
Jiang Tiansheng said these words, completely shattering Big Brother B's last illusion.

at this time,

in the eyes of the crowd.

Boss B's whole body seemed to have no bones, and he was lying there limply.

If it weren't for the support of the chair, I'm afraid Boss B would have become a ball of mud by now.

"Prince, do it!"

Jiang Tiansheng saw that the matter had come to this, so he could only let the prince take action.

The prince glanced at Big Brother B with complicated eyes.

The relationship between the two of them is still very good, but this is also under the condition that Big Brother B's character has not collapsed.

Now that Big Brother B's character has collapsed, the prince can only lament that he doesn't know people with his eyes.

"Xi B, I'm sorry!"

The prince thanked him and was about to step forward to execute the family law.

Although Big Brother B used to be a red stick and had very powerful skills, this was only in the past.

As he grows older, Big Brother B's strength has long been diminished.

not to mention,

Even if Big Boss B is at his peak, he is definitely no match for the prince.

Seeing no hope of survival,

Boss B's instinctive desire to survive exploded instantly, and he suddenly looked at Uncle Xing next to him.

He suddenly thought about how to use Uncle Xing's uniform as a hostage to escape from here.

But only for a moment.

Boss B gave up the idea and lowered his head.

Uncle Xing is already very old this year, and with the strength of Big Brother B, he can definitely easily subdue Uncle Xing.

But what if I escape?

Can you run to a monk or a temple?

Boss B knows that he has lost, and he has lost miserably.

Death in the hands of the prince might be a good choice.

With the prince's strength, he probably wouldn't suffer too much.


Just when the prince was about to take action.

"Wait a minute!"

Chu Feng's voice suddenly came.

Jiang Tiansheng frowned and glanced at Chu Feng: "You said to kill the spy, and now the prince is not allowed to do it. What do you mean, pretty boy? You said to follow the rules. 10"

At this time, Jiang Tiansheng was very unhappy!

The former Hongxing Society was basically his one-word hall.

Chu Feng repeatedly influenced his thoughts today. If Jiang Tiansheng didn't counterattack, the leader's deterrent power would be greatly reduced in the future.

"Sheng Jiang, you just said to act according to the rules."

"According to Hongmen regulations, the crime committed by Big Brother B should be determined by the execution hall and given an appropriate punishment based on its severity."

"It's obviously against the rules to let the prince take action, and with the prince's strength, he can definitely kill him with one blow, so it's too cheap for Big Brother B."

Chu Feng looked at Jiang Tiansheng with a half-smile, and said quietly.

Chu Feng could already see it at this time.

Jiang Tiansheng has become very dissatisfied with himself.

Even if Chu Feng does nothing now, Jiang Tiansheng will probably deal with Chu Feng immediately after this story is over.

It's just that due to the reputation of the association and the leader, it won't be too blatant.

Now that you realize this.

When Chu Feng spoke, he no longer had any scruples.

Anyway, in order to build up his image, Jiang Tiansheng would not confront himself head-on, he could only play dirty tricks.

Even if a killer is sent, Chu Feng will still have A Jin closely guarding him, enough to detect it immediately and kill him.

As long as you can buy time for development.

Then why are you looking at Jiang Tiansheng's face?

Even if Jiang Tian has murderous intentions, Chu Feng can still keep a low profile and bide his time. The person who dies will most likely be Jiang Tiansheng himself!

And the fact is exactly as Chu Feng thought.

Jiang Tiansheng's eyelids jumped immediately after hearing Chu Feng's words.

did not expect.

His order was once again influenced by Chu Feng!

But this time, Chu Feng also used the Hongmen 36 Oath as a reference. Jiang Tiansheng couldn't refuse Chu Feng's reasonable appeal!

at the same time.

Chu Feng's words also shocked the other speakers.

"No, you want to activate the execution hall?"

"It's been more than ten years since I became the talker, and I haven't seen the execution hall open once."

"I heard Uncle Xing say before that the punishment in the execution hall is very cruel. For a crime like Big Brother B, he will probably be tortured very miserably before he dies."

"Is it that cruel? I have only been the speaker in the past two years, so I don't understand this."

"More than cruel...have you ever heard of the ten tortures of whipping?"

"I've heard of it. Isn't it more terrifying than the top ten tortures?"

"Yes, it is more cruel than the top ten tortures. After all, the top ten tortures also take into account the people's ability to accept it, and the punishment hall's accusation is mainly to knock the mountain and shake the tiger."

"That boss B is so miserable..."

"Hmph! For someone like Big Boss B who unites with outsiders to suppress his brother, if he really lets the prince beat him to death, it will be too easy for him!"

The expressions on the faces of all the talkers in Hongxing are different.

Some were full of curiosity about the execution hall, some had lingering fears, and some were filled with righteous indignation.

The punishment hall!

A mysterious and terrifying place.

Except for Uncle Xing and a few people who spoke about the matter, who had seen the execution in the execution hall, the others had only heard about it through the road.

Even the Thirteenth Sister, who had just become the talker, and Binnihu Han Bin, who had been poached with a lot of money, had never heard of the deeds of the execution hall.

"I kill you!"

At this moment, a loud shout came.

Big Boss B's eyes were red, and he rushed toward Chu Feng fiercely like a dying beast.

He had been a talker for about the same amount of time as Liangkun, so he had naturally heard of the horrors of the torture hall.

Anyone who enters it can be said to be worse off than dead!

He originally just wanted to die happily at the hands of the prince.

But I never expected that now I can't even choose the most pleasant way to die.

Big Brother B suddenly made a move, coupled with a death-defying counterattack, the speed was frightening.

The prince wanted to step forward to stop him, but found that it was too late to stop Big Brother B's actions.


Just as Big Boss B was about to rush in front of Chu Feng.


A cracking sound rang out.

Asiu, who was standing behind Chu Feng, seemed to turn into a black light and came to Chu Feng faster than Boss B.

When Boss B saw this, he went straight towards Ashiu with red eyes.

He was tricked by Ash before.

Although he wanted to kill Chu Feng before he died, it would be better than going on the road alone if A Xiu could do some backing.


The idea is good.

Before Big Boss B makes his move.

Ashiu's palm suddenly formed into the shape of an eagle's claw, and he extended several claws towards various joints on Boss B's body.


Novel:.'77046:?!29;?":3?.;4 in;!?Turn'.??In an instant, the sound of bones being dislocated was heard.

Boss B seemed to have no support. He fell straight to the ground, and his limbs were twisted in irregular shapes.

"It's easy to kill you."

"But Brother Feng doesn't want you to die so soon."

Ashi's voice was cold and his eyes were emotionless.

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