Because of the properties of the oil, the prisoner's feet will begin to burn like the wicks of an oil lamp.

Only after burning for a certain period of time, until the top layer of linen oil is burned out, will the linen slowly burn down.

The whole process will last several hours.

Even if the prisoner's feet, legs, chest and abdomen are fully cooked, he will still experience the pain of this punishment from beginning to end because the head is not burned at the bottom.


"Chu Feng, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

The burning pain of the fire made Big Brother B cry out sadly. Veins popped up on his forehead due to the congestion and severe pain, and his eyes were filled with hatred.

If looks could kill, Chu Feng would have been riddled with holes by now.


This situation did not last long.

In less than 10 minutes, Boss B’s feet were already tender on the outside and tender on the inside.

Boss B couldn't bear the pain and passed out.


After Big Boss B fainted.

Lao Sijiu, who was in charge of the execution next to him, would bite open the needle tube and inject Big Brother B with an injection of amphetamine.

It can make Big Brother B sober and at the same time amplify his perception of pain.

At the beginning.

Boss B screamed in pain and cursed viciously.

He cursed Chu Feng, cursed Jiang Tiansheng, and even cursed the Five Tigers of Causeway Bay, asking why the Five Tigers of Causeway Bay didn't save him.


As time went by, Big Brother B's vocal cords were directly burst. Until the end, Big Brother B's screams became weaker and weaker, and gradually became breathless.

Whether it was Chu Feng, the other talkers in the hall, the Five Tigers of Causeway Bay, or even the bosses under Big Boss B, they were all watching.

This has been Hongxing's rule since its establishment.

As long as the most heinous person is executed, his peers and subordinates will all have to watch the entire execution process!

The lights in the execution hall have been extinguished.

Only the fire on Big Boss B turned everyone's faces sallow.

The sight, the smell.

Constantly stimulating everyone's nerves.

The two female talkative girls, Thirteenth Sister and Pretty Mom, couldn't stand it anymore and ran out of the execution hall quickly.

After a while, there was a sound of vomiting outside.

As for the other talkers, although they were reluctantly watching, their legs were also weak.

Even the Prince of War, Binnihu, Han Bin and other powerful figures in the world showed compassion on their faces and couldn't bear to look away.

"Brother B..."..."

Chen Haonan's eyes were red, and he fell into deep self-blame and powerlessness.

Just now,

When the execution began, Boss B kept calling Chen Haonan's name, hoping that Chen Haonan would go and kill him.


Chen Haonan knew that if he took action at this time, let alone whether he could save Big Brother B, he might not be able to escape death.

There are rules in the execution hall.

If anyone dares to interfere with the punishment, the person who interferes with the punishment will be guilty of the same crime as the person being punished!

Once Chen Haonan takes action, whatever punishment the prisoner suffers, he will also suffer!

Chen Haonan knew in his heart that he was timid...

Seeing Chen Haonan's indifference, Boss B started to curse in a frenzy and despair.

Vicious curses are like sharp knives, piercing the heart every word.

But how long has passed.

The wailing gradually stopped.

When most of Big Brother B's body was burnt to black, he could no longer bear the pain and died completely.

Looking at Big Boss B with sporadic sparks hanging on his body, everyone present fell silent.

I do not know how long it has been.

"Oh, I didn't expect that Big Brother B, who has been famous all his life, doesn't even have housing allowance."

"Yes, if you get killed in a fight with someone, you can still get a considerable settlement fee as the speaker."

He is the one who brought this fate to his own fault..."

There were whispers from every corner.

"Big Brother B has been ruined. There is no settlement allowance, and there is no merit in death." Liangkun said hoarsely, sighing, "Even the former little brother would be poked in the spine and scolded when he walked on the road."


Liangkun glanced at Chen Haonan intentionally or unintentionally.

Chen Haonan's face turned pale and his arms trembled slightly.

How could he not hear that Liangkun was ridiculing him, but Big Brother B was clearly at fault in this matter. No matter how angry Chen Haonan was in his heart, he couldn't get angry at this time.

at this time.

The beautiful mother, dressed in revealing and fashionable clothes, twisted her plump body and came to Chu Feng.

The beautiful mother is now nearly middle-aged and her figure is seriously out of shape.

But judging from her fair skin and facial features, she must have been a stunning beauty when she was young.

"Now that Big Boss B is dead, the seat of Causeway Bay Talker is now vacant."

"Beautiful Kun, are you interested in choosing a restaurant in Causeway Bay?"

Pretty Mom asked seemingly casually.

The other speakers originally wanted to leave.

But after hearing what the beautiful mother said, their ears suddenly pricked up.

"A restaurant in Causeway Bay?"

Chu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Beautiful mother, you are too flattering to me. I have no ambitions. It's already good to be able to manage those places in the East District Corridor."

Hearing this, the pretty mother took a deep look at Chu Feng: "It is better to bully a white-headed man than to bully a poor young man. Handsome, you are still young, and you will definitely be the mainstay of Hongxing in the future."

When Chu Feng heard this, he smiled and shook his head, "The key depends on whether Jiang Sheng gives him this opportunity."

The pretty mother chuckled and took a deep look at Chu Feng, her eyes somewhat intriguing.

As for Chen Haonan, who was silent next to him, his expression suddenly became even uglier.

It stands to reason, and it is exactly what the pretty mom said.

For so many years, Chu Feng endured the humiliation and oppression of Big Boss B in Causeway Bay.

Now Big Brother B is dead,

Chu Feng should be the seat of choice in Causeway Bay both emotionally and rationally.


When the boss of the Guangqi Restaurant was telling the story just now, Chu Feng had forced Jiang Tiansheng to issue the order to execute Boss B.

Chu Feng naturally noticed the displeasure on Jiang Tiansheng's face.

The seat in Causeway Bay is probably difficult to obtain through formal means.


The crowd dispersed.

Just in case, Chu Feng ambush many forty-nine boys at the entrance of the alley near Youguchi Restaurant.

But the accident did not happen, and these four-nine boys were dismissed by Chu Feng.

The only people following Chu Feng now are A Xiu, A Jin, and Lan Yan Ke.

There are also some very prestigious Lao Sijiu in Kowloon City South District.

".' Let's go, brothers!"

"Today Big Boss B is offering sacrifices to heaven, let's celebrate!" (The one with good money)

Chu Feng said to the people around him.


Just at this time.

"Huh?" Lan Yanke suddenly moved his ears, "Someone is coming from the alley on the left."

After everyone heard this, they immediately became alert and looked towards the alley entrance on the left.

After more than ten seconds, I faintly heard the sound of footsteps coming from the alley.

It will take a while.

A middle-aged man walked out of the alley.

This man is none other than Ah Le, Lin Huai, who represented He Liansheng before.

"Hello, handsome Kun." With a gentle smile on his face, A Le stepped forward and reached out to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng frowned, "He Lian Sheng Ale? What are you doing to me?"

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