and other students, this primitive and somewhat barbaric way of handling food is not regarded as a means of cooking, but what I want to express here is that you should never underestimate the ancients Wisdom!"

"Because of the long history, we can't see from the records what kind of processing methods the ancients had for food."

"But as far as I know, many cooking methods created by the ancients, even today, still cannot hide their charm!"

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