
Big Brother B on the ground screamed in pain and wanted to stand up but couldn't.

at the same time,

Other court talkers, including Ah Le and Big D who were winning the battle, were also dumbfounded.

Ashiu's movements were really too fast!

It was so fast that they didn't even see it clearly.

I'm afraid the only one in the entire Guanqi Restaurant who clearly saw Ah Xiu's move was the Prince.

The prince looked at Ah Xiu, a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.


He no longer hesitated and returned directly to Jiang Tiansheng.

He came to participate in the narration this time, and his main task was to ensure Jiang Tiansheng's safety.


The moment Ash took action just now.

The prince found out,

I didn't have the slightest confidence in facing this young man with short legs and short stature!

If you can't win, you really may not win.

Just when everyone has not come back to their senses.

Chu Feng picked up the napkin on the dining table, crumpled it into a ball and stuffed it into Big Man B's mouth.

Boss B, who was still howling like a ghost, could only let out a whine.

"Okay, trouble solved."

"The story can continue."

Chu Feng's eyes slowly swept over the faces of Jiang Tiansheng and everyone in Liansheng, "Now that the cause and story of the matter have been revealed, how should the territory of the East District Corridor be liquidated?"

Chu Feng's words brought the story back to the point.


Neither Jiang Tiansheng and Chen Yao on Hongxing's side, nor A Le and Deng Bo on He Liansheng's side spoke.

Things got complicated.

Everything needs to be sorted out again.

About 10 minutes passed.

He Liansheng A Le was the first to speak: "Now it has been determined that Chu Feng did not step on the line first, but no matter what, Hong Xing started the conflict first, so we will not change our attitude and return the land to compensate for the soup and medicine expenses."

Chen Yao heard this and thought for a moment.

There was a long pause.

"I want to hear A Feng's opinion on this matter. After all, he can be considered a victim." Chen Yao glanced at Chu Feng.

When Chu Feng heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly.


Chen Yao is a person who habitually adapts to the changing circumstances.

He left the right to speak to Chu Feng, obviously showing his favor to Chu Feng.

"I conquered all the territory in the East District Corridor, and I am also a victim. What did I get after returning it?"

Chu Feng glanced at Big Brother B on the ground and said, "If Hongxing really wants to return the territory, then use the territory in Causeway Bay to compensate. It was Big Brother B who was at fault, not me."

Boss B is dead, and the person who talked about Causeway Bay will definitely have to be re-elected.

But Chu Feng also knew that Jiang Tiansheng would not let him sit in the position of the talker in Causeway Bay no matter what.

Since you can't get it.

What does the loss of territory have to do with Chu Feng?

On the contrary, the territory of the East District Corridor was laid down by Chu Feng himself, and according to Hongxing's rules, it was also managed by Chu Feng.

As soon as this word comes out.

Even the other talkers in Hongxing Society showed signs of approval.

In this matter, Hong Xing was indeed at fault first.

But the initiator was not Chu Feng, but Big Brother B.

If Chu Feng is really allowed to return the territory he worked so hard to conquer, then Hong Xing's reputation will be really bad.

Although Jiang Tiansheng felt a little unwilling.

But he really couldn't find a reason to refute Chu Feng.

from start to finish.

It can be said that Chu Feng directly controlled Jiang Tiansheng.

Under Jiang Tiansheng's gloomy gaze, the two parties reached an agreement.

This time it is told that Hongxing was rude and compensated six nightclubs in Causeway Bay to He Liansheng. In addition to 6, there was also 363 million soup and medicine expenses to make up for He Liansheng's losses.

Everyone on the He Liansheng side is also happy.

Causeway Bay is a busy area. Although there are only 6 nightclubs, the revenue is higher than that of the Eastern District Corridor.

And most importantly.

He Liansheng's forces have not yet set foot in Causeway Bay.

Causeway Bay has always been dominated by two societies, Hongxing and Dongxing.

Now with these 6 nightclubs, it has undoubtedly opened the door for Heliansheng to enter Causeway Bay.


Two hours later.

The sky was getting darker.

The story had ended more than an hour ago.

After the people of the two major societies dispersed.

At the end of the story, Chu Feng handed the bad dog to He Liansheng.

However, even with your toes, you can imagine that the fate of Shai Gou when he returns is basically similar to that of Big Brother B.

In Hongxing, Jiang Tiansheng returned home citing physical discomfort.

The rest of the story involved escorting Boss B to the execution hall.

Except for these words.

Big Boss B's big bottoms have all arrived.

Even Chen Haonan and others ran out of the hospital and came to the execution hall.


The faces of the Causeway Bay Five Tigers were still full of confusion.

How did things suddenly become like this?

Be judged.

Boss B was guilty of a total of more than ten crimes including killing brothers, being disloyal and unjust, colluding with foreign invaders, luring wolves into the house, ceding territory for glory... and many more.

The final sentencing was a punishment that had not been seen for decades - lighting a sky lantern!

The two old men in charge of execution in the execution hall wrapped Boss B in linen strips.

These linen strips have already been filled with lamp oil.

After wrapping Big Brother B into a rice dumpling, Big Brother B was hung head-down and feet-up on an iron frame.

Lao Sijiu from the torture hall stepped forward with a torch and lit the linen cloth on Big Brother B's feet.

Boss B was like an alcohol lamp, only a flame shot out from his feet.


Heart-rending screams broke the silence of the night.



PS: Some book friends said that updates are slow.

In the recent short period of time, I have been writing large chapters of more than 5000 words, and 2-3 updates a day is the limit.

But now, the author has returned home and has finished all the chores.

If nothing else happens, updates will be released starting tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the latest.

The author has specially set up a small black room to code words. Even if the sky falls, he will update it like crazy.

Rush the duck!Please customize.

078 Will we be seated in Causeway Bay in the future?And Liansheng Ale is visiting!

In ancient times, lighting sky lanterns was also called pouring human oil wax.

It first appeared in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and became popular during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

The prisoner was stripped naked, wrapped in linen, and soaked in an oil tank. After nightfall, he was tied head to foot to a tall wooden pole and set alight from his feet.

In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Dong Zhuo was killed by Wang Yun and was lit as a sky lantern.

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